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Whitby Free Press, 6 Apr 1977, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6,1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS à pp- ,9w HAR AL ESTATE LTD. 1--ôt ria 7wiw W'9~1822 -i~*n4 ~ ITIT I RETIREMENT OR STARTER Cozy 2 bedroom home in preferred area of Whitby, nicely decorated and 'well maintained. Asking $45,900. LAKEFRONT COTTAGE LOT On Buckhorn Lake, 1 hour drive from Oshawa. sloping lot with sandy beach. Treed Dayton'Tfore staff is increasiing in 1977 101 Br@ck Street South Whitby 668-8865 ASKING $45,000.00 Four seasons cottage on Scugog. Very large lot. Ft Septic and well, electric heat. Completely panelled interior, appliances & some furniture included. Ideal for family with smail children, has shallow sandy shore. Caîl Helen lngram 668-8865 or 668-8683. Godfrey usked que6tions about szitetY undi ndcustrial diseuse p)robleiris,, ani(l were told thut no clîenicals are ullowed in the plan t tntil they have been tested uand upproved. lTle conipuny also will be keeping ieul th rcc)r<ls on ils, new eînployees, said Mr. Reese. lie explained thut the cern-. pany ceLIld flot curry ont a pregruni l'or oIder ernployees because it did not know what- conditions existed before Dayton took over fromn Dunlop in I1974. Mr. Breoîdbent and D)r. Godf*rey, represcntutives of' a labor-oricnted political party. were offercd an Opportiiity to heur the mnanagement%5 views on business theory and labor relations during the plant tour. Town applies for home renewal'fund The iuimber of e niployces u t Dayton Tire Ltd(. ik steadily it-îcasing, c0miflfy presidcnl 'FoiReese told NDP leader Ed lroadbent, and Durhami West MPP Dr. Charles Godfrey whien they toured tlie plant recently. Mr. Reese said there were 620 employees a year ugo and 760 in March I1977. By the end of' flic year there wiII be 850 as new mulichinery is received and installed tire inukers are hircd, lie said. Mr. Reese also said two auito niaufucftiîrers arc testing Dayton Tire produiets, whichi have passed riding and handi- ing and face duirability tests. The company is flot going to get into passenger tires us original equipnîent with the big three auto inakers, hie said, but wvilI supply truck tires. Mr. Broadbent and Dr. RENT A CAR!' $495 a day 68M8000 GLO BD opposite Brewers Retail Renewal Pregrani offers Iow inlerest boans to borne owners earîdng lower inconies fo r improvenient of their properties. At the present time the town lias 1 5 active applications and lhas loaned in excess of S50,000. The boans are administered in c(>nnection with the pro- perty standards inspections being carried out in Whitby. The rentaI prograrn *enables landiords iinder certain cir- cumstances te borrow provin- cial rn<nies uinder the admin- istration of local municipal- idies to rennovate rentai accommodation. The government provides loans of up to S I 0000 per unit and up to S3,750 of' this arnoLint may be forgiven over a period of 10 years. The land lord mnust in tomn enter into a rent control agreemen.t with the town. J~~ \UsISHERE ' The Mini-Wagon for -~ Little Truckers N SEE& TEST DRIVE TUE AU. NEW PINTO 'CIRUISING WAGON 4 MacDonald Ford Sales ý"We're the oniy Ford Petunia in a GM Patch" - 815 KlNg St. W. OSHAWA i#~I~i576-1'800 OFF TO QUEBEC On April 1, these memnbers of the Whitby Sea Cadet Corps left for a three-day citizenship tour of Quebec City. Thirty-six cadets took part in the tour, under the leadership of their commanding officer Capt. Jim Vanderende and three other escourts. The cadets stayed at Canadian Forces Base Valcartier and visited the Quebec Parliament Buildings, the Plains of Abraham and the Citadel. This was the second annual citizenship tour taken by the Whitby Sea Cadets. fAst year they visited Ottawa. Free Press Photo NOTICE 10 % of visits to advortisers & contributors weemWiy About' 10 per cent of the home visits made by the Durham Region Victorian So hatourstaf m y ejoy Order of Nurses in 1976 wer~e So tot o r stff oy efi i Whibyaccording toth Easter with their famtiles, Order's annual report, issued There were 2,043 visits teWhutby Free Press offices inade in Witby, the report ~., states. Comipared with 1975, wilibe losd FidayAprl 8and the branch saw an increase of 41 patients admitted to care wiII re -open Monday April il in 1976 for the entire region, buta decrease of eiglit per cent in visits as a resuit of more careful scrutiny of patients need in an effort to be more cost conscious. On Othe average, the ubro VOLUNTEER 21, compared toi19 in196 corne patients visited were aduits, be a f riend and more than 75 per cent of the visits made by nurses share an interest or hobby were financed through govern- ie. music and craft programs, ment sources. The VON in its on ward activities etc. report expressed concern that, BABYSITTNG ERVIES VAILBLEwith future government pro . BAB SITIG SRVIESAVA LALEgranis becoming available, Monday.and Wednesday afternoons governmnent funding' may Whitby Psychiatric Hospital ultinmately lead to govern- Volunteer Services 668-5881 Ext. 323 mient delivery of service. The VON would prefer to see a partnership concept between goverrent aind the private sector. ,&;, The Town of Whitby lias applied lor provincial fundiiî, froîn the On tario IHome Renewal Prograin to help improve preperties in the conîîniunlity. The tewn lias miade an application l'r S82,758 frein the Ontario IHomre Renewal Prograni. and a second appliý cation for np to S250,000 for the rentaI portion of the progra ni. The Ontario Horne

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