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Whitby Free Press, 22 Dec 1976, p. 24

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAYIDECEMIER 22, 1976, WHJTJIY FWEE PRESS Free Autos 7 1968 VOLKSWAGON VAN - 12,000 ce dlune buggy, needs somle work, $200 or best otier. Cai 655-3756. 1968 CHEV IMPALA recent paint and body work,good famiiy car, low vaileae, askmg $850 certified. Cati 668-248~ after 6 p.m. 1974 CAPRICr- CLASSK' -- 'fuîiy equipped, $4,000. 1966 PONTIAC - two door, V-8, power steeîing, power brakes, $400. 1971 VAUXHALL, PARENSA SL - good condition, $650. Cati1668-8957. 1973 FIAT 128 STATION- WAGON- excellenlt condition, ssili certify, 36,000 miles, $ 1,650 or best offer. Cati 668-0307. S 1967 MIUSTANG CONVER- TIBLE- 302 V8 automatie, body giood. eertified, $695. Cati 579-3648. 1971 MAZDA - 616 Coupe standard, radio, techometer, $500 or best offer. Cali 668-0463. 1973 GRFIMLIN $1,500 unicertified anid SI,700 certificd. Cali 655-3027. 1974 DODG I. (USTOM \1VAN muiVl" extras. "S2,7 50. Cali 683 -29 68. 1973 VFGA G'l' H..TCI- BACK -- atttomnaiic. 1-o00d condition. askinL SI .495. Cati 725i-1174 or 668-8928 after 1966 FOR D conivertible, recent paint and b)odty sork, ncss top. runs good. askine $ 651) or best of1cr. Cati 66Sk2485 aftcr 6 1).mn. 1967 OCDG' P.t A.. twso door hard top. ver\ t.lez an. iniizood runininu conidition. - '50t as i>. ('ail 66 8-987(1 aIter 5 pin. 1972 OLIDSNOBIîLI'. 88 1200d condition. S1i750.: 19721 OR.S7-50. 1966 econo! it van. $551). ( Wl 5794)tî233or '25-7449. 1963 lR.\lB1iFR s'.Iite siatioîs agn.certi('ied. N 3011 or best offe r. Cîs 'I. Ial ,c-5745. 1968('(;\ 2. t'ail 668-6t068 or 66,87852. 1964 BU'K SKY'LA'R' t\\o0 dooir lardtop). 45,000) orîcinal mls excellent contlitiofl insifde & out, ccrtified, $925 or best offer. Cati 668-0082 aftcr 6 p.n'. 1966 BUICK 725-4339. S75. ('ah1 1974 VOLKSWVAGON SUN BUG - gold, good condition, $2300. Cal) 655-3070 cf ter 6 p.m. 1966 BUI('K I('L $75. Cali 725-4339. 1970 DDLiAL'NI certified, $895 or best off .er. ('aIl 668-5745- 1964('IVIL' SS six cylinder. bucket scats, Il )or console, good tires, body and interior in l'air condition, $2111 firmn as is. ('ail 728-3992. 1976 (*1'il V' ii '1 53 ,0(00; 1976 PA('LR, coud conditini, $4,000 or best ofler. ('al 725-71 39 eveningsý or 668-8549. 1973 101R1) powecr ste' .ring. power lrakcs, V-8. air-condi fiuind, radio. near deîogger, 50,000 miles, wiiI certify, $ 1,650. ('aIl 668-1382. 1972 PLYMOUTHI SA'IL'i- LITE tsvo door hardtçop, V-8 automatie, pis, p/b, radio, bueket seats, ccrtified, $ 1,595,svill accept trade-in of I1963-69:, ('al 683-5503. 1968 tORD) GALAXY V-8, two door, autornatic, p/s, p/b, rat'io, asking $450. ('aIt 668-4355. 1 966 T-13IRD -,390 V-8, p/bucket scats, air conditioning, AM radio & tape deck, body in fair condition, safety checked, $700; 1967 01EV 1/2 VAN, 283 V-8, chrome bumpers, new air vent & roof, partly customizcd inside, body good shape, safety - hecked, $500; 1969., FORD FAIRLANE, 2 door, 6 cyl. auto, mnechanicatîy A-1, body fair, safety checked, $600. Cait 668-1102, betwcen 8,130 a.m. -- 6 p.ui. after 6 cati 668-2781 tsk Pr 1%99 CHEV PANU*L - 6 cylinder standard, radtio, window curtains, extra tires, excellent condition, $ 1,450. CatI 576-3034..1 1967 PONTIAC PARI SIENNE- four door, fotur ncsv radial tires, in good condIition, $550. C'alt 1970 CHEVELLE - V-8, automiatie, A-I condition, $1 ,480, certified, Cali 728-2581). 1967 METEOR FORD - new paint aud body work, runs good, asking $400. Cali 668-2485 after 6 p.îin. 1967 VW BI.f. $300 as is. Cali' Res. 728-0253 or Bus. 668-4185. 1973 'DATSUN - 2402, certified, chrome rims, front spoier, 50,000 mi!es, AM/FM stereo, excellenti condition. Cali 576-2358. '67 ('1EV 3EL.AIR SO0. CI5642 as is 1973 VOLKSWAGQN - 412, 4 door, gotd, 45,000 milecs, radiais, excellent condition, S1995 certîfied& Cali 723-2394 aIrer 5 p.m. 1975 HONDA - 400-bih,. 3,100 miles, criven ontly 50 t-ile3s n' 1976, excellent coniliOn. Si1.200. Cal) 723-2394 alter 5 p.m. 1967 QLDSMQBILE -Deht. 88. 4 door harliop, air conidilion- iluj, S4001- 1965 PONTIAC CUSTOM SPORT, (excellhiiiforn parus, as is, Si 50, Cal) 668-0082ý 1974 FOR D VW1I\JDQWlV AN S3,000; 1975 NOVA HATCH- BACK, $3,500. Cal) 5760773, 1966 PONTIAC conditioni, as 668-4058. STRATO CHIE F Mui r utiuillit) s. o S10 Cali 1971 VW SUPER BEETLE good condition, gas heater, extra snowv tires, askîng S1,100. Cal) 655-4995. OFFSTREET DUNE BUGGY wilh rdual wvhcels, spane erigîne & towban, S$150. Cal) 655-49731. 1965 FORD - 6 cylinrît' coach as s, $50. Cal) 655-3768. 1969 VW needs some work, $400 as is, $475 cetilieni. Cal) 655-3756 aller 6 p.m. 1969 PONTIAC FIREBIRD 350, V8 euîgi ne, 3 siPetarI ýîustandd many ex iras, nadialtirtues plus snowvs, $1 130. Cal) 723-1819. 1971 PLYMOUTH DUSTER good conîdition,. mil cerlfy, $1100 or best of fer. Caîl 668-5660. SNOW 'iIRI-S 2 aîîîîîut ncss. A78-1 3, uIe"beîted ss/ss $21). ('i I668-4743 :i'lcr (0 i.1 Tilt BOX TRAILER -- ideal for skidoo, 6' x 8', depth 18", $200 or best offer. Call 655-4295. 3 'FIRîî<':S for 1)atsun & C'ail 668-8527. 165-13, $25, good ottier sînal cars. 1,OU R - 14" Ti RIS 2 regulars), ruai good $40 or best offer. CaI - (snow, conJdilion, 668-9073. EXTRA Wl-II-"LL - 1969 (:hevelte witil two size 1:78-14, $15. 683-t469. for tire S, Cati PONTIAC BLA('K BUCKET SEATS- good shape, $10O ach. Cal 6 55-4610. SNOW CRUISER - 35 hp., has reverse, $600. - Call 655-4741. 'ess ]Emporium Cali668-06111 _ _ __ _ __ _ Appliances NOTICE TO READERS Wringcr washing MACHINE - Simplicity SPIN-WASNI Advetis FR'E n te FEF RES EMORIM, ay NLY $25; awnowers, $1 & $15; DRYER, white, 1 yaro AvertiousellR! bther REl ntbcPy r geIMo vrti, payinLthe room dividcr, large, brand new, excellent condition, asl whe yo sd! her wil, lo bcanychrgeto dvetiersin he $25; carpeting for 13 steps, green, $175. (new seliing for $. FEE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advertised is sold. underpadding, $25. Cali 725-1211. $275) Calil 668-7563 after 4îp Whien the adàvertised item is soîd, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRK2E as ülustrated bclow. Ail advertisements PH-ILIPS TELEVISION mus*t bc piaced on an exclusive basis with thc WHITRY FREE Ct.OTI-ES DRYER - $65; B & W, in woi'king order,1 PRESS -.rd 'un at lcast onc mmý,tth if flot sold. Underwood standard typewriter, stormn doci, alumiwu.m, RATES (if article is sold): $20; pine gatelake table, $60; Calil 668-6922. antique washstand, $65; RCA 20"# 51/1 of advertised price up to $400.00 colour TV, $95; 18' of drapery MOFFAT GAS RANG 60" long brown burlap, $10(; 30", oniy used one 2% of' balance over $400.00 one SOL burner & controis, $45; excellent condition, eye. antique paine harvest table, best broider rotissery, avocado g EXAMP LE: Sold item advertised for $5000 - commission due $2.50 of fer over $100. Cati1668-3889. original price, $650, asking (mninimnum k $.5»STAINLESS STEEL .KITCHEN Cl 6-76 cemksi~t $1.01SINK - $7; enamel kitchen sink, McClary easy electrieccl Prvae dsetî~.g nl!Please notify us if you find a retailer $5inde orasrtd e, DRYER - good wo lite a ivte adetiser. $50 casdi Coati 668-8125. , condition, $ 80; dînette ar listd a a rivte averise. $.50each Cal 68-825.TABLE & CHAIRS, exbW Picase notify the Whitby Frce Press immiediateiy wlien item ki sold table, $30. Calil 728-9737. so thiat sve imay delete it froîîî die foliowing issues. ELECTRIC STOVE - t5Vo POOL TABLE - burners, oven necds some repairs. 4' x 8%. $150; Bed, 39"f, Services, hielp santed, clothing, reai estate and persotiai message $30O. Cati 668-0721. headboard (White 39"), type ads can only bce bandied on a prepaid basis. (ee sd.Cl 6-69 If im doubt. cali 668-6111 POOL TABLE - 3. x 6', TV - Console B & W, MAIL ALL ADS TO: in excellent condition, $115. or best offer; two metal Cati1 668-6779 af ter 5 p.mn. frames with spring, $30 or i REF PRFSS EMPORIUM offer. Cali 668-9278. P.0. Bo\ 206, Whiitby ELECTRIC STOVE - very TV- Console, 24" F leet% 'l'ie eadiii fr cliprïLiiiad isdieMonaygood condition, $50. Cai in good condition, B & W, Thedealin fo emorîm as knieMona6555-4944 after 1; p.m. Cali 655-4630. at flnfl______ BALL BQ ecX ('1 Cl srev. imso scal, vers, 41ood coiidi tjoIli. N 5. ( .îî be Net..iî a t 14 (r.'eîI Si. on (',îll 6 - 5 54 Ialle vr 4 1i.I. t, ku". trtîl1'1 iti1 'Iw A \V 'I V aS)t s.tnit', seul itiiprapbNIl 55 I li 'îk . o aN i c l îltî pliîîîîîi', 15 3I i i N I tiS" ilit i(i r. N iii (.111 ittî t oul-.N2et.(..p rt.'\. 2 l~ l'- i(a1p k i lSI( Iii I 1) 5 5 'al N1 X M 2 NIl"il Y e1 " 1 Ill 5 1 si i".N "'" . lie î l d i l ilN > ,,,. ttI 2a S) 4 ANTIQUE - oak parlour doni s wî îh 15S panies of cleder glass erîu:h. $250 pair;oone largoeuglobel fîxture (or wor k are, S5; lardies buçkle ski biots, size7, $12; "Sîto (t" baby back pac<. Si15; Delu xc jol yLju nnpeu . $5. Cal) 668-7439ý 1 .t (I 111 RO\I Vîkîîuc 'S8:litîsseIll oItcr C irie t Ssvcepi.'r, (4:;. 1 iles tric IHum i>oisîuier. SN Il0. AHIlitavers cuotl t. oidîitinl. ('ail 985-2621. Trailers, etc. Sports Pa:l ('A NOt 2 ' 1Ibs. $175. ('ail 576-3034. TI -NI' ) \..12 Wîods (,, î11vaw, ssîtlîIluior. N75. (I 'aetoi (19512 aller 5 (Liii. I8 8'WIS(* 'lt'l'R.Ail 111.R. 5(01ilil. .1 îîlunsiui tltIftir. akiCIig$.1) nîiany e\tras. (a;Il '728-3297. 1971 NORDIC SKtDOO- 399 maîtual. 24 hp., used onîy occasionaity. $600. Cati 725-2967. '[I RE:S new t(5) 1178-15, blk/wali' offl van. S 175 set. ('ail 655-4610. 'M'O 'iRll-S 560-13 Bridgestone, for I)atmi'ni, comiptete with rin, $66. ('ail 668-790)7. '[ -E 4 ncw, Goodyear, D70-14, blackwail, $120, for compac t or intermediate car. CatI 668-8544. TIlREFS - J78-15, Goodrich belted, $10; tire & rimi, 825-14, Goodyear ('b1rysler rim, $10; snow tire & rirn, G78-14, Clîrysîer rim, $15. Caît 655-3860. ,1969 13' Triîp le E TR AILE R - sieeps tour, fridge, stove, gas furnace, canopy, 'uery good condition, $1500. Cali 683-2861. 1-AGIT- 14" GM RIMS, two with snow tires, $20 pair, four witlî sumrmer tires, $5 pair, two bure, $10 pair; 12" wtîeol with snoW tire, $ 10; CatI 655-4437. An\ltiuline \(ICORIZANSOl A - I3(1 cear" oid. rcstorcd. like ns a:îskiniiXo(tl. (Wl 55-35 23. 1 I25: louir Rke, m111!-,tuon R adial TIiRiýS. 1i R70-.14. (î.pl\ ul\ naL-ir ra ot.NS). ( ,îll0(b8,-1802. 1 14'V \ YIl).n'i lc no. 1) ï 4 5' . a I1lf) r5 so tî t. s V', 1\ M 'lt I 1 I i\iI iiicîlitili m iîî î or lai ce e onaî ii1 lîc's )n1iîiîiîi.N 25. C'all (ilm\Rsori IId ( kM)('lIAI tS. N III & N5IS \() obetîrool11I* a .11) Dr: iessel'r. 45:'. 'lecphon)Ie esk.ý 5i S (:1) 0081-900)9. chiair t & otlitiiia s iîeW, . Ine- ciecn o 11 'r îii resi ()lle r; co o1s'll cec tablIe, 55( tIlcinve r Il nor piolisiicr. S IS Slendeer-lifeiider e\crciser, $ 15: ba 1) ' c ar sea Sil ). ('.11065 5-3 440. BEDROOM SUITE - double bcd, triple dresser vvth mîrror, mcii s chest nf drawers, $250. CatI 668-7600. TABLE- 36 x 58 wvoodgraifl top, nr good condition, $38 or make an otter. Coul 668-9458. CHESTERFIELD & CHAIR - $185. Cal) 723-1819. ANTIQUES - Victorian setee, cameo back, velvet. $500; pressed back nursing rocker, $65; twAo antique wvicker chairs unpamnted, $1 50 pair; single brass and iron bed, $1150; odd plants in antique crocks; chandelier, $25; Cail 668-5830. COFFEE TABLE, END TABLE - French Provincial in fruitwood, $100; large oit painting on canvas, $100. Cait 668-0633. BED - spring, good condition, new mattresS, single,' $95; rug cleaner, $15; cottage stove, $15; bird cagel &' stand, $40. Cal1 668-0920. $6; POTALI. l-iXICRDRYER S4. ('Ail E 723-0855.IR % '.WING M723-0I5 N Sai- 'trcss Ns'itMCINEt.eclnt coniditiomn. S75. ('aIl 668-5447. \VRIN(;i'R \ASIII.R -in, .\-l eoiîdition. S50 or best offer. 1>1 ýSK. iîîot.ern 31)" \ 60",. Iso I iledrse. one box drasel'. NS.(al 668-7832. iii ssorkîn'g !ort.Ir. 22" N 3). Ca:llI1718-.484. ss utc. 1 t(A'1"t \\,55 i hîrnt.n.'& iten N ll 2 :lie\%essMOt'i 1. gooIlape. iicdisice. N1(1A. "dl723-6201. .15 h ni e (j1 L' tîîî iuctcial dee p I kYt K t\%i) haskets, $225: I)l) t iIc SI Wl NG \MA.(' IINI, B5) otit ire in "()tî( t.condtitioni. C'ail 579-0)840). Four-borner elecîrie STOVE - $25: 'Atumînum stonm DOOR. 6,10,,x *-2'l0", $25. Cali 655-3768. Rondtelt 'Jop POKE.R 'AI A 11.1 inclitliiig Lset 1in lsss lît si tnass.like nes'. S)o r Iîcsýt oler. C:tIl miS-7t)98. BATH ROOM SET- CoM- 1îletemode WhViite- tub iol 1.S00. Flecti water pui pi'c1-ssttrc tank. St 100.-5 7 6- 402-)3 PORTABLE Kiteliceu-Aidl dishwashcer, excellettsork- ilio cotndit ion, S 200. Piolle 668-6479 HUMIDIFI ER - one year old, $65. CatI1 725-8872 cI ter 6 p.m. ELECTRIC STOVE - General Electric, "Princess" model. three regular buruiers, one fast burner, vvindow in oven door, rotisserie, storage space at bottom. $100. Calil 668-2565 after 5 p.m. Two brand new EXTENSION SIDES - for crib or bed, $8 ea; small wîood bookcase niceiy finished, $25; wood cof fee table, $5; 2 large diaper pails, white, $2 each; assorted beautiful waII plaques, hanging & pictures, must be seen, best of fer. Cali 668-6567. WASHER, DRYER, l"RIDGE, STOVE - almost ncv, asking' $ 1,100. Cati1668-4652. WATER HEATER ELEMENTS ail sizes Cali GARY YOUN4G PLG & HTG Brooklin 655-4936 Eild, ;ng $250- $35. year. ,-leve1 greene $300. ,lothes ,rking rborite ýenioin a bout $25; $20, $250 il bed r best twood, 1$30. :ellent 6:30 p.m. Antique REFRIGERATOR- *;.. odel bult irn 1930, still in svorking' cotîtion, only $150. Cati 723-0722. SEWING MACHINE - in cabinet, has many attachments, excellent condition, $75. Cali 683-0329. 19" B & W ADMIRAL TV - asking S30. nese tube. Cali 668-54 59. 36.010 I3TU 3 ton Fedders AIR CONI'IONIiR- 3 phase poster 2018 volts, $375; 71/2 lhp, 1974 otboard motor ses model ns,$250. Clt 985-3542. FRENCH PROVINCIAL TV - B & w, $i 50; Projector Screen, Si 0; Preserving Jars, $1 dozen. Calil 668-8028. FRIDGE - apartment size, in good condition, $95. Calt 668-0334. RUG -- green acnrilan bard tswist, 1Ilx 12' with tînderpad in pert'ect conitî'ti,,n, $95. Cail ('lareniolt 649-5712 after 5 p.m. BATHROOM SUITE - sink & batlittb, good condition. swhite, $45' Call 668-9488. REFRîGERATOR - Viking, il cu. ft., $50; Rangette, $15; chrome kitchen table, $15; eight chairs, $2 each; smaîl table, $5, (may be a telephone table); one cou;-,er top, 5'/2 ft. long, $10; 2 f loor lamps, $5 each; livingroom chair, Danish style, $10; twoc rugs, 5' x- 8', $3 each; 24"~ boys bicycle, $10; two 14" nims for (ires, $2 each; two door closures 4'" The Briton, $10 each; Cali 668-6.580. Musical STEREO - Electrohomne con- sole, garrard changer, walnut cabinet, $1 25 or best offer. Cali 655-4295. STANDARD PEAVEY PA - twvo columns, vith tour 12" speakers each, seldom used, band broke up, $425. Call 655-3654. Frenchi Riviera four piece. DRUM SET - blue sparkle finish, hi-hat symbol, very good condition, $150. Cati 655-3205. STER EO CAB.I NET - wainut, 72" long centre opening for record player, oniy $50-. cati 655-3411. An tique GRAMOPHONE 1916 Vintage, plus 35 old ptîonograplh records, $200 complete. Caîl 725-4339. Espana ELECTRIC GUITAR - witlî Dariu s 1001 amplifier, music stand, $325 complete; 41" Juînbo Flt Top G'0ITAR, witti case, brand new, $45. Cail 668-4744 after 4 p.m. i I mmango Furniture

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