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Whitby Free Press, 22 Dec 1976, p. 5

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Christmas sertum -- that's what 'mii seeking. What! You've neyer heard of if. Friend do flot be fooled by thc namne. You are just as farniliar with -the 'fiuid' 1 refer to as 1 amn. Pe rhaps you cai it the Christmas spirit --, that intangible something that works se rnysteriously, yet commands more power and respect than any living person. It's the real thing I'm affer; the kind that stopped people frorn killing each other on the battlefield from Worid War 1 to Viet Nam and more recently during the bloodshed in Northern lreland. It must be a powerful potion te create a WHITBY teinporary armistice. Tha î's what t1 waflit:teC (hristmuas serti nitltha t stops wa rs -- iit 01 Iy on)il(le Fba t li iellds cf'the werld , bu t iii ouir daiiv I ives. Imiagine il! Alenig witi yen r 5W ilne '11ia slio t ( shliu (1yen lie takinig eue), witli a qjuicl< jab, yeni woid Fie illed withî Christmnas se rui. l'Flieîma nie wou Id have te Fc ie chaîged of' course becausc it wotîid have a Lzistinig effcct. Perhaps in March you would need a booster siiot, but it would be worth while. Faînily. feuding would Fie ever. 011 col days, whei shopping, stores weid provide [lot beverages and chairs to rest on. Airlines and postal workers would comîbine ope raflonsand give theuiselves aut' iîatic pay penallties if they delayed air traftic or letter anid parcel delîvery. Chitdren (aged 10 or more) would reassure parents and their eiders that tliere is a Sauta Clauis by bcelping with chores arouind the hotîse without beîng asked. Politicians would be gleeful as tlîey handed ouît iri persoui over hall' their salaries to the needy, and llaroid lBallard, Maple Leaf Gardens President. wouid be cryiiîg the bluies since Fie cotîld only book three charity benefits a week because coiutnity halls would Fie filled to overfbowing witlî tie 'haves' passing ia goodly portion of tlîeir worldly geedis te flic FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY', DECEMBER 22, 1976, PAGES, A big problem wouild hc kecping the (>11 shîeks in line as they held a fricnidly bUt well-me1an ing Squahýbl)c as te what fFiey would provide for vicli ins of'flic fhird werld. Que thing for sure, UJNICI'EF's 500,000,000 ueedy children' areund the world wotild bce taken care of (great stuff, this Christmas serurn). Çhurchcs, of (:ourse, would be fîlled daily. The demand for Ministers would be SO heavy that ?'crash' courses in theology would be given priorify over bilingualism. Factories would be so overproduced that prices would level off enabling al] to enjoy the bouinfy of fhis earth -- and those who were able to work a reasonable work week could afford a home. The sick and disabled would be taken care of. Christmas serum was recognîscd over 100 years ago by Chartes Diickens, a man who captured its tremendiios impact in his classic novel "A Christ mas Carol". You'll recaîl the beautiful story of heow a miserable skinflint aptly namned "Serooge" saw the error of his ways and on Christmas morning gave tlianks for his blessings and wvas filled with the Spirit of Christmas henceforth. If if were within one's power te give te and help the world's needy, that would be miy wishi this Chrisfmas. May God's blessing be with you and yours. expected to iive. The old mîan, visibiy ixiieci pulcd himseif together and ieft. As soomi as lic e lt 11011e-Fie phoîîed his doctor and gave Iiiîîî strict erders tluat lic \vas te go te the b oy's lieuse and cure ini - iie excuses. A weèk later caîiie a reply froni tue dector - tlhc bey vas stilI faitering and svas askim, for Mir. Detiîîen - ccinid lic corne. "Out of the quostionu!*' beiiesvedl the ciid nian cimi t lue phoiue but the docI or replied t lia!t lhe bey iiad lo st ill wiii te live and wvas failiiig last. M r. l)entumn kîîew lie niust Io it se lie cicaecd iîiiîsolf tup. put Mlciiils cea t andcihutrried cmlte tIe addrcss gîven i hii lîy thle d)oir. Il \vas a sliabby toue mont andud 'p tiiîee il igli Is xvliicli t irniaithle c l ci an-bu t deteriîia ie î led lîiiiîonîî. 1l is sî rcng khî ock iîcariy Fi'c ko down ithle dcucr anud a frai I wc iil ana ilswvred . SlI ca ppea roci a fraid dof liim buit noi wvrcls \VOre spc ken sic j nsit le cliiiiîîîtoc th lic droo iiiant Iltlic bcu. NIr. Deîîîcîîms vsibsii u priscd. Thho v waspime anti. vitlî lus ovos cloed. alinuîst icucukeci cîai. île IcookkItle btiy*slia il ici ancsc(iteee( an lemiit hc veSsici1y11u(1i ai thon. ci1pciiîreccognitiio. goI Voi\ largo ihitecti. "'l]h 5(11v 1 cciulit i ll uiu VohIlaihy ccicikics ir saiui1 Imîaéccin a \'chV weoik veico. - 'vo Foui sick a i'. Tît\ai i cve oucw said the ocutiul). i vO Coi i Vi)tihe iie.i clcîcicuiin llhe cctll'andiVuhVotiiit C oi'e icu eto« I f voi sas,1v u m ropliiotIileo i)cc\' aIiilec ihhl amiati a .1ýI1IIi. Fori ilree cIasanc1 hiruco ii I lleshhh uicîmanîiihsi c beave Il (v, [licFci\s bOi"LeiOcell o lh hcî c;uh inhiliai:ui (cii1hIeii iiit niolit. (tie crIi isliai1 p;Sscd aicIdlce 'ui ~c2iiii a îlîaît tllue Fi \ wcîhid 1i1,a1C Il (h i u c u ,1 h iI ruil iIhId siicuiih ah play xviîh Ibis dcg and niost o f aI i visi t MIr. Deni bu. T' lcud î>an wakFii hali .hsiuc (1i1)pbCsiclc [li ie e. 'ihr. then cauILghf himself' and said, "Thank you doctor!" "Merry Christmnas", rcpiied fhe dector. "What??.. .what de yeni iîîean??" said tlhe old mlan. "Whiy sir, it's Christmas ove and you have given the boy the besf Christmnas present lie sill ever gel!" "Christmas", said the oid man as if he liad alinosf forgetten whiat il was. Il is said arcîund tlie village that flic lext meorning, very eariy awt long belore thle rost of' the panisli vent to church, il ii d iian was seen geoi itu te clitircb. H-e sf-ayed fer liait' a iic i tr anîîd t lie n lioli bled onut anci il was said tha t as lie holic blcd away licesvas seeîî Ici pull a cou pie of cookies co11cut I i is pic ke t andI cal I Fi i witil a sille ou biis face. Il av:s aRc>sai l t l twas N\lr. Denfciu hut of course C vO IVFicii\ kniw t lit cciii cii' t Fe as Mr. l)eîton was a h iP er i abic cul ciroc I isewi c lialtccd pieeanîîd especiýaIIy kid so Suil sasaîcl...... 11Pwj('ii\,hiuasll ici \'uuhiahud chrs. pouce anci prcsperity ili iîc \css Yc:r. des SpeedIi Aîîciersen ('ellegiate appe!ins te have lest a hid te re duce the speed iiniit iii front of the sclîeel te 25 miles per heuir frehii 30 miles I per botin. A Durhamu Rcgioi c en- mittee recomniieiicdlsi week fliat flie existiîîg 30 mile per hocîr speed l ihuit reniain. after studyving a report from t le re2gion S public works departîîîont. The report said tliat 30 miles per heuir is the basic limit in bciit-up areas aind is in genenal use througboLit the re gion. The report aise stated that thene were six accidents iu front of the schoei siîîce 1974. but speed svas net a mîajoîr contribcuting factor te any cf these accidents. However, tlhc report re- commends fliat "no stcîpping" signs be pested on tlhe west side ouf the street in frcont of te school. Anderson's >Principal Michiael Peieshak saidl ina feter te the regiuintduit lic ad Fils sta ff favocnrcda mut at sehool to be retaîened redcictîen in itue scd iiiî becuis. \ncicu sciîiSi rec tlih iront of llte scioiecu l hirhcus ancd lias [iuihiisliolhiccrs. Fi afficlo iand frtrcî sciicucui ini the scicii iithe alii s, ospecialv \llieavy' i t Ileli Iui peak timies caci weck day. 1>. e BOARDING CAT & TRAININGOC INew class starts Ja Regist HWY 12 BROOKLIN saici Mr. lccl.k 1P)eleslîaýk's Position. svhie. ie Icwih ci m liahoiC.iJ(,1I lic ,îcolee iiî cmilirircdîicc IiîJ 1 îcîcclCIci udciicc îc i RGKENNL~ PUPPIES TRAINING k DOG FOOD LASSES inuary 4 7:30 p.m. er Now WE DELIVER 655-4721 RESERVE NOWN For Christmas Parties New Yea's Eve and New Year's Day Holiday Hours O pen Dec. 24 - 12 neon to 8 p-. Dec. 26 - 4 p.m. to10 P.M. Dec. 27 - 5 p-r.mto 10P.rn. Jan. lse - *4 p.m. te 9 p.m. Ail other days - Regular hours. Sorry Closed - Dec. 25th M1 I w9'~~ ~ STEAK HOUSEX \4,11, 11m u1rw. 1i 2 oon êu 12 utudni lid i il ý, S1 1 110011 uîntil 1 .1n1. Su nciJvy 12 uîoou mili l 1<) pa. 918 BROCS ST. N., WHITBY - TELEPIHONE 668-9369 Othe( WOOM om m tf, iStiffru, cambqd ie, 9dchomo .~ HOI Keep VOur! W tlirotgh'>tit thi FOR' ~THE LIDAYS ' air healti-ivand( shining me holiday' season with regîilar visits to your hairdresser. A good ctiii, set. ernalent or professional sIraightening ('ail add life to du~ll hair. Professionial hair coloring ean highlight or (cbange votir hair for a totally new look. L .A C(INTESA L BEAUTY Lg 119 Green St. OUNGE ý66-Y26 Open 7 do.,s a week &ie ieui RESTAURANT 120 BROCI* ST. M ITl«BY - TEL.: "0-9461 q* Dolictous Coian ond olien Ddsk *+ GRACE CATHEDRAL 508 BYRON ST. S, WHITBY Christmas Eve Candlelight Service il P.M. - MIDNIGHT Christmas Day Service 12 noon - 1 P.M. Sunday - il A.M. 'Norship 7 P.M. Evangelistic A warmn welco-me awaits you at ail services! Cao C)C>oc pq pq L" pq Lm - F Vi 1

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