...1 PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26.1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS ~PMY.uh~ About titsa gosolio uIng Did you know that according to the E.P.A., there is an average decrease in 1000 pounds of. car of only four miles per gallon? This means you will use 125 gallons more fuel in 10,000 miles. Figu'red at 80 cents per gallon this would make a grand total extra of only $100. 1 think it's worth $100 to drive a full sized car with aIl the comfort, convenience and safety. How about you? Yes! We' have the big Marquis, Continentals & Mark V...At affordable prices. Come and see us or if you life, we'll bring one to your door. 683-5540 HWYý 1 KINGSTON RD. E., PICKERING 683-5840 UNO. 2 3iSTON RD.> 0 3c grE WIN UNE WEEK IN TUE SUN FOR IWO - A T THE FASU£LOUS FREEPGR T INN IN TUE BAHlAMA S eDRAW WILL BE HELO ON MONOAY, FEBRUARV 28177 DROP IN 10DMY TO FILL IN VOUR BALItTI eNO PURCHASE NECESSARY', NO PAYMENT FOR 4 5 DAYS NO DOWN PAYMENJ (il you qualîfy) Interest 13 1/2 % 1 Hr. Crrft Approval JANUARY v j CLEARANCI JIfM MAI ILAND 73 MAVERICK SALE PRICE 2 d. Ul.,auo,$1499 rdio6 , ieauto $50 90INIERESJ 13 1/2 % raiWI tewAlSA27 hyCUSI $332.40 LIC AA271 thlyBASEO ON 36 MONTHS 73 COUGAR XR7, beautiful Sierra gold, absolutely perfect. BNU 287. 73 VOLKSWAGEN 411 sedan, auto., very dlean. AXJ 121. $999. 75 MUSTANG HDTP., super sharp throughout, 2 yr. warranty. JMX 983. $2995. 75 PONTIAC Parisienne Brougham, factory air, onl'y 21,000 miles. mus-t be seen. KLO 441. 75 OLDS DELTA ROYALE 4 dr. hdtp., factory air, loaded with extras. JLF 673. PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL FEBRUARY 2/77 683-5 540 683-5840 b~ Hw Nu 2 9K..qttomRdI 1 Gi*ngerbread Lady is 'one MMMFmwRmwwý Seg Jol at Your Dealer r 72 is a welcc the progr( Johnson( in today a of Johnsc and acce, industry-lý performai efficiently 16 power Also see anotherv &an GOUTE PETEI Sim on 'bestplays of Neitl &! The Gingerbread Lady, written by Neil Simon and directed by John Caldwell wilI be presented by the Whitby Theatre Cormpany February 3, 4 and 5, ut the Centennial Building Theatre. A free performance for ail Senîior Citizens will be given February 2. This coînedy-dramia tells the std"ry of Evy Meara, playcd by Gai! Chicyne, a popular singer who bas gonc to pot wvitbi booze anrd sex. As the play opens Evy is at the end of a ton- wcek, drying-ouIt period at a saniita.riumii, wlen lier friend, her dlaughiter, and an actor try to hielp lier adjust tu sobriety and society. Butall tlîree biave the opposite effect on lier., Sidlney-Ann Lang takes the part of the friend wbo is su cornstantly vain tha t sfic fuses lie r h usband: The actor wlîo i a homio- sexuial , is also doonîed. and mndeed fuses a part in a play tliree days before tlhe op)enîng.( Thîis part is layed hy Terrifl Stewart. Denise Dawvson pur trays the daugb ter wvho needs fa r more affect ion tiîan she can ove r spa re lier miother. Enter als() a former lover lbuse, Wbu endls up giving Evy a black eye. A hirthday party wvasbcs ou t, tlhe ginge rbread lady V*al Is off' the wvagon and appears tu be becading for a certain tragic endimg. Neil Siinoni's characteristic %vit and humIIouir are a!theliir brillian t best . The serious part of fils stury Qi lost nîiisfits is truly anïd geniniely touchi- ing. This play cuntains sonie0 of the brigfîtest di-alogue Sfimon lias yet composed. L)rector John Caldwell lias cas! fuis cliaracters fbiry well- Nigel Scliifling,president of. Wlitby Arts Inc. for 1976-77, was re-efected for a second terni at tdie annual meeting of Wlîitby Arts fast week. Vice-President is former Whitby Mayor Des -Newnman, une of the foinders of tlîe orgaaiization 10 Oyears agu. Treasurer is Peter Eberîce, and secretary is Joan-Marie Dean. Directors elected this year are Barbara Bagnell, Sidnîey Lang, Abe Waîsglass. Dale -Taylor. Luis Daw and Mlandy Crawford. *Directors wvIo are serving tlîe second of' two years on tlîe board ar*e Marje Burgess, anîd Sue Neaf. Town Repre- sen tative iS CouIncillor Joy Tlîonipson. and Past President iWayne Curnier. l'ie board ut directors takes office Aprflit1, bu t Will be hiolding meetings vth tfhe old huoard hefore tlîat tîmie work of the coming year. Ambulanc e executive Tom Robe rtson was elected f6r a fourth térm as president of thîe Wlîitby Branch of the St. John Ambulance Brigade last xveek. Otlier officers elected at thie unnual nieeting were Peter Etinanskie, supervisor of 425 Division; Gail Hughes, secretary; and Ted Munns, treusurer. Vice-Chairman Whitby's mayor' Jim Gartshore was chosen last week as vice-chairman of DurhiarnRegion's management conirnittee. Chairman of the conirnittee is Councillor Alan Dewar of Oshiawa. Dm 28-7571 683-3571 mre addition to essive, Canada-wide dealer organization. Drop and look over the display on outboard motors -ssories. Johnson has eading engineering and ince features to yuse every drop of fuel. choices from 2 to 200 hp. DM0 Stern Drive engines... Nay to go! 0 rldruns moreJonson ly otheoutboa«i. BOARD MARINE CORPORATION 0F CANADA LTD.,' RBOROUGH, ONTARIO. 683-5541 elthe new '77 inson Outboards HOLIDAY WORLI Marine Division r new oahnso2n i 1916 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. 683-5541 '!IL ANDFPCU i gmm. E. rucunu Ni gel Schilling president of Whitby Artýs. me. for. second> term in 1977 1He has caught thecatmospho-,re, paradoxically of amusing comedy and great sadness. The role of' Evy is a challenging one which Gail Clîeyne tackles with ail the oxperience of an actress who lias played so rnuch varied roles in receit years.' She is culled upon to express rnany difforent enotions with those wlio surrouind lier life: Bert Kirkharn plays the part of the "n( 'oift1i boy friend, wlîo feels lie iais icenise tu heap Phy.sicail violenýe un lier. [ven the delivery boy with his suggestive -Ieering andt nudging takes for lier, an easy mark. -Paul 1-eaver iscast' in this role. The producer 'for Gingerbread Lady is Shirley Upton. Miss Upton is also a director of -the , Theatre Company's Youth Group. The Gingerbread Ladyý will be staged ut the Centennial Theatre, Centre St. S. Whitby. Curtain Time is 8 p.m.; 7:30 p.rn. on Senior Citizens Nighit. Tickets are available ut Middleton's. Bookstore, Dundas St. W., or at ,the Thieatre door. 1 AI MAITLANO 72 MUSTANG HDTP., 8 cyl., auto., buckets, console, very very sharp. BJA 098.,