WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1977, PAGE 5 Have you ever walked into a room, noticed a familiar face, and had a whole flood of memnories suddenly return?? because 1 didn't know Harry was interested in politic's but 1 should have figured he would be. 1 guess I didn'l know because 1 only got to know the Bests for four days and you can't find out a heck of a lot in four days. Stili, it does add up because Harry owns a lot of property in and around Whitby, England, and I think that alones promotes an interest in the political climate. So as 1 walked in the door the other night and spotted Harry and his wife a whole lot of memories came flooding back such as the night I got lost up ofl the moors and in doing so suddenly remembered ail the plots from ail the old Sherlock Holmes plots about people disappearing irito a bog or the drifting mist that is so prevalent. I also remembered baskets of steaming scampi and chips and absolutely huge mugs of beer and an early morning tour of how the beer Bull Manning-saye: Study shc The town council promised resîdents at a public meeting last Wednesday that phase two of the Brooklin Secondary Plan Study would not commence until their views were known. However, Bill Manning, President of the North Ward and Brooklin Community Association said $45,000 had been spent on the first phase and if the town did not proceed with phase two, the money would be wasted. If the town does not pro- ceed with the second phase now, he said, it would probably have 1o be done a few years later and the expen- diture would haunt council. Mayor Jim Gartshore pointed ouI that if the developer who owns land around Brooklin does flot 1V pay the trunk sewer cosîs 10 Brooklin, the residents could pay up 10, $3,500 10 hook f into the sewers. Il was later estimnated that if the developer did pay the cost, each home owner would pay about $200 to obtamn a sewage line 10 his home from the street. "There is no way we wl allow development unless there is some other way than fo r you to absorb the developmnent cosîs", the mayor said. Councillor Tom Edwards told the meeting that no one had been told il would cost $11i million tb gel sewers up Il happencd t10nme a couple of weeks ago whcn thc Mayor of Whitby, England, his wife and Counicillor Best and his wife were visîing our Whitby while on holidays. Therc was an informnai welcoine before some counicîl meetings one night ýand I had gotten a cuit [rom the Frce Press' Br*tn Winter that if 1 wanîed to ille the Mayor and his wife I should gel rny curcass down to thc town hall between 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. 0f course 1 did just thal even though 1 did not know the Mayor, Mayor I lutchison, because lie is the successor to the one ', had the plcusure of' meeting in Whitby, England iI1975. At that lime 1 signed the Courneil guesi book, had 'a spot of sherry' in the Muyor's office and was showui around the town hall and the counicil charrbers.. For the next four days 1 prowled around Whitby, England, taking pictures, asking a lot of questions and being given many aniswers by the editor of the Whilby, Gazette, Bill Slater. But the face 1 saw in our Whitby the other night brought it ail back and I wast u t a loss to place the face. Il belonged. to none other than the owner of the Wilson Arms, a very lovely English Inn and pub (free house) in Sneaîon, on a big hill overlooking Whitby, England. I was surprised to see Harry Best and his wife in our town hall and yet I wasn'l. 1 knew Harry and his wife had been to Canada many limes previously but I also knew from Brian's conversation that the Mayor of Whitby, England was accompanied by one of the Councillors. By putting my gray malter in geur I deduced that the counicillor must indeed be Harry, else why would Harry be here?? If was Harrv of course and 1 say I wus surprised )uld proceed, or money wasted 10 Brooklin, and wondered if the people were being given enough information. IHe suggested building should be done in the south part of Whitby first, where sewers are Iying dormant. Rick Bagg, treasurer of the North Ward Association, said he has seen raw sewage [buat- ing in lynde creek and bubbling out of the ground. "Ail il takes is for the governiment 10 corne and say this place is polluted and you will have 10 put sewers i" he warned. "WVe have to look aI il [rom thal perspective, flot jusl îhat il will cost $ 1l million". Councillor Bob Carson reported thigl the town is holding private negotiations with the developer, Consoli- dated Building Corporation, which is prepared te, pay for the trunk sewers 10 Brooklin. Il won't cost the region or the town", he said. Engineering Consultant Peter Eberîe bld the meet- ing that he considered growth of Brooklin to be inevitable. More than 500 smail municipalities have had 10 instaîl sewer systems in recent years because of inadequate septic tanks, he said. Mr. Eberîce also reported the water supply of Brooklin is extremely limîted and he doubted the community well .i Newbouses, Hilts I & O'Neill CHARTEED ACCOUNTANTrS OSHAWA 728-9448 TOWN 0F WHITBY 1977 INTERIM TAI NOTICE SECOND INSTALMENT The second instalment of taxes for 1977 is due and payable April 15, 1977. If payment is flot received by the due date, penalty at the rate of 1% per month will be charged on the overdue balance. Taxes may be paid at any Whitby bank without bank collection charges or at the Municipal Office, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Gail Empey, Tax Collector, Town of Whitby. TOWN 0F WHITBY SAVE OUR RESOURCES RECYCLE YOUR WASTES Bring your bottles and cans to the Town of Whitby Operations Centre on Taunton Road. The Town ot Whîtby has set up receptacles at the centre where resource and pollution conscious citizens of Whitby can bring these waste materials. The citizens of Whitby are urged to respond to this program and take the time and effort to bring their bottles (washed and de-labeled> and their cans (cleaned, de-labeled and f lattened) to the recycling area. These materials will be taken to the reclamation centre for reuse. The Public Works Department of the Town of Whitby invites suggestions and/or participation from individual citizens or groups of citizens to assist in the recycling program. R. A. Kuwahara, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. gcts trom the barrels 10 the taps complete with a *sarnple nmug 10 wet my whistlc while the short tour was conducted. 1 remnember hearly breakfasts as a sendoff each day for mny tours of the town and I remember a gypsy type couple staying in a 'caravan' out back of the Wilson Arms. They ,were working at the Inn uintil they got enough money 10, drift on 10 Ithe next îown thal Wet their fancy. I also reniember a friendly goal tied out back, which Harry lter confided had died. Hie showed me a picture from his pucket of the Wilson Arms and it looked unchanged. Later thal night, while we were crowded in the Mayor's office with the press taking pictures, I was 10 mccl wilh the Mayor of Whitby, England,Mr. Hutchison and his wife. Mrs. Ilutchison confided 10 me afler the cordialities thal, "She had heard about mê".e That put me il] aI ease unlil she explained thal what she heard was good, flot bad. For a minute I thought maybe Harry or his wife had told themn 'about me pinching a paper drink coaster from the"Inn or rny early morning dr*inking habits. The next night the Toyvn of Whitby had an officiai receplion for the Hutchisons and the Bests and 1 was proud that after all these years of history and association between the two communfilies we were finally moving towards twinning. I was also proud of mnyWhitby for being'such a complete host to the visiting dignitaries because to me they really weren't dignitaries but friends who 1 hoped would be made 10 feel welcome ... and they eertainly were. LA CONTESSA BEAUTY LOUNGE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE that Mr. Geoffrey formerly of Sears Beauty Salon has joined our staff MR. GEOFFREY styles hair with elegant- ease.' He has the latest training in ail areas of cut-styling & perming. 119Green St. 6896 Ask us about yu corne and tell us what you're Iookinq for.in a job Tell us what you are today and whvat you, wauîl 10 bc tomorrow. Ask us if we can offer opportunities and challenges to match your needs. INo obligations on euîher side. We'Il be glad to talk. And we may have-j ust what you're Iooking for. But you'Il niever knowA qntil you .ask Visit Our Mobile Recruiting Unit Canada Manpower Centre -- Oshawa WEDNESDAY APRIL 6, 13, 20 & 27, 1977 10:00 .m. - 3:00 P.m. TME CANADAN ô-M * A IMORIGAGE-S 1. M 1i'T E O list a 2nd Arrongod; bought ond Sold at Prime Rtes coiuPeter Kade ANUBIS INVESTMENTS Lt d. loi Mary St. W. WHITBY_