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Whitby Free Press, 19 Jan 1977, p. 13

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Free Press Emporium (Continued) Misceilcmneous H-enry Moore Liinited ɏdition ETCHING - on solid sterling siver. A beautiful work of art & an ideal collectors itemi. Only $850. Cali 723-0722. FIGURE SKATES - size 2 $3; mens skates, size 10, $3; baird cage and stand, $25; waff le iron,' $5; toaster, $5; mop headý wringer, $5; carpet swveeper, $10; bathroomn light, $20; water press ure ta nk, $10; va po r izer, $5; electric coffee perk, $10; B & W TV, $100. Cal 668-9404. .HANGING LIGHTFIXTURE- antique, $20; salon-style hair dryer, $10. Cal 668-8273 after 6 p.m. SELECTIONS 0F CLASSICAL MUSIC - Thie World's Greatest Waltzs, Rap.-id!y & B lue, Albumi of Conserto by Beethovan, Dosvn Memnory Lane, Music bY Joe Strauwvs, $2 per record. Cal 728-3297. Gravely Lawn T-.'actor Equîp- ment - 30" Rotary Mosver, $200; 48" curved Snow or Dirt blade, $90; 42" sickle mower, $275, al itemis in good condition. Cal 655-4995. Gas tired commetcial deep FRYER - two baskets, $225; Domnestîc SEWING MACHIINE, $50. Both are ini good condition. Cal 579-0840. BABY CRIB - baby carrnage, $15; wvith child's chair, 655-3511. Toddler's SLEEPING BAG - $8, Ford front guard car seat, $1 2; Cal 668-8626. LEATHER JACKET - Ladies, dark brown, like new, zip-out lining, sire 16, $25. Cali 655-4995. STEEL DOUBLE GARAGE DOOR - in good condition, $200. Cali 66 8-83 10. Convertible STROLLER - $25; circular playpen. $ 15; baby walker, $3; imaternity lothes, srmailisize. (Calil 668-I1969 aiter 41).11. USED TV ANTENNA .20. Cali 668-8943. WEDDING DRESS-incîuding headpiece, $1 20 or best of fer. Cali 723-6197. HOCKEY EQUIMENT - shin pads,, $15; hockey pan ts, * $8; shoulder pads, $8;, cooper gloves, $10; helmet, $10, ail equipment in excellent condition. Cal 668-676 1 ask for Steve.. SKIS & POLES - with Salomon bindings, size 7 buckle boots with press, $45; 0CM Elite ladies 5-speed with generator, $80. Cali 668-1 153 or 668-1465. $20, Lloyd CL ER-2 n. 1 /7'I'oilg, baby hutler footers $3 & $5,('ail 68-83f) $20. Cali tI s 3 5 al 6-34 I Black Persian LAMB COAT - ifuil length, size 16, $125. Call I576-0714. GOALIE EQUIPMENT will fit ages 12 - 1 7, $50: including 2 pairs of'Butr skates, size 8' $20 & size 1 0, $30; ail ini A-1 condition. ('ail 655-34 10. Canadiana sm-alil pritiitive ROCKER, $30; 6' pinc bentcl, $35; fliaxcutter. $50; pine tooil box, $10. Cail 683-5671~ Greenwvood. Downhill SKIS, POLES, BINDINGS & BOOTS - sire 8. $25. Caîl Ajax 683-6638. THE PERFECT THE TYPIST - manual typewriter, 668-1076. GIFT FOR -U nderwood $125. Cali . GIRLS TUBE SKATES - size 1 2, $4; 2 pair childrens snow boots. sizes il & 12. $4 pr., girls winter coat, sire 6X, $8; easy bake oven, $6. Cali 668-01 70. RANGETTE - $15; Chrome kitchen table, $1 5; 6 chairs, $2 each; smaii table, $5 (may be a telephone table>; two f loor arnps, $5 ea; living room chair, Danish style, $10; 24"~ Boys bicycle, $10; two 14" rims for tires, $2 ea; 2 door ciosures, 4" The Briton, 1M each; ski poies and boots, or 10 year olId, $7; one Venican blind, 112" wide, $5; ils0 one 51 " wide, $3. Cali 368-6580. POWER HAND SAW - ..raftsman, 7" 1-3/ hp, like new, $30. Cal 668-4743 after6 p-m. CRIB & MATTRESS - excellent condition, $50; baby ounge chair, $11; judo Outf it, $10; part sea scout uniform, $3; boys hockey equipment, $6; mens Bower skates, sire 8-8%/, $15; Cali 1 -263-8889. King ELECTRONIC SCOPE $ 1,800. Cal 668-8125. ROOM DIVIDER - custom made, wrought iron, f-ive panels to talling 10' x 15', haîf price at $225; Cail Claremont 649-5712 after 5 p.m. 72 cu. in. health ways"TANK - galvinized finish, harness, certi- liÎed 4 years, $40; Sportsways water Iung, single hose, regulator, with reserve, $40; Yashica D, 2%" sq. camera, F3.5, 11,500 second, case plus 1ight meter, flash unit, $50; Prinz p lot three 35mm, F2.8, one 2/MOh second with cage, $25. Cati 668-147 3. BOYS SUIT - size 16, as new, $8; racing set, Si 5; barbecue, $2. Caîl 668-5060 af ter 3 p.m. Heavy Royal Office TYPE- WRITER - in good condition, $60; Srnith-Corona typewriter, portable with case, in good condi- tion, $60; Solid State Sony-i- matic tape recorder, 4-track, 3 speed, with built in public address system, in excellent con- dition. $200. Cali 728-9777. Bikes Girls UNIROYAL BIKU. for ages 8 - 12, gold in colour, white banana scat, high handlebars, in good condition, $35. Cali 728-9777 $5 or under; frames, $3; pedals. $1 each; handle bars, $2 each. seats, $ 1.50; sisybars, S1; rîms, $1,50; tires, 75 cents; tubes, 50 cents; valves, 25 cents; accessories, $5 or lcss. Calil Greg at 668-6790. 1966 HONDA S90 - set ulp as trail bike, in good running condition, $1 25. Cal 649-58 1l. 1972 SL-100 HONDA must selI, $250 or best offer. as is. Ca1l1668-0404 anytime. BI KE - 1 0-speed, good condition, askîng $65. Cal John at 668-8204 af ter 4 p.m. ______________________________________________ i WHITBY;FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY, 19, 1977, PAGE 13 Services Pets& Supplies- Two SINGING CANARIES - in separate cages, $35 each. Cali 668-4915. Light blue BUDGIE - in yeliow cage, with chrome stand, excellent condition, $25. Cal 668-2461. BIRD CAGE good condition, 655-3(157. - floor stand, $40. CalI GERMAN SHORTHAIR POINTER - 1 year old, makL, doghouse included, $35. Cal 576-8667. Studded Western SAI)DLE in good condition, $75.CalI 668-7098. Trained 1)EER IIOUND - $60. Cail 985-2985. BIRD CAGE - with floor stand, good condition, $18. Call 668-6941. Whitby Free Press ads work! CALL 668-6111 Vour LOCAL NEWSPAPER Pets and Food Safe food handling prac- ices in the home should in- clude reeognizing pets as carriel-s of food poisoning bacteria. Foods and nutri- tion specialists say it's im- portant to wash hands thor- oughly with hot soapy wa- ter after handling pets - and before handling food. The kitchen is also not the place for pet feeding dishes, toys or bedding. Vegetarianism Most vegetanians faîl into one of three different cate- gories: l1) the lacto-ovo- vegetarian. who eats no meat, f ish or poultry; <2) the lacto-vegetarian. who eats 110 meat, fish, poultry or eggs; and. (3) the strict vegetarian. who eats no foods of animal origin what- soeve r. Wouldn't Exist A statesmen has often been defined as a man who can solve grave problems that wouldn't have existed if there were no statesmen. .ATTENTON FARMERSIII SUY AT REASONABLE PRICES - I.MOTGRILI I Prm 0w! I <-ex> "03381i you For informaltion contact: helpOXFAM Worklng With People through Who Are Halping Th.mselves OXFAM F.O. Box le,00 Si-IAEPLAN STN. "A"w TORONTO M W <Highest Prices Paid for Gold and Silver coins old guns, dlocks, jewelry, disiies, furniture, crocks, oul, paintings and sealers. Friendly Flea Market 725-9783, 23 King West, Oshawa CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS IKitehens, -Ceramic Tfling IDrywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar jDecks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES - Cail 668-4686 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of GEORGE H. VICK, deceasd Ail persons havîng dlaims against the Estate of George H. Vick, late of the Town of Whitby in the Regional Munîcipality of Durham who died on or about the 24th day of February, 1976 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the lst day of March, 1977 after which date the Estate wili be distributed, wiîth regard only to the dlaims of which the undersîgned shahl have notice, and the undemsigned wiil not be hable to any person of whose dlaim he shahl not then have notice. Dated at Toronto thîs 24th day of December, 1976. Thomasine Miîded Vick, The Royal Trust Company, Executors, By their Solicitors, GARDINER, ROBERTS 120 Adelaide Street West, Suite 500, Toronto. M5H iT5 Wcnted a CERAMIC HOUSE 0F. JOY Extends an invitation for you to corne in and browse, during their OPEN HOUSE, Jan 'uary 29th On display are greenware, chess sets, dishes, figurines& early Canadian pieces. The hours are: 1: 30 tii 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. tii 9 p.m. Ashburn 655-4320 SERVICE 0F PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN U*NITY at WHITBY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH, 307 Brock St., N.. SUNDAY, JANUARY 23rd 7 p.m SPEAKER: Rev. E. Stevens BRDOKLIN ANGLICAN.CHURCH Spuiial music wili b. providmd by ai .roup of young people from Ail Saints Anglican Church. coffee and discussion will follow sponsored by the Whitby Ministerial Assoc. CLUB MANAGER The Wh itby Curling Club is seeking the proper individual to fill the position of Clul Manager and Ice Maker or a combination thereçQf. This is a responsible full-tirne position open to rnale and' fernale applicants. The starting date for this position is April 15, 1977. Apply ini confidence sending resume be fore Wednesday, February 2, 1977 stating qualifications and salary expected to: Ron Ennis, 242 Lupin Dr., Whitby, Ont. 579- 1822 REAL ESTATE SALESPEOPLE For New Modern Office We can offer you: Location - Whitby Mail, lois of parking for both staff and clients, excellent exposure. Commission - We believe our commission split is as compe- titive as any in addition we have a very attractive bonus systern. Guidance - Our office when up to full capacity will have 6 sales people, allowing the bro ker time to give his personal> attention to ail his staff. If you 'are thinking of a career in Real Estate, or thinkîng of an office change, cail Everett De Hart for a confîdential interview, 579-1822. 94 per cent of our energy stili. came f rom one source:. human or animnal muscle power. Today, this source accounts for one per cent of Our energy output. CLASSIFIED ADS -g - '1 -Salé* OSHAWA BARGAIN $3,000 down, 2 large bedrooms, spacious living & dining roomns, sparkling modern kitchen, ful basement,, broadloom thruout, immaculate, 10'/4% mortgage. Cali 725-3414. SWIMMING POOLS BANKRUPT STOCK New redwood type swimming pools at. huge reductions over manufacturers' suggested list price. From public auction of bankrupt Fanta Sea Swirn Centre. First corne, First served. Limnited quantities. Installations and Terms arranged. Phone Mr. Press Colleet at 416-576-4042 9a.m.-6p.m. NO DEALERS' WINTER COATS- last chance for somne very special buys on fashion winter coats. The Nearly New Shop, 131 Brock St. S., Whitby, Shop daily 9:30-5:30 668-4100 BUSINESS OPPORTUN ITI ES EARN AT HOME, mailing commission circulars. $50 - $150 week possible. No experience necessary. Send- addressed, stamped envelope ta Universel *W117, G ilf ord, 0Ontario L OI 1RO0. EARN SOME $$$ (part timne) Seli pant y-hose, men's socks, tights, etc. Get your free catalogue. Act Now! Nycole' Hosiery, C.P. 252 Ste-Julie, Quebec. JOL 2C0 FULLER BRI)SH CO. FOR VOUR FULLER REQUI REMENTS CALL FAY DREW 668-9915, NEED BABYSITTER For 3 month old, West Lynde area. Monday to Friday from 8:30Oto 5:15. Call 668-1018. RI DE AVAILABLE Froin Whitby to Bay and Wellesley Streets in Toronto arriving at 8 a.m. and leaving at 4 p.rn. Caîl 668-1402 after 6 p.m. For Rent iOR RENT Basemnent, bedsitting room, kitchen, two.pce. bath,private entrance, partly furnished, with fridge & stove, indludes heat & hydro; south Whitby, near GO station, $35 weekly. Cail 668-9910 or 668-5705. OFFICE &RiWAREHOUSE

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