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Whitby Free Press, 12 Jan 1977, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, IANUARY 12, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS ]Free Autos 1968 VOLKS WAGON VAN - 12,000 cc duine buggy, needs sortie work, $200 or bcst offer. Cal! 655-3756. 1968 CHEV IMPALA - recent paint and body work,good famly car, low mileage, asking ý$850 certificd. Cali 668-2485 after 6 p.m. 1974 CAPRICE CLASSIC fuily equipped, $4,000. 1966 PONTIAC - twvo door, V-8, power steering, powver brakes, $400. 1971 VAUXHALL PARENSA SL - good condition, $650. Ca11 668-8957. 1964 CHEVY 2 - 6 cyl., good running condition, no safety check, $1 50or best offer. Calti 668-2806 after 4 p.m. 1967 MUSTANG CONVER- TIBLE - 302 V8 automatic, body good, certified, $695. Cal! 579-3648. 1971 MAZDA - 616 Coupe standard,' radio;, techometer, $500 or best offer. Cati 668-0463. 1973 GREMLIN - $1,500 uncertifsed and $1,700 certified. Cati 655-3027. 1974 DODGE CUSTOM VAN - many extras, S2,750. Cali 683-2968. 1973 VEGA GT i-ATCH- BACK - autoinatie, goodl condition, asking Sl,e95. Cal 725-1174 or 668-8928 after 5 p.m. 1966 FORD- convertible, recent paint and body work, new top, runs good, asking $650 or best offer. Cali 668-2485 after 6 p. m. 1967 DODGE PALARA - tvo door hard top, very clean, in good running condition, $250 as is. Cal 66 8-9870 af ter 5 pm. 1972 OLDSMOBILE 88 - good condition, $1750; 1972 FORD, $750; 1966 Econolirie Van, $550. Cati 579-0233 or 1963 RAM\BLER -wvhite sýtationwagorl, certified, $300 or i)est offer. Must Si. Cati 668-5745. 1968 COUGAR - $200. Cail 668-6068 or 668-7852. 1964 BUCK SKYLARY, - two door hardtop, 45,000 original miles, excelle nt.conditiotl inside & out, certified, $925 or best offer. Cati 668-0082 after 6 p.m. 1966 BUICK - $75. Cati 725-4339. 1974 VOLKSWAGON SUN BUJG - gold, good condition, $2300. Call 655-3070 after 6 p.m. 1966 BUICK SPECIAL - $75. Caîl 725-4339.- 1970 DODGECIIALLENGER certified, $895 or best offer. Cati 668-5745. 1964 CHEVELLE SS - six cylinder, bucket scats, ficior console, good tires, body and interior in fair condition, $200 -firm as is. Caîl 728-3992. 1976 CHEVETTIi - $3,000; 1976 PACER, good condition, $4,000 or best offer. Cal! 7 25-7 139 evenings or 66 8-8549. V-8, chrome bumpers, new air vent & roof, partiy customized inside, body 1ood shape,' safety checked, $500; 1969, lORD FAIRLANE, 2 door, 6*cyl. auto, mnechanleallY A-1, body fair. saféty checked, $600. Cali 668-1102 bctweefl 8:30 arn. - 6 p.m. after 6 cal! 668-2781 ask for Tcrr Y- 1969 Ci-IEV PANEL -- 6 cylinder stanldard, radio, window curtans, extra tires, excellent condition, $ 1,450. Cati 576-3034. 1967 PONTIAC PARI SI ENN E four door, four new radial tires, in good condition, $550. Cali 655-3043. 1963 PONTIAC - being driven reguîarly, as is, comptete with snows, $100 or best of fer. Cali 655-3786. 1967 METEOR FORD - new paint add body work, runs good, asking $400. Caîl 668-2485 after 6 p.m. 1967 VW BEETLE - $300 as is. Caîl Res. 728-0253 or Bus. 668-4185. 1973 DATSUN - 2402, certif ied, chrome rims, front spoiter. 50,000 miles, AM/FM stereo, excellent condition. Cali 576-2358. '67 CHEV BELAIR-as is %200. Ca11576-4023 1974 DATSUN B210 HATCH- BACK - mag wheeîs, standard shif t, AM-FM stereo radio, rear window defogger, 30,000 ruiiles, $2,100 or best offer, vvitt certify. Cati 723-6371 after 5 p.m. 1973 VOLKSWAGON - 412, 4 door, gotd, 45,000 mites, radiais, excellent condition. $1995 certified. Cali 723-2394 af ter 5 p.m. 1975 HONDA - 400-four, 3,100 miles, driven onty 50 mites in 1976, excellent condition, S1,200. Cati 723-2394 after 5 p.m. 1967 OLDSMOBI LE - Delta 88, 4 door hardtop. air condition- ing,' $400; 1965 PONTIAC CUSTOM SPORT, excellent for parts, as is, $150. Cali 668-0082. 1974 FORD WINDOW VAN - $3.000; 1975 NOVA HATCH- BACK, $3.500. Cati 576-0773, 1966 PONTIAC condition, 668-4058. STRATO-CHIEF - in running aÉ is, $100. Cati OFFSTREET DUNE BUGGY - with dual wheels, spare engine &towbar, $1 50. Cati 655-4973. 1971 VW SUPER BEETLE - good condition, gas heater, extra snow tires, asking $1.100. Cali 655-4995. 1971 PLYMOUTH DUSTER - good condiion, witI certify, $1 100 or best of er. Cal11668-5660. 1969 VW - needs some work, $400 as is, $475 certitied. Cati 655-3756 af ter 6 p.m. 1969 PONTIAC FIREBIRD - 350, V8 enigine, 3 speed standard, many extras, radial tires plus snows, $1130. Cali 723-1819. Tilt BOX( TRAILER - ideat for skidoo, 6' x 8', depth 18", $200 or best offer. Caîl 655-4295. TWO TIRES - G78x15, new, Atlas NK1, $50. Cali 655-4820 after 5 p.m. SNOW TIRE-S -- 2 aîmost new, A 78-1 3, tubtess bctted s/w $20. Cati 668-4743 afler 6 p.m. TWO SNOW TIRES - 15'" GM rims, $25; four suice Westbend toaster, like newv,$10. Cati l728-9398. SNOW TIRES - L - 7.75x14 w/w, 5,000 mites, with Ford steel rims, $20. Cati 668-2291. THREE TIRES - 165-13, good for Datsun & other small cars, $1 5. Cati 668-8527. FOUR-14'"TIRES- (%now, 2 regulars), rmal good conelition, $40 or best offer. Caîl 668-9073. EXTRA WHEEL -- 1969 Chevelle with two sze E7 8-14, $15. 683-1469. for tires, Cal! PON1IAC'BLACK BUCKE'I SEATS - gaod shape, $ 10 each. CaI655-4610. ANOW CRUISER -36 hp.#, has reverse, $0. Ct 655-4741. lEmporiumn Ccli-668-6111 u NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE in the FRI'F PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY wlien you seIl! Therd wilL not be any charge to adIvertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advertised is sold. Wtîen tise advertised item is sold, you pay a commission bascd on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iliustrated below. Ail adverisements must ho pîaced on an exclusive. basis with the WHITi3Y FREE PRESS :ýrr run at toast one misnth if not sold. RATES (if article is sotd): 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sotd item advertîsed for $50.00 - commission due $2.50 (minimum ce-nmission is $1.501 Private advertis,.g oniy! Please notify u.s if you find a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Piease notify the Whitby Free Press immediately when item is sold s0 that we may detete it from tIhe following issues. Ser'ices, help wanted, ctothing, reat estate and personal message type ads can onty be handled on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, catI 668-61 Il1 MAIL ALL ADS TO: rREEPRtLSS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby. The deadtine for emporium ads is the Monday at noon. Furniture ('OUCI 1 grey. two seat, very good condition, $75. ('anl bc seen atli114 Greeni St. or ('ail 668-5541I after 4 p.m. t'lectrohlome ii & W 1 V $ 50-. van itv sink willh laps, $1; w'alt îsuing sink. $5:. portable Llectroliomie humidifier. SI.15 kitchien sînk laps, $5; electric desk calculator, $1 0; laundry' tu b punlls, $25; 3 linilinc fixtuires, $2 each;- approx. 23 chiromle ki te lin cup)board knobs. $8: green ined livingroom drapes, wi thi track to f't it u to 16' wall, $30. ('ail 725-8079 at«ter 5 p.m. daily,. CHINA CABINET - vvith round glass front, $235; RCA Colour TV, radio, record player, $275; wooden fern stand, $35; Cati 723-2426. DUNCAN PIIYI E TABLE scat,; 8 peopfle. good condition, $6)7. CatI.72.3-8934. ANTIQUE - oak parlour doors with 1 5 panes of leaded glass each, $250 pair; one large globe fixture for work area, $5; ladies buckle ski boots, sîze 7, $12; "Snuglî" baby back-pack, $15; Deluxe jolîy iumper, $5. Cati 668-7439. ELECTRIC BROONI Viking, $8; Bîssel IFloor Carpet S\vepler, $4; G.E. Electrie Iloor Polishler, $10. Att in very good condition. Cali 985-2621. Trailers, etc. TENI 9 x 12 Woods canvas with fioor, $75. C'ail Claremnont 649-5712 after 5 p-in. 15' B3RUNSWIC(K BOAT la' WISCOO'E TRAILER, 50 hp. j ohnson imotor, asking $2,00(0, many extras. (Call 728-3297. 1971 NORDIC SKIOOO - 399 manual, 24 hp.. used only occasionally, $600. Cali 1725-2967. TIRES --new (5) 1178-15, blk/wall'off van, $175 set. ('alit 655-46 10. TWO TIRES 560-13 Bridgcstone, for l)at'a' n, complete with rimi, $66. Cali 668-7907. TIRES- 4 new, Goodyear, D70-14, blackwail, $120, for compac t or intermediate car. Cal668-8544. TIRES -- J78-15, Goodrich beited, $10; tire & rim, 825-14, Goodyear Chryster rim, $10; snow tire & rini, G78-14, Chryster rim, $15. Caîl 655-3860. 1969 13' Triple E TRAI LER - sleeps four, fridge, stove, gas furnace, canopy, very good condition, $1500. Cal 683-2861. EIGHT , 14" GM RIMS, two with snow tires, $20 pair, four witil summer tires, $15 pair, two bare, $10 pair; 12" wheel wlth sow tire, $10;, CatI 655-4437. Antique VICTORIANSO'A- 130 ycars ol, restorcd, lîke new, askingS~ 800. Cal! 655-3523. Antique WOODEN CRAI)LE - Si125; four R cington Radial T'IRES, FR 70-14, 6-tply dynacor rayon, $80. Caîl 668-19862. ROLLAWAY RED -- 30" wide, $8; kitchen or bar stool 24" high, one metal. $7; beige rug, 1 'l'4- x 10', needs cleaning, $35; two burner stove, electric, 220 volt heavy duty, 25" hmgh with sheif. no oven, Si15. Cali 655-3860. FURNITURE FOR SALE - couch, bed, stereo, electrical appliances and much much more. Must seli ail, moving at end of the rnonth. Cali 668-0148. WALNUT COFFEE TABLE - 39" x 22", in excellent condition. $25 Cali 668-5596, AIR CONDITIONER - $35; hood fan, $40; TV stand, $15; lawnmowver, $40; sledgehammer, $5; plastic clothes closet, small, $5 large. $1 5; dia mond swags, $15; nylon screening, $5; punch bovvl set, $10; Sears plastic fence, $20; two-seater bicycle, $50; assorîrnent of garden tools. Cali 668-1819. Four odd KITCHEN CHAIRS - wooden, $9 each; Four Dining Room Chairs, $25 each; Two living roomn chairs, $10 & $15; triple dresser mirror only, $25; telephone bench, $15; Bedroomn lamps, 1 pr., $5; Cali 668-9009. Kroch 1er 'I I ESTER Fl ELD - chair & ottoman, as new, blue- green, $300 or nearest offer; Console co ffec table, $50; Iloover floor polishier, $15; ,Slender-l3ender exerciser, $ 15; baby car seat, $ 10. Cal! 655-3446. TABLE - 36 x 58 woodgrain top, in good condition, $38 or mnake an offer. Cali 668-9458. CHESTERFIELD & CHAIR - $185. Cali 723-1819. ANTIQUES - Victoriani setee, camnea bacr-k, velvet, $500; pressed back nursing rocker, $65; two antique wicker chairs unpainted. $1 50 pair; single brass and iron bed, $150; odd plants in antique crocks; chandelier, $25; Calîl 668-5830. COFFEE TABLE, END TABLE - French Provincial in fruitwood, $100; large oil painting on canvas, $100. Cali 668-0633. BED - spring, 900d condition, new mnattress, single# $95; rug clamner. $15; cottage stove, $15; bird, cage & stand, $40. CalI 668-0920.1 j Appliances' $25 lanmorwes,$10MA&H$1E; $25;mldividers, rgb&ad1new $25; cartiglarg1 eps, gr een, underpadding, $25. Cali 725-1 211. CLOTHES DRYER - $65; Underwood standard typewriter, $20; pine gatelake table, $60; antique washstand, $65; RCA 20" colour TV, $95; 18' of drapery 60" long brown burlap, $10; one SOL burner & contrais, $45; antique pine harvest table, best offer over $100. Cail1668-3889. STAINLESS STEELKITCI-EN SINK - $7; enamel kitchen sink, $5; inside doors, assorted sizes, $2.S0each. Cali1668-8125. ELECTRIC STOVE - two burners, oven needs some repairs. $30. Calil668-0721. POOL TABLE - 3Y/2. x 6', in excellent condition, $115. Cali 668-6779 af ter 5 p.m. ELECTRIC STOVE good condition, $50. 655-4944 alter 5 p.m. Cai SCM ELECTRIC BROOM- $6; PORTABLE HAIIRRYER, $4. ('ail 723-0855. SFAWING MACHIINE Seamstress, wsith cabinet, excellent condition, $75. Cali 668-5447. iii working order, 22" M3. Cal! 728-2484. side, WRINGER WASIIER - in i\-l condition, $50 or best offer. DESK, modern 30" x 60", two file drasvers, une box drawer, $50. Cail 668-7832. STOVE -two burner, & oven $25; onc new MOPED, good shape, used tsvice, $100. Cati 723-6201. Rouind l--eIt Top POKER TABLE - incîuding set in giasses and ashtrays, like new, $60 or best offer. Cal 668-7098. Four-burner electric STOV E- $25; A!uminum storm DOOR, 6'10" x 210", $25. Cati 655-3768. Two brand newv EXTENSION SIDES - for crib or bed, $8 ea; smatt wvood bookcase nicely fînished, $25; wood coffee table, $5; 2 large diaper pails. white, $2 each; assorted beautiful waliI'plaques, hanging & pictures, must be seen, best offer. Cati 668-6567. ELECTRIC BROOM - $12; Elect.ric Motor, '4 hp, $10; Standard size Bathtub, Mite, new, $25; Atuminurni door, 34w, 82h, with hardware, $15; electric range, white, 30", oven window, $60. Cali 668-3112. HUMIDIFIER - one year old, $65. Caîl 725-8872 after 6 p.m. WASIIER, DRYER, FRIDGE, STOVE - alm-ost nesv, asking $ 1,100. Caîl 668-4652. BATIIROOM SET- Corn- plete, modern. White- tub sink, toilet. $100. Electrie water puînp, pressure tank. $100. 576-4023 STEREO TAPE RECORDER - Concord 550 (1964>, originaîly $200 for $50; HI-Fl Head & Kit amplifier, Gerrard Record Changer, Hi-Fi Speaker enclosure, the whole set for only $25; Air Conditioring Window Unit, Fedders, 4000 BTU's/hr. $50; RCA-Victor Portable Stereo Record Player, $10. Cal 655-3915. OLD REED ORGAN - inside chest, campletety refinished, has ta be assemnbled, $25. Cali 668-8527.t STEWART DRU'MS - complte set, In perfect condition# must salI, $350 or offers. Cali 668-3549 evenings prof erred. DRYER, white, 1 year oid, excellent condition, asking $175. (new selling for $250- $27 5) Cali 668-7563 after 4 p.mn. PH-ILIPS TELEVISION - B & W, in working order, $25; storm door, alu minu m, $35. Cati 668-6922. MOFFAT GAS RANGE - 30", only used one year, excellent condition, eye-level broiler rotissery, avocado green§ original price, $650, asking $300. Cail 6 68-17 66. McClary easy electrîc clothes DRYER - good working condition, $80; dinette arborite r'ABLE & CHAIRS, extension table, $30. Cali 728-9737. POOL TABLE - about 4' x 81, $150; Bed, 39", $25; headboard (White 39"), $20, (nieyer used). Cati 668-2649. TV - Console B & W, $250 or best offer; two metal bed franries with spring, $30 or best offer. Cali 668-9278. TV - Console, 24" Fieetwood, in good condition, B & W, $30. Cali 655-4630. B3ALL BQ - excellent condition, . $15; Lawnmower, $25. Cati 728-0664 afler 6: 30 p.mi, Antique REFRIGERATOR - G.E. model but in 1930, still in svorking condition, oniy $150. Caîl 723-0722. SEWING MACHINE '- in cabinet, bas many attachments, excellent condition, $75. Cali 683-0329. 19", 13& WADMIRAL TV asking $30, nexv tube-. Cati' 668-5459. 36,000 BTU 3 ton Fedders AIR CONDITIONER - 3 phase power 208 volts, $375; 71/1 hp, 1974 outboard motor sea'smodel new, $250. Cail 985-3542. FRENCH PROVI NCI AL TV - B & W, $1 50; Projector- Screen, $10; Preserving Jars, $1 dozen. Bathroom light Fixture, $5; waff te iron, $5. Cati 668-8028. FR IDG E -~ apartmnent size, in good condition, $95. Cali 668-0334. RUG - green acrilan hard twist, Il' x 12' wvith underpad in perfect condition, $95 .Cail Claremont 649-5 712 after 5 p.m. BATHROOM SUITE - sink & bathtub, good condition, wvhite, $45. Cali 668-9488. WASHER-SPIN DRYER - STmplicity, needs transmission work, $25. Cati 668-7601. LIVINGROOM DRAPES - green, with Kirsch track to fit watt up to 16', $30; Electric Desk Calculator. $10; Laundry Tub Pump, $25; Three Lumiline Light Fixtures, $2 each; approx. 23 chrome kitchen cupboard knobs and hinges, $8; Wall Hung Bathroom Sink, $5. Cati 725-8079 after 5 p.m. daily. Musical STEREO - Electrohomnecon- sole. garrard changer. waînut: cabinet, $1 25 or best offer. Cati 65-4295.or Espana ELECTR1C GUITAR - with Darius 1001 amplifer, music-stand, $325 compiete; 41" Jumbo Flat Top GUI TMR with case, brand new, $45. Cali' 668-4744 after 4 #,;m.' - P?.ress

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