The Brooklin Redmien Lacrosse Club have, had 6 workouts to date at thie Ajax Arena. Coachi Peter Vipond lias jbeen pleased withi the quality of players,ý however hie lias been disappointed* in the number of players in attendance. Manager Gerry Ravary reports that a numiber of players should be appearing within the next week. He lihas approached a number of players in Peterboro, including tJohn Grant, Carm Collins, 4Tim Barrie and Jim Wasson who are ail former profes- sionals. Mr. Ravary hopes to have four 'to five players from the Peterboro area. Stan Cockerton, star of last years Oshawa Green Gaels is still at university. Botlî Joe Greentree (Oshawa Green Gaels) and Jimi Quigg have expressed interest in joining the club, but have maeno final conmitment. Mr. Vipond lias been imipressed withi the work of Tim Brisco (lîard-driving former captain of the Whitby, C.B.C. Buildersi and Rick Barrowclough whio comi- peted with the Gaels last year. Players returning froin last year include Marty Van- Heuval, Bill Down, Gary Nicholson, Greg, Willianis, and John Dalgleishi. Peter feels thiat goaltending should be no problemn as Paul Bolanci froni last years C.B.C. Builders teani lias been work- ingyotit. Practices thiis xeek are Tues. April 26 and Thutrs. April 28 8:00 - 10:00 p.nm. atL Brooklin Arena. Signings: 1. Rck Barrowcloughi -- 668-1856 or 579-8475 *aanlant fI*uà , higli scoring niember of ast year's Oshîawa Green Gaehs. 2. Bill Down - voted rnost- vahuiable nienmber of Brooklin Redmnen last year - dedicated & liard working. 3. P aul Boland - goal- tender with Whiitby CI3C Builders in Jr. A. last vear - CO)MPOST - Organic Fertilizer and Soil Flower Gardens, 103 BROCK ST- ST. S. str-ong.showiingso fitr. 4. Jinii Quigg- former professional, played with Brooklin ast year, second lîigliest scorer last year. 5. Greg Williams - froni Scarboro,phayed witlî Redmen last year - big lad Who will provide heavYYhitting _» Conditioner for Vegetable and GRAVEL & MATERIALS - For Laneways and Driveways. (Deiivered in any quantitiet) GRADING- Laneways and parking lots. BARCLAY TRANSPORT LJMITED (Kinsate Sand & Gravel) Brooklin, R.R. No. 1, ontario Phones 683-4461& 683-4468 ELDORADO CHEESE& DAI RY BAR 102 COIBORNE ST. E. Whitby - 668-1621 Iocated behind Bowmfan and Gîbson Cheeses direct from the' Eldorado Cheese Factory Hours: Mon. 10:30-6, Tues. Wed. & Thurs. 9-6 Fr1. 9-9 Sot 9-6 WANTED Antiques, Clocks, Coins, Chairs, Desks, Books, Furniture, etc. LEE JEANS REG. 17.00 NiOW 8'" * 1925 NJCKELS PAN Si16.00 EACH 1923 PENNIES PAY $9.00 EACH MENS SOCKS REG. 1.50 PR NOW 454 PR. RECORDS 1 edTAPES IBUY & SELL COINS BUY ALL 1 - TiNNIS RAQUETS REG. 14.95 NOW 1948 HALF DOLLARS PAY'$45.OO EACH 1925 PENNIES PAY $7.00 EACH i <2ANADIAN U.S. SILVER 1948 DIMES PAY $3.00 EACH 1970 NICKELS PAY 25 CENTS EACH1 Open 10 - 5 Sot, 10 - 6 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1977, PAGE il For Bqys 8'to 15 yrs. a 5 days aweek 3 hous of@ Canada ýFltness testlng Ice iIme DaIlly eLmited en roilment eExtensive off Ice programn e Hot Moals Daily TRAN SPORT AT ION To and ftrom convenieni pick-up points on Oshawa, Whltby,.AIax, Pickering, West Hill and Scarborough., 4 SESSIONS No. 1 iweek Aug. 1 to 5 No. 2 2 weeks Aug. 8 to 19 No. 3 o4 2 w..ks 1I week Aug. 22to Sept. 2 Sit. 5to 9 *-Pre-season t ralnlng for prof essionals Senior or Junior DON BEER ARENA - PICKERING For mor e information col! or write Blades 1804 Avenue Rd., Toronto, Ont. M5M MZ 783-7228 (Toronto) 725-8912 (Ms. afler 5 p.m.) CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE A PUBLIC MEETING WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY, MAY 2,1977 in the TOWN MEETING HALL Whitby Municipal Building 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the construction of Bonacord Avenue, a new minor arterial road, which will intersect with Cochrane, Street. Further information on the prop---sed development may be obtained from the Town of Whitby Planning Department, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Telephone (416) 668-5803. COUNCILLOR T.J. EDWARDS *Chairman, AdministratieCommittee KEVIN J. TUNNEY Director of'Planning Corporation of the Town of Whitby Redmen are getting ready 1967 GOLD SETS PAY $120.00 EACH OR SELL FOR $1 45.00 1948 SILVER DOLLARS PA7' 5 300.00 & UP 1963 & 1964 & 19o5PL SETS 10 OR MORE SELL FOR $5.50 EACH COOPER'S PLACE