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Whitby Free Press, 18 May 1977, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18,1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS 1 TQNY'S.HAIRSTYLING .I 11-9 victory over Kendall Eagles Merchants open basebaliseason. Lori Brown Enzo Chuarello Joan Uybulski We specialize in men's & ladies styling toupees, perms, and colouring 1 HOURS Blair Park Plaza 9-6 Mon.-Wed. 106 LupinDr 9-8 Thurs.-Fri.Dr 8-5 Sat. 668-5441 Thelic scaso openier for the Whitby Merchants on SauLrciuy was aiso th1e opcning of the ncw Iroquois Park bal diumiond witlh Recreution Depurtmient officiais Wayne DeVeau, Fred Beckette and switlh-hitter Bobby Attersley on hiand for the opening cerenmon iC5. it was an 11I 10 9 victory over defcnding 0.B.A. Senior "'D' champs Kendall Bugles for the Merchunts. Robbie Craigen whio placed secondi last year in the batting chunpionship, le( l Witby with a home rtin , two singles as welI us sco ring three runs. WVitby foughit froin bcinid to tuke the win with othier lIiis coming froil Bob Purdy with a double and a single, Armand Robituilie îwo singles, John Turne r two singles, Catm 0Donneii a double, withi singles froîn Duve Sorichietli, Steve Surgin- son, George Yales dnd iHarold Moo re. The winnIing iitliuer wvus MINISTRY 0F CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS TELIQUOR LICENCE ACT, 1975 NOTICE 0F SPECIAL MEETING TAK E NOTICE THAT a Special Meeting of Semi- nnual The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario wll be held at THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION interestHALL. 2 17 MURRAY STREET, PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO, on THURSDAY, JUNE 9th. 1977. at thie hour of Member Canada Deposit 10:00 uclock n trie foenoon. at which turne Insuranct Corporation thie Board will heat applications for new licences un accordance wth Thie Liquor Licence Act. 1975 and Regulatuons tiiereunder, The fotlowing establishiment has applied lrRyl OJL .~toi a licence of thie type indicated, and fhe ff n o i and mR Eapplication wll be entertained at trie T U ST COM PANY SIN CE 1889 aforementoned location and tume. Whitby Columb4us Club Cosjncil No. 4895 133 Brock Street North, Wfitby KEITH Cub Licence - Lounie AND FURTHER TAISE NOTICE that any per- LAW ES son who s resident in thie munîcupaluty and obîecfs to any application may file the Mwbsgr grounds of objection n peeson a!t the turne 3m Dundi st. W. and place of thie meeting or un wrting to: W1,IY uquor Executive Director. Miey iquorLicence Board of Ontario, SM M24 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East, TORONTO, Ontaro. M5E A4, FBDB heIj you. MR. N. J. McGRATH one of our represeritatives wmII be ai THE LUCIEN MOTEL, 134 Byron Street North, Whitbv, Ontario, on Thursday, Maiy 27th, 1977 from 9:30 a.m. -3:30 p.m. For an appointment telephone: 416-668-6879. 22 K eqir inin tree Wst saw, modnta r Duave Allen who reiieved lairoid Moore in the sixth and hield Kendai to only two blits. Losing pitcher for Kendai ma s Mike White who gave Lip tweive hits. Line- score for the gamne was Whitby eleven ruins, twelve hits and eight errors, Kendul with nine runs, nine bits and six errors.- On Sunday the Merchants camne up witlh unother -win against the Belleville Corner- stone Blues. The score was i1 to 5 as Whitby out bit Belleville with Robitaille getting three lits, Purdy with a pair of doubles and thr*ee runs, Harold Moore two hits, and singles going to Sorichetti, Craigen, Sarginson, John Turner, Jim Twinning and Jody Turner. John Turner --and Steve Sarginson shared the pitching honours for Whitby for the win. The linescore was Whitby eleven runs*, thirteen hits and three errors. Belleville had five runs, eleven hits and three errors. Whitby's next home gamne is Saturday May 21 at 2 p.m. against Peterborough. Hockey stars are honored The Brooklin --Whitby Minor l-lockey Association finishied off ils I1976-77 season with four banquets atI liyden- shore Puvilion during the first wqek of May. The four baniquets, catered by the Ladies' Auxiliary, were necessary lu recognize the achievemien îs of approx- imiateiy 875 players. pîlus un additioniai 1CO couches, mnngersand referees. Guests includeci Mike Keenuti, representing the Bludes i ockey Schooi, uand Tom Ketîle of the Onturio Minor I hockey Association. Special uwurds were pre- sen ted 10 three menmbers of' the associationi. Gerry Ruvury received the BWMIIA lotior Award; Stepheni Porter, an appreciation plaque for service and good xiii: und 1)uvc Elmles, un appreciation lro;)hy for work weii done. The foliowving are the awards presented to the win- ning teanms and personnel in the association's various divisions: HOWELEAGUE TROPHIES 1976-77 SEASON SQUIRT B/W.M.H.A. trophy for league champs - Robins, Coach !rwin Powell. Brookiin Ladies Aux. trophy for play-off champs -Sparrows, Coach Mark Murphy. NOVICE Cai Order 0f Forresters trophy for league champs - -C.B. Foster, Coach Gary 1lartîmanl & Mgr. Jack Middie tln. Castle Ilosiery trophy for p)lay-of f chaumps - MeTeague Electric, Coach Loyde Cook & Mgr. Jimi Caison McAllister trophy for M.V.P. - Gary Mark of C.B. Foster. MINOR ATOM Whitby IiFqWPublic Utilities Commission TENDER FOR TRUCK CHASSIS Seaied tenders for one chassis and conventional cab for mounting of a heavy duty aerial device, utiîity body and pîatform wil be received until 4:00 p.m. Thursday May 26, 1977. Specifications may be obtained by at the office or writtig: The Public UtÎities Commilission1 of the Town of Whitby P.O. Box 59 128 Brocl(.St. S. Whitby, Ontario LiN 5R8 R.N. Cawker Chairman caffing H.C. Sirnpson Sect'y. & Gen. Mgr. r'. Earl Waddell Mem. trophy for league champs - Munns. Press, Coach Ivan Powell & Mgr. Bill Beer. Sunnybrook Foodmnarket trophy for play-off champs . Victoria & Grey, Coach Max Murphy. Ann & Bill Gribben trophy for M.V.P. - Mike Frost of Duff Towing. MAJOR ATOM Siersm-a trophy for league champs - Mowat Insurance, Coach Lorne Haley & Mgr. McShort. Shorts Pharrnacy -trophy for play-off champs -1 Koke Sheil, Coach Bill Thrasher & Mgr. Doug Ford. Bob Campbell Mem. trophy for M.V.P. - David Gallagher of Koke Sheli. MINOR PEE WEE B/W.M.H.A. trophy for league chanmps & the Brooklin Ladies. Aux. trophy for play- off champs both went to Whitby Warriors, Coach Mac Rowland & Mgr. George Hardy. Attersley Tire trophy for M.V.P .- Mike Muir of Red Wing Orchard and Pat Haslam of Family Kartway. MAJOR PEE WEE Ellie Underwood Mem. trophy for league champs .Whitby Legion, Coach Joe Battie & Mgr. Bob Wilson. Fred Ing trophy for play-off champs - Whitby Maîl Restaurant & Tavern, Coach Floyd Trowsse & Mgr. Larry Heroux. Aibért Carr Memn. trophy for M.V.P. - Terry Mitchell of Rider Tool. MINOR BANTAM Toronto Dominion Bank trophy for league chanmps & the Brown Electrie trophy for play-off champs both went to Kiwanis, Coaých AI Cole & Mgr. Paul Beaudry. Brooklin Ladies Aux. trophy for M.V.P. - David Griffin of Rotary Club. cont'd next week RENT A $1 495« a day 668-8000 G LOB A%- Brewers Rotoil COMPOST - Organic Fertilizer and Soil Conditioner for Vegetable and Flower Gardens, GRAVEL & MATERIALS - For Laneways and Driveways. (Delivered in any quantities) GRADING - Laneways and parking lots. BARCLAY TRANSPORT LIMITED (Kinsale Sand & Gravel) Brooklin, RAR.No. 1, Ontario Phones 683-4461 & 683-4468 Telephone: 416-516-6800 Opening new doors 10 smail business. "L

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