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Whitby Free Press, 12 Jan 1977, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Coming Events SPECIAL SKTr I HOW r h :... i.. ~ i i A special showing of films on dowrilill and cross couintry skiing wvill be hield at the Whitby Puiblic Library Thursday at 7 p.nm. The films are designed to teach the techiniqutes of skiing, and questions will be answered by Mr. and Mrs. Hlook of the Pro-Fin*i lmiports Shiop. Books, pamplets and bro- rhures will also be available. Admission is free. CHILDREN'S FILMS On Professional Develop- ment Day, Jan. 26, at 2:30 p.m. the Whitby Public Library wvilI have a special film presentation of Abbot and Costello meet Captain Kidd. RACING FILMS Racingy in its va,ýrious forrns wvi1l be depicted in the Whitby Public Library's film nights Tueslay at 7 p.m. iJan. 1 8, there will be filmns on surfing and riding the rapids ut ll uuurciUU L-Jve. a. di 25 there will be filins on kite gliding, ulo0untain clin-bing, gliding and sky divinig. HOBBY SHOW The Whitby Publ ic Library's second annual hiobby shiow will he held Jan. 27 andl 28 fromi 2 p.mn. to 9 p.m. in the Library auditoriumi. Many local hobbyists will be dis- playing their work at this show. Anyone wishing to enter a display muay caîl the program co-ordinator, Mrs. Kaiser at 668-65311. DIET WORKSI-OP A Diet .Workshop open house wvill be hield in the 100F Hall, 211 Brock Street South, ian. 29 at 7:30 pl. The workshop will take the formi of a Sundae Party' to show wvould-be dieters hiow creatively thiey can mnake a treat that satisfies thle sweet tooth and thie diet simultan- .4- JOIN US EVERY THURS. FR1. & SAT. FOR OUR BUFFET From 5 Tll 9p.m. LANCE YOUNGER eouiIy. aru ivasters is une instructor of the Wlitby class. AJAX GARDEN CLUB A demonstration of I kebhana will be presen ted njt 8 p. ni. Jan. 17 in the Ajax I ligh School by the Ajax Garden Club. Ikebana is the Japanese art of flower arranging which is noted for its heautiful sirnplicity. Chieko Ilisaniune will' 6e the visiting instructress, in native dress, sl-owing the Sogetsu Cablecast Listings 7:00 Music-30-, witlî local iulsiciair, 7:30 Education Scene, with George Pearce 8:00 î-lot hule to Ileaven 8:30 Whitby Tien & Now 9:00 Rescue, with Reps. Iroîn Canada Manpower THURSDAY, JAN. 13 2:00 D)urhamn Choral Society Presen tition 3:30 Whiat Doesthie Bible Say? 4:00 Book Alive Club Prescrits: 4:3"0 Co-Operative I ousing? 5:00 Education Scene 5:30 Tfflk Abott MAT Back by Popular Demond 6:00 Evening Report 6:30 Rescue 7:30 Soleil 8:00 The 3R's, with Seperate School Activities 8:30 Musical Cantata fromi Faith Baptist 9:30 Whitby Council's Inaugural Meeting 10:30Sign Off FRIDAY, JAN. 14 ,2: 00 'Vî,:itby Council Meeting I liglights 4:00 What Does the Bible Say? 4:30 Whitby Thien & Now 5:00 Vita Italiana style which is the largest style taughit in Japan. She bas made many presentations to horticultural societies and bas taught classes. MUSIC EXAMS Keith ,IHopkins, of the Royal Conservatory of* Music, mill be conductîng Music examinations in Whitby Jan. 17 to 19. Cont'd from P. il 6:00 Whiitby Report, with Mike Burgess & Steve Porter 6:30 The 3R's 7:00 Sign Off SUNDAY, JAN. 16 1Il:OOVita Italiana, Ercole Foresta 12:O0Rescue, with interviews with topical 1:00 l-otline to Heaven, today's religious issues 1:30 Ritson Rd. Alliance Church Service 2:30 What Does the Bible Say? with Bob Kirkland 3:00 Sign Off subîect BRIGADOON Restaurant Tavern & Banquets Hwy. 2 E. of Port Union Rdt Scarborough MONDAY, JAN. 17 4:00 Co-Operatîve Housing? What's the Future' 4:30 Expression, with variety of topics 5:00 Whitby Then and Now, with Briaq Winter and Jim Quail 5:30, M.J.'s Place,. with Muriel Jane Weber 6:00 Evening Report, with Wally Donaldson and Dave Stewart 6:30 Awareness, with Alfred Ward 7:00 Counterpoint, "'Effects of Our Standard of Living-have on Third World Countries" 7:30 Oshawa City Council Meeting Coverage fromn City Hall il :OOSign Off TUESDAY, JAN. 18 2:00 Oshawa Council Meeting Highlights 4:00 Family Lifc Series, "liow to Figlit Fair in Marri age" 5:30 Couinterpoint 6:00 Evening Report 6: 30 Vita ltaliana 7:30 To Be Announced 8:00 M.J.'s Place 8:30Î Hatha Yoga, with Jan Helwlett 9:00 Hlotiino to Heaven 9:30COSign Off NOTE: Ail programns are to change without ruotice. Brigadoon- 286-1212 U~aUieZrni Sundciy o inneïr bruncn JANARY 22d, 977Co me in & relax 0F SCOTLANDS BARD. season. Enjoy a BY PROFESSIONAL.ARTISTS. ]uftbuc ADDRESS THE HAGGIS. ar buffet bru TOAST THE LASSES. ROAST BEEF DINNER.fmos ule $25.00 PER COUPLE. 12 noon - 3 p.m. ADULTS $595 $300I COCKTAIL HOIJR from 4 p.m. - 7 pem. Mondczy - Friday r [ WHITBY THEATRE Com!p y 7» 3 TH E WHI TBY CENT ENNIAL BUILDING FOR THE SPRING MUSICAL REVUJE TO BE PRESENTED MARCH 16-17-18-19 DIRECTED BY F3ERT HEAVER Actors, singers, dancers, musicians, comedians, etc. Auditions wiII be held, Sunday, January 16. Starting 7 p.m. at The Theatre, Whitby Centennial Building, 416 Centre St. S. (entrance through stage-door, only. W/est side of building) BRING PREPARED MATER IAL, MUSIC etc. ACCOMPANIST WILL BE PRESENT,------ NEWOII! Whitby Community Bingo 2 - $5000 JACKPOTS MONDAY JAN, 17TH1 FIRST JACKPOT AT 52 NUMBERS, SECOND JACKPOT AT 57 NUMBERS A TOTAL PURSE 0F $1 ,675 UP FOR GRABS Every Mondciy Night Early Bird gaimes start cxi 7:015 p.m. rio childron under 16 admitted HEYDENSHORE PAVILION (crer Wat.r St. and Dunàlop Dr. Whitby)

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