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Whitby Free Press, 5 Jan 1977, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1977. WHIT11Y FRE1E PRESS Br~kin Ç~:Byines Meadowcrest Parents' Counicil are holding their first mneeting of the new year on Monday, January 10 in the school gymi. Parents are urged to attend and tend support to this group. The election of a new executive wiIi be the prime Purpose of this meeting. Interestèd and involved parents cani be of great help to teachers itn certain areas. Please eall 655-4896 for more information. Registration for the pre-schooi story hour at Brookiin ANNUAL MEETING BROOKLIN & DISTRICT PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION ODDFELLOWS HALL, BROOKLIN WEDNESDAY,JANUARY 121-1977 at 8:00 P.M. Guest Speaker: FRANK DREA, M.P.P. Scarborough Centre EVERVONE WELCOME -Library is this week>and there is'a lirnit to the number of *children that can be ýaccommodated. So don't delay, if you wish to enrol your little one. Children must be three years of age at least, children of kindergardcn age who attend school in the rnorning are also welcomne at this afternoon story hour which runs'from 1 p.rn. until 2 p.rn. During story hour the mothers will mieet upstairs in the aduit library. In the pýast this Tucsday afternoon group has been restricteci to mothiers of the proc'.schoolcrs but fathers are also welcorne. lntercsted persons who have no chiidren attending the pre-school story hour arc also invitcd. 'The programs offered to the adults are not necessarily centred around interests of children and the home. The programns are flexible and will reflect the interests of the group itsclf. The iast session saw speakers from s'uch varied fields as politics, music and- health care. Book discussions and reviews are aiso viable possibilities for those interested. Caîl 655-3191 for further information. 1 would like to say a special thank-you to ail of you who have regularlv called me these past months to keep me informed about your group's ,--tivities. Without input from you t.h .is columin could not be written. The column does not exist solely as a forum for rny views but rather as a comnmunity- oriented column that provides Brooklin and North Ward people the chance to air their opinions as well as to keep up with current local events. To any of you out there who miay complain and miutter "why doesn't she write about such and such?", or "I wishi she'd write about something lin interésted ini". --.ell, to you 1 say-- Bite your tongue -ail you have to) do is givc 'mie a cali and tell ie wvhat you'd like to sce in tlîis colunin. It ik ait very well t() grumble and complain but if you don't cati 11e it won't produce any results in print. Shaire yoiîr views and opinions with thie rest of the coiiity- other people are interested. From the number of caîls 1 have received these last two weck (I1 know you have been busy .- but ) 1 arn beginning to think that some of you have gone into hibernation. Let's get this new year started right. Cal Val - 655-4317. Monday, January 10 - Meadowcrest Parents' Council meets at Mcadowcrest School. Tuesday, January 12 - Pre-school story hour and Aduits' programs commence -- time is 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. No money for underpass. Financial problems are preventing the completion of improvements on Durham Road 23 (the Whitby-Ajax town line) to make this road a major north-south artery betwecn Beaverton' and llighway 401. The federal government has indicated that it does not have the money for its 50 per cent share of a $1 million underpass at the CPR tracks bctwecn Rossland and Taun- ton Roads in Whitby. The road has been recon- structed over the past few years for 40 miles betwcen Taunton Road and Beaverton, but the CPR underpass is recîuired t<) complete the link IBROWN'S FOODMASTER BROOKLINI ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONME DELIVERY AT NOMINAL 3 BI DAYS CHARGE Thurs. Jan. 6to Sol CANADA NO. 1- RED BRAND BEEF HINDS SIDES $1.20 lb. 99% lbo STORE CUT AND WRAPPED 655m4521i 'Jan 8 * uCourtesy ' Value atisf caction e Bet lIlY! LB IN Corn Syrup 99C 14-LVIS -ASOVIT!el, FLOZ TINS Cot Food 4o.99< PUBINA -TENDUN VITTLE8 -ABSOUTI! 12 P!O Cat Food 59C SPAGHETTI N OMATO fl TIN29 E550 KELuOG*S îI-oz PACKCAGE FIREPOWER Corn Flakes 69c FIRE LOOS E vaP. MiIk 137 1 -1.Sie 9C STOKELYS FANCY 14FLOZ TIN Pumpkin 29e Golden Ripe Large Size Bananas 19, Ibo No. 1 Ontario Smith Brand Table Potatoes 201hb. bag $1,75 C-ntario, Waxed Rutabagas 12'lb. AVIMER - FANCV OUALITY 48c FL-OZ - TIN 5- RED & WHITE SMOOTH FmE.ANtauT BUTTER JAR69c HEJNZ - CONDENSED TOMATO SOUP FL-OZ' TIN Cutveî 'iouse Cholce - Green TINS a OUARTERS* 3-LB PACKAGE FEATUREI 1-LB TUB Marorin $1MARGARINEc LIPTON 2 to PACKAGE ORANGE PEKOE so to PACKAGE Chlcken Noodie C l RED &. WHITE SOUP MIX 391TEABACS!75 IN TOMATO SAUCE 14-FL-OZ TINS HEINZ BAKED 3' BEANS 3 s LBIAI. ESSENCE & FLI-CiBOT!! Shampoo sl.29 MAIR flAAy 4 1102 O IT!!m Final Net 1rw Noxz.mna$10 ial Sap 4o99< yoRK - FROZEN ASSORTED 8-OZ SIZE Mmt Pies 3osl'ZEp R6 z pK » Cupert - Frozen - 14 oz. Size Ro EN 14 0 -s !W i S C0 Fiosh Sticks !$1.45 0 K - FRIO X;iloice Frozer 9 oz.3ize &J -- R no Stawberries 494 LEO D'OR - FROZEN 9 i 6-oz pKr. ùojon Ringis 49c CANADA PACKERS OR ST. LAWRENCE Swift Premium - Sweet Pickled DY - THE - PIECE Ingersdl CI O TkG e' u SPREi OL RLLSBACON EN! Àkb O SCENTER 1 L ION POIRTION i6oJar $43 9 mm 1,,319 C7,Ov.Bc $1.1, *$1 .39 $1.49 with Highway 401. The announcement by fe de rai Transport Minister Otto Lang that funds were not available reversed earlier indications that the Canadian Transport Commission was. willing to recommend a federal grant. Durham Regional repre- sentatives and Ontario Riding MP Norm Cafik in tend to meet Mr.- Lang Jan. 1 3 to discuss reversing the decision to withold the grant. Sînce railwiays corne under the juTsdiction o f the federal government, Ottawa usuallv provides a 50 per cent grant for grade deparations at railway crossiflgs. Starr Ave. becomes Manninig Road Bill Manning, retiring chie f administrative officer of Durhamn Region hias reeeived yet another honor. At its last mneeting o f 1976 the Whitby town couincil vot- cd to renarne Starr Ave. in the Bradley Farm subdivision, "'Manniing, Road". This road, presently under construction east of Brock Street wvill link up with the existing Manning Road in the Corridor area. Manning Road in the Corridor was namied after Mr. Manning about 1955 when he was chairman of the Whitby Towvnship Planning Board. The existing Starr Ave. west of Brock Street wi11 retain its original name. Lt was narned after former Labor Minister Michael Starr, who represented the Whitby area in Parliament from 1952 to 1968. Mr. Manning was lionored by the Region of Durham with a testimonial dinner on Dec. 9. He retires in April after 30 years of service to Ontario County and Durham Region. Another lucky winner A week before Christmas Wand Marin f Wfhtb CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF PRIME RIB Roasts $1.39 r CUT'FRtOM CANADA GRADE -A" BEEF RIB STEAKS $1.39l SWIFT PREMIUM OR MAPLE LEAF 16-OZ PACKAGE SKINLESS WIENERS 79c SAUSAGE S i~8<BRAISING Rlbs 88, COOKED nom~ BEEF LIVER 5' m CORNED Be 1 .48h BEEF Pufftines $1.99 STEW BEEF ~ BOLOGNA 49C

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