PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Past President of Ladies Lawn Bowling'Council Whitby's leadi'ng ,lawn bowler Fbo Lott dies whiele ion cF rida Flo Lott, one of Whtby's strongest supporters of amateur sport, died while vacationing ini Florida on Jan. 18, in lier 67th year. In May 1976, Mrs. Lott was one of only two womnen in the province to win an Ontario Sports Award in recognition of hier contribu- tions, particularly to lawn bowling. Flora Thompson Scott, who married Harry Heath Lott at Bowmanville on Oct. 28, 1929, was born in Edinburgh Scotland but came to Canada when a small child. She attended public and high schools in Whitby and the Oshiawa Business College. While a youngster, she played minor softball, and in her adult life, spent many long iours organiziiig sports in Whitby. Mrs. Lott was for nîany years an active memiber of the Whitby Lawn Bowling Club,. serving tliree tirnes as president. For several years she was a delegate to the Sports Federation of Canada, and served in 1970-7 1 as Provinî- cial P.esident wien the group had 5,000 memibers. It was when she was District Chairman in 1965' and 1966 that Mrs. Lott began negotiating with other lawn bowling associations in the provinces to fori tle Canadian Ladies Lawn Bowl- ing Council, an association with 9.000 members. Froni its founding until 1 974, Mrs. Lott was president of this organization. When Ontario's Minister of Culture and Recreation, Robert Welch, presented the Onta'rlo Sports Award to Mrs. Lott iast year, lie paid tribu te to "hier unscifishi continuing efforts in attract- ing new participants to lawn bowling and for licr Uitque abiiity to organize and expand its scope". Mrs. Lott's invoivenment in Iawn bowling began ini the late I1950s wMien she and lier husband I Larry took Up) the sport. Shie alway's said it mas good relaxation anid keeps a person fit. Mrs. Lott enicouraged youIng people to get involved Planning for the day you retire or buy your first home means having a master plan for your investment in the future. So we have two plans to help. A Retiremn-ent Savings Plan, and a Homne Ownership Savings Plan. They both earn you valuable tax savings, and when you subscribe to either one, or both plans your contributions can be applied to any one, or a combination of these investmnent vehicles: 1. Royal Bank RSP and l-OSP Deposits. lnterest-bearing deposits with The Royal Bank of Canada, offering a high interest return, geared to the general deposit rate structure. Because of the long- term nature- of these deposits, it is possible to pay a higher rate of interest than on conventional savings deposits. 2. Income Fund. High-yield bonds, deposit instruments and mortgages i nsured under the National Housi ng Act make up this portfolio which is actively managed by professionals. The policy is to achieve as high a current incomne as is compatible wîth maintaining reasonable price stability as well as moderate capital appreciation. 3. Equity Fund. lnvestment mainly in Canadian common stock port- folio which is actively managed by the samne professionals. Long-term capital growth with reasonable current income is the objective of this fund. If's ail in how you plan your strategy. Your Royal Bank manager can help you work out a master plan. Why flot cal or visit today. Now it's your move. Frank Bennett Whitby ROYAL BANK .for a lot of reasns. in lawn bowling,' saying it was not to be regarded as a sport for olcler people only. Shie aiso kept her intercst in softbaii, and was secretary of the Province Women's Softbail Union. Slîe was a m-ember of the Ladies Auxiliary of Branch il12, Royal Canadian Legion, and at one timie worked in the Whitby Registry Office. Daugiter of the late John and Susan Scott, Mrs. Lott is survivecl by lier husband Harry, of 322 Kent Street; a sister, Mrs. Williani MacDonid (Miarion) of' Oshawa; and two daughters, Nirs, Gary Cooper (Susan), and Mary Loti Lott, both of* Toronto. Two brothers, George and Alex, died previotisly. The funeral %vas conducted on Eriday at the W.C. Town Fune ral Chape). by Rev. W.J.S. MicClure of St. Anidrew's Presby terian Church, or %vhich Nirs. Lot t was a mnember. The service was toliowed by intermient in Union Cemletery. Whitby landscaper chairman A Whitby garden centre proprietor. John iVan tStaveren,ý was chairnman of the Eighth Landscape Ontario Congress, lîeld Jan. i18 to 20 at the Shieraton Centre ini Toronto. The congress featured special seminars covering A facets of the gardening and landscape industry. with landscaping experts froml across Canada and the United States as speakers. Eiglity-seven companies exiîibited tlîeir wvares in the trade show section of the Landscape Ontario Congress. Durhamî College Environ- nmental FHorticul ture students under the instruction of Retie Tiiiebaud, 'of Brooklin, con- structed a -speciai indoor planting display for the landscape congress. Flo Lott, who died ian. 18 whiie vacationing in Florida, holds the special achievement award frorn the Province of Ontario which she received last year for her contributions to amateur sports, particuiarly lawn bowling. Free Press Photo Environment.Ministry vetoes gravel pit plans Theý Ontario Ministry of Environrnent has. vetoed a proposal by the Central.Lake Ontario Conservation Authority to acquire the Harden and King grave] pit near the Heber Down Conservation Area as a sanitary landfili site. The ministry of environ- ment previously turned down a proposai that the old gravel pit be used as a iandfili site, but CLOCA iast nîonth asked the Durhia Region's Public Works Departrnent to see if the mninistry still inaintained this position. The Miîiistry stated that long-termn maintenance and disnosai at a sewag.e treatment plant would be required to prevent waste materials from leaching into the soul, and suggested the conservation authority should seek other means of rehabilitating the gravel pit. The Whitby landfill site in the Conservation area, nearby, was closed on Dec. 31, 1976, as it had been filled to capacity. By October 31, 1977, the region must cover the old site with topsoil and pay $35,000 to the conserva- tion authority to landscape it, according' to an agreement proposed by the region's public works department. Iolcr '~co. ____________ W.A. Q. Selby, c.a. B. K. Madgett, c.a. Offices C.J. Roberts, c.a. R.W. Boler, c.a. Telephones 171 King Street East, Oshawa C. W MarlowM, C. a. 579-5531 22 Walton Street. Port Hope 885-2335 -