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Whitby Free Press, 26 Jan 1977, p. 16

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"'PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY,*JANUARY 26, 1977, WHITBY'FREE PRESS Press Autos 6 1969 CI-EV 'PANEL - 6 cylinder standard, radio, 196 8 VOLKS WAGON VAN- window curtains, extra tires, 12,000 cc dune buggy, needs some excellent condition, $ 1,450. Cal w',rk, $200 or best offer. Cal 576-3034. 655-3756. 1968 CHEV IMP ALA - 1967 PONTIACPARlSIENNE- recnt ain an four door, four new radial tires, famn i cando body work,god in good condition,, $550. Cn~l farnlY arlowmileage, asking 655-3043. $850 certified. Calil 668-2485 after 6 p.m. 1974 CAPRICE CLASSIC - 1963 PONTIAC - being fully equipped, $4,000. 1966 drivein regularly, as îs, corrplete PONTIAC - two door, V-8. with snows. $100 or best offer. power steering, power brakes, Cî 5-76 $400. 1971 VAUXHALL PARENSA SL - good condition, .1967 METEOR FORD - new S650. Cal 668-8957. paint and body work, runs good, asking $400. Cali 668-2485 after 6 p.m. 1964 CHEVY 2 - 6 cyl., 1967 VW BEETLE- $300 good running condition, no a- i. CalR.72-53o safety check, $150 or best offer. Bs 6-15 Cal) 668-2806 after 4 p.m. Bs 6-15 1973 DATSUN- 2402, certified, chrome rims, front 1967 DODGE PALARA - spoiler, 50,000 miles, AM/FM two door hard top, very dlean, stereo, excellent condition. Cal) in good running condition, $250 576-2358. as is. Cal 668-9870 after 5 pmn. '67 CHEV BELAIR-as is 1968 COUGAR -~ $200. $200. Ca1576-4O23 Cal 668-6068 or 668-7852. 1974 DATSUN B210 HiATCH- BACK - mag wheels,. standard 1973 REMLN - $500'shif t,' AM-FM stereo radio, rear 1973GRELIN - $,50 window defogger, 30,000 ruiles, uncertified and $1 ,700 certified. $2.100 or best offer, will certify, Cali 655-3027. Cal 723-6371 after 5 p.m. 1973 VOLKSWAGON - 412, 1974DODGE CUSTOM VAN - 4 door, gold, 45,000 miles, many extras, $2,750. Cal radiais, excellent condition, 683-2968. 1995 certified. Cali 723-2394 afx.r 5 p.m. 1973 VEGA GT HATCI-- 17 OD 0-or cditiun, atic ,49 goCal 3,100 miles, driven only 50 miles conditi4on, aki6g-8,928 atIin 1976, excellent condition, 75-174 or66-92.at S 1,200. Cal) 723-2394 after 5 p-m.5 p.m. 1966 FORD - convertible, 1967 OLDSMOBILE - et recent paint and body work, flCV 88, 4 door hardtop, air condition- top, runs good, asking $650 or ing, $400; 1965 PONTIAC best offer. Cali 668-2485 afte; CUSTOM SPORT, excellent for 6 p.m. parts, as is. Si 50. Cali 668-0082. 1971 VOLKSWAGON 411- 4 dr. automatic, am/fm radio 1974 FORD WINDOW VAN - radial tires, 45,000 miles, wili $3.000; 1975 NOVA HATCH- .~certify, trailer hitch, asking $995. BACK, S3,500. Cal) 576-0773. Cali 668-0581. 1966 STRATO-CHIEF 1963 RAMBLER - white PONTIAC i n running stationwagon, certified, $300 or condition, as is, $100. Cal) best offer. Must Sell. Cal! 668-4058' 668-5745. OFFSTREET DUNE BUGGY - with dual wheels, spare enginie 1964 BUCK SKYLARK - &towbar, $150. Cali 655-4973. two door hardtop, 45,000 original-miles, excellent condition 1971 VW SUPER BEETLE - inside & out, certified, $925 or good condition, gas heater, extra best offer. Cal 668-0082 after snow tires, asking $1,100.- Cal) 6 p.m. . 655-4995. 1971 PLYMOUTH DUSTER - 1966 I3UICK - $75. Cal! good condition, will certify,$1 100 725-4339. or best off er. Cal)1668-5660. 1 1969 VW - needs some work, 1966 BUICK SPECIAL- $400 as is, $475 certif ied. Cal) $7.5. Cal 725-4339. 655-3756 after 6 p.m. 1 Two 1971 VOLKSWAGONS - 1970 DODÇECHALLENGER - in excellent condition, low certified, $895 or best offer. Cal mileage, $1 ,000 each .or best 668-5745. offer. Cal) 649-2021 after 5 p.m. weekdays, weekends anytimfe. 1964 CHEVELLE SS - six 1968 FAIRLANE - no cylinder, bucket seats, floor mnotor, $50. Cal) 655-3972 after console, good tires, body and 6 p.m. inteior in fair condition, $200 1972 SKIROULE SNOW- firmn as is. Cali 728-3992. MOBILE - RTZ300, excellent condition, double swivel trailer, 1976 CHEVETTE - $3,0; used only 3 or 4 times, asking 1976 PACER, good condition, $700. Cal 668-5194. ISEATS - good shape, $10 each. 1973 PONTIAC CATALINA - Cal! 655.4610. 4 dr. hdtp., rebuilt engine,, new brakes, radial ' 'tare, asklng SNOW CRUISER - 35 hp., $2,600 or nearest offer, MiI ihas reverse, $600. Cal certif V. Caîl 655-3691 after 6 p.m. 1 655-4741. C'ail66Î NOTICE TO REA Emporium LDERS Advertisc FREE in the FREFE PRESS EMPOR.IUMI, pay ONLY ,when you seil! There will flot bc any charge to advcrtisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the itcni advertised is sold. When the advertiscd item is sold, you pay a commission based on THIE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustratcd below. Ail advertisemnents must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WFITBY FREE PRESS r run at least one mnnih ifnot sold. RATES (if article is sold): '5% of advertised price up to $400.0 :217o of balance over $400.00- EXAMPLE: Sold item advertiscd for $50.00 - commission due $2.50 _(minimum cenmmissioni is $ 1.50) 'Prîvatc advertisý.g only! Please notify us if you find a retailer listcd as a private advertiser. Pîcase notify the Whitby Frce Press immcdiatcly whcn item is sold so that we may delete it fromn the following issues. Services, help warited, clothing, real estate and personal message type ads can only bc handled on a prcpaid basis. If in doubt, caîl 668-6111 MAIL ALL ADS TO: FRErPRPtss EMPORR P.O. Box 206, Whîtby The deadline for emporium ads is the Monday at noon. Furniture COUCII Lrey. tswo scai, very, Antique VI('TORIAN SOFA - good condition, $75. ('anribc 130 years oh!. rust0red, ike new, scen at 114 Grecn St. or ('ail aiskillL $800. CU'Il 655-3ý!3. 66 8-554 I ailler 4 p.min. CHINA CABINET - with round glass front, $235; RCA ElIcetroloinc B & W 'I V Colour TV, radio, record player, $50: vanimv sî,nk wilhi taps. $10: $275; wooden fern stand, $35; %%ait lmuinL sink. $5:. portable Cal) 723-24213. LIecetrohomuiie hutmidifie r. S 15 AtqeWOE kimeheit ink laps, $5: cîeccrie 12Anti*ur e Oi)ii'.N ('iRailF desk caîculalur. $10.Il R'S. IR 70'1(-I"dmar tu b pm S. 25: 3 Itiniline HL.F (-4 yao lixtures. $2 ai approx. 23 ray'on, $811. ('aIl (68- IA0(2. chrome kitlien ctslboard knobs. ROLLAWAY BED -, 30"" $8:.igrcenmiIined livingrooni drapes. wîde. $8: kitchen or bar stool \530. (aIl 72t'i-81)Io al'ler . 24"hiqh, one memal, $7; beige d3.('iai5l7 air5 .v rug, 11V4- x 10', needs cleanîng, da0y $35: two burrier stove, eélectric, 220 volt heavy duy, 25" high SCNI ELEC'fRI(' BROOM -wîth shelf, rio oven, $1 5. Cali $6; PORTABLE- IAJIRIRYIE-R, 655-3860. '$4. Cali 723-0855. LIVINGROOM DRAPES - ANTIQUE - oak parlour doors green, with Kirsch track ta fit with 15 panes of leaded glass DeskCluatar16, $10; ELaunryc each, $250 pair; one large globe DTub Pup $5tr, 0;Laumili fixture for work area, $5; ladiesTu mp$2;he L iln buckle ski boots, size 7, $12' Light Fixtures, $2 each; approx. 1"Sugl" bby ackpac, $5:23 chrome kitchen cupboard Delnuxe jolly bjump, $5. 5C1î knobs and hinges, $8; Wall Hung Delxejoly umer $5 CliBathroom Sink, $5. Cali 1668-7439. 725-8079 af ter 5 p.m. daîîy. - AIR CO1F4DlTlONER - $35; DUNCAN PIIYFI TABLE hood fan, $40; TV stand, $15; scats 9 pcoplc, good condition. lawnmower, $40; sledgehammer, $67. Cal 723-8934. $5; plastic clothes closet, small, $5 large, $15;, diamond swags, $15; nylon screening, $5; punch ELCRCBROOM -- Viking bowl set, $10; Sears plastic f ence, ELCTIC$20; two-seater bicycle, $50; $8; Bissell Iloor Carpeit Sw.eeper. soteto are ol.Cl $4; G.E. Eîcctric [baor Polisher.aso6m6t8 fgade8to1.9.î $10. AIl in vcry good condition. Cal985-2621. Fourodd KITCHENCHAIRS - Trailers, etc, wooden, $9 each; Four Dining Room Chpirs, $25 e.'-h; Two TENT -- 9 x 1 2 woods canvas living room chairs, , & $1 5; with floor, $75. Cali ('laremnont triple dresser mirror only, $25; 649-5712 aftcr 5 p.lfl. telephone bench, $15; Bedroom lamps, i pr., $5; Cal) 668-9009. 15' BRUNSWICK BOAT - 181. WISCOOT TRAI LER, 50 hp Johnson motor, asking $2,000,, KroclîlerCIESRlI ) nany extras. Cal! 728-3297. ýchair & ottornan, ais new, blue- green, $300 or nearcst offcr; Console eofcec table, $50; 1971 NORDIC SKIDOO - flIoover flour polishier, $15; 399 manual, 24 hp., used only Slendcr-llendcr exerciser, $15; occasionally, $600. Cal) baby car scat, $ 10. Cali 655-3446. 725-2967. 4 TIRES - ncw (5) 1178-15, WALNUT COFFEE TABLE - b1k/all ff vn, 175 et. ali39" x 22" in excellent condition, b6/55 lof- vn,$151et.Cîl$50. Cal) 668-5596. TWO TIRES - 560-13 COFE TB , EN B3ridgestone, for Datiamn, complete CF TABLE E rvNcilD wit rm.$66 Cl!668797. fruitwood, $100; large oit 'TIRES - 4 nuw, Goodyear, ;painting on canvas, $100. Cali D70-14, bîackwall, $t~20, -for '668-0633. compact or interrnedîate car. Cal! 668-8ý44. liKtiS- J78-15, Goouiricn ANTIQUES- Victorien setee, belted, $10; tire & rim, 825-14, cameo back, velvet, $500; Goodyear Chrysler rim, $10; pressed back nursing rocker, $65;.. snow tire & rim, G78-14, twvo a ntiq ue wicker chairs -Chryler rim, $15. Cali 655-3860. unpainted, $>150 p air; single brass 1969 13' Triple E TRA 1 LER - and iron bed, $150; odd plants in sîeeps four, fridge. stove, gas antique crocks; chandelier. $25; furnace, canopy, very good ',Cali 668-5830. condition, $11500. Cal 683-2861. WHEEL RIMS'- top BE:U - spring, good condition, condition, Chevrolet 1511; pair_ new mettress, single, $95; rug $25 f irm; three good regular cleener; $15,--cottage'4ýtove,'$15;i inner-tubes, 13" Wheels, $10 flrm. bird cage &, stand,, $40. - Call Cali 579-0317. 1668-0920. >CLOTHES DRYER - $65; Underwood standard typewriter, $20; pine gatelake table, $60; antique washstand, $65; RCA 20" colour TV, $95; 18' of drapery 60" long brown burlap, $10; one SOL humner & contraIs, $45; antique pine harvest table, best of fer over $100. Cal)1668-3889. STAINLESSSTEELKITCHEN SINK - $7; enamel kitchen sink, $5; inside doors, assorted sizes, $ 2.510 achi. Cal] 66 8-8125. BATHROOM SET- Com- plete, modern. White- tub sink, toilet. $100. Electric water puinp, pressure 1100. 576-4023 tank~. ELECT'RIC STOVE - two burncrs, ovcn nceds somne repairs. $30. CaîlI 668-0721. POOL TABLE -31/. x 6', in excellent condition, $11 5. Calîl 668-6779 af ter 5 p.m. -ELECTKIC STOVE good condition, $50. 655-4944 afttEr 5 p. m. very Cali HUMI DI FIER - one year old, $65. Cali 795-8872 after 6 p.m. SI'WING MACIIINIE-' - Seairslrcv., itlî cabinet. excellent cotidilion, $75.('all 668-5447 LETRCSTOVE tîused, n, workintg order. 22" Nvide, $30. ('al 728-2484. WRINGER WASIIER- in' j\-I condition. $50 or best offer. I)ESK, modemn 30" x 60", two file dra,.,ers, one box drawver. $50. Cal(668-7832- -STIOVE "--tw.o btîrncr. & oven S25; dm new MOI1l.D. gôod shape, uscd twice. SI 0(1. ('-il! 723-6201. Rouind I-cl) Top POKER TABLII. includinu set in !-lasses and ahtrays, like new~, $60 or hest otier. C'al 668-70198. Four-burner electric STOVE - $25; Aluminurn storm DOOR, 6*10" x 2'10-, $25. Cal) 655-3768. Two brand new EXTENSION SIDES - for crib or bed, $8 ea; sma)l wood bookcase nicely finished, $25; wood coffee table, $5; 2 large diaper poils, white, $2 each; assorted beautiful walI plaques, hanging & pictures, must be seen, best offer. Cali 668-656&7. ELECTRIC BROOM - $12; Electric Motor, 14 hp, $10; Stan dard size Bathtub, Muite, new, $25; Alumninum door, 34w, 82h, with hardware, $1 5; electric range, white, 30", oven window, $60. Cali 668-3112. Infants CAR SEAT - like new, $15; large aId, solid walnut desk, brass poles, needs refinishing, $60; antique dresser, bow front, large ,plate glass, bevelled swinging mirror, $160; antique oak chest of drawvers, ornate brass hand les and keyholes with keys, china casters on legs, $250; double bed head- board & footboard with frame, $25; canopy frame for a double bed, $10; modemn TV stand, $5; very large o)d twin bedroom set, solid walnut, inlaid & ivory handles, cansists of two 39" bedî, one vanity with ful beveîled mirror,, upholstered bench seat, one night table, one large chest of drawers .with cupboardi. $500. Cali 668-6567, 12 STRING GUITAR - EKO Ranger X11-E, electric-acoustic model made in 1968, with new case strap and cord, excellent condition, $250. Cali 668-1804 after f5 o.mn. STEWART DRUMS - complete set, in perfect condition, must sel), $350 or offers. Cal 668-3549 evenings preferred. PLAYER PIANO - Mohogany with approximately 100 rotes, complete pack 'age $650, or silI roils for $200 the lot. Cali 655-3411.. 1 DRYER, white, 1 year old, excellent condition, asking $175. (new selling for $250- $2759 Caîl 668-7563 after 4 p.m. PHILIPS TELEVISION - B & W, in working order, $25; storm door, alumiînum, $35. Cal! 668-6922. MOFFAT GAS RANGE - 30", only used one year, excellent condition, eye-level broiler rotissery, avocado green,' original price, $650, asking $300. Cal! 668-1766. McClary easy electric, clothes DRYER - _good working condition, $80; dinette arborite TABLE & CHAIRS, --extension table, $30. Caîl 728-9737. POOL TABLE - about' 4' x 8', $150; Bed, 39", $25; headboard (White 391>, $20~ (neyer uçsd. Cal) 668-2649 TV - Console fi & W, $250 ,or best offer; two metal bed frames with spring. $30 or best offer. Cal! 668-9278. TV - Console, 24" FIee twood, in good condition, B & W, $30. Caîl 655-4630. WASIIER, DRYER, FRIDGE, STOVE - almost new, asking $1.100. Cal!1668-4652. BALL BQ - excellent condition, $15; Lawnniower, $25. Caîl 728-0664 after 6:30 p-m- Antique REFRIGERATOR - G.L. model built in, 1930, sLIll in working condition, only $150. Cal) 723-0722. SEWING MACHINE - ,in cabinet, has manly attachments, excellent condition, $75. Cal 1683-0329. 19" B & asking $30, 668-5459. W ADMIRAL TV - new.. tube. Cal] 36,000 BTU 3 ton Fedders AIR CONDITIONER - 3 phase power 208 volts, $375; 7V2 hp, 1974 outboard motor gea!-smodel new, $ 250. Cail 985-3542. FRENCH PROVINCIAL TV - B & W, $150; Projector Screen, $10; Preserving Jars, $1 dozen. Bathroom Iight Fixture, $5; waf fIe iron. $5. Cail 668-8028. FRIDGE - apartment size, i good, condition, $95. Cal 668-d334. RUG - green acrilan hard twist, Il' x 12' with underpad in perfect condition, $95.- Cal Claremont 649-5712 after 5 v.m. BATHROOM SUITE- sink & bathtub, good condition, white, $45. Cali 668-9488. WASHER-SPIN DRYER- simplicity, needs transmission <work. $25. CaII 668-7601. Musiccl STEfÉREO - t:ectrdhom-e Cori sole, garrard ý,changer, walnut cabinet, $1 25 or best offer. Cal: 655-4295. STANDARD PEAVEY PA - two columns, ilith four 12" speakers each, seldom used, band broke up, $425. Caîl 655-36S4. STEREO TAPE RECORDER- Concord 550 (1964)>, originaîly $200 for $50; HI-FI Hýead & Kit amplifier, Gerrard Record Changer, Hi-Fi Speaker enclosure, the whoîe set for only *$25; Air 'Condition ing Window Unit, Fedders, 4000 BTU's/hr. $50;. RCA-Victor Portable Stereo Record Player, $l10. Cal 655-3915. STfEREO CABINET - waînut, 72" long centre opening for record player, onîy $50. CatI1 655-3411. ANntique GRAMOPHONE - 1916 vintage, plus '35 old *phonograph 1ecords, $200 complete. Cali 725-4339. Free Appliances m m . 0 HOUSEHOLD CONTENTS Espana ELEU17RIC GUITAR -I &,APPLIANCES 'FOR SALE. with Darius . 1001 amplifier,I lIrcUding , T~ ooîr, V, mu~sic stand, $325 complete., dehumidifler, > 19-1B- & ' 4-V' Jumbo Flat Top GUITAR, Portable TV, plus many more,' Wlth case, brand new, 4.Cati 1 itemns, Caîl 655-3691, after 6 p.m.' J'6684744 after 4 p.m .4 0

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