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Whitby Free Press, 26 Jan 1977, p. 9

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1977, PAGE 9 Firat meeting Feb. 2 i Oshawa City Hall Two West Lynde residents -start adoptive parents association By BRIAN WINTER Staff Writer Durham Region may soon have an active adoptive parents association, thanks to the efforts of two residents of West Lynde. Sandy Pitters and Dawna Page, who both recently moved to Whitby and have adopted children, have been working since September to Board hii on porno says Tru: inAschool board hias no say1 dered to be pornographie literature, Whitby schioolj truistee David Sims said at a1 1Region approves1 subdivision plan The Durham Region Planning and Developient Committee has given its approval to a subdivision plan for 1 6 single family homnes on the old King Estate property. The King Estate consists of a block of land in central Whitby, bouinded by Green,s St. John, Athol and Ontarioa Streets. An empty housec stands on the block ofa property at the present timne. The region has asked that the Town of Whitby alter the lot lines to preserve existing trees on the site, that Ontario Municipal Board approval be obtained before registration of the plan, and that al requirements of the region be met by the owner, Charles Santos. The subdivision haS a potential population of 60- people, and covers two acres. The Town of Whitby recommended approval of the poposed plan on Dec. 2, Loanapproved for apartments Urban Affairs Minister Adre Quellet has announced Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation has approved a lan to the Ontario Housing Corporation to cover 90 per A cent of the capital costs of a senior citizens' housing development in Whitby. The $1,838,857 boan will help finance a six-storey building on the Coîborne Street. School ýsite. The reaiing 10per cnt of the CMHC and the OHC. Provided under the public housing section' of the National Houslng Act, the j ban'is for a term of 50 years Ilat an interest rate o'f-10, per ilI cent. establish an adoptive parents association in the region., The inaugural meeting of the association will be held Feb. 2 at 8 p.m. in Roorn 7A of the Oshawa City Hall. The meeting is open to any- one in the Durham Region who is interested in the subject of adoption. Guest speakers will be Vicki Leach, adoption - co-ordinator for the Province is no say )gr.aphy stee S'lms Durhami Region Board of* Education mneeting last week. The board received a letter fromi the 1I lasting(s-Priiiwe Edward Separate School Board, requesting a "united front" by school boards allainst poriiocralphy. Oshiaa Truistec Larry Corrigan suggested the Duirharn Boa rd slîou Id refer the inatter to its programi andI curriculuni conmittee, andi souind out the coinmnuni ty on its feelings, but Mr. Simis disagreed. He suiggested the board's external relations conîittee should look after the mlatter and Idiscuiss it Nvith other levels of governmnent. The board, after sonie debate. asked Chairmnan Yvonne Cliristie to follow-up the issue and sue referred it to the externat relations comimittee. of Ontario, and Helen Allen, writer of the "Today's Chlld" column in the Toronto Star. Since September, the Adoptive Parents Association of Durham Region has been operating with an organizing cornmittee made up of Mrs. Pitters as chairmian, Mrs. Page as secretary, and Cathy Archer of Oshawa as treasurer. Mrs. Pitters was involved in piloting an adoptive parents association in London, Ont. two years ago, and lias adopted at ages three, five and eighit. She and her husband were asked by the Childreni's Aid Society of Londoni to talk to people about adoption on an indivitînal basisand ini groups, anid \orked to estab5lish anii association tliere. Mrs, Pitters iniovedto WVli tby iii Noveruibe r 1975 antd becaîne cliairmian of (lie Bloc k Pare n t s progra ni for West Lyntle. Slie gt)t to know adoptive pairenîts in tlhe airea whlo werc exprcssint, a desi re tt formi an associa tion or grt)up to get together to discuiss conîniion probleuîîs aiîd experiences. Miîen atteniding a pa ren t effectiveness course at West Lynde School last spring. she met Mirs. Page, anotter reside,ît of West Lynde. wvli wvas also an adoptive paren t. Mrs. Page lias four childreui, onec adopted at age three, and lias lived inilby about Iwo anid a haîf years. Wlîile ini Toronîto. she \vas involved ini toster parent groupls. Both wvoineen becanie initer- ested in establishing an adoptive parents association in Durham ,Region, and in September 1976. Mrs. Pitters contacted the Family and Children's Services of Durham Region (Children's Aid Society) to see if there w as a need for such an association. The adoption supervisor, Mrs. Mira Blake told her the society would be happy to hiave a parents' support group, and offered to work as a liaison to set it up. Mrs. Blake supplied naines of people in the rcgion wlio niiighit be interested and an organî/.ing commiiittee was tornmed to draw up a consti- tution and objectives for thie aIssociation. Accorcling to Mrs. Pitters, aidoptive parcnts can talk mtore candidly abottadoption witi otliter parents thian 'vithi socil orkers because parents are with tdie childrenl on a daiy-to-day basis. Soine of'tthe prt)blenms tiu n adoptive parent, slie says, arc: adjustmient of old- cr children to a ilew famnily. \vhiat to dlo if a chiild waiits to l'ind Ibis former vzircnts, lho\v tt tell I achild adopted in infaincy thait lie is adopted Mvien lie growvs older. ind lho)\ to ct)Ivince adopted chi Idren tdliat t beyl have -aival id past. NIrs. Pitters points out t ha t nîost adoptions today arotf' scliool-age cliii idren ratdhcr t ha n infaints. "Adoption' s taiking on a wliole new mae.shie says. Thie Adoptive Parents Association of Durhiami Region lias already macle plans to conduct programs on the legal rights of' adopted children, and a panel discussion on adoption and chilld care. The association plans to have membership fees to pay expenses, and publish a newsletter. Mrs. Pitters feels there is a need for an association for adoptive parents in the region because "it is comforting to talk to somneone else who has been through the same experience, and new adoptive parents can find out what to expect". Anyone wislinig further information on the Adoptive Parents Associationi of Durham Region can caîl Mrs. Pit ters at 668-1326. Sandy Pitters, a resident of West Lynde, is working to set up an adoptive parents association for Durham Region. Free Press Photo Ron Deeth of* WINDCREST FARMS LIMITED R.R. 2, Port Perry, Ont. LOB 1iNO is pleased to announce the OPENING 0F NEW PACKING HOUSE FACILITIES Purchase top quality beef sides f or your freezer, direct f rom the producer's feediot *Cattie are corn fed *Various side sizes availabie, cut wrapped and f ast-f rozen to vour famiiy needs *Price of beef sides based on daily up-to-date market quotations *Home delivery availabie *Our new facilities are approved by the Ministry of Agriculture, Veterinary Services Branch *All animais siaughtered under strict Provincial Government supervision *Visit our Feediot and New Packing House every Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon or by appointment 1 Business hours: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. daiiy .8:.00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Saturday No Sunday Sales PHON E: 416-985-7267 Directions to Windcrest Farms Ltd. Two concessions south of Manchester, second farm east of Hîghway Concession 111. No. 12, south side, Member - Ontario Cattlemen's Association Canfax - Canadian Cattlemen's Association FROM FEEDLOT TO FREEZER WHITBY BRANCH 0F THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY ANNUAL DINNER MEETING Tuesday, February 8th, 1977 at 6:30 p.m. Red Room - Whitby Malil Restaurant Guest Speaker - Ken Bagnel Topic - The Mledia anid the Myth Tickets $6.50 Availabie at Whitby Red Cross, Centre Street Phone 668-2'741 HI THERE' We are i nterested in YOU. Volunteers are NEEDED 7 - 70 yrs. Training provided for teaching, programs DAY and EVENING for retarded aduits land children. Durham Centre for the Developmentolly Handicapped 668-7745, ext. 435 - Cail between 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. cAibtinnonrk I IPIENT IN

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