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Whitby Free Press, 18 May 1977, p. 1

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SINGERS CELEBRATE ]Y SONG Director Jii Ashley leads the Cotinty Town Singers in a rousing chorus of old favorites, as they presented their 1 Oth anniversary concert at Iroquois Park Saturday . A crowd of more than 2,000 people turned out for the concert, which featured the Singers' best-rernembered songs frorn the past 10 years. The back of the stage wvas set up ini the form of a birthday cake with '10 candies. At the end of the show, the Singers presented a framed picture of the choir to May'or iim Gartshore. Photo by Bob Nelson Vol. 7, No. 20 Wednesday, May 18, 1977 Joe Buge lii is localI Libe rai candidate \Vitby residont Joe Btîgelli, -29, received the Liberal Party nomîination for Durba ni West lasi Wednesday, tbe final candidate to be cbosen iin tbe riding for thie June 9 provincial election. .Norninated by Dr. Ken H-obbs, also cf Witby, Mr. Bugelli xvas the t)ily iiers(>e wvhose naine was put forward 'or nomination, before a crowd cf 80 party suppoerters. Mr. Bugelli was born iii Malta and caime to Canada in 1963, is manager cf Golden Grapbics Ltd. in Toronto. Ile is married and bias thireo cbildren. gr tt anti irresp)otisilhie tuy calliieg a S 20 nifl hon electiol te get a nîajorîty iin the Mr. Btîgelli predicted the Lîberals %votîld dotuble -Ilheir scats i lie te ipceming electiun. The Aict ion linetp in Durhianî West now bas NDP mienîber Dr. (harles Godfrey defending bis seat against Mr. Bugelli feor tbe Liberals and Pickering Mayor George Aslîc for tbe Progressive Conserva- tives. Bill Leslie independent candidate Newman runs in North York Ieîne i l ty NMayor Dos Nema n , wlio> lost thoc Derliani Wost Riding te Dir. Ciharies Ced froy le tlho pro- vincil electien etfi1975, 15 ruîleiîig as a Lihorai candid'a te ini a Nor th Yor k rid ing t his tinie aroneid. On Ttnîrsday, Mr. New- nian vo ho I ibe ra i eeiia- tien by accla mat ion i n Arineord'ale idling, rcpresent - ed ie tlho Legisia ttire fer Ilho lasi t we yea rs hy fer me r Torionto Mvavor Phil Gîvenls. Mr. Givens is neot cenitest- ing Ilhe Arnieurdale scat le the JLec10(1)electioni. le the I975 eloct ion lie dcfcated Conservat ive Candidate Mol Lastinar , Myro f North York, by 1-700 votes. Mr. Newnian s opponiants ile this year's electiori are Bruce McCaffrey fo r t hoe Conise rvatives and Marlene Kooier for the Newv Lenocra tic Party. NMr. Newman is. eetering biis tird el lection ile the federal tir provincial sphere. le1 1968 hoe rail against Ed M3ioStareit o'te Cnervandvo ie tofiodeiolecrt iv es Osiiwatheitb Ridclcinin tuhaai W b olotie , o cme li bliind Mei. 'lireamenthand ber.n Mtar.,rodeian li-, thr 95Prvnca 111ctie 197Now prnovnceale the contcMrt agaist 1)r Cearie Godfrey l'or tue Bill Pilkingt>n lfor servatives, anti caine SJDP andi the Coni- second. et . potplo l Amidale ridbc- ing plergnd ini te lcrLi thelac uced iniii -prvina otion. it hadr beinca ruîtinorc tht h ht beok thrurinmnd ha ie ost seatagi ore rDtrae etro atcpairg or efri thooion pbociate c in" hersnl rasons".aseo M&pr. Ncan waisos rcet Mr.ctcd antrasrecf the Ontario Liherai Party. Premier D *avis at Aj ax Ontario Premier William l100, aîd th -Davis wiii bo le Ajax Frîday to attend an as ,a guest of tlie Durhami issues witli h West Progressive Conservative Durbame Association. Conservative The premier xiii be at the Ashe will It Ajax Coninmunity Centre at on hlis visil. lie public isinvitod id discnIss election West Progressive ccandidate George pin Premnier Davis Murder trial set for fait A Whlitby main, charged with the murder of his wife after slîe was stabbed on an Osbawa street corner Marcb 17, wiIl stand trial in the bigli coutrt cf justice of Ontario in the faMl assizes. cf 108 Dundas St. W., wvas committed to trial Friday, after waiving a prelirninary hearing in Oshawa Provincial Court. 20 Pages JOE BUGELLI Mr. Bugelli becaie known to inany Witby rosiden ts last December wben ho ran for- eloction as councillor for tlîe West Ward. le finîied third, behiîîd Bob Attorsiley and I3oh Cawker. Addressiîg Liberal suppor- tors at the lMrd Durluani Scliool le Ajax , foloilieg is nenîleation , Mr. Btîgelli saiid bis first job as an MPPI wotild ho to niako sure Canadaa romnains tinitetl. le cailed tlho'attitude of, the l)avi s govorenient 'ar It lcoeks !ike there xiii bc mlore than just the thiree big parties representod in Durbami West ie the JEne 9 Provincial election. Bill Leslie, 48, cf Pickering, bias annouiced hlis intenltion tt) ruei as anl independent canididate in tbe rîding. A lanidiord wbo describes binîiseif as an indepeedent conservative, Mr. Leslie says hoe is tired of govorrineîoit intrtisit)ii into big businiess. Mr. Leslie is a t'ernîo niieniher cf the Libertariail Party'. direct (:o-oi- hield? soli A misunderstanding of a maritalp Gareau to give Bert Kirkham a belt in to the surprise of Betty Bellingharn Summers (right). At left Gwen O'Rega listen in on the action over an opent action is aIl part of "How the Other presented by the Whitby Theatre Comp& MARITAL MIXUPSi )roblem causes Eric Building Nly 26 to 28 at 8 p.m. There wiii be a special the stoinach, much presentation for senior citizens May 25 at 7:30 p.m. The i (left) and Lesley play is a farce about maritall mixups between three couples, ail and Gary Hatton the husbands of whicb ail work for the saine company, and teIenbnne line. The hs.we affairs with each others' wives. ny at the Centenniial by Brian Winte r New co-operative housing project launched at Anderson St. &MangRd emeetinig oft tlho board of' Preseeit wero Francis 1Haw, Biicblaeatt 5 1Wlf uepoes iinformiation phono Francis toi s f LastWhithyPresidetît , Brian l±vaels, Vice At a meeting on May 8, in incor-porai ion and lias zippliedAlnIaw 6-2QoMys perative I leemos Ill. was Prosideiit, Niarvîn Ba de r, Wlitby, 37 inhobrs of' the lrCICsa-pfeig Plowriglit, 723-0277. Or irite May i12, te dîscttss futue Secrotary, Myles Plowr-iglit , uroposoti ce-operative estah- Aiso i tisctissituiis wit'lît'le to East Wlitby (7o-013, fraproposod ce-epIer- Treascirer. Othor iemlbors of lishoed the gtiideliiees foi Whitby Planning Dept. are c/o Cordova Co-operative Wood i ole11en.nwelwoi nder way - Fo r oBxi 23 tai B dcvlopinîeit on Anlde r- teBad Rbr odfuturo e 'eeo-ilit iiicBx10,SainB C.rn 111 -11( Ilii T i~ c .i .VIit liv crtte t hse itîtetet (i iiico-opei ative Osliiwt, Oii . LU 1 Z I. st. andmi aliîinlg Roi. isyron u rocii ti il Li juiiii 1 JIU

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