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Whitby Free Press, 6 Apr 1977, p. 9

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6,1977, PAGE 9- Capital budget projeets The Town of Whitby approved a $5,837,000 capital budget for 1977 Thttrsday, which includes 1 8 separate items. The capital budget is over $4 million more than last year, rnainly due to the CPR grade separation on Brock Street which will cost $3,157,500. Most of the money for this project is contributed by the federal and. provincial governiments, leaving only $17 5,000 to be raised by the town through debentures. The federal governiment contributes $2,035 ,000; provincial governrent, $825,000; and other contributions $1 22,500. The following- are the remaining capital works projects: --Purcjiase of transfor- mers and voltage change in the hydro system for north- west Whitby; $450,000 to be raised by debentures. --Development of the top floor of the Whitby Public Library: $350,O00froin development funds. --Construction of Ash Creek enclosure from Ontario Stree to Coîborne Street: $ 500,000, of which $475,000 cornes from development funds and $25,000 front the province. --Construction of Garrard Road from Manning Road to Westwood Road: $280,000, haif contributed by the province and haîf raised by de bentures. --Purchase of one truck and sander: $32,000 front development funds. --Purchase of one street swee pe r: S35,000 front development funds. --Purchase of additional downtown parking lot proper- ty: $121,000 frorn develop- ment funds. --Purchase of parkland in Ash Creek area north of Mary Street: $325,000, of which $243.750 cornes f-om the province and $8 1,250 frorn reserve funds. ---Sodding, seeding, land- scaping and walkways in the West Lynde subdivision's Central Park: $37,500, of which $9,375 cornes frorn the province and $28,1 25 from reserve funds. ---Comipletion of Senior Citizens Centre baseti-ent: $15,000, haif frorn the province and haif frorn reserve funds. --Costrutionof alight- ed softball diamond at Iroquois Park: $160,000, of which $40,000 cornes fromi the province and $1 20,000 fromi developmnent funds. --Landscaping the peri- meter of Iroquois Park and purchase of sign;, $25 ,000, of which $6,250 is paid by the province and $18,750 from development ftînds. --Repair lacrosse box at Willow Park: $8,000 fromn development ftînds. --Poviionof loan funds for t ie drainage projects: $20,000 rai se d by deben tures. --Habordeveloprnent: $300,000 from reserve funds. --Purchase of laneway on Brock Street North: S 16,000 from developmnent funds. --Rossland Road CPR bridge study, $ 5,000 front developrnent funds. No 'Site for Y The Durham Region YMCA is out of luck in obtaining a building site on town property for new offices. Council voted recently to inforîned the Y that it dloes not have any land available at the present tinte, but will let the Y know if property be- cornes available at sonte future date. The Y has been located in fthe Centennial Building for fthe past 10 years. Frederick B. Bagg Berry L. Evans Announco the oponing of their off ice for the practioe of Iaw undcer the firni name of EVANS & BAGOir 11 3B D undas St. W., Whitby 668-5200 GREAT WALL CHINESE & CANADIAN RESTAU RANT 668-7021 668-7301 MsWqou ?msuiq NOTICE TO RESIDENTS 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F APPLICATION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD by The Corporation of the Towvn of Whtby for approval of a By-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 35 of The Planning Act for approval of By-law No. 452-77 read a first, second and third timne and finally passed on the 24th day of January, A.D., 1977, A copy of the By-Iaw is furnished herevith. A'note giving an explanation of the purpose and effect of the By-Iaw and stating the lands affected thereby is also furnished herewith. Any person interested may wvithîn fourteen (14> days af ter the date of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver to the Cîerk-Administrator of the Town of WVhitby notice of his objection to approval of the said By-law together vvith a statement of the grounds of such objection. Any, person wishing to support the application for approval of the By-law rnay within fourteen (14) days after the date of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver to the Cîerk-Administrator of the Town of Whitby notice of his support of approval to the said Bylaw together with a request for notice of any Hearing that may be heîd givinig also the name and address to which such notice shouîd be given. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said By-law but before doing so it rnay appoint a time and place when any objection to the By-law wiII be considered. Notice of any ,Hearing that may 'be held will be given onî'y to persons who have filed an objection or a notice of support and who have left with or deîivered to the Cîerk- Administrator- undersigned the address to which Notice of Hearing îs to be sent. The Iast date for fiîîng objections wilI be the 13th day of April, A.D., 1977. Dated at the Town of Whitby this 3th day of March, A.D. 1977. Wmn. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C. CLER K-ADMI NISTRATOR 575 Rossîand Road E., Whtby, Ontario LlN 2M8 CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY BY-LAW NO. 452-77 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMENO BY--LAW NO. 2585 WHEREAS, the 'Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby deems it advisable to amend By-tavv number 2585; AND WHEREAS the amendments to such By-law as hereinafter set forth, in the opinion of Council, conform to the general intent of the Off icial Plan of the Town; NOW THEREFORE, be ît cnacted and it s hereby enacted asa By-Iaw of the Corporation of the Towvn of Whiîby by the Council thereof AS FOLLOWS: (1) That Subsection (14) of Section 6 of By-Iaw Number 2585 (Planned Width of Street Allowance) îs hpreby repealed and the folîovving substituied therefore; 6(14) PLANNED WIDTH 0F STREET ALLOWANCE <a) For the purposes of applying the provisions of this By-Iaw vvith respect to "Front Yard" and "Exterior Side Yard" requirements, where a lot abuts a street vvhich is designated on Schedule "A" to have a 'Planned Width of Street Aîîowance" greater than 66 feet then such provisions shaîl consider the front lot line or the side lot mie, or both, as the case may be, to be located alonq the limit of the planned width of street aîîowvance. <b> Where the zone provisions of this By-Iavv do not otherwise require any "Front Yard" or "E xterior Side Yard" or both and notwith- standing that such yards are not otherwise thus required, no building or other structure shaîl be erected, used or maintained vithin that portion of any lot lying between the limit of the planned width of street aîîowvance as designated on Schedule "A" and the limit of the existing street allowance. (c) For the purposes of appîying the provisions of Subsection (a) and (b) above, the centre- Uine of the pîanned width of street allowance sh'aîl be deemed to be the samne as the centre- mie of the existing street allowance. (2> That Schedule "A" to By-law Mumber 2585 is hereby amended as follows: (i) So that the portions of the streets so designa- ted on Schedule "A-1 " annexed to this By-Iaw shaîl have a Pîanned Width of Street AîîowancE of 86 feet and not as heretofore designated on the said Scheduîe "A"; and, (ii) So that the streets s0 designated on Scheduîe "A-1 " annexed to this By-Iaw shaîl have the "Pîanned Vidth of Street Allowance- deleted. (3> That sub-paragraph (il) of paragraph (b) of subsection (2> of Section 17 of By-law Number 2585 (Distance from Lot Line) is hereby repoaled and the foîîowing substituted theref or: 17 (2) (b) (il) FRONT YARD AND EXTERIOR SIDE YARD (A> Where a building or structure has a haight in excess of 45 feet, a front yard or exterior side yard, or both, as the case may be, of a distance equal to one-third of the height of the building or structure shaîl be provided, and (B> Where a lot abuts any of the streets listed here- under, no portion of any building or structure shaîl be Iocate d thereon dloser than 43 feef to the centreline of such streets, namely: Mary Street Coîborne Street Green Street Frances Street Byron Street Perry Street (4) That this By-Iavv shallcorne into force on the date it is passed by the Council of the Town of Whîtby subject to the approval of The Ontario Municipal Board. BY-LAW READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THFS 24TH DAY 0F JANUARY, A.D.. 1977. W. H. Wallace Cler k-Administrator J. Gartshore Mayor S CHEDU LE A-1i 8 -5ckNo.e4'-i andb TO By-LAW on5the h do~>c f-oar, À <g) PLANNED WIDTH 0F STREET ALLOWANCE REDUCFO TAO 86' ON THOSE STREETS MARKED THUS_ (ii) PLANNED WIDTH 0F'STREET ALLOWANCE OELETEO ON ON THOSE STREETS MARKEO THUS.. M SCALEI"C=800' ~îîî~~' R 2 /?4 f'5 I h J' I R3171 À.C/i, r- R38 EXPLANATORY NOTE PURPOSE AND EFFECT 0F BY-LAW NUMBER 452-77 The purpose and effect of By-Iaw Number 452-77 is to amend Restricted Area <Zoning) By-Iaw 2585 to reduc e the 'Planned Width of Street Alîowance' on certain sections of Waîton Boulevard, WilIis Avenue, Walnut, Mary, ByronfrHickory, Perry, High, Frances, Henry, Coîborne, Dunlop, Green, Reynolds, Ontario and Brock Streets; to redefine the provisions of~ Section 6 (14), 'Planned Width of Street Allowance;' and, to establish a minimum setback from Mary, Coîborne, Green, Frances, Byron and Perry Streets for non-residential uses in the C3, Central_ Commercial Zone. AIl material concerning this application is on file and open for public inspection at the Planning Department located at 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Telephone:, (416) 668-5803, Extension 15 No front yard or exterlor side yard is requlred except,

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