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Whitby Free Press, 19 Jan 1977, p. 11

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WHITBY FREE PRESS,'WEDNESDAY,.JANUARY 19,1977, PAGE 11 Ready by end of Janîiary Cross country ski trail being cut through Heber Down area Cross Country skiers will have facilities for their sport within the Town of Whitby by the end of January, thanks to a project being undertaken by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. .Sînce a week before Christmas, the conservation authority lias been cutting a thriee-to-five-iitile trail throughi "00 acres of previouisly unused bushland in the Heber Down- Conservation Area. The project is under the direc<ion of Johin Rae, who is working for CLOCA for six ïnonthis on a Local Initiatives Prograin grant. Mr. Rae is a graduate of recreation admin- istration fromn Seneca College, and lielped design ski trails for the College. He started planning the route of the ski trait last 'Novenber, and -CLOCA main- tenance crews began cutting a path rthrough the woods in Deceniber. Mr. Rae expects the îvork to be done w.ithin two w.eeks and the trail open to the public before thc end of Januiary, depending 0o1 snow conditionis. To reach the cross country ski trait. miee follow.s Tamnton Roa d west froîn Highw\av I12 to Cotintry Lane Road, anîd north on Country Lane to the entrance of the Heber Down Conservation Area. Instead of going throughi the entrance, one turns to the* right and goes a short distance to the Hydro right-of-way, where the trail begins. The conservation authority has leased 10,000 square feet of land from Ontarlo Ilydro to provîde parking for 50 cars. Last week, a tractor was busy filling a ditch to provide an entrance to the parking area. The 200 acres w.here thc ski trait is located is ideai for winter recreation, but part is uinusuiabte in the sumnmer Mien it becoines damp and sw.amipy, saysMr. Rae. The one-way trail leaves the parking lot, following an old logging road thiro.ugh the btish to an abandonied saý.w mnill. The skier has the option of proceeding through the field by thie ilI, or tumrning east -on the trail andl proceed- ing ini a senîi circle tilI lie mec ts the nttirai gas pipelinec righ t-o f-way, whicli tzkes ini back to the parking lot. Thiere is ailso an option of following the trail .past t lit- Pipeline to 'an abandioncd railwav e mbankmieilî and hack Opn 7 dojis a we.Ic Mapleleaf RESTAURANT 120 BROC* ST. M. WITBY - TEL. 668-9461 D.icious Caftodan oqd tta Dis*& 2>ELOITTE, -HASKINS& SELLS LIMITED. Trustee in B3ankruptcy Bell Canada Building Oshawa Centre, Oshawa Phone 579-8202 F. Alan Lawson, C.A. P.O. F3OX 800. Vice-President Oshawa Li H 7N1 across the Hydro right-of-way. A wide variety of country- side, fromi fighit bush to'open fields, to old ernbanikments and right-of-ways is included along the trail. The trail wilI be clearly marked with directional sigris, says Mr. Rae, and there are also signs, prohibiting snowînobiiing. According to Mr. Rae, the conservation authority is con- sidering opening the old logging road to cars in the surner and niaking the field around the saw miii into a pienic area in the future. The roacl would be elosed to cars in the wintter and reniain a s a ski trail , lie says. The abandonefi saw miii wili be left as is for the prescrit titiie, says Mr. Rae, but lie hopes the conservation authority cati obtain a grant to preserve it as a shelter. FLrthcrinforînatiort vjiibe issued by CLOCA oni the I leber Downi Conservation Area ski trail once it is ready for uise. This abandoned saw miii, a relie of former days, is one of the attractions which can be seen on the new ski trail being eut through a wilderness portion of the Heber Down Conservation Area. John Rae, designer of the trail, examines the oid Mill, which may become a pienie shelter as further development of the site takes place. Free Press Photo TORETIIEMENT I What you don'tko May be costmg you money F Here'show a TO Retirement Savings Deposit can help YODsave money l>ica p 1reccoip.orl)RSI 1l) lBrandih. Tl k tt \1 tut-hkt. 1977. îs the' 1 ts 1 t\ VOU t-1. _ _ _ - I -j X t V ' 11*l5& St-t- LIS TORONTO DOMINION hj )Igik wht!rt.,people rn'.kiethe' difference RETIREMENT HOME Private Rooms Excellent Meals Ac tive Inde pendent Retirement Living ln Port Perry Enquire 895-3312 « visit PORT PERRY VILLA- 451 LilaoStreet"

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