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Whitby Free Press, 22 Dec 1976, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Br~kin, ~ Byines The exectiîve of Brookliin Woînen's Institute recently hosted a Christmas meeting comaplete with carol singhig, solos HOLIDAY GARBAGE COLLECTION TOWN 0F WHITBY DECEMBER 24th, DECEMBER 27th and DECEMBER 3lst, 1976 Garbage normally coltected on Friday, December 24th wiII be picked up on Thursday, December 23rd, 1976. Garbage normally collected un Monday, December 27th wili be picked u on Tuesday, December 28th, 1976. Garbage normally collected on Friday, IJecember 3lst wilI be picked up on Thursday, December 3Oth, 1976. R.A. Kuwvahara, P. Eng, Director of Public Works BROWN'S and rcadings. A pot-luck supper and penny sale added to the enjoyment. As part of their Christmnas sharing the wornen decided to send rernembrances to their shut-in members and a cash donation to thc Retarded Workshop in Whitby. The Brooklin Woinen's Instittîte wiIl have the honour of hosting ncxt year's District Annual meeting. They usually mneet the third Wednesclay of the month, anyone interested in joining this active group could contact thc President, Mrs. Ruby Sonley. The recorder choir of Meadowcrest Public School, ledI by Mrs. Jane Carson, presented a prograini of Christmas music and a nativity play kit Grcenwood United Church last Sundaky. The chilcîrent were accornpanied by Mrs. Diane Cruxton on the piano and their school principal Mr. Batten playing the violin. The ChutrcIh was full utr appreciative friends andl relatives who thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful Christinks programi. Don't tèrget about the Christmas p)rograrn for children on Thiîrsdýay the 23rd at Brooklo Library fromn 2:30 until 3:30. The Christmas break film antid story hour p)rograils will be on the 28th, 29th, and the 3Oth froin 2:30 tiI 3:30. Brookîjoi Kinettes will inîet i anuiary 5 th at Kedlronl Delîs. Menlibers should plan to attend - Durhami Trail Ridlers Snowvmobile Club \vîll meiet next on Sunday Janiuary 21ld kat 8 p Cai 655-442'2 for lu formai- tioni regairding the location. Titis group will provide nlew memcibers ant enthusiastic welcomie. Val 655-43 17. r/Club House L.P. STUFFED MANZANILLA OLIVES 12 FI. OZ. la 99C MIUWTA -PHEMIUMPA IL l LB lIN Coffee s2-89 F*ltioerS 40 b Pkg. 89< PNGLES NEWFANGLED 2/ 4102 CONTAINERS Potato Chips $119 INSTANT 2 La lI Nestle's Quik $1.79 TUB & TILE CLEANER 99C PURAINA KITTEN CHOW 500 G,&u49, MIJIIA 2Ko PACKAGE PUPPT CMW sl.69 I satsf actiOfl ORANGE JUICE 1.,79, FAHCY 2 La BAC MCAIN Frozen PUS 79C MO CHOC! !ROqlin LODZ CARTONS 'STRAWBERRES 2î.,89c COOL WHIP 1be99, Stokelys Finest - Fancy Honey Pod PEAS 14 FI. 01. lin 3 3 C Fresh Produce for Holiday Feasting! California Sunkist Navel Oranges 79, doz. good size Fresh Green Onions 2 bunches 39' Florida Stake Tomatoes 59c lb. Walter Beath says: Regional review should include .a look at local municipalities Any rcview of the regiormal government ti Durhami should include the local miunicipalities to sec if there is any duplication or ovcrstaffing, Regional Chair- man Walter Beath said in a' recent speech to the Whitby 'Rotary Club. Mr. Beath admitted that the regional goverriment systemn is not perfect, but pointed out that it should itot be reviewed by the counicil that built il.. Ile suggested tma t the new 'council should review the regional system, wnd stated tliat the counicil nîutst inîprove the public image of Durham and its credîibili ty. "l'he 1977 council needs to review the existing policies and methods, he said. 'It mous! offer a solution and vot lbe against the systern. Also t mutst ptaway pairochialîsr-n - Speaking on the mîuch- debated sewer andl water bill- ing systeni, Mr. Beath saîd 1H E CORNERSTONE GI FT SHOP Pewvter: Plates Steins, 1 Animal Figure 122 Brock St. N., - Whitby MO ý\-S AT 10- 10 F P1 10-9 'GitsfJùr Peo pli wo t-are" FOODMASTE.R BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY DELIVERY AT PHONE 655m4521 Open NOMINAL Dec. 22 & 23 tii 9 p.m. CHARGE Closed Fri. Dec. 24 6 p.m. Open Monday Dec. 27th For Christmas FuIIy COOKED Homs Bone-in, Boneless, & Pineapple Homs Available GWRNGIANT c rn93 LBBYS FANCY Jicc6 ISILO l UN 6 .Il LSIE PACAGE "PH "". 'rICTO -E9 . .I.DOANI I Nl "'I. Seltzer 1l.29 Secret 89c * 1H be de-Sp. tilsi CrO WAS 9 oPACKAGE BIades 5,77c Q Tips 59c ALPO ASSORTEDF$ DOG F00D) 53 U SARAN WRAP - PLASTIC - REGULAR 50'ROLL FOOD WRAP 53C BATHROOM TISSUE 4 ROLLS WHITE SWAN 99c in not imnplemefltiflg a better structure. "'We failed in communications", he said. "However, it is not fair to the elected staff or public to judge the dcfccts, real or cxaggcratcd of any segment of the total system" Mr. Beath. explained that the principle of the new sewer and watcr billing systemn is to pick up costs frorn users rather than genieral taxpayers, and pointed out that thc region had inhcrited 24 sewer and water systems and 50,000 customers, somne of whom had not been billed for many years. The chairman suggested that it will take tinie to iron out the discrepencies, and c(>sts are being reviewed each year. 1-le pointed out that althoLIgh there are probîcrus .with sewer and water billing, the region does have an officiai plan and a'high level of road service. Mr. Beath described the fo rmation of Durharn Region as a inarriage, where 21t mtmiiicipalities becamne cight, wvith a total area of 1,000 square miles and a population approachinig a quarter of a l'hein Luilicipalitie s found comn in itere sts an d planne d for the future, and \vhen the time camne for the "miarriage" they had to share the benefits anid responisibilities, he said. M r. l3eath poinited out that the main cause of friction comeIS When one partner feels lie is payirig more than bis fair shiare ini relation tIo the benlefits. Ile also stated tuit there \ve re conîniieits abouLt unfaithi- Iliîless. and "armlchair critics a Il 1 0 s ip)S who started NIr. l3eaith said lie preferred to stress thle Positive benlefits o f mlunicipalities living tu- g'etherin a regionial systero. and suggested that the rcgtioitai fainil vill becomne jmiore closely knit after a few y e ars. 1 " we should planl the thingis we nieed as a group - rathier than on an »indcividuil or seif-ish basis'X lie said. Mr. Bea thl told the Rota rians that there is a great debate lui the wvorld today about deimocracy, and refer- red to the election troubles il' Jamlaica. "We ini Canada have a lot to be thankful for", lie said. 'hlen the region xvas lornmed in I]Q74 the coullcil 1

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