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Whitby Free Press, 18 May 1977, p. 19

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Coming Events FIREWORKS DISPLAY The West Lynde Coin- mnîity Association will tic lîresent iîg a tireworks display thie evening of May123 Iutftic corner of Jeftrey Sîrcet and Michael Boulevard, ini honor of Victoria Day. If t here is bud weather, thie display w~ill bie on Muay 24. AUCTION SALE The 4 W's Couples Clbof' St. Mark's Unitedl Clurclîi Il hold an auction sale ut thîe clîurch thle afterîioon of May 18. FLEA MARKET st. Jolhn's Anglicani Clînu c Youth Group is hîoldinîg a lieu miarket in the clîurcm hase- nmen t J une I1I troni I1O a .n. to 2 p.mî. The clîurclî is locatedl ut Brock and Victoria Streets. SPRING FAIR DANCE Adviince tickets are 110w on sale tor tlhe Brookl Spring Fuir Dance, tobbe held at thme Brooklin Meumorial Arenu June 4 froni 8 pml. to t a.mi. The dance will future miusic bv a disc jockey, door lrize anid a buffet lunch'. Tickets are availuble by calliiîg 655-4635 or 655-4204. FIREWORKS 11all No. I of thie Whitliv Fire Departnmeîît will be pre- sentiiig a Victoria Day fire- works cisplay aIt te Brooklin Coînîunity Park ufter dusk on May 2-3. Everyone is welcomie to attenid. __________________ I RENT A CAR!e No mileage charge 668-8000 Yu ffu s GLOBM%- opposite Brewers Retail MUSEUM OPENING The Whiitby Mutse uni at thle Lynde I bouse will opîen for thie suiniiier May 21 at 2 p.îm. Special e vents ic Inde a weaving deionstratioiî ly Mrs. Estiher Bryant, rug hookiiîg by Mrs. Claire Freek, ail Iliidianl display hy M rs. Margaret Co)zry, aîîdi a clisplay of' antique dolîs. The Lyîîde Ilouse is Inca ted ut flie corner of Duiidus anmd D'l illier Su recti s. WEST LYNDE D)ANCE West Lynde CoîiuîilitY Association wanlts youl u "Swîing imb oSunimer" uittlimir su nîimmler dlance Friday J nue 17, ai I Iecdenshore Pavilion. I)oor. prizes lacc ne a i0- sjiced bike. For tickets cait 668-2244. WALKATHON The Whi tby branch of th( Canadiun Bible Society is sponsorinîg cu Bikeatîton- \Val kat hou IMay 28, starting ai 9 a.m. froiniAil Saints' Churchel. Sponsor sileets arc availuable ut locýal chu irchcs. The goal is $4,000 10 provide reader Scripture selectionis for Bangladesh. D1SCIPLINESFIIP COURSE The W'hi îby M inisterial Associatlion 15 sponsoring ia Disciplinesli i Course May _MIKE'S HAIRSTYLING is ft fi 1J Hairstyling for 1 "plIlin JW> to announice ifs - 2nd Anniversory 1 601 Dundas St. W. Whifby i tliTown P-laza (2 barbe rs) 668-7800 FOR ALL VOUR PRINTING NEEDS M.B.M. Publishing & Photography Inc. 121 Brock St. N. BROCK 668-6111 WHITBY 668-3618 CHILDREN'S HOLiDAY MATINEES SAT. SUN. MON. 1:30 P.M.c I 99 1 FREE ADMiSSION WITH 1 PAID AImn IlTiIc an ADMISSION WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18,1977, PAGE 19 Lacrosse Association is having able by caHling Barb Kernohan Uts atnmal spring dance at the ut 728-3290, l3urb MacLellan Oshawa YWCA May 28 at ut 723-5867, or Barb Larose ut 8:30 i.nm., Tickets ar avail- 668-2339 24 10 26 at M1e Emmianuiel Rot ormied Cliturclh on Rosslaiid Road West. Enrther infornma- tion can be obtained troii your local church. CAR WASH Epsilon Tau Chu pter of Beta Sigina Phii will bce hold- in __ a car \vashl ro ni 10Oa .. 10 3 pi. Ma1y 28 ut Ithe BI) service staation at Dundas Street and Thickson Road. lroceeds will go 10 Durlbain Ilbuse, a centre f'or eniotion- ally disturbed clildren. LACROSSE I)ANCE 'Flic Ga:rraird Road Miuîor Whitby Coimnunity Bingo No Bingo next week We will resume on Mon. May 30. RODUCING THE e" HAPPY HOUR" for 2. Hours In The Lounge &*630- 8:030 BrigdO f -,RESTAURANT - rlAVERN BANQUET HALL HWY, 2 EAST 0F PORT UNION R0AD SCARBOROIJGH 286@1212 THE Trnoh GONG SHOW cornes to FHF BRIGADOON ies, fun -- aughs galore! Entertainmeflt &Dancing Thors. thru Sot. tu ~ Hoùl Ashley Trio IL 286-1212 for reservations FEATU RING DENNY HAWKRIDGE, QUIET MUSIC FOLK & COU NTRY BUSINESSMANS BEVERAGE OUR Royal Special ANNUAL MEETING of the DUR HAM REGION LUNG ASSOCIATION wiII be heîd at Northmîn§ter.United Church 676 Simcoe Street, North, Oshawa on Tuesday, June 7th at 8:00 p.m. Annual reports to be received and such business as may properîy be brought before the meeting. EVENINGS UNTIL TUE MAY 24 "YO UNG FRANKENSTEIN" PLUS..."MR. BILLION" FROM 7:05 P.M. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT CLOSED WEDNESDAYS [BrigadoonI CAI

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