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Whitby Free Press, 18 May 1977, p. 13

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1977, PAGE 13 40 years of Y work YMCA Di*rector Ron Hupfield 10 retire on June 30 By BRIAN WINTER Staff Writer On June 30, Roui Hupfield, executive director of the Durhamn Region YMCA, sill retire after 40 years of working with YMCAs across Canada. His successor, Fraser Stewart, a youing man with considerable Y experience in the St. Catharines area will start work in Whitby on June 6. On June 1 8, the National Couincil of the YMCA in Canîada wilI recognize Mr. Hupfield's retirernent at its annual meeting at Geneva Park on Lake Couchiching. Fifteen years ago when he was director of the park, Mr. I-upfield playcd a large part in designing the confercnce centre where lie will bc honored. Mr. Hupfield becarne inter- ested in the Y whcn liejoined the Toronto Central YMCA at the age of 17, and becamne iuvolved in its leadership courses. [n 1937, full-tiie job as program Railway Y Columbia. "I was to go into work, but mîore for than in1 t hie got his first withi the YMCA secretary for the ini Field, British debating whethîer the miinistry or- Y t 1 felt 1 could do people ini Y work the ministry", he say s. In the past 40 years, Mr. Hupfield lias orgauized thie Montreal Y Ski Club, directed numierouis YMCA camps, planned recreatîin programs for bomiber pilots during the Second World War, worked witlî the Stratford Y wlien the Shakespearian festival was started, and been national transportation secretary for railway YMCAs froni coast to coast ini Canada and in thie New England Sta tes. In Auguist 1967, lie left his positioni as executive dircctor of tlhe Kingston YMCA to becomne executive director of the new Whitby District rï Family YMCA, a small organization which was less thauî two years old. In 1967 the Whitby Y had 99 members and a total participation of 965 people, lie said. Cont'd on P. 20 FA 7 - - e 0 C4^1A4'GrMAN/2P~ /t 1~/ A/NdgWfflep pz/KVE THE EXPROPRIATIONS ACT, R.S.O., 1970 NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND IN THE MATTER ai the proposed expropriations ai Iands by THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITV 0F DURHAM, BEING PART 0F Lots 4 and 5, ai the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Municipality ai Durham (farmerly in the Townshiip ai Whitby, in the County ai Ontario) fur the construction ai the extension ai Regional Raad 36 (Consumners Drive) and a trunk watermain. NOTICE S5 HEREBY GIVEN THAT Application expropriate the land descrîbed as ioîlauis: NAME 0F OWNER Donata Guarini LOCATION 0F PROPERTY In the Town af Whitby, in the Regional Municipaîity ai Durham and being municipally known as Thickson Road South, R.R. No. 2, Whitby, 0 ntaria. has been made for appraval ta LEGAL DESCRIPTION Part ai Lots 4 and 5, Registered Plan 589 in the Town ai Whitby in the Regional Municipality ai Durham (formerly Township ai Whitby, County ai Ontario) and being mare particualarly described as Part 10 an a Plan ai Survey prepared by H. Flim Limited and deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division ai Durham (Number 40) as Plan 40R-31 67. Ron Hupfield, executive director of the Durhiam Region Family YMCA for the past 10 years is often on the phone setting up programs and arranging activities for young people. After 40 years of Y work, he is retiring at the end of June, and his work for the YMCA wiIl be recognized by the National Council. Free Press Photo Italian Broccoli Cooked broccoli can have a tasty Itallan accent if it's heated in a saucepan with olive oul and sprinkled with grated Parmesan cheese. CloseShave? It is estimated that an average man who shaves, remnoves more than 27 feet of whiskers f rom his face in the course of a lifetime. A à MORTGAG ES im l 'T E 0 1 st & 2nd Arronged; Bought and Sold at Prime Rates con Peter Kasde 668-1556 ANUBIS UNVESTMENTS Ltd. -loi Mary St. W. WHITBY DELOITTE, HASKINS & SELIS LIMITED. Trustee'in Bankruptcy Bell Canada Building Oshawa Centre, Oshawa Phone 579-8202 F. Alan Lawson, C.A. P.O. B~ox 800. Vice-President Oshawa L1H 7N1 Peter Barker D.T Denture Therapist 111 Dundos St., West Whitby 668-1464 A copy of the plan af Survey A capy of the Plan af Survey bearing Number 4OR-3167 may be seen in the Office of the Regional Solicitor, 605 Rossland Rodd East, Whitby. ANY OWNER oi lands in respect of which notice is given who desires an inquiry into whether the taking of such land is far, sound and reasonably necessary ini the achievement ai the objectives af the expraprîating authority shall su notiiy the approving authority in writing. <a) In the case of a registared owner, served personally or by registered mail within thirty days after he is served with the notice, or wlien he is served by publication, within thirty days after the f irst publication of the notice;ý (b) In the case of an awner who is not a registered owner, within thirty days after the first publication ai the notice. THE APPROVING AUTH0RITY IS: The Council of the Regianal Municipality ai Durham, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. L'IN 6A3. THE REGIONAI MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM "'C.W. LUN DV" C.W. LUNDY, CLERK NOTES: 1. The Expropriations Act, R.S.O., 1970 provides that: (a) Where an inquiry is requested, it shahl be conducted by an inquiry officer appointed by the Minister ai Justice and Attorney General; (b) The inquiry officer, (i) Shahl give every party ai the inquiry an apportunity ta present evidence and argument and ta examine and cross-examine witnesses, either personally or by his counsel or agent, and (ii) May recommend ta the approving autharity that a party ta the inquiry be paid a fixed amount ýar his casts of the inquiry not ta exceed $200.0,0 and the appraving authority may in its discretion order the exprapriating authority ta pay such costs fiorthwith. 2. "0Owner" and "registered owner" are def ined in the Act as faollows: 'awner" includes a m artgagee, tenant, exectian creditor, a persan entitled ta a limited estate or interest ini land, a cammittee of the estate ai a mentally incompetent persan or ai a persan incapable ai managing his affairs, and a guardian, executor, administrator or trustee in whom land is vested; "registered awner" means an owner ai land whose interest ini the land is defined and name is specified ini an instrument ini the praperty registry, land titles or sheriff's office, and iicludes a persan sliawn as a tenant ai land an the last revised assessrnent rail; 3. The expropriating authority, eacli owner wlio notifies the approvi ng autharity that he tesires a hIearing ini respect af the lands intilded ta ha axprapriate(l and anly awiier att(le( as a l)arty of the inquiry-off irer are~ parties lu theiinuiIry. THIS NOTICE FIRST PUBLISHED ON THE 11TH DAY 0F MAY, 1977. DATED0 AT WliITBY, THIS 1 1TH DAY 0 F MAY, 1977. 10 years at Whitby symbol repres me san associatqin thatis piutefion. ào The Ontario Funeral Service Association. Il is your assurance that we, as an OFSA member, are bound by the Association's strict "Code of Ethics" And practise only the highest degree of prof essional standards. When you are in need of advice or service. look for the prof essionali sin this svmn- bol stands for. Talk it over wîlh s. Witli W. C. Town Fun'1,ral Chapel Ltd. James R. & Johnl R. Town Funieral Directors i mi

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