ÈAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS lin ~ Byl es Last Wednesday's town meeting at Meadowcrest sehool was flot particularly well attended - somiething over one hundred people were present. The subject was the Pinker report on the financiat and transportation implications of' Brooklin growing to ten thousand people. If you were wondering about this report 1 hope that yoLI were aible to Iearn something from this meeting. Financial reports aýre flot easily digested at a glance - the main concern expressed WESCO WEEDSPRAYIN0 & LAWN MAINTENANCE Weed Spraving Lawn Rolling Fertiiizing Seeding Aeratina Sadd'mn, Avoici a long wait. Make an appoiniment nc)w for a beautif ut lawn cail 655-3932 IR. N,, mith larooklif B-RU W WS BROOKLIN, ONT, NORTH WHITBY DELIVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGE CANADA GRADE A TURKEYS FRESH CANADA UTILITY GRADEC EVISCERATED - FRESHc 3.-12 lu. ovu. 95K CHECIEDOARD FAIM & CANADA PACKERS - MAPLE LEAF or BURNS SKINLESS I TURKLEYS SMOKED HAMS FROZEN SOT H Â $ 1 1 EVISCERATED c SHAK ORTIOHNK CANADA GRADE "A" C& NN OTO 12 fo 20 lb. Avg. 8 FULLY COOKED$ . 9 mias le itecu i or more iformation. Peopl1e iiit h is a rea are woiriecd abonuIt lie cosi of'it plie iit iig thli propused growtli of' thle Pin ke r shindy anid ilt is ce r tai n ly a legifi nia te coucernt. Watch l'or îîews of' thlic ext North Ward Comm11IL1iiity Association meeting whctc you will be able to iearnl a little more abouit the situation . Tis associa tioni represenits ail ru tepayers iin tlis a rea and if' YOL wiSh to becomle a voting mleinîer, the ece is a inere $2.00. H ave you visited the Consoiidatcd Building Corrp. Concept Centre (situated in the old bank biliniig)? No, doubt you huave by now receivcd a suiîuhly tasteftil letter of' introductionî and invitation [moin blîcir represen ta tive. There are staff' on hand thecre who wisli to discuss witiî yoLu youir ideas on the future o>f lrookliin and who wilI present iin brfi some of their ideas. This developinent corporation owns a large tiiotint ou' land aromnd Brookiin and arc desirous of devcloping it. Thcy insist thatîno plans have been drawn up as yet but aiwait the iuput of local citi/ýcns regarding their prefer-ences iiihouisinig, shoppinig, recrea tionl fucilities, site of the town etc. This Concept Centre lias becît beatitifully decoruted and is vo ry sm-ootiîly mnl by well (qualificd personnel. Titis is consisten t with a corporationî who already have invcstcd heavily in our area and obviously expect a very good returri on their invest nient. Thcy have an impressive collection of cnlarged photo- graphis of' historic Brooklin which arc rcally worth viewing. I understand th' at archivist Brian Wiuter made this possible through sharing his collection- a înost generouIs act which will no doubt give many people great pleasure. Considering the tinie, rnoney and effort being spent lu WOO YOLI and your ideas it behooves you k)o drop in ;a nd sec this place. Cet involved, you miay not believe t hat as an individual you can have uny effect on decision makiiîîg- ibis a sure thing that yoti wiIl not if you do not at least eXert YOuIrself check this place out. Even i f yQu favour only limited cleve lopIleit t rajt liertait large scale dcloieîî lllt jt your views bce hourd. Fliose who do la.'vo(Ir CXteiisive deve lopmcent arc certaiiily vocal ecnoughi /pi hwr The I3rooklin District Kincttcs lhcld their 'ApFilho e lashion show last Friday. It waSspectacl.,ir! Th clothing, the models, the lighting, the decor, the presenta' tion wcre ail "first rate". Darc we hope tha t the>' play nia ke this an annual event? Thecacr-wash that lthe 2nd t3rooklîn Scouts had plantiîd lust Suiiday was raincd out. Watch for a ncw date for the Scouts' car wash. 1In the mleantime - don't despair - the Brookîjui Custom Coaches Van Club is holding a car wash on Sunday, April I17 [rom l1 2 noon until 4 p.m. ut Edwards Sheil station (corner of highways 7 and 1 2). This nlew cornr-nun'ity club will give your car, truck or van a super wash and the proceeds will go to the Sick Children's 1-lospital. Should this car wash be rained out it wiIl be held the following Sunday, April 24. lst and 2nd Brooklîn Scouts paper drive will be held this Sunday, April 9. As usual, please tic bundies securely and put theïm out before 9 a.m. Sunday, April 17 is U.C.W. Sunday at Brooklin UJnited Church. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Marg Ferries, the President of the Oshawa Presbytery. The United Church W'lineni are also planning to pack a bale of clothing on Thursday, April 21 at the Brooklin United Church during the morning. Shouîd you be sorting through your closes or spring eceanting and have some good quality used clothing you would like to donate you may bring it to the church that morning or give it to a U.C.W. member. Brooklin Legion members are rerninded that Sunday, April I17 is the next general meeting, 1:30 p.m. sharp! This wiIl be a norninating meeting -- ail memnbers are urged to attend. An executive meeting wili be hield Tues: April I12 at 7:ý30 p.mi. Ilave a goQd wee. FOODMASTE.R F STORE HOURS OPEN SIX OAYS AWEEK 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. cuts EXCEPT THURS & FR1 au N1GHTS 'TIL 9 p.m. ttinfa.tiot F- E CAN NIBLU WMO&E CORN fi-o.i 9 ORIOLE SOFT MARGARINE Tub 49 BICK'S WH'OLE POLISH NO GARLIC DILLS f4s~ RIO LIGUIO DETEGEN 24 §fc fI.z Cont. 3 CAIIIED HAMS il4.8 TINS 2.99 BUDGET DOG FOOD 15 c Trin 1 ~1~ MAPLE LEAF 1 6-OZ PACKAGE MAPLE LEAF CUT FROM GRADE "A" UEEF -6 end 7ti, IES SAUSAGEMEAT 59, DINNER I OSS11 HAM STEAKS$1 .49,, SHOULDERS LUNCH MEATrS 98C£ MAPLE LEAF 16OZ PACKAGE Smoked $ * MAPLE LEAF - REGULAR or ALL BEEF 16-OZ PACKAGE RINDLESS Bà con $1 .29 c WIENERS SKINLES 79 AUSTRAL CLu fL IBNOUS! T ANCY STOKELY'SS A*RAMOCLa jBS Poh.mda a..i. HEACHES OLIVES JUICE PUMPKIN CAKE-Pnapl 28 12 48 14 MC pf - 19S -CD- lusj .TM 'oz fi-et fi-«2f i-oz U ' fioM inc Jar c in Tin -in Du MON TE 1121 Tomatees go,55c mE MONE UN-OOzTM Fruit Cocktail 79c CfLB NOffBE- # RM Ml-KIMCE J Red Cherries sl .19 We Are Agents For TEi UBPlBueue tIRB MUSTARD 16..J«i49C FLUF 143 PACKAGE SIRING 59< MINI PUDDIGS69' ITOULA PACKAGE KOOL -AID 5 tu49c cm HNm402 TU BUCK olla99< BINs PAOCIMNT 1LB ",Am MARGARINE 45c i -BTBAIOIIT CIf 341WBa" SUPER FIES 69< BUPEEsDME NA2 42 POIT pEA-AIOS69e FACIAL -LANC E M 100x $P OI ROAINE TSS 59C ROYAE -MAX SM xBB, -PL PKO FACAL 1 55E 59c SEllAIT Hom "* ', IV MhOU F011 WRMP 49 MENT I15W UE 9 MEVS 8%-CE TUN CAT FOUS 4 iCsl -- -. - Ontario Hothouse No. 1 Se.dless Cucumbers 79, eu. No. 1 Product of U.S.A. Head Lettuce 491 eu. Californie Sunkist Oranges Six. 113 991 doz. CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY OPEN SATURDAY &,,MONPAY THE U>i th AS USUAL Valerie 655-4317. Thursday, April 7th - j Lunchecon i> Served" at Brooklin United Church, I p.m. Tickets Saturday, Avril 9_- lst and 2nd Brooklin Scouts hoîd paper drive. Papers left out before 9 a.m. Suinday, April 10 - Easter breakfast ut Myrtîe United Church 8:30 a.m. Tickets are SI.00. Tuesday, April 12 - Brookîin Legion Executive Mleetîing, ut Legion Hall, 7:30 p.m. Sunday, April 17 - Brookîin Legion general meeting - nomination m el- iîîg, 1:30 p.m. Sunday, April 17 - U.C.W. Sunday - guest Mrs. Marg Ferries. Sunday, April 17 - Brooklin Customi Coaches Van Club hoîd a car wvash - Edward's Shell Station, 12 -4 p.m. Thursday, April 21 - Brooklini U.C.W. packingaa bale of uised clothing. Brooklin United Churcli, Whitby man is chafrman of Education Week Dave Disney, Principal of Whitby's West Lynde Public School is chairman of the Durham Region Board of Education's Education Week, to be held in the region's sehools, April 17 to 2-3. This year's theme is "Growing with Dignity", which Dr. Disney says "is not only a precious right to be enjoyed by each Canadian citizen, but also a personal responsibiîity to he accepted by each Canadian citizen so our country will continue to be united, strong and free". Chairman of the Durham Board of Education, Yvonne Christie, is inviting ail area residents, whether they -have chiîdren in the school systein or not, to becorne involved in Education Week by attend- ing the local sehools for an hour or two during the week, to view the various displays. One of the features of Education Week will be live displays and activities at the Oshawa Shopping Centre. Whitby schools participa ting in this program are Palmner- ston, with gyrnnastics; West Lynde, with its band-, and Dr. Robert Thornton wlth its guitar club, junior choir and dan.ce group. Garden comau 59e Saico Tuna 99c ..MM.MM *