PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23,1977, WHITBY FREE PRE$S ç>whitbY Voice of the Cou nty Town mi[ The only Whitby newspaper independently owned and oper iERVING OVER 28,000 READERS :e Burgess, Publisher-Managing Editor Community Editor -Brian Winter Published every Wednesday Contributing, Editor Print & Promotional by M.B.M. Publishing, Manager and Pliotography mec. cias'sif ied Ad Manager Phone 668-6111 Circulation Manager 1 ~Mailing Permi, The Free Press Building, Member 121 Brock Street North, Better Business Bu P.O. Box> 206. Whitby, Ont. Whîtby Chamber0 -Jim Quail -Marje Burgess -Robin Lyonl -Marlenle Byromn -Sharon Lyon t No. 460 rof the: ireau of Toronto of Cmmrce Since Mayor Hutchison of Whitby, England is ini town this week, it is perhaps a good time to remind our faithful readers that the Whitby Free Press established close communication between the two Whitbys in the summer of I1975, when columnist Jimn Quail visited the original Whitby, a seaside resort town ini Yorkshire on the north east coast of England. The Free Press logo used at the top of this page since *March 12, 1975, was designed with the history of Whitby, England in mind, by Frank Hird-Rutter of Victoria B.C., father of Free Press owner Marje Burgess.-0 The Viking ship remninds uis of the ancient days when Viking longboats raided the east coast af England, and the original Whitby grew uip around one of the Viking settiemients. The ship forms the w letters "WFP" which stands for Whitby Free Press.' For those of you who have saved your Free Press issues, Jin Quail's account of his visit to Whitby England appears in his Bird's Eye View columns of Aug. 13, 20 and 27, 1975.' Jim's Aug. 20 coluimn was writtenl in Whitby, England, ini the offices of the Whitby Gazette, founded in 1I854. He visited editor Williamn Slater, received a tour of the Gazette office, and was invited ta write a column for the Gazette at the saine tirne as he wrote his Free Press column. The Whitby Free Press mnasthead was printed along with his colurnn ini the Gazette. Jini alsa was received by Whitby's. mnayor of 1975, Mrs. Kathleen Pinkney, and signed the official guest book in the council chambers. H-e noted that in the guest boak were signatures af former Whiitby Ontario cotuncillors and Mayor, hitb y s Des Newman and his wife. In the mayor's office in Whitby England is a plaque eommemnorating the Whitby Dunlops' world championship hockey wifl At the conclusion of his visit ta Whithy, Jimn said: "lt's flot goodbye ta Whitby, England, but rather--until we meet again". Jim and the rest of the Free Press staff met Mayor Ijutchison this week and re-established the communication between the towns which was commenced by this newspap)er in 1975. For these reaso ns, Free Press publisher Mike Burgess presented Mayor Hutchison with a plaque beahrng the outline of Canada and engraved: with the inscriptIon: "Presented ta Mayor Eric Hutchison of Whitby, Yorkshire, England, March i977, compliments of Mike Burgess and the staff of the Whitby Free Press, Whitby, Ontario, Canada". Our banks may soon rival government as a power block Dear Sir: Statistics Canada's release ai figures showing that the Canadian economy is going in reverse rather than increas- ing has caused great con-. c ern to many people. Whîle the price of gasoline, heating ail, hydro, food, 'travel and other items continue ta, rise, somne sectors af the ecanomny stili continue to get richer and richer while many of us get poorer and poarer. Assets of Canadian Banks continue ta increase at an alarming rate. The Royal Bank as an ex ample while reporting earnings for the last quarter ending Jan. 3l1st, were down 8 cents a share (probably because of AIB rules) revenues increased ta $674,4.90,00 from 59.4iWÙ. an increase of.1 _95.!, million. The bottom line figure is the real clincher. Assets rase ta $30.2 billion fromn $25.79 billion an increase af $4 billion, 41 million. An increase of $4,041i,000,000 in the first quarter of the bank's fiscal year? How can a bank with increased revenues total- ling $674,400,000 and ~inreaedassets of more than FOUR THOUSAND MILLION DOLLARS in a 90 day period show a ioss in share value? Canadian Charter Banks have mare in assets than ail the money on deposit by ail the people of Canada including al business deposits! Every bank has, more in assets than in deposits! Total assets of the 10 banks are appx. $118 ,million. (Source Canada Gazette July 10/7 6) The Senate Banking Committee was told in Ottawa recently that some chartered banks ,,w&ere using confidertial ùiformatian ta steal Ëâiness from car rentai firmis. The Committee was told that a member of The Federation of Automobile Dealers Association checked a potential cient's credit rating with the bank, and Thanks" to us front the Canadian Heart Fund DearMr.Burgss:cating aur needs ta your Dea Mr Brges:readers, the Canadian 'Heart Month' in1 Heart Fund would nat be Canada is now, aver, and able ta express such an on behaif ai the Canadian outlook. 1 I-eart Fund, Ontario Heart disease is every- Division, please accept one 's probîem -and again aur sincerest apprecîation our thanks for helping us for your co-operatiofl and bring ta the attention ai assistance during aur the public, that research financial campaign in should bc everyone's February. responsibility. Our objective this year With best wishies. was $4,000,000. and 'YoLIrs very truly, -although ail returns are CNDA ER not in, We are quite FUNAD naIAN Divisi hopeful that aur objective EstherM. RiarDivsio will be attained. EtirM ilad Withouit your , willing,, Director of Public co-operation in cnirI~Rltos - .-w"? ee î 44 0 * 6, q * *J04* 00 * 44 1 shortiy alter the client returned to the dealer, and told hini that hie had somne campetition - from the bank. The bank in question owns 41 per cent af a competitive leasing dampany. Proposed changes in the Bank Act would per- mit banks full involve- mient in the leasing business', whiereas at present they are restricted ta a 50 per cent financial particip)ation. This could mean that banks could own and/control the car leasing business in Canada, a grawing multi-million business, adding to their already immense power in the consumer field withi car boans chargex and personal boans, etc. If the banks are allowed ta cofitinue to increase their assets and control af the financial affairs ai Canadians its onlly a matter of time until they amnass such an immense power block as ta rival the federal governmeflt. 0 Canadians meanwhile are f orced ta, borrow on the New York market to finance government and municipal projects. Ontario hydro as an example paye over $1 million in debt interest every day. CANADA borrowed $8 billion outside the country in 1976 - the largest of any country in the world! (C.B.C. Feb. 3/77) Ottawa gave $1 billion in aid to foreign countries. With 1 million Canadians unemployed - charity. should start at home. Bilingualism spendingis increased ta a record $405.4 million - up -5.1 per cent over the last periad. Meanwhile Ottawa is refusing ta honour Prime Minister Trudeau's 1974 pre-elec- tion promise af $280 million ta Metro Toronto for improved transport. A day of reckoning is flot far off. If you care about the real which affect every one of us in- the pocket book, write your M.P., in Ottawa and object ta the revisons proposed in the Bank Act and these ot her economic inequalities. If time is. short just clip and send this, article (no stamp'needed)-, Yours for a better Canada, Dean J. Kelly, President, Association of Dedicated Canadians, Box 1000, Part Perry, Ontario LOB 1iNO School seeks graduates Dear Sir: John F. Ross C.V.I. The 2Oth Year School 20 Year School Reunion Pemnn cnmmt of Phone or write the school John F. Ross C.V.I. Guelphi would greatly appreciate any pubiicity you could afford us in' the Caming Events Section ai your news- paper. We are sending' you the fallowing infor-' SGuelph, Ont. The Reunion Commit- tee appreciates your co- operation in helping us contact individuals with ties to aur school. Yaurs sincerely, mation in anticipation af (Miss) M. Purdy, its publication. Publicity Cha irîman Nothing wrong with aluminum proven ta be Not Suitable The subject af Alumi- (These have naw been iium Wiring has been get- taken off the market) ting much Publicity in. New Wall receptacles the News lately. are now available, which Many Home Owners have been tested and are getting Ripped off Approved for Aluminum by some Stating "the Wire. only way ta fix this Most homes have from home is ta rewire it". 25 .ta 40 wall Outlets. That is a -Rip Off. 65 cents and about 15 Aluminum Wire has in. per outlet is required been used for many years ta change the old style to without any problemis, the Approved Type. for high voltage etc. Receptacles for Alu- Alumrinurn is a gaod luinum Wire are Stamped conduictor af Electricity. (CO/ALR) with Screw The re is nothilng Termiinais (No Push in wronig withi Aluinuiitm Types) W ire., Russ Wilde, The Problein was that Qualified Electrical 4eat. Most Homle Type wall ing and WiringContractor Otiet Receptacles hiave WhitbYOntario A tale of two Greetings fromi Whitby Gazette EDITOR'S NOTE newspaper avidly follow The following letter what is happening in your was presented ta the Whitby and when the Whitby Free Press by opportuflity arises visits May or Ernest Hutchison, and events are given full of Whitby England, who coveragem n ur newspaper is in town this week on a as is the development of semi-official visit. the new Whitby in New Dear Sir, Zealand. As aur town' mayor We are certain that Coun. Ernest Hutchinson, Coun. and Mrs. Hutchin- and his wife, are making son will be made ta feel history for this ancient at home with you and Yorkshire port by becom- from one Whitby news- ïng the first civie heads of paper ta anather 1 would the town ta visit Whitby, like ta send you aur best Ontario, 1 thaughit ' wishies for your future would take this oppar- sticcess and for the further tuinity of sending t.ic prosperouis developmnent good wishes of a sister ai' Witby, Ontario. newspaper lit the othier Yours sincerelly, side of the Atlantic ta Normam Giddins, yotir goodsellf, st..îlli' 1d I)eptity Editor, readcrs. Mr. 'Bill Slater Whitby Gazette, auir editor is ()IIholida-.y Bridge Street, lit tuie flilielit and I ail, Whitby. Yorkshire, writinig on liis behaîif. England. Thle r oferol' ar owil ike -A xated by Whitby residents for Whitby residents.