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Whitby Free Press, 6 Apr 1977, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY., APRIL 61,197IL.WHITBY FREE PRESS whi tb Voice of the Cou nty Town mi The only Whitby newspaper independently owned and opel SERVINO OVER 28#000 READERSC ike Burgess, Publisher-Managing Editor rateu Dy vnuuuy residents for vviby residents, Publshe evry WdnedayCommunity Editor -Briari Wiflter Publshe evry WdnedayContributing Editor -Jim Qouail Production Manager -Marie Burgess b M..M.Publshig,,Print & Promotional1 by MBM.Pblsin Manager '-Robin LVOfl and Photography Ic. CiassifièdTAd Manager* -Marlene Byron, Phone 668-6111 Circulation Manager -Sharon Lyonl Mailing Pe'rmit No. 460 The Free Press Building, Member of> the; 121 Brock Street North, Better Business Bureau of Toronito P.O. Box.206., Whîtby, Ont. Whitby Chamber of Comerce ý Comme'nts - I on Camp X To the Editor: Re: PUBLIC PARK - CORBEIT CREEK & CAMP X Councillor Joy Thomp- son is quoted in the Whitby Free Press of Mardi 3th as saying that she wanted to see thc park "open to everyone and flot used exciusively by the Scouts". Also Councillor Carson said that the Scouts (shouldn't be allowed to) "eventually consider a portion of the area to be theirs alone". They seemn to know littie about the Scout- Guide organization and how far and wide it reaches. Camp Samac in Oshawa, which is administered .by the Scouts and was given to them by Sam McLaughlin is used by thousands and thousands of people. Just the local Scouts. Guides, Rangers, Ventur- ers, Rovers, Cadets, Cubs, Brownies and l3eavers keep the place almost solidly booked for camp- ing, - training, leaders' conferences and training, District gatherings and even Provincial get- togethers. Scout and Guide leaders may be a sulent group, especially when it cornes ta Public Affairs and Town Council proposals. We are much too busy with the youth of this town inside schools and churches al winter and out of town at camps ahl spring, summer and fail. You rarely see or hear us except when we have fund raising affairs like Apple Day or a Cookie Drive. WeIl, 1 would like to speak up from this sulent minority, that 1 was exhilarated when I first heard that an area - Camp X - was going to be made available to the Scouts of Whitby. I've neyer been on that piece of land, buf I think it is rather bare, flat & ugly. But, with tree planting and a lot of work it could be made into a lovely & useful Camp and Activity area. Maybe in 20 years it would be a -Derby - a small item on the calenda'of the Scouit- Guide Mavement in this town, takes place in February each year. For two weeks races are conducted every night for, each Cub unit in Whitby District. Then the winners meet for the big Saturday Finals. BLt not just the winners are there are course. Sisters, brothers, fathers, mot bers. grandparents, somnetimes even Aunts and Uncles show up to cheer. This is usually held in a High Schiool gymnasium and it is always very full. This year for the first time it was hield> in the Old Couincil Chambers in the Lîbrary Building. 1 wouild venture to guess that that room bhas neyer held sa miany bodies. Thley had to ket.p over- flowing onto the lanidinig and stairs and outside- sort of taking turns watching only wheni their ownl child was competUng. 1, myseit, do not have a Cub, but as a wife of a leadrer, 1 was there part of the timie ta sec how thing were goîing for his bo ys. l'm sure no anc enjoyed the crowded atmiosphere. You couldn't Dr. C harles Godfrey MPP' support, EDITOR'S NOTE The following is a statement by Charles Godfrey, MPP for Durham West, concerning co-opera- tive housirig in Wiitby. Dear Sir: Co-operative l-ousing offers a once-in-a-liîetime apportunity for Iow incarne families ta obtain reasonable housing at reasonable cost - with- out cost ta the commun- ity wiile preserving real estate values. I have been happy ta work with the Toronto Non-Profit Co-operative Housing Federation in attempting ta set up a corporation which wilI then take advaàtage of Ps Co-op housing the recent decision by (?-operative housing the Whitby Council to mneans tiat cîvie mninded permit the development citizens who can work of a 48 apartment non- together can pull thern- profit project in that selves up from a 4th rate City. apartment frequently Such developments of fered as errfergency have been shown ta be iousing, and enjoy reason- successful in British able shelter at reasonable Colunmbia and in a few prices. isolated areas in Ontario. The idea has iad difficul- lie NDP encourage ty in catciing on because this type of activity, and the occupant does not offers ail of its facilities "aGwn"), his apartment. ta encourage groups ta However, this had advan- organize and ta build this tages ta many people who type of housîng. do flot .want ta get caught up in the real estate game as they do not have enough money Charles Godfrey, ta buy chips in any MPP Durham West housing gamble. see unless you hiad a very long neck or were very pushy - which no one was. Now this is only a smnall example of the numbers that becomne involved in Scouting activities. Whien you say part of the park shouild not be used "cxcluisively" by the Scouts - it suggests that you think they are a sînali, sornehow pri vileged group and I wish to dispel this notion for Couincillor Thompson and ail of Cou ucil. Lamp Samnac, 1 tlinKç, isone of tic most peace- fui. beautîful, natural areas anywhere in the Region. I hope thiat some day Whitby will be graced withi such a beautiful Park - ta be uised by residents whio are tiousands of of tuis town connected with "Scouting" and their friends - whici, I guess, includes everyane. We're a friendly bunch. Nancy J. ,4,idrews Captain, 7th Whitby Girl Guides ta Letters to, the Editor Whitby free press Box- 206 SWhitby w Send letters

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