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Whitby Free Press, 5 Jan 1977, p. 5

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 197 7, PAGE 5 Sooner or later, this country is gaing to suffer badly from the Trudeau Government's immigration policies which, up to now,, have been discussed only.sporadically in the media. It is interesting to note that the public mnood toward Canada's post-war immigrants bas changed in the last five years and niany prominent people are openly asked the Trudeau Government if Canada's immigrants are really welcome. Then, there are other questions of great importance: Who are these immigrants? What color, race or creed do they represent? And, can we really afford ta absorb more -immigrants in this country at this time of inflation, wice-spreau unempioyment anco mounting economic problemis? On top of that, mnany Canadians contend that Ottawa's so-called "open" immrigration porlcy lias "engendered enourmouis hatred" in Canada. "Toleration of the wave of colored immigrants is rapidly disappearing", says Doug Collins, a Vancouver journalist. Bigotry and racial siors aside, 1 tend to agree with Mr. Collins' view that "coloured" immigrants (and whites as well). are not needed in this country at the present time for a number of reasons. The biggest reason 1 can think of is the nation's shaky economy. It is sheer madness tobring more people into this couintry when some 700,000 native Canadians are out of work and more are ta be laid off in the future. Some 20 years ago, the immigration situation was entirely different. The couintry was in dire need of nîanpower. Plenty of jobs were aivailable as Canada went through a mini boom session. The good oid days of prosperity are gone perhaps forever. The so-called working middle class is sluwly disappearing. The rich stay rich (and some gel even ricli-) - iinfl.-tio)n or ne inflation - H1ut tlir.poor (you guessed it) get poorer every day. By bringing more immigrants into this country when jobs are hard to corne by, we are importing econonhic, problems as well. It is unlikely that these people, with no' special skills, will improve the job situation. Eventually, they will end up onl welfare roils, or at best, become UI.C recipients. Once a person is unemployed, other problems are bound to creep in: alcoholism, -drugs, petty crime, racism, etc. And ail this because of ill-advised immigration policies which can be corrected now if only one would be willing ta take note of what is happening to this country and also to those who have managed to come here under very unrealistic terms. It is unfortunate, though, that .Canada's immigration policies are linked with umrelated problems of humnan race-problems which include- racism, loathing and bigotry. To my mi, only economic factors should be related to our present-day immigration policies. Keeping this in mind, I believe more people should put pressure on our politicians in Ottawa to slow down immigration and take a long, care fui look before proceeding again. Corridor Capers Region's "do-i*t-yourself" water bis Happy New Year everyone! The festive season, althoughi hectîc for inast, does not generate spectacular news. Most activities cease and arç replaced by a whirl of socializing. Not to worry, January, it will be back ta work as usual. The inaugural meeting of aur newly elected counicil will be an Saturday January 8th at 11:00 a.mn. The place will be the controversial new headquarters on Rossland Road. This is the beginning of a new era, with the cutire Towni staff located in one building. Sure will make it more convenient for Whitby citizens. Everyone is invitcd to attend, so lets make it the biggest ever. We are aIl very proud of the new Town Municipal Building. The first ratepayers executive meeting of the year wvill be at Vic Sheffield's home on January Il th, 7:30 p.m. There will be a fair aminount of business ta be discussed, so execu tive remnember - 7:30, Tuesday Janwi ryI 11h. I amn truly sorry Norni Mealing's columin in the Free Press has ended. Norm did a tremendous job and expressed views that wvere commnon ta nearly everyonc. We*ll miss you Norm, your contribution ta Whitby lias been appreciated. We need a lot more people lîke. Normn ta keep Whitby proceeding in the riglit direction. That's il for this week. Caîl 725-8967 with newvs for next week's coluinn. M. McEachern scly, audgeii, boler 6,Cole W.A.IJ. Se/b y, c.a. J.Roberts, c.a. 1 ~C. W. Marlowe, c.a. must be mailed in by Friday Jan. 7 DUrliani Region's newv "&(11-it-youirself' water bill should hiave arrived at ailI Wlitiby hiomes by inow. lnstead of Icî ing thie nieter reader imto his lhotse, thie hiomeowvner is asked to tranis- pose die inbers fron ihis water, meter o nto a bIle card and mail it to the region as soon as possible. The region even pays tie postage. Thie region bhas asked home- owners ho take tuie readîing freinthieir waiter nmehers on 1)ec. 3 I or as close as possible to dhit date. Thie card should be iii the mail by Jin. 7. 111e region says. and if il is not received close te that clate, thie staff wiIl sendan estirnated bill as in hlie past. Il-,-wal.vetr meter is very chariered accoun tanis Telephones 579-5531 885-2335 TOWN 0F W'IITBY APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMM ITTEES Citizens who may be interested in serving on the foîlowving Boardsor Committees are invited to submit their names along with a brief background resumne to the undersigned for consideration by the Council on or before January lOth, 1977: - Cemetery Board Committee of Ad jstment Board of Management, Dovvntown Improvement Area Fence Viewers Game Preserve Commnittee Library Board Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee Property 3tandards Committee Board of Management of Museum 6 appointments- 2 appointments- 6 appointments- 6 appointmeflts- 8 appointmeflts- 1 appoifltmeflt- 5 appoint ments- i appointment- 4 appointmeflts First appointee- Second appointee- Third appointee - Fourth appointee- 1 year term 3 year term 1 year term 1 year term 1 year term 3 year term 1 year term 2 year term 1 year termn 2 year term 3 year term 1 vear term much like the speedomieter on a car says Regional Finance Chiairmnan George Ashe, and is usually found in the baseinent. The informnation sent ta the region will help tlhe Staff review the lioneowner's 1976 sewe r new readir chiarges for water and services, and start the year with an actual îg. An actual reading will be conducted by meter readers in the summer of 1977 says Mr. Ashe. Water bis will be rnailed early in the new year ta caver the period fromn the last water bill ta Dec. 31, 1976. Mr. Ashe says the blue m-eter cards mnailed in now will assist in obtaining an accurate bill. *UE CARe * AS 15 "BARGOONS" *'72 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILIE (EVERY OPTION) Lic. ASN 089 289500* *'73 DUSTER 8 AUTO STEERING, BRAKES Lie. HBMI667 199500* '73 F R SEDAN, STEERING, BRAKES, RADIO Li. 81.1 984 1 9 0 * 72 PLYMOUTH FURY 111 2 DODR HARD TOP Lie. AVT54O10 0 * 159500'0 *'73 CELICA 4SPEED, RADIAIS Lic. AOR 6580 *171 CUTLASS SEDAN (ONE OWNER> Lie. DYN 420 1695". BRABEY OTOS4lDun.st.w * :RRA11111 MOTORS668-1542 COLLINS MID-WINTER BOOT S ALM ÀE STARTS TOMORROW THURSDAY JANUARY 6th AT 9: a.m. 20% TO 50%OF Discontinued Uines of Men's, Womnen's and Children's Winter Footweor COLLINS SHOES Serving Whitby Since 1872 W 119 BROCK ST- SOUTH OPEN EVERY DAY Including Wednesday Friday ta 9p.m. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Cierk-Admiflistrator, '< Thé Corporatioli of the Town ofWhitby, 576 R~ossland R oad East, Whtby, Otarlo. Offices C.. 171 King Street East, Oshawa 22 Walton Street, Port Hope B. K. Madgett, c.a. R. W. Boer, c.a.

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