WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1977, PAGE 13 House Leaguehockey scoreboard as ýof Jan* 25 MAJOR ATOM KOKE SHELL - 5 Michael Holter (1), Biily Owen (1), Dave Gallagher (2), Ken White (1) vs. MERCURY AUTOBODY - 2 Darren Bradley (1), John McKelvey (1) WHITBY FIREFIGHTERS -' Jody Doucet (1) vS. Minor baseball's 9th annual meeting is at Whitney HalIl Saturday Feb. 5 The Whitby Minor Basebail Association Inc. wili hold its ninth Annual Meeting on Sat. February 5 in Whitney Flali a t the Iroquois Park Arena starting at 1 :15 p.m. Each. year this meeting is the first step in the months of planning necessary to get the Whitby basebaîl season off to its officiai start on the last Sat. of May. This has become a local tradition with the Whtby Council officially proclaîming the day 'Miinor Basebail Day in the jTown of Whitby". The meeting wîll feature reports on the highly success- fui season of '76 from the various convenors and associa- tion officiais. There will also be an election of Directors for the corning year, and at a later date the President and other officers wil be chosen from the Board of Directors. This procedure is ffow foliowed since the Whiiby association became an incorporated body three years ago. W.M.B.A. Pres. Don Kennedy - issues a warm welcome to ail in the area who are interested in baseba*ti. Like ail minor sports organizations the W.M.B.A. is constanitly in search of volunteers to help in the programme in one of the many ways that assistance can be given as coaches, umpires '.and -association supporters. With the birth of the Blue Ja ys, local basebali officiais are looking ahead anxiously wondering if the Montreal experience wilI be duplicated in Ontario. When the Expos began in 1968, basebail interest in Montreal and throughout Que bec had a fantastic growth with the interest in the garne refiected in an unbelievabie increase in minor basebal registrations. Should this happen localiy with the advent of the Blue Jays, the Whitby organization WHITBY OLD TIMERS SOCCER & SOCIAL CLUB3 General Meeting of the Members will ho hetd on Sunday, February 6, 1917 at 10 a.m. in the new Municipal Building on Rossland Rd. in Room No. 1 New members will be made very welcome. HI THERE! We are interested in YOU. Volunteers are NEEDED 7 - 70 yrs.. Training provided for teaching programns DAY and EVENING for retarded aduits and children. Durham Centre for the DevelopmentalY Handicapped 668-7745, ext. 435 - Cai between 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Pizzi Soai Monday tu Friday Brothers Night Monday to Wednesday Djning RomOnly a 4 items Reg. 4.35 2.49 iuhetti Reg. 2.25 1 .4à Spaghetti & Meathali or Mushroom Lasagna MeathailiSuhs Reg. 3.00 2.49 Reg. 3.25 2.79 1.75 will have its hands full providing facilities and super- vision. The W.M.B.A. registrationi is now more than double its original number ini 1969 and even with thepresentnumbers a lot of juggling is necessary to find facilities. The meeting at Whitney Hall wil be foilowed by a social hour and ail baseball fans are urged to attend. MOWAT Stephien Haley (2) WI-ITBY FAMILY INSURANCE - 3 Guy (1), Jeff NIOR PEEWEE WARRIORS vs. KARTWAY -o -4 1John Schiell (2), Jerry Vallier (1), Kevin Kornic (1), Patrick Haslam - Shutout. DODD & SOUTER - 2 Paul Bastarache (1), Mike Coppolino (1) vs. RED WING ORCHARDS - 2 Brian Hunter (1), Gerry Chasczewskî (1). MAJOR BANTAM/MINOR MIDGET ALGOMA - 9 John White (3), John Pearson (2), Gary Shearer (2), Mark Yaroff (1), Dave Fleming (l) vs. KAMEKA -4 Ron Grandy (2), Bill Lamont (1), Steve Steane (1) GUS BROWN - 4 Pat Corrigan (2), Don Bursey (1), Stewart Priest (1) vs. EWING POOLS - 4 Mike Clayton (2), Jeff Cyr (1), Ted Mongnall (1) LIONS - 3 Craig Shortt (2), Bruce Cullen (1) YS. U.A.W. - 4 Dale Baxter (2), Rick Schroer (1), Mike Rostek (1), CANADIAN TIRE - 2 Mike Mulligan (2) VS. KINSMEN - 2 Jim Bazely (1), Jamnie Mark (1) MAJOR MIDGET/JUVENILE WHITBY WELDING - 1 Scott Ravary (1) vs. OTTENBRITE - 9 Ken Colley (1), Mike Gallagher (2), Brant LeRault (2), Richard Pigeau (1), Rick Vanderlinde (2), Enzo Renaldi (1) 1STU JENKINS - 6 Biain Harisson (1), Tim Tran (1), Gary Cosgrove (1), Steve Matika (1), Mike Pasowisty (1), Mark Tutton (1).- vs. BELL CANADA - 2 Larry - Holdershaw Robert Heroux (1) (1), Whatyo don' t know may be costm you money., Here'showa TO Retiroment Savungs Deposit can help yousave money, Pikup a Crcc copv ýýirochu e ai anv our sitaffandind ot 1Iow vou caii save. 'varchIt. 1977, is the Iast dayv oLi ean q uali 1W for the 1976 ___________________________________ ax vcar st> sec us STORONTO DOMI NION the hank where people' maki' the' difference ~ f/rt ~ t q ~*t~vf~v*~ê E *~ ~ MIDDLETON'S BOOK STORE 668-2492 Blair Park Plaza Lupin Drive Whitby 668 - 3600