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Whitby Free Press, 22 Dec 1976, p. 27

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How about an African< saf ari? Laura Mighton, of Weliing- ton Street, was recently awarded the Royal Conserva- tory of Music's'Associateship Diploma for, piano and solo performance. Music award Laura Mighiton, 19, of 219 Wellington Street, was awzard- ed the Royal Conservatory of Musi's Associateship (ARCT) Dîplornia for piano and solo performance at the conserva- to ry's graduation exercises held recently in Toronto. Laura wvas- one of .260 gduesfroin across Canada .o receive this top award. She started her piano essons in Whitby la 1963 Linder the [anstruction of Mrs. P.N. Spratt, and continued her stLldies after rnoving to Ottawa. In 1969. on mnoving to Barrie. she played flute wvth the Central Collegiate Band for five years. Laurua a1s a scholarship winner ut both the Ottawa and îrillia music festivals. , .She received ber Associate- ship in piano la 1975 and conipleted al theory requîre- ments in 1976. Following her graduation from Central Collegiate la Barrie in 1975, Laura returned to Whitby, and is presently in her second yeur of Pharmacy at the University of Toronto. Laura is th e daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Mighton. Magician at library Pitman the Magician will present a special magie show at the Whiitby Public Library Dec. 29 ut 2:30 p.m. Jean Simmfons of Oshiawa is Ieading two safaris to Africa next year. The safaris, organized by Creigh ton Allia Travel Service Ltd., are similar to that which was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson of 427 Green Street in Whitby. TIM TAYLOR contemporGrY rock OPEN CHRISTMAS EVE Regular Hours PLAN VOUR NEW VEARS EVE NOW - Tickets Available $25.00 per cojuple Enloy a Hot and Cold Buffet and The Musical Talent of LOCKERBI E Would you like a vacation ini somne far off place a little more exotic thun Floridu? What ýabout a safari to east Af rica? No guns allowecl. Only carne rus. Creighton and Allun Travel Service Limited lias put to-, gether a "Special African" program, designed to provide the greatest possible coyerage of Kenya and its wildlife l'or each participant ut a realistic cost. Thie 23-day photo safari will be led by an Oshawa womian, Jean Simmnons, a registered nurse who has ad- ministercd an eust African trip for the past.,seven years and is, therefore, familiar with aIl aspects of the itinerary. There are two safaris plan- ned for the neur future -- Januury 28 to February 19 Sweet Daddyl- S*iki* Next Week: Chef Adamis New Yeor's Eve KARIN 6 of 1977. (The first rnay already be filled). ,rhle itinerary includes a stop in Brussels, a City tour of Nairobi, a visit to the Samburu/IsioloGame Reserve, a trip to the Mount Kenya_ Safari Club, a stop at the Masai Mura Game Reserve, a visit to the Serengeti National Park, a trip to the Ngorongora Crater and a stop. at the Arusha-Momella -Lodge. Cost is $2195 from For, further information., phone Mrs. Simmons at 889-5643 or 723-0182. THE CORNE RSTONE G 1FT SHOP Brass Candie Sticks and Accessories 122 Brock St. N.,.- Whitby MO N-SAT 10-10 F R 1, 10-9 "Gifts fôr People who care" BROCKc WHITBY 66B.3618 CHILORENS Allseats MATINEE only FRIDAY 1:30 p.m.- ALICE IN NEW WONDERLAND' GOOD FOR ONE FREE ADMISSION. TO CHILDREN'S MATIINEE BROCK THEATRE with one paid admission ONLY ON DATE'-BELOW Friday, L)ecember 24, 1976 CLOSED EVEN INGS THURS., FR1I., SAT. DE C. 23, 24, 25 CHRISTMAS BREAK KIDOIES SHOWSSTARTING DEC 26 1:30PM "HUGO, THE HIPPO" STARTING SUN. DEC 26/76 "THE G UMBAIL RALLV" PLUSý' THE ODE TO BILLV JOE COMPLETE FRDM 7:05 P.M. NEW!1 Whitby Community Bingo $190000 1 Due to the Christmas holidays there wiII Please be no Bingo, Mondoy, Dec. 27. joinus- in the New Yeor Jan. $500 jackpot wiII be at 55 nu-mbers. A TOTAL PURSE 0F $1 ,f675 UP FOR GRABS Every Monday Night Early Bird games start at 7:15 p.m.0 No childron under 16 admitted HEYDENSHORE PVLO (corner Watér St. and Dunlop Dr., Whitby): ##com"'.,dej 416 aiI sillIIl*InMIN - -~ . . .i ........ when our second BROTHIERS Piz Spaghett'i House and Tavern Sit down and--relax We are now serving meatball submnarines. $1.75 Business Lunch special $2.25 Pizza . Spaghetti . Lasagna Lunch includes coffee & dinner raIls. Pizzas, Spaghetti, Veal Parmigiana, Veal Cutlets and Lasagna 110 LUPiN flA Off HWVl #2 668-3600 LICENCED BY LLBO, The staff and m onugemeiit would iko to wish you a Merry Christmas

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