PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 26, 1977, WFITBY FREE PRESS ~ Byiries Meadowcrest Parents' Group met on Jan. 1 7 and were fortunate to have as guest speaker Mr. Jack Gardner, a Special Education Consultant for Durhamn Board of Education. He delivered an effective speech 01n the skills required to teach.various types of children. Watch for the next meefing of this group and try to attend. They are a group of sincere, concerned and interested parents whose ai is to assist educators in a variety of important ways. Should help be needed, each class has a parent representative BROWN 'S to ýact as liason betwecn the groti p and the teacher. I t is a relatively new grouip, but well-organized, howcver,' it necds continued support to operate efficiently. The new exectitive of the Meadowcrest Parents' Couincil is: Cliairii,,ni, Mr. Mel l Huncert; Secretary, Mrs. Beverley Duimi; Public Relations Co-ordihator, Mrs. Barbara Ormston; Parent Volunteer Co-ordinator, Mrs. Mercine Oke;, Parent Counicil Co-ordinator, Mrs. Naida Cormack; Resource File Ço-ordinator, Mrs. Barbara Mayali. Youi probably know at least one of these people - they are ail parents of children at Meadowcrest Sehlool. If you have sornc special skilI or resource that a teacher mnight require to âssist themi in their work with youir children callany of these people mientioned. They wiIl be happy to hear froin you. Educators in the Duirhamn Region have organized a Parent Activity Day at, General Vanier Secondary School, Oshawa, for Fe b. 1 8th. It may still îlot be too late to register - caîl and see. Unfortunately 1 have other comîinittmnents that day and cannot attend. WiIl sorneone who participates in this give me a caîl and share the experience - there are probably rnany who mnighit be interested, whether or not A I MORIGAGES l M i T E O 1sf & 2nd ArrangodiBought wid Sold af Prime Rotes conu Peter Kade 668-1556 ANUBIS INVESTMENTS Lfd. 1-49 Sro<k st. N.. Whltby tiley have children ini school, in lear -ning more about the techniques and the nicthiods used by teachers today. Workshops sLIcl as this are bound to foster better under- standing and' co-operation between parents and teachers' and, a better chance at education for the children. Brooklin Women's Institute held their reguilar meeting last, Wednesday at the Comninunity Centre in Brooklin. President Mrs.' Ruby Sonley presented and narrated a special slide show. The slides featured pictures of the International Peace. Gardens situated on the ?-order between North Dakota and Manitoba. The pictures of these gardens, comniemorative of one hunidred and fifty years of peace between the United States and Canada, were excellent. The Womnen's Institute of Canada bas a particular interest in these gardens and have donated benches to it in memnory of Mrs. A. Watt, the- first president of Acting Country Womnen of the World. Our local Wornen's Institute have given a donation to the Brooklin Spring Fair Board. This is indeed a delightf-td bit of. news, not only because it is a generous community- minded act, but also because it is the first mention of the Spring Fair 1 have heard this year! In the mnidst of our cold winter weather, the wind and snow, how nîce to savouir the good mernories that th5ughts of past fairs bring to mind: parades, sunny skies, happy frantic activity, friends and neighbours ail around, midway rides, the beer tent.. Have a good week. Val 655-4317. Agreement sought for dumping The Durliarn Region Public Works Departin 'ent bas recom- rnended that an .igreeni(ntbe made to allow disposai of refuse froni the Town of FOODMASTER Il* CoumrtibSY' value SLICES Canadien Proces -os« 75~ CLOVER LEAF - CHUNK -LIGHT TUNA 61~ zFLOZ TIN 859~ Del Monte - Assorted 41 5fl-oz Tins FRUIT CUPS 95C FOOD SAVER BAGS BACCIES I .îof 055c Coathn0 Mixes for Chicken or Pork 5-os Pkg SHAKE N' BAKE 69c Peek Frean- Assorted BISCUITS 7-01. baq 49C Club House - Pure Black ýPEPPER 3.75-oz. Ctn. 89C Soft Drink Powders - Sugar Sweet 4-oz Pkg KOOL m AID 29c Club House - Assortcd Env GRAVY Mixes 29c Powdered Detergent 75-oz Pkg ALL c ce a -a d 2.39 MRS. SMITH'S Apple Pie 2"Zo. Si» 99C McC&In - Strolght Cut 2-Lb Beg Sup.rfres 79< High Uner - ot Bfltter 32ms Pkg Fis Pem.m$199 Fleecy Fabrkc So touer M e-1Os Jua ~1 59 Wniitby in the Metro Toronto landfill sites in Pickering, following the closing of the, Whitby landfilj site at the Heber Down Conservation area on Dec. 31, 1976. The committee bas also recornmended that acontainer systern be established on a thiree-rno:îthi trial basis on property owned by the town, south of Brooklin, for the use of rural residents in the north end of Whitby. Whitby municipal officiais said at a town budget meeting last week that a container systern set up by a disposaI comipany could cost the. tax- paye rs Sl15,000 a ye ar. The old landfill site was closed because it had been filled to capacity. Pickering, Counicil has stat- ed it is agreeable to have Wliitby's wvaste dumnped in its landfill sites, providing an agreement is signed with the region, to include payment by the region of Pickering for Whitby's waste. This would be the sarne rate (one liaif the regional rate) thiat Pickering is present- ly charging the Town of Ajax for simnilar usage. The agree- mnent would also have to include a provision requiring Whitby to cease using sites in, Pic kering once a new regional site lias been established. Metro Toronto bias no objection to Whitby's use of Pickering sites, provided the quantity is charged to Pickering's allocation. Whitby has been using the Pickering sites for waste disposaI on a temporary basis since Jan. 3, until an agree- ment can be worked out. The only concern express- cd by Whitby.was for the rural residènts who would have to travel to Oshawa or north of Port Perry if a container was flot provided for themn in Whitby. Because of un certainty of hiow nuch use it' wiil get and its possiblë cost, the regional, works departmient bas recom- mended that the container systemn be set .up on a three- mnonth trial basis. Students visit WatelooU. Thirty students and their teachers froni. Anderson Collegiate will be guests of the University of Waterioo's Facuity of Science Friday. The students wiil sit in oni regular science lectures and take part in lab sessions. They wiii take notes, do experiments, ask questions a.nd mix freely, with 'the IT o r d e r Y u n g P fm W F ra s ji . S e c k . W ir g e . N c ls A t t e c i o d Quartered2 CHfICKEN 69! * fs ur.BACKS ATTaOIW CHICKEN LEGS89 CHICKEN- Brecasts 896. CHNNER PORK$16 SHOULDERS$ 6r SCHNEIDER$- S Y $ ,,0 ENGLISH Susagp$là 0 S0004104.RS 20ft 4. S<h.elders Wles3 lb.Soucrkraut ea. 69C Sw1-v.40fS ýz 10* 0 M A04( 44*0 10 '.0 Solami ea$1.39 Boogo e. q Sm ? I44i0 ,44 D Ito ZE S HO 40>V S AU4BIEF4 Ir4oz P0 Vienna Salami $.51Sausage cc. 9 BEAUT -PO NI 4 S042 5241*0F04 II 9H 3 4140 PACO LUX BEAUTY 79C MAXI PAOS PACKAGE of 10 STAY-mFREE 89c Head & Shoulders - Dandruf f Famiy Sizes SHAMPOO $1.59 Antiseptij Mouthwash 12-f -oz Boulie LISTERINE s1.29> Sui* ,of Uxbddg. Iruud boul grswn in SoU Table Potatoos (gOud kepers) 50 IL.bog $3.9 20 lb. bag $1 .89 10 lb -bog 99ç 5 IL bog 59ç Algomo Orcrd Apples u Ne. 2 Mmcs w Spys ~2.52 bUSSlJ Ni blets WHOLE KERNEL Corn» 3c 21 VAN CAMP witf, porl in Tomai,, sauce. -14-f-ai TIn 2t94 LUX7 FOR DISHES7 Jeu-mo ASSORTED JELIT 4 0 0*R *4 4'99' Delsey BATHROOM TisSue 2-R0il PACNAog 5 5c BROOKLIN, ONTARIO -PHONE 655m45dÀ NORTH WHITBY gSIXHUR NOMINAL 3 BIG DAYS EXCEPT TIIURS & FR1 CHARGEWW NIGHTS 'TIL 9 p.m. Thursday Jan. 27 to Sot. Jan. 29 BEST BUY! - FLAVOUR CRYSTALS POLY BAG TANG ORANGE 4fi3/-z l1.09 BEST Buy' - 3-LB PACKAGE BLUE BONNET Margarine $1,59' FINEST ORANGE PEKOE 60to CARTON SALADA TEA BACS sl.1.5 STRAWBERRY or RASPBERRY 24-FL-OZ JAR AYLMER PECiN JAMS 1l.15 POST 10-OZ PACKAGE ALPHA-BITS CEREAL 69c CHRISTIE'S04>4 *40V C4HOCOtATE COlO 4'"z "G BIýSCUITS 89C a lÃ