PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16,1Ã977, WHITBY FRiE PRESS Free AutosI 1971 MAZDA - 616 Coup $250 or best offer. Cali 668-046 1969 DOOGE VAN - 6 aul 4 bucket seats, navy blue broE loomn throughout, 8 track,a radio, headphone jacks front rear, needs body work, not ru nin'g due to mirlor repairs, as $400 or best offer. Cal Wayi 668-0358. 1965 CHEVY Il - 327 V motor, automatic, tape pîaye not certif ied, in goodl conditioi asking $450. Cali 668-1 549. 1966 STRATO-CHIEI PONTIAC - in runnir condition, as is, $100. Ca 668-4058. 1970 GTO CONVERTIBLE - 400 automatic, new motor $1 ,500 or best offer. Cal 655-4448. 1964 CHEVY 2 - 6 cyl., good running condition, na ufety check, $150 or best offer. Cal 668-2806 after 4 p.m. 1976 MONTE CAR LO - 3,000 miles, $5,400. Cali 668-9628. 1970 TORINO - $500. Cail 668-9850. 1970 DODGE CHALLENGER 340, complete engîne rebu ilt $1400 engine), interior A-i. four speed, $2.500 or best offer. Cal 655-3241 and ask for Vince. 1969 VW - needs some work, $400 as is, $475 certified. Cali 655-3756 after 6 1 973CHRYSLER NEWPORT- 25,000 miles, only one owner, $2,200. Cali 683-4571. 1971 VW SUPER BEETLE - good condition, gas heater, extra snow tires, certif ied, asking $995 Cali655-4995. 1973 PONTIAC CATALINA - 4 dr. hdtp., rebuiît engine, new brakes, radial tires, asking $2.500 or nearest offer, vill certify. Cali 655-3691 after 6 p.m. 1970 FORD CORTINA - reqsonable condition, uncertified $250. Cali 668-8094. 1974 FORD WINDOW VAN - $3.000; 1975 NOVA HATCH- BACK, $3,500. Cali 576-0773. Two 1971 VOLKSWAGONS - in excellent condition, low mileage, $1,000 each or best offer. Cali 649-2021 after 5 p.m. weekdays, weekends anytime. 1973 VOLKSWAGON - 412, 4 door, gold, 45,000 miles, radiais, excellent condition, $1995 certified. Cali 723-2394 after 5 p.m. OFFSTREET DUNE BUGGY - with dual wheels, spare engine & towbar, $150. Cal1 655-4973. 1971 PLYMOUTH DUSTE *R - .-goad condition, will c-ertify,$1 10C or best of fer. Cali 668-5660. 1974 DATSUN B21 0 HATCH- BACK - mag wheeîs, standard shift, AM-FM stereo radio, rear window defogger, 30,000 miles, $1 ,850 or besqt offer, wvill certify. 1966 S ondtioDEBAKER Ca 668-3518. 1969 PONT(AG, - V-8 auto,I fully powvered, best offer. -Cali 668-8265 af ter 6 p.m. EDELBROCK HIGHRISE - with holyfour barrel carburetor, to fit Dodge 318, $150 or wîiI deal. Cali 655-348'1 anytime, ask for Ed. 1971 15'TRIPLE ETRAI LER - sîeeps six, stove, ice box, runs on 115 volt or 12 volt, $1,495 or best offer. Cali 668-8417 or 668-4730. 1969 Y.- TON CAMPER - $1,500. Cali 668-1490 after 6 p.n1. SNOW CRUISER - 35 hp., has reverse, $600. Cal1 635-4741. Two 1971 SNOWMOBI LES - double bed trailer, aIl in excellent condition, $850 or best offer, can seil machines seperately. Cali728-6424. TWVO MINI1 MOTO-SKI1 SNOWMOBI LES - good condition, 1969 model, $275 each. Cal1 683-1687. TWO SNOW TIRES - 15', GM rims, $25; four slice Westbend toaster, like new, 5110. Calîl 728-9398. TRUCK TIRES - brand new, nib crate, 1,000 x 20, with tube, new ring, $120. each. Cali 579-4970 ask for Edward. FOUR SUMMER TIRES - B.F. Goodrich, 4 ply steel-belted, whi te walls, good for 40,000 miles, onîy 3,000 miles on them, Askinq $145. Cali 728-0723. Four Keystone CLASSIC RIMS - one pair Gooo-vear D70-14 tires. one pair Unîroyal Tiger Pavv SS G60-14, ail for just $225. Cal i 668-6744 ask for Tony. CAR RADIO - trom .1976 Chevelle Malibu Cîassic, asking $50 or best off er. Cali 579-4977. VAN RADIO - AM, fi Ford, $30. Cali 668.91ý 5 p.m. 1975 HONDA - 40 3,100 mités, driven only 5, in 1976, excellent coi $1,.200. Caîl 723-2394 5 p.m. Furniture AIR CONDITIONER hood fan, $40; TV stand lawnmower, $40; sledgeh-j $5; Plaçtic clothes closet $5 large, $1 5; diarmond $15; nylon screening, $5; bowl set, $10; Sears pla;tic $20; two-seater bicycle, assortmnent of garden tools 668-1 819. ANTIQUE - oak parlour wîth 15 panes of leadec each, $250 pair; one large fixture for work area, $5; buckîe sl<i boots, size 7 -Snugli" baby back-pack Deluxe jolly jumper, $5. 668-7439. Kroehlcr (HETRE chair & ottoman, as ncew, green, $300 or nearest Console co ffce table, Hloover floor polisher, Siender-Bender exerciscr, baby car scat, $ 10. Cail 655- Four add KITCHEN CHA wooden, $9 each; Four E Room Chairs, $25 each; living room chairs, $10 _& triple dresser mirror onîy, telephone bench, $1 5; Bec lamps, i pr., $5; Caîl 668-9( RiOLLAWAY BED - vvide, $8; kitchen or bari 24" high, one metal, $7; rug, il1'4" x 10', needs cIeE $35; two burner stove, ele 220 volt heavy duty, 25" with shélf, no oven, $15. 655-3860. 9 pce. DINING ROOM S $299; kitchen stool, $7; fridqe, $20. Caîl 723-8934. ELECTRIC BROOM -Vi $8; Bissel Eloor Carpet Swe $4; G.E. Electric [baor Poti $10. AIl in very good condi Cal 985-2621. CHINA CABINET - doar & 4 dravvers, $50. 725-4339. COFFEE TABLE, 1 TABLE - French Provincîi fruitwood, $100; large Spainting on canvas, $100. 668-0633. COMPLETE BEDR( SUITE- 54" wooden sPring & mattress, matt dresser, chest of drawers, Caîl 655-4630. Em..porium Cali 668-611 NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FRlE in the P~îî-lRESS l-:MPORIUM, pay ONLY when you sIl! There wil( not be any charge ta advrtisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the itemi advertiscd is soîd. Whcn the advertised itemn is sold, you puy a commnission based on THE ADVER-rISE-D PRICE as iîîustruted below. AIl advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with tie WIIITBY FREE PRESS -rîl run at Icast one n:înilh if fat sold. RATES (if article is sold): 517 of advcrtised price up ta $400.O0) 2%Y of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: SoId item advertiscd for $50,00 - commnission due $2.5ý (minimum cci'missiori is $ 1.50) Trivate only! Please notify us if you find a retailer' Iisted as a private advcrtiscr. Picuse rîotify the Whitby Free Press immediately when item is soîd s0 that we may delete it from the follawing issues. Services, help wanted, clothing, real estale and personal esg type ads can only bc handîcd on a prepaid basis.Imesg I f in clou bt, caîl 66 8-6 111 MAIL ALL ADS TO: FREE'PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby The deadline for empariunm ads is tîhe Monday at noon. 39" CONTINENTAL BED boxspring and mattress, $35; small dresser, 5 drawers, $18; Call 655-3528. BED CHESTERFIELD - brown & gold; 9 x 12 Shag rug, brown & gold; China Cabinet, ail for $250. Cali 668-2904. one SOL burner & cnras,$5 aii ntique; pife avet table, best - co eroer $100.S95;l J, $15; -mmer, STOVE - wo burrier, & aven small, $25; one ncw MOI>L-.I, good shiape, swags, used twicc, $100. Cali 723-6201. punch fec, ANTIQUES - Brass & iran $50; single bcd, $1 50; oak Jacobean s . Cali mirrored side board with brass rdos tear drap pales, $250; variaus d doars washstands, 2 pîne $90 each, & e glass 2 walnut $120 & $1 50; rare t laie round paine table, pedestal base, $1- spoled f ee t, tilt top, $400; $1;other antîilues tao numerous ta $1;mention. Cali 668-5830. Cali ,LD BATIIROOM S UITE- *blue- sink & bathtub, good condition, offer; wvhite, $45. ('ail 668-9488. $50; $ 15; 19" B& WADMIRAL TV $15; asking $30. ncw tube. Cail -3446. 668-5459. C \,IRS Dining MOIlAT CAS RANCIl',- ;Two 30", only used one year, 0 k$15; ýxcIl1ent condition, cyc-lcvel ci ,$25; broiler rotissery, avocado grec t,ý iroom origiÃŽnal price, $650, asking $300. l009. Cali 668-1766. U! 30"* G.E. Drum HUMIDIFIER - 61 stool automnatic shut-off, ver iable speed, beige water level, humidistat, $65. CaliC aning, 725-8872 af ter 6 p.m. C ectric,W Caîl Compact ELECTRICSTOVE - Cai4 burners, grill & aven, aider $ ET -mdl working order, $25; 6# Estre ringer Washer, .ike new, used 6E one year, $90; make an off er,- aIig.od footed bathtub, aId vwall htJng ikn.sink, double bcd, two B & W :cpcr, console TV's, gaod working isheýr, order. Cali 728-2484. ition. FRENCH PROVINCIAL TV - r glass B3 & W, $1 50; Projector Screen, pi Cali $10; Preserving Jars, $1 dozen. Bathroom light Fixture, $5; waff le iran, $5. Cali 668-8028. ai END bri aI fn GAS DRYER - used sixJut ail months, Inglis Liberator, wuhite, $ Cali excellent condition, $175 cash or best offer. Cali 668-1652 evenings DOM or weekends. bcd, POOL TABLE - about ching 4' x 8', $150; Bcd, 39", $25; $1 25. headboard (White 39"), $20., w (never used). Cali 668-2649. ,,-611 Small wood BOOKCASE - niceîy fin îshed, $25; wood cofîcee table, $5; assorted beautiful wvall plaqlues, hanging & picture, rmust bc seen, best of fer. Cali 668-6567. REFRIGERATOR - Westing- hause. frosî1free, 9 cu. f t., yellow, aIder model, good condition, $50. Cali 649-2578 af ter 5 p.m. 'Iv ('onio1c B & W. $250 or bi.sî 011cr; lwo metal bcd frarnes w~itît sprint-, $30 or beslt aller. ('ail 668-9278. Large aId SOLID WALNUT DESK - brass pales, needs refinîshing, $60; antique dresser, bowf ront, large plate glass, bevelled swingîng mîrror, $160; antique oak chest of drawvers, arnate brass handles & keyhoîes with keys, china casters an legs, $250; double bed headboard & footboard vvîth frame, $25; canopy frame for a double bed, $10; very large aId îwin bedroom set, solîd walnut, înlaid & ivory handles, consists of twa 39" beds, one van-îty with full bevelled rViîrrar, upholstered bench seat, ane night table, anc large chest of dravvers with cupbaard, $500. Cali 668-6567. TV Console, 24" 1I leelwvood, in good condition, B & WV, $31). Call 655-4631. LIECR( S'I OVE l' tsvo burners, mven needs some repairs. $30. ('ail 668-0721. McCLARY STOVE - four burners, 4 years aid, $60. Cali 668-0630. POOL TABLE - 3/2. x 6', n excellent condition, $11 5. ail 668-6779 af ter 5 p.m. ANTIQUE WARDROBER - vîîh mirrored double doors, $75; dresser, $25; Cali 579-3648. FINDLY SPACE HEATER - ised, gaod condition, suitable for Dttage or shop. $75. Caîl1 383-1687. ELECTROHOME B & WV 1ONSOLE TELEVISION - $85; VîlI be deIivered. Cali 655-4385. Fou r-burner electric STOVE - ;25; Aluminum storm DOOR, 10"' x 2'l10",$ 25. Cal! ;5-3768. Pets &_Supplies SAMOY ED - f ema le, si x rths, tgistered, asking $125 with )apers. Cali 655-4356. Gentle registered grey thor- ughbred MARE -- excellent odmnare, English riding and imping, <named Grey Cavier), 500. Cali 655-4776. Bikes CCM ELITE LADIES vith -generator. $80. 168-1153 or 668-1465. I M iscelicineousI CARPET SV'EEPER - Sears, one year old, $8; CAR SEAT COVERS, front benchseat, dark brown pile, good condition, $5; FLOOR POLISHER, Hoover, $15 * Cal668-1386. BABY CARRIAGE - $40 or best offer; training chair, $350; car bed, $5; valker, $2.50. Caîl 668-8903. Olympus CAMERA - chrome body, 1.8 lens, with case, four ýO months aid, $290; Yashica mat, 124G wvith lens, 'hood & filter, six months aid, $125. Cal 668-0404. SPALDING GOLF CLUBS - two woods, four irons, pitching vvedge, includes golf bag, carts and balîs, goad condition, $75. Cal 668-6297 af ter 5 p.m. GIRLS TUBE SKATES - size 12, $4; 2 pair childrens snowv boots, sizes il & 12, $4 pr.,girls winter coat, size 6X, $8; easy bake aven, $6. Cail 668-01 70. Toddler's SLEEPING BAG - $8; Fard front guard car seat, $1 2; Calîl 668-8626. ONE LARGE FILTER - for 18 x 36 pool, $150; Oul Space Heater, excellent condition, 30 BTU, $65; Pinball Machine, electric, $200, as is. Cal 579-0757. BABY CRIB - with mattress, *gaod condition, $25; 48" steel frame bed with mattress, night stand, chair, and table, $40. Cal 668-8794. f ree delivery. Childs PIN BALL GAME- on legs, electric, Cast $40, selI for $20 cash. Caîl 668-1652 evenings or weekends. BABY LOUNGE CHAIR - $1; judo outfit, $10; part sea scout uniform, $3; boys hockey equipment, $6; mens Bower skates, size 8-812, $15. Cal1 1 -263-8889. BOYS SUIT - size 16, as newv, $8; racing set, $1 5; barbecue. $2. Caîl 668-5060 after t 3 p.m.n MATURNITY CLOTHES - a like new, including pantsuit, dress- c es, slacks & tops, $60 complete. Caîl 655-4995. Ilenry NMoore Limited Edition f ETCHNC -on solid sterling silver. A beatiu l sork of art & an ideal collectors item. Only 7 $850. Caîl 723-0722.s CRIB BED - good condition, $25. Caîl 668-4469.,e Musical STEWART DRUMS - complete set, in perfect condition, must selI, $350 or offers. Cali 668-3549 evenings preferred. WEBSTER STEREO - AMIFM radio, 8 track, record player, four speakers & earphones, complete with stand, about 4 months old, $200. Caîli263-8145. SET 0F RIVER IA DRUMS - $100 or best offer. Caîl 655-4448. Gemeinhardt FLUTE case included. $200. Cal 655-3528. STEWART DRUMS - cymbals, Snare, small Tom Tom, floor Tam Tom, Base, music stand, padded seat, sticks, gold stripe, used four years, $100 cash ar best offer. Caîl 668-1652 evenings or weekends. 3M BACKGROUND PA MUSIC SYSTEM - $125 or best offer. Caîl 655-3511. Il ISTE REO TAPE R ECOR DE R - IConcord 550 <1964), oniginally I$200 for $50; Electrohom Sterco 5-speed 60'~ walnut, cabinet, Gerrard Call Changer, AM/FM radio, as good as nevu, $85'. Caîl 655-3915. m iexcellent condition. Caîl 68-8425. STROLLER - Gen'dron nterized, $30; Baby carniage, 30", Both are in excellent ndltion. Caîl 623-5715;#ý ]Press v ---Mmpq t:;%uuiittiii conumon, DOOKs and ý 9 ----4 9 m Green vinyl DAYBED - good condition, $45. Caîl 655-4931. PEDIGREE PRAM - corn- iplete vvith fringed suni canopy and parcel carrier rack, used for one child, $65. Calîl 728-2484. HANGING LIGHTFIXTURE- antique, $20; salon-style hair dryer, $10. Caîl 668-8273 after 6 p.m. Lloyd BABY CARRIAGE- $15; Baby butler with child's chair, $20. Caîl 655-3511. STORM DOOR - aluminium, $35. Caîl 668-6922. RANGETTE - $15; chai $2; small table, $5 (may be a telephone table); two.floor lamps, $5 each; living room chair, Dan ish style, $10; 24" Boys bicycle, $10; two 14" rims for tires, $2 each; 2 door closures, 4" The Briton, $10 each; ski pole & boots, for 10 year old, $7; one Venican blind, il12" wide, $5 also onle 51 - wide, $3. Caîl 668-6580. FIGURE SKATES - size 2, $3; mens skates, size 10, $3; -bird cage and stand, $25; waffle iran, S5; toaster, $5; mop head wringer, $5; carpet sweeper, $10; bathroom Iight, $20; water pressure tank, $10; vaporizer, $5; electric coffee perk, $10; B & WV TV, $100. Caîl 668-9404. 12 hp RIDING TRACTOR Jacobsen, hydrostatîc drive, with mower, S985; four Michelin tires, wide oval, on magnesium rims, 14", $250. Caîl 683-8358. Girls WINTER COAT - size 8-10, brown tweed vvith fur collar <good condition), $8. Caîl 668-1 386. STEAM & CURL CURLING IRON - $20 or best offer. Caîl 723-0967. GRAVE LY LAWVN TRACTOR ATTACHMENTS - 30". Rotary mower, $200; 42" sickle mower, $275. AIl items in good condition. Caîl 655-4995. Heavy Royal Office TYPE- WRITER - in good condition, $60; Smnith-Corona typewriter, portable with case, in good candi- tion, $60; Solid State Sony-o- mratic tape recorder, 4-track, 3 speed, with built in public address system, in excelent con- dition, $200. Caîl 728-9777. 72 euI. if. health svavs TANK - galvifized finish, harness, certi- ficd 4 v'ears, S40, Sportssvays water Iung, sirngle hose, regulator, with reserve, $40; Yashica D, 2' :," sq. camnera, F3.5, 1/500 second, case plus lightmneter, flash unit, $50; Prinz pilot three 35mm, [1.8, ane 2/SOth second 'vith case, $25. Caîl 668-1473. Old Fashioned Si DE BOARD NEDDING DR ESS, Size 14, $50; V/EIL' $20; COFFEE TABLE. Caîl 655-4289.1 BATHROOM SET - white, nk, toilet, wall cabinet, $60; :ild's carrier for bicycle, $4; vringer washer, $10. Caîl 58l-4760. Medical & Health ENCYCLO- )EDIAS - complete set of 1 '5 )ooks, as new, vvas $40 selI for GOLF- CLBS'. - Cmpbell