PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS w hitby s Voice of the County Town Mil Uhe only Whitby newspaiper independently owned and operatE k iERVINO OVER 28,000 READERS [ ze Burgess, Publisher-Managing Editor d by Vhitby residevits for VVhitby resident Pu blished cv ery Wednesdlay Cornmunity Editor - Brian Winter Contributing Editor - Jim Qu*di Production Manager - Marje Burgess and Potogaph DIn p lay fidAdets Manager - Iby M.B.M. Publishing RobiyAvrtsngM n Lyon and hotgrahy c. lassfic AdMangerMarlene Byroni Thereeres Biling laineMitno.r 460rn yo Circula htio baagr-SarnLo Ile Fre Pres Budd BoxMa2lngPeritby.46 11BokStreet North, WibOntario Poe66 -11 A chance to help After a long period of waiting, Whitby Council lias got the word officially that it can subsidize taxi fares for senior citizens and the handicapped. Ontario Treasurer Darcy McKeough informed council in a letter recently that a 1974 amendment to the Municipal Act permits councils to make sucli grants to any person or group in the interest of the municipality. Council lias been interested for somne time in finding out if it was in a legal position to do this. Now it lias the answer, and the matter lias been referred to the budget discussions. We hope mnat council despite thie rigid economie restraints of this year, can find a way to assist seniors and the liandicapped in some way. It is something that is needed. Osliawa's taxi rates are known to be the highest in Ontario and Whitby's are not far behind. They are higlier than tliose of Metropolitan Toronto, and Metro cabbies are presently asking for a rate hike. With tlie higli cost of taxi fares, and the fixed incomes of many pensioners, there is a real strain on the budget for elderiy people to get around town. Also, in many cases, their health does not, permnit them to drive a car. We feel- the Corridor Aiea Ratepayers' Association deserves a vote of tlianks for bringing this matter before the council, and persuing it on its own as weIl. Now that the answer is in its liands, it is up to the council to try its best to help a large segment of tlie population of Whitby cope with the high costs of tlie transportation they need to do even sucli basic things as grocery shopping.- i 7i/EE '5 ALAYO z5ýWE1«rOLZ D?,POaI Ob922YA-5 "' 0AIV7W DE Let' s not .fight until we have to At ýMonday's Council meeting concern was again expressed tliat Whitby may have to fight to retain its police station as it did in 1976. Council agreed unanimously to write to the region expressing its concern about keepîng the police station open if it again becomes the subject of proposed budget cuts. Councillor Tom Edwards expressed aiarm that Counilor Alan Dewar of Oshawa, a member of the Durhiam Police Commission, was already'mak- ing statements about closing the Whitby station, "for the political gain of Oshawa". We agree wlioleheartedly that the council of the Town of Whitby shouid reiterate its position on the Wlitby Police Station and indicate its unwiilingness to see it close, tlirough its regional representatives. We as citizens of the Town of Whitby wuli not toierate a revival of the police station issue in 1977. However, ini ail fairness to Mr. Dewar, we should point out to Councilior Edwards tliat Mr. Dewar's statements were in response to questions from a reporter from another newspaper abot the police station issue. He did not initiate a discussion on the subject. Mr. Dewar ,said ini that newspaper tliat the closing of the Whitby police station could save the police. budget up to $125,000 ini 1977, but the , poice commhuuon lu flot goiig to Ãnitinte dhscus- sion of closure this year as it did in 1 976. It will be up to regional couincil to open furtiier debate on the closing of the facility to save money, lie said. Rather than attacking Mr. Dewar unjustly at this timne, before any actual officiai debate lias opened, Councillor Edwards sliould remnember tlint it was Mr. Dewar who was largely responsible for saving the police station in 1976 when lie and a numnber of other regional councillors changed their votes. The regional council in May that year voted 16-14 against a mnotion by Whit1by Mayor i Gartshore to put money back into the budget to keep the station open. After a considerable amnount of lobbying by Free Press Publisher Mike Burgess and o ther citizens of Whitby, the regional council voted a second timne, 16-9 to let the station remnain open. Following the vote, Mr. Dewar said, as reported in the lune 2, 1976 issue of the Free Press: "I liad a long conversation with hirn (Free Press Publisher- Managing Editor Mike Burgess who lobbied on behaif of tlie Chamber of Comnmerce) and other concerned people, and it finally occurred to me that the people's thouglits on policing and their peace of mmnd were tied up with the retention Of the ie station. The peace of mmnd of the people of Whltby is more important than Allan Pilkey, another Oshawa councillor who changed his vote, attributed his decision partially to "the reporting of the Whitby Free Press whicli reflected the feelings of the people of the town". He said at the time that lie hoped the over- wlielming support whicli Whitby's representatives received from Oshawa wili "begin a new era of co-operation rather than confrontation between the two communities". We unquestionably support Whitby cou ncil's efforts to make sure its position is well known at the region regarding the police station in 1977, but we don't want to see Councillor Edwards or any other councillor rnaking accusations against Mr. Dewar or anyone else until there is an officiai. suggestion or motion made to close the police station this year. Mr. Dewar lias saîdi this month that tlie Wliitby police station costs a lot of money and its closing would save much-needed dollars, but he lias not advocated any closing. Let's be prepared for any eventuality, but let's not panic and start making accusations wliich have no foundation, Now is the time to wait and see what. iappens. We do not have a fight yet. frt's mfce ure we aren't the ones to start n , * v 4~'f * <4' ~'* <4 Admmý