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Whitby Free Press, 5 Jan 1977, p. 12

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RAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5,1977, WHITBY FREE, PRESS ]Free Autos 1968 VOLKSWAGON VAN - 12,000 ce dune buggy, needs som 1 wvork, $200 or best offer. Cal 655-3756. 1968 CHEV IMPALA - recent paint and body work,good family car, Iow mileage, asking $850 certified. Cali, 668-2485 after 6 p.m. 1974 CAPRICE CLASSIC - fully equipped, $4,000. 1966 PONTIAC - two door, V-8, ý ower steering, power brakes. 400. 1971 VAUXHALL PARENSA SL - good condition, $650. Caîl 668-8957. 1973 FIAT 128 STATION- WAGON - excellent condition, will certify, 36,000 miles, $1,650 or best offer. Cal 668-0307. 1967 MUSTANG CONVER- TIBLE - 302 V8 automatic, body good, certified, $695. Caîl 579-3648. 1971 MAZDA - 616 Coupe standard, radio, techometer, $500 or best offer. Cal 668-0463. 1973 GREMLIN -- $1,500 uncertified and $ 1,700 certifiedl. Caîl 655-3027. 1974 DODGE CUSTOM VAN many extras, S2,750. Caîl 683-2968. 1973 VEGA GT IIATCI- BACK - automiatic, good condition, asking $1,495. Cal 725-1174 or 668-8928 afler 5 p.m. 1966 FORD- convertible, re cent pain t and body work, new top, runs good, asking $650 or best offer. Cal 668-2485 afler 6 p-m. 1967 'D0DGE PALARA twvo door hard top, very dean, in good running condition, $250 as is. Cal 668-9870 after 5 pm. 1972 OLDSMOBILE 88 - good condition, $1750; 1972 FORD, $750; 1966 Econolihe Van, $550. Caîl 579-0233 or 725-7449. '1963 RAMBLER -- white stationwagon, certifiïed, $300 or best offer. Must SelI. Cali 668-5745. 1968 COUGAR - $200. Cail 668-6068 or 668-7852. 1964 BU'CK SKYLAI<' -. two door hardtop, 45,000 original miles, excellent condition insîde & out, certified, $925 or best offer. Caîl 668-0082 after 6 p.m. 1966 BUICK- $75. Cal 725-4339. 1974 VOLKSWAGON SUN BUG - gold, good condition, $2300. Cal 655-3070 af ter 6 p.m. 1966 BUICK SPECIAL - $75. Cati 725-4339. 1970 DODGECHALLENGER certified, $895 or best offer. Cail 668-5745- 1964 CI-EVELLE SS - six cylincier, bueket seats, fboor console, good tires, body and - interior in fair condition, $200 firm as is. Caîl 728-3992. 1976 CHEVETTI-E - $3,000; 1976 PACER, good condition, $4,000 or best offer. Cal 725-7139 evenings or 668-8549. . 1968 FORD GALAXY - V-8, two door, automatic, p/s, p/b, raCio, asking $450. Cal 668-4355. 19ôt6 T-BIRD - 390 V-8, p/bucket seats, air conditioning, AM radio & tape deck, body in fair condition, safety checked, $700; 1967 CHEV 1/ VAN, 283 V-8, chrome bumpers, new air vent & roof, partly customized inside, body good shape, safety checked, $500; 1969 FORD FAIRLANE, 2 door, 6 cyl. au ta, mrechanically A-, body f;ir, safety checked, $1600>.l Cal 668-1102 between 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. after 6 'call 668-2781 ask for Torrv. 1969 CHEV PANEL - 6 cylînder standard, radio, window curtains, extra tires, excellent condition, $1,450. Cal 576-3034. 1967 PONTIAC PARI SI ENNE- four door, four new radial tires, in good condition, $550. Cail 655-3043. 1970 CHEVELLE - V-8, automnatie, A-I condition, $ 1,480, certified, Cal 728-2580. 1967 METEOR FORD - new paint aod body work, runsgood, asking $400. Caîl 668-2485 after 6 v.m. 1967 VW BEETLE - $300 as is. CalI Res. 728-0253 or Bus. 668-4185. 1973 DATSUN - 2402, certified, chrome rims, front spoiler, 50,000 miles, AM/FM stereo, excellent condition. Cal 576-2358. '67 CHEV BELAIR-ils is ý200. CalI-576-4O23 1974 DATSUN B210 HATCH- BACK - mag vvheels, standard shift, AM-FM stereo radio, rear window defogger, 30,000 rfiii'es, $2,100 or best offer, will certify. Cali 723-6371 af ter 5 p.m. 1973 VOLKSWAGON - 412, 4 door, gold, 45,000 miles, radiais, excellent condition, $1995 certified. Cal 723-2394 af ter 5 P. 1975 HONDA - 400-four, 3,100 miles, driven only 50 miles in 1976, excellent condition, $1,200. Cali 723-2394 after 5 p.m. 1967 OLOSMOBILE - Delta 88, 4 door hardtop, air condition- ing, $400; 1965 PONTIAC CUSTOM SPORT, excellent for parts, as is, $1 50. Cal 668-0082. 1974 FORD WINDOW VAN - $3,000; 1975 NOVA HATCH- 8ACK, $3,500, Cal 576-0773. 1966 STRATO-CHIEF PONTIAC - in running condition, as is, $100. Cali 668-4058. 1971 VW SUPER BEETLE - good condition, gas heater, extra snow tires, asking $1,100. Cali 655-4995. OFFSTREET DUNE BUGGY - with dual wheels, spare engine &towbar, $1 50. Cali 655-4973. 1965 FORD - 6 cylinder coach as is, $50. Cal 655-3768. 1969 \(W - needs some work, $400 as is, $475 certified. Cali 655-3756 after 6 p.m. 1969 PONTIAC FIREBIRD - 350, V8 engine, 3 speed standard. many extras, radial tires plus snows, $1130. Cali 723-1819. 1971 PLYMOUTH DUSTER - good condition. will certify, $1 100 or best of fer. Cali 668-5660. SNOW TIRES -- 2 almost newLiA7R-13, tubîess bclted -ýéIw/w EXTRA WHEEL - 1969 Chevelle with two sire E78-14, $15. 683-1469- for tire s, Cal PON1'AC BLACK BUCKET SEATS - good shape, $10 each. Cal 6 55-4610. SNOW CRUISER- 35 hp., has, reverse, $600. CalI 655-4741.j ]Emporiumn Cali 668-6111l NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you sell! There wilt flot be any charge to advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advertised is sold. When the advertised item is sold, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below. Ail advertisements must bc placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS,,;rrl run at least one mnnth if flot sold. RATES (if article is sold): 5%of advertised price up to $400.00i 2%of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $50.00 - commission due $2.50 (minimum comnmission is $1.501 Private advertis,.ig only! Please notify us if you find a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Please notify the Whitby Frce Prcss imme(liately when item is sold so that %ve may delete it from the following issues. Services, help wanted, clothing, real estate and personal message type ads can only bc handled on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, caîl 668-6111l MAIL ALL A)S TO: rREE'PRt-,SS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WhitbY The deadlinc for emporium ads is the Monday at noon. Furniture ('OUCII ý grey, twu scat, very good condition, $75. (Canilbc seen at 114 Green Si. or ('ail 668-5-54 1 afler 4 pa. Hl'ec trohiome B & W T V $50-, vanlity sink withl aps, $10; wall hutng sink, S$5; portable Elecîrohumie lhumnidifier, 15ý kitchenl sink laps, $5; electric desk caleulator, SIO(1 laundry tub pumnp%. $25; 3 lumiline fîxtuires, $2 each; approx. 23 chiromne kitchen cupbuard knobs, $8;, green lined ivingroom drapes, with track lu lit up lu 16' wall, $30. C'ail 725-8079 afler 5 p-in. daily. DR ESSER ith three long drawcrs, $55; chct dras'xrs. $30; two living roorn chairs or rec room -chairs. SI10 & SI S: twu bedrooi lamp-s. $5; ('ail 66 8-9009. DUNCAN PIIYFE,.T ABLE scats 8 peuple, good condition, $67. (*ail 723-8934. ANTIQUE - oak parlour doors with 15S panes of leaded glass each, $250 pair; one large globe fixture for vvork area, $5; ladies buckle ski boots, size 7, $12; "Snugli" baby back-pack, $15; Deluxe jolly jumper, $5. Cal 668-7439. ELLLCTRIC 1BROONI Viking. $8; Bissell Fluor Carpel Swveeper, $4; GE.Electrie Floor IPolishier, $10. Ail in very good condition. Cal985-2621. Trailers, etc. Sports Pal CANOF - 29 lbs. $175. Cal 576-3034. TENT - 9 x 1 2 Woods canvas -withi fluor, $75. Cal Claremont 649-57 12 after 5 p.m. 15' BRUNSWICK BOAT - IX8'WISCOOT TRAILER, 50 hp. Johnson motor, asking $2,000, mnany extras. Cal 728-3297- 1971 NORDIC SKIOOO - 399 rnanual, 24 hp., used only occasionally, $600. Cal 725-2967. TIRES - new (5) H78-15, blk/wall off van, $175 set. Cal TWO TIRES - 560-13 IBridgestone, for Datmtî, complete ,with rimn, $66. Cali 668-.7907. TIRES - 4 new, Goodyear, D70-14, blackwalî, $1,20,- for ,compac t or intermediate car. CÇaIl 668-8544. rI1RES - J78-15, Goodrîch belted, $10; tire & rim, 825-14, Goodyear Chrysler rîm,, $10; snow tire & rim, G78-14, Chrysîer rim, $15. Cali 655-3860. 1969 13' Triple E TRAILER - sleeps four, fridge, stove, gas furnace, canopV, very good condition, $1500. Cal 68:5.28,61. - IGHT - 14" GM RIMS, two with snow tirés, $20 pair, four" with sunimer tires, $15 pair, twc. bare, $10 pair; 12" wheel with snow tire, $10;, Cail 655-4437. Antique VICTORIAN SO-A - 1 30 years uld, restored, like new, asking $800. ('aIl 655-3523. Antique WOODEN CRADLE - $125; ltur Remington Radial TIRES, FR 70-14. 6-ply dynacor ray on, $ 80. CaîIl 6 68-186 2. ROLLAWAY BEI)- 30" wide, ç8; kitchen or bar stool, 24" hieLh, une mectal, $7; beige ruig, I1 4" x 10', needs cleaning, $35; 2 humer stove, lectrie, 220 volt hecavy duty 125" high wih sheîf, nu oven, $ 15; studio couch, guod condition, beige tapestry, opens Iu double hed alsu lias storage dour & three loose cushions. $45. ('al 655-3860. WA1,LIUT COF1F1:EE TA B L E 39" X 22" in excellent condition, $50; Snuwmriobiîe suit, iledliumt man or large vornîan, in new condition, $25. (al 668-5596. Two LIVING ROOM CIIAIRSor REC ROOM (CHIRS, $10 & $15; twu bedroorn lamps, $5; Dresser, $45; Telephone desk, $i15. Caîl 668-9009-. Kroehlcr CIIESTERFIELD-1 - chair & ottoman, as new, blue- green, $300 or nearest ofle r; Console co ffec table, $50; Iloover fluor polisher, $15; Slender-Bender exerciser, $15: baby car seat. $ 10. Caîl 655 -3446. BEDROOM SUITE - double bed, triple dresser with mirror, men's chest of drawers, $250. Caîl 668-7600. TABLE - 36 x 58 vuoodgrain top, in good condition, $38 or mnake an offer. Caîl 668-9458. CHESTERFIELD & CHAIR - $185. Caîl 723-1819. ANTIQUES - Victorian setee, cameo back, velvet, $500; pressed back nursing rocker, $65; two antique wicker chairs unpainted, $150 pair; single brass and iron bed, $1 50; odd plants in. antique crocks; chandelier, $25; Cal 668-5830. COFFEE TABLE, END TABLE - French Provincial in fruitwood, $100; large oul painting on canvas, $100. Cal 668-0633. BED - spring, good condition, new mattreus, single, $95; rug cleaner, $15; cottage stove, $15; bird cage& stand, $40. Caîl 668-0920. SCM ELECTRIC BROOM - $6; PORTABLE HAJRDRYER, $4. Caîl 723-0855. SE:WING MACHINE - Seaimstress, with cabinet, excellent condition, $75. Caîl 668-5447. ELECTRIC STOVE - in wvorking order, 22" $30. Cail-728-2484. o sed, wide, IWRINGER WASIIER - in A-I1 condiion, $ 50 or best offer. DESK, modern 30" x 60", two file drawers, one box drawer, $50. CalI 668-7832. STOVE --two burner, & uven $25; one new MOPED, good shape, used lwicc, $100. Caîl 723-6201. 1Round FeIt Top POKER TABLE - including set in Slasses and ashtrays, like newv, 60 or best offer. Cal TELEVISION - 25", portable, B & W, Zenith, $25. Cali 668-3469. Four-burner electricSTOVE - $25; Aluminum storm DOOR, 6'l10" x 2'l10", $25. Cal 655-3768. Two brand new EXTENSION SIDES - for crib or bed, $8 ea; small vvood bookcase nicely finished, $25; wood coffee table, $5; 2 large diaper pails, white, $2 each; assorted beautiful wall plaques, hanging & pictures, must be seen, best offer. Caîl 668-6567. ELECTRIC BROOM - $12; Electric Motor, 1/4 hp, $10; Standard sire Bathtub,wIMite, new, $25; Aluminum door, 34w, 82h, with hardware, $1 5; electric range, white, 30", oven window, $60. Caîl 668-31 12. ELECTRIC STOVE - General Electric, "Princess" model, three regular burners, one fast burner, window in oven door, rotisserie, storage space at bottom, $100. Caîl 668-2565 after 5 p.m. BATHROOM SET- Com- plete, modern. White.. tub sink, toilet. $100. Electrie water pump, pressure tank. $100. 576-4023 HUMIDI FIER - one year old, $65. Cali 725-8872 after 6 p.m. WASIIER, DRYER, FRIDGE, STOVE - almost new, asking $ 1,100. Caîl1668-4652. STEREO TAPE RECORDER - Concord 550 (1964), originally $200 for $50; HI-FI Head & Kit amplifier, Gerrard Record Changer, Hi-Fi Speaker enclosure, the whole set for onîy $25; Air Conditioning Window Unlit, Fedders, 4000 BTU's/hr. $50; RCA-Victor Portable, Stereo Record Player, $10. Caîl 655-3915. WATER HEATER ELEMENTS all sizes Cali GARY YOUNG PLG & HTG Drooklin 655-4936' Wringer washing MACHINE - $25; lawnmnowers, $10 & $15; room divider, large, .brand new, $25; carpeting for 13 steps, green, underpadding, $25. Cail 725-1211 CLOTHES DRYER - $65; Underwood standard typewvriter, $20; pine gatelake table, $60; antique washstand, $65; RCA 20" colour TV, $95; 18' of drapery 60" long brown burlap, $10; one SOL burner & controls, $45; antique pine harvest table, best offer over $100. Caîl 668-3889. STAIN LESS STEEL KITCHEN SINK - $7; enamnel kitchen sink, $5; inside doors, assorted sizes, $2.50each. Cali 668-8125. ELECTRIC STOVE - two burners, oven necds some repairs. $30. Caîl 668-0721. POOL TABLE - 31/2. n excellent condition, Cal 668-6779 af ter 5 p.m. ELECTRIC STOVE- good condition, $50. 655-4944 af ter 5 p.m. x 6', $1 15. very Caîl Simnplicity SPIN-WASHER,' DRYER, white, 1 year old, excellent' condition, asking $175. (new selling for $250- $275) Cati 668-7563 after 4 p.m. PI-ILIPS TELEVISION - B & W, in working order, $25; storm door, aluminum, $35. Caîl 668-6922. MOFFAT GAS RANGE - 30", only used one year, excellent condition, eye-level broiler rotissery, avocado greenê original price, $650, asking $300. Caîl 668-1766. McClary easy electrie clothes, DRYER - good working condition, $80; dinette arborite TABLE & CHAIRS, extension table, $ 30. Caîl 728-9737. POOL TABLE - aboutý 4, x 8', $150; Bed, 39"', $25; headboard (White 39"), $20, (neyer used). Cali 668-2649. TV - Console B & W, $250 or best offer; two metal bed frames with spring, $30 or best offer. Cali 668-9278. TV - Console, 24" Fleetwood, in good condition, B & W, $30. Call 655-4630. B3ALL BQ - excellent condition, $15; Lawnmower, $25. Cali 728-0664 after 6:30 p.m. Antique KEFRIGERA FOR - G.E. model built i 1930, still in working condition, only $150. Cali 723-0722. SEWING MACHINE- in cabinet, has many attachments, excellent condition, $75. Caîl 683-0329. 19" B &W ADM1RAL T asking $30, new tube. Cali' 668-5459- 36,000 BTU 3 ton Fedders AIR CONDITIONER - 3 phase power 208 volts, $375; 71/ hp, 1974 outboard motor sea-smodel. new, $250. CalI 985-3542. FRENCH PROVINCIAL TV - B & W, $150; Projector Screen, $10; Preserving Jars, $1 dozen. Bathroom Iight Fixture, $5; waffle iron, $5. Cali 668-8028. FRIDGE - apartmnent size, in good condition, $95. Cali 668-0334. RUG - green acrilan hard twvist, Il' x 12' with underpad in perfect condition, $95. CaIl Claremnont 649-5712 after 5 p.m. BATHROOM SUITE - sink & bathtub, good condition, wvhite, $45. Cali 668-9488. REFRIGERATOR - Viking, il cu. ft., $50; Rangette, $15; chrome kitchen table, $1 5; eight chairs, $2 each; small table, $5, (mnay be a telephone table); one counter top, 5/2 ft. long, $10; 2 f loar lamps, $5 each; livi ngroom chair, Danish style, $10; two rugs, 5' x 8', $3 each; 24" boys bicycle, $10; two 14" irims for tires, $2 each; two door closures 4" The Briton, $10 each; Caîl 66R-6580. Musical. STEREOË - Electrohome con-ý sole, garrard changer, walnut cabinet, $125 or best offer. Caîl1 with Darius 1001 amplifier, music stand, $325 complete; 41l' Junibo'Fiat Top GUI TAR, with case, brand new, $45. Calli 668-4744 after 4 p~M. Press Appli'ances 4-,-

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