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Whitby Free Press, 4 May 1977, p. 1

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Addti*on is recommended 1Prelirninary work foi- an aîddi tion to the Durhaim regional headqluarters in Whîtbhy shouild begin this yer, the region's maniage- nment comimittee recoimmiend- cd Thursday. The conîittee lias asked thiat $570,000 bc put in tis year's capital budgct for, architectural work andi landl purchase, and thiat $5,166,000 bc put 'in thc 1978 capi tal bu dge t to construct the addition. Tliese recommrrendations hiave been sent to the region's finance commrittee for further study.. Thie'regioni's chicf adminis- trative office r Bob Richardson suggested in a report thiat the region spend $200,000 to boy 4.1 1 acres of land presently. owned by thc United Church, south of the regional building. Thie land hiad been purcliased about 10 years ago with the intention of building Garden- view United Church, but rio action was taken on con- struction. Maniagemlet Commite Chairmnan Alan Dewar report- cd that as the region expands, more space will be needed for employees, anti the present decentralizecl office system is inconvenien t ni expensive. The region's administrative staff is located in 'several rented offices in Oshawa and Whitby as well as in the head- quarters building. Mr. Dewar reported there are 1 ,250 people employed by theý" region, but flot al would work in the head- quarters even if it is expand- e d. The management com- mnittee meeting was closed to the press, but some mnembers rcported the decision to re- commend preliminary work wvas not unanimous. Oshawa Mayor Jim Potticary and Councillor Margaret Shaw said they voted against it. Councillor Shaw said any more regional offices should be in Oshawa "where the population is", and noted that the regionai headquarters is not on a bus route. Mayor Potticary als() advocated build- ing new fiacilities in Oshawa. Mr. Richardson saidmnoving regional offices from rented. space to the headquarters would save $149,501 a year, but the annual debt charge of the addition would be $367 ,000. This would niean an extra cost to the region of $ 217,499, he sai d. The regional lieadquarters is the former Ontario County Court Hlouse, built 13 years,, ago. No inquest for hospital suicide Coroner Dr. Doug Conley announced last week that there will be no inquest into the death of a patient from the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital whose body was found in Lake Ontario last month with a chain wrapped around its waist and ankies. Candidates ready; election is June 9 Ontario Premier Wlliam( Davis announced last week1 that a provincial election will be held June 9, and the Conservatives appear to be the nmost ready to challengei incombent NDP memiber Dr. Charles Godfrey for the Durham West seat. On Thorsday, as the election announcemefit as only hours awvay, Picl<ering Mayor George Ashe announc- cd bis candidacy for Durham West fo r the Progressive Conservative party. The Dorbam West PC Association will hold its no- mination meeting at 8 p.m. Friday at the Ajax Com- monity Centre to select its candidate. Mr. Ashe, 44, was deputy reeve of Pickering Township for two years before regional government, and has been mayor of the new town of Pickering for three years. He has lived in Pickering for I10 years. In 1972 he made an unsuccessful bid to win a federal seat for the Conserva- tive Party. Unlike Whitby Mayor Des Newman who resigned his office of mayor before enter- ing the 1975 provincial Regtion The fate of Whitby's police station for the rernainder o>f 1977 will be decided Thursday mornfing when the Durham Rcgiunal (:otiîicii passes its >current budget l'or the ycar. Mayor ui Gartshiorc says he will present a motion that $45,666 taken oui..or~ the budget to reduce the police election, Mr. Astlc intends lu hold on tu his niayoralty position until after the election. If lie wihs, by law he would have to resign as mayor of Pickering. Arnong Mr. Ashe's concernis are bringing more industry to Durham Region, staring the Pickering Airport and North Pickering pruject, and extending GO transit trains to Whitby and Oshawa. Mr. Ashe said he expects regional government tu be a high profile issue, but adds it needn't be if officiais ini the southern mnuicîpalities had explained the working of the region to the people. Glenn Julian of Greenwood and Joe BuIgelli of Whtby, both unsuccessful candidates in last Decerrxber's municipal electiuns have announced tbey will seek the Liberal nomnination in Durhiamn West. The Liberal nomination meeting is May 11I at Lord Durham Public Schoul in Ajax. Dr. Godfrey has been acclaimed by the Durham West NDP Association as their candidate, and is seeking his second term. SERVICE CLUB SPONSORS SWIMMERS Our local Synchronizcd Swimming Team posed in their new Dcbbie Wilcox. Krîeeling behind theni are: Karen Freek, Catherinla swimsuits for our camneras Saturday to celebratc the annouincement Bobeldigk, and Michele Callan. In the back row are: Leanne Winter, of their sponsorship and donation or thc suits by Bob Brodie (in the Linda Conncr, Debbie Allan, Carolyn Allan (coach), Bob Brodie, rear) on behaif of the Whitby Kiwanis Club. ln front from L. to R. L.ori Penfound, Betty Ann Major (Rec. Dept.'t, Lynn Ma%,,tthews are: Shelley Sammers, Anne Smith, and Lois Snmith. The talentcd (Rec. Dcpt.), Anne Freek, and Patricia Powell. cuties making the spîjîs look easy arc: Gaila Nicolis () and F re Press Photo by Mike Burgess decides hours of Whitby station's open hoors tu 9 a-111 Mayor Gartsflore. of sensitivit> to 5 p.rn. be puit back ini the This figure also represants foliuwing 1 budget. unly point une per cent of protests iast The $45,666 saved by the total regioni c tirreiit bour polices operating the police station budget of ý, 431,628. Mayor G. froin 9 a.m. to 5 P-11. a fter Mayor Gartshuore catis thie recommenda June i , represents only point regional finance commitie 's exampie of five per cent of tlie grt)55 reconîîendaition to reduce of crettibililý police budget of $6,81I9,300, thei o-irs oft the police station Hlie citizens '(nd point cighit per cent of 14quite v;nconsciOtiable", and thecir feelinIg the nieripolice bud.gct, sIyls ail exanîple of' "thc ltitai iack police siffai i police Y" of the region, Whitby's strong tyear that a 24- station is needed. artshore secs the atit)n as a Prinme the region's lack y, especiaiiy afler of Whitby nliadle scic-ar abolitthe )II i st yea i ws'Iue station Thursday the region wanted tu close il as an econumiy neasure. The miayor said lie ditî nul huid out niuicl hope of suc- ceeding xvitli his miotion on Thursday, but pointed oui lie would ta1ke hIe lmaiter lu tlle province if police ser-vice mis nîo( saliisiaci try wi iii a () amiî,. o 5 [1.m1. police sta Ii ui. "Tie big thing is poliet service and police presetice" lie said. -Mayor Gartshore pointe( out that altbouglb Ill recom mendation of tlle regiona finance ctîlinittee is that thi staition wiil bc open only tii 5 p.î. Ithe youtb bureau wil be operatîng inIl tlie bitilinl I. HOT CARS A faulty gas 'une in conjunction with a hot inuffler is believed to have been the cause of this $25,000 truck fire on Highway 12 south of Myrtle, says Fire Chief Ed Crouch. Marcel Staubin, of Oshawa was driving a truck'oad of newv cars fromn Oshawva to Uxbridge April 26, when 9 i fre broke out behind the cab, and within minutes the whole front end of the vehicle was engulfed in'flames, said Chief Crouch. Mr. Staubin escaped without injury. The tractor, owned by City Car Haulers was a write-off. Damnage amnounted to SI15,000 to the tractor, $6,000 to a 1977 Pontiac, $500 to a 1977 Camaro, and SI100 to a new Chevrolet. Whitby fire fighters are shown here examninhg the ruins of the tractor after the fire was extinguishecl.Phtbyi lak nu

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