WHITB FREEPREE ESI)AY, APRIL 6,1977, IPAGE 11 Bas ebali regi stration days. are on Apri*l 16 and 30 p eg Sringu ere Dean Keating, Regisrar for the Whtby Minor Basebal Assoc. has announced that registration for the coming season will be hield on two April Saturdays, April 16 and 30 froni 10 a.m.' until 1,2 noon at three different locations. Boys wanting ta play basebail this summer rnay sign up at the Wlitby Public Library Building on Dundas St. W.. at the Brooklin Cornmunity Centre and at Westmninster United Church on Manning Rd. Registration fees for 1977 are $7 per boy with a maximum of $20 per faniily. To take advantage of the farnily rate, ail boys from the same family mnust register at the same time. The W.M.B.A. programme is for boys frorn 6 ta 18 years of age. The youngest players play in a Tee-Bal league and in order ta sign rnust be 6 yrs of age by June 3th. The association also operates house leagues in tyke, pee-wee, bantani and mnidget-juvenile categories and tis year will enter clubs in the Eastern Ontario Basebal Assoc. tyke, pee-wee, bantam and midget series. E.O.B.A. sehedules generally begin in Mid-May, while the officiaI opening for W.M.B.A. house league activity will be Minor Basebail Day in Whitby which this season will be Saturday May 28th. Boys who are going ta register are reminded thet no late entries will be accepted. Xhen registration is com- pleted, work begins îiiicd- iately to assign boys to thieir clubs for the season and latc- corners will be disappointed During the week prior to the first sessimn of revistrat ioni. Mike Rowîey, of Whitby. a freshman at Colgate University ini Hamilton, New York, was named come-back player of the year, at the 1976-77 Colgate University Hockey Awards. Mike was injured in the forais vill be availablc iii aIl , irea schools. These cao be completcd ut homne anld the necessaryý parental signatures provided. SQ" AE THE OXD)OS JOI N US ON pre-season missing the first ten games of the sehedule but came back strong to key several victories for the Red Raiders, the school's hockey team. FHe finisbed with three goals and 1 2 assists for I15 points in I18 games. THE TIME'TO BUY ISNO W!!!o BY GOSH THE PRICE IS RIT BEFORE YOU BUY GUVE US A TRI. 1975 DODGE ½ TON RUSTPROOFED, LOW MILES, RADIO, BIG SIX, CLEAN, Lic. 065 281. 1975 CHEV IMIPALA S/W 350 AUTO, AIR, 10W MILEAGE, CLEAN, Lic. JM B 225 GOOO BJY AT $359500 1969 GMC 3¾4TON 6 CYLINDER, 3 SPLED), MECHANIC. SPECIAL A DEAL AT $695.00 AS IS COME IN & SEE HARRY PELESHOK JR. EARL MCQIUEEN AIL CARS AT ADVERTISED PRICE1 1973 VEGA HATCHBACK AUTO, RADIU, t:UUNOMICAL, GREAT 2N0 CAR, Lic. ONK 164 $1495.00 1973 PONTIAC GRAND. AM LOADED, Lic. AVT 928, AVER. MILES. A STEAL AT $ 2395»00 ONE & ONLY NEW 1976 CHEV IMPALA AI R, ETC ... PRICED TO SEL EARL HERON PHIL SHNARR DOUG ROSS ITII APRIL 13/77 1350 This weekend for the The Expos Season opener-- Satudayafternoon i p.m. Expos at Philadeiphia Sunday, April 10 1:*20 p.m. Expos at Philadei.phia PLAYER 0F THE YEAR GOME IN, HAVE A COFFEE,MAKE US AN OFFER WE CAN'T REFUSE. wmý WHITBY FREE PRES ce-