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Whitby Free Press, 13 Apr 1977, p. 4

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PGE 4, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1 977, WHITBY FREE PRESS whitb'y Voice of the Cou nty Town Mill The only Whitby newspaper independentîy owned and operi <e 'ite kW:.... auy TTiroLy uesiueils toir vvitby resiaents. iERVINO OVER 28,000 READERS eBurgess, Publisher-Managing Editor Communl ty-Editor Published every Wednesday Conitributing Editor (~II byM.B.. PblisingProduction Manager and Photography Ine. diîf A Manager 1C' Manaer dMaae Phone 668-6111i Circulation Manager Mailing Permit The FreePress Building, Member 121 Brock Street North, Better Business Bui P.O. Box 206. Whitby, Ont. Whitby Chamber c>f Commerce -Brian Winter -Jim Quail -Marle Burgess -Robin Lyon -Marlene Byromi -Sharon Lyon t No. 460 rof the : ireau of Toronto Recycle slabs I &move trees Dear Sir: Re: 401 Construction Whitby, Ontario It appears that no one looks ahead when devel- opment plans are pre- pared. Conservation of material, trees etc. are all forgatten. For example, ail the trees cut down on the 401. .1 as public relations of the Whitby District Boy Scouts asked before any were eut down to have some good trees moved. Althoughi the Ontario governiment, Department of Highways have the machinery ta move these,. they would not inove thcmn for the Town of Whitby. 2nd - 1 asked if the Scouts could remnove all the small evcrgreens frorn off the banks. 1 was told no they would remain on the site. Within one week of asking, they were al destroyed by the earth moving machinery. 3rd - Miles of concrete removed from the road bed. This concrete is 10 feet wide & some 14 feet in length. These slabs could have been reinstailed as retaining walls along the Creeks etc. - a gabian in type wall to stop flooding etc. No ail these slabs were dumped into the *marsh and buried (dumped into the flQod plains of Pringle Creek). Where were the Conservation Authority, John? The Conservation Authority should require their slabs to be removed and be recycied toaa proper Lse. Russ Wilde, 1201 Brock St. S. Whitby, Ontario. Pringle Creek Open Letter To: C.L.O.C.A. Authority & Ministry of Natural Resources, Lindsay, Ontario Mr. Goodwiii: AboLut this ture Iast ycar I wratc ta inquire about turning the aid quarry on Watson Street inta a Lagoon. This year the watcr is 50 low that the crcek is gaing dry. If the sewage outiet was flot pumping into the crcek the water wo:fld be stagnate. As it is, the creek froin Watson Street ta the Harbour . is a stinking mess. HIospitals misused says Ontario Nurses' Assoc. Dear Editor: Cutbacks hurt, and the Ontario Nurses Associa- tion's 23,000 registered and graduated nurses across Ontario, have pub- -ished a report saying how. Our report called "Let Us Take Care!" brings aur concerns out into the apen. 'm-prave- menîts mnust be made! Warkloads ini hospitals and the Publie Hcaltlh ficld are taa heavy. We cannat give praper care ta aur paticnts. !n haspitals nurses arc cxpccted ta carry out the duties of porters-, housckecping staff and clerical workers in addition ta their mirs- ing duties. Public Health ciinics are closed or under- staffed 50 oppartunities for hcalth check-ups and hecalthi education are denicci. Hospitals arcenîisused. Expensive hospital beds are accupied by patients wha cou id be carcd lfor in nursinig homes. Whiy? Bccauise there are naot enough gavernnîilent- subsidised nlUrsing haimes. is "a stinking mess" The CLOCA is s0 con- cerned abouIt fiiling etc. thcy have forgotten their purposes. The* creek should be filed ta a water coutrse adequate ta keep the water flowing and not Iay in stagnate pools. The flood plains shotuld be raised ta dlean Lip the mLuck etc. andi planted with grass, leaving the area nice, with stili flood protection in the event of a regional starn. Most of the creck valley betweeni Watsôn and Brock Streets lias about five feet of miuck on top of rock base; the water wilI not go out because it is alm-ost lake level. Sanie kids were ini tiiere today just sotîth of Front Street. 1 put a nost into the nîuck (just about five feet ta the rock). If soi-ne kid dîsappears ini this nîuclc then I think Natural ResoLîrces people and CLOCA will find time ta do the jobs expected of themn, ratlier thaîi thinking aboLit flaoding, tlîat nleyer happ'-rned. Russ Wilde, 1201 Brock St. S. Wlitby, Ontario. Try getting yotir loved anc inta anc with a wait- ing list of 200. Emcrgency departmients in some areas are used as doctor's offices for foilow-up visits, or for m-inor treat- ments that couid be donc cheaper in a doctor's office. Preventative nmedicine is neglectcd. Elderly people arc abandoned, whcn with just a little assistance with mneals and nutirse'1s visits tiîey cauld Our "Let Us Take Ca re! " offers some remiedies as seen by those who are closest ta the probiemns - the nurses. Ask one for a capy. Yours truly, Adenla J. Trevor, President, Local 24, O.N.A. Ajai x Olga MlcQuiay, Local 57, O.N.A. Aja x be kept hieaithier and. N. Nochie, President, hiappier langer. Local 51, O.N.A. Oshawa K. Fieko, President, Local 105, O.N.A. Port Hope Marie Chamriies, Presidejit Local 164,O.N.A. Port Perry B. Besso, President, Local 160, O.N.A. Bowinanville TV is .not ail violence- Dear Editor: lin last week's issue of the Free Press youLr caluminist George A . Gault wrote a scathili-g denunciation of violent crimne shows an the boob tube. 1 endorse his attack anc hundred percent. However, by way of corn- pariosi, lhe ornitted the mention of a worth- viewing cap show, naniely *Barney Miller, No violence; strictly for laughs. Jt's good for the digestion anid conditioning of the laugh niscies. Try it samnetîie. Yours truly, AI Living, 205-409 Centre S. Wlitby iq@hý

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