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Whitby Free Press, 18 May 1977, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1977, WHITIIY FREE PRESS Br&1in ~ Byines Recently area cubs have been involved in îuiiakinig birdi houses. Eachi pack lias had a competition and the winners wvill compete in district finals. Andy Nancekivell, 2nd Brooklin cubs, and Stephen Ingleton, I st Brooklin cubs., will represent Brooklin in the district competition. The bouses made by these two boys (and ail district finalists) will be hung aI the Pringle Creek Conservation area. Handsomne wall trophies will be awarded to the winners. Somne of the bird houses made by local boys will be on display at the public library in Brooklin for a short while. The men of Hall One, (Brooklin) of the Whitby Fire Departmlent will be providiiiLa most spectacular fireworks FISHER REFRIGERATION SERVICE Repairs to Ail Makes Freezers - Retrigerators - eir Concitioners We Recharge Automobile Air Conditioning 20 QUEEN STREET BROOKLIN, ONTARIO 655-3233 'shlow on Monday, May 23 a the arei grounids ini Brookiii. Tliis, will lic Ilie biggcst shiow 10 date thiat thiese men lhave hiad. 'l'lie fireworks will have cost around $1 ,200.00. lt will sîart at dusk and shiould be a grcat success witlî your support. I)oiat ions will be taken ii , the gale so t bat yen mnay shiare the cos( as well as he fini and thie excitcmnt of' Ibis commuitnity event. Join your friends and youir ncighbours and bring your children to t lus grcat iirew(>rks display whicli you cati waitcl i in conipiete safety - thaiîks 10 our local fi remien Group '74 who is organizing the Spring Fair Parade invite area chiildren to dress Up a nd join tlhe fun. Tlîcre are jseveral categories for prize Winiiîîg wich miicluide : Fancy Dress Frolic, Best Decorated Bike, Besi. Decorated Bike and Rider, Best Decoraîed Baby Transportation. AIl chiiidren are remin(led that tihey need an entry forin as permission of parents is recîuired. Aduit categories for dress-up prizes are Best Male, Best Female, Best Group. Adults should obtain an entry fornm also. Tlicy will be available at schiools and local businesses. If furthier information is required you miay contact Betty Catherwood aI 655-3646. The Fair is very nearly biere. Wbierever you go about town thiere is* talk of il. Copies of tlhe Prize List (and Programi)lfor this sixty-sixthi annual event are avail- able. Thiere is a reference copy at tlhe library. A brief rundowii on key eveilis will appear over the next two weeks iii thiis columan. Thie offida,.l opening will occur on1 Thiursday, lotie 2 aI 8 p.mi. witbi E. A. Star, Secretary Ontario Association of Agricu Itural Societies officiating. The Beèauty Contest to pick Miss, Brooklin Spring Fair wvill take pîlace this evenling also. Latest word on the cnt rants is t lit many are from omit of' town (Whiitby), not too miany Nortl Ward girls hiave fiîd icated willingness te cotîtest tile title. Surely we hiave enough 'home- grown' beauties livîinii our arca to give the rest soniîe livcly competit iotî. Ift aty of' you arc eveti just a lit île bit interested give Susan 1-loloduike ~i caîl at 655-41 57 and lt bier givc you 'the details. With Suisan *hiandlirig this event 1 have confidencc that it- will be both ch-armingly and tastefully done. llelp Susan 10 ,find a pleasant and friendlyý yoting lady to represent Brooklin. The Teen Dance, will be held later on Thursday evening froin 9-11I p.ni. We undcrstand thiat a good disc jockey has been booked for this danicc. On Friday the exhiibits miust be placed in the arena. The Beer Tent (Kinsrnen sponsored) will be open fromn 5 p.m. to 1 2 a.mi. At 6:30 there will be FLirness H-orse Races withi Pari Mutuial bctting privileges. Also at this lime thiere will be a Dog ObedienceShow. The Old Time Fiddler's Contest will start at 8 p.m. Entry forms for this event can be obtained by calling 655-3679. As far as I know the midway 5hould be open right fromn Thuirsday nighit on - but. the programi only notes it as of Friday. It wilI be a truly supe;- midway according to al aicjounts. This year the rnidway will be set up on the grassy airea east of the arena. The Ken-Jen Petting Zoo so nîuch en joyed by everyone last year will be here again Ibis year.1 This zoo features a variety of snîiail friendly animiais that children of ail ages should enjoy. it is worthy of mention that memiberships in the Brooklin Spring Fair Association are available. The cost of thiese nienmberships is $2.00 for adults and $1 .50 for juniors. As tliese entitle the holder to free admission at the fair they are a good idea if you plan 10o attend on more than one day. The admission at the gate will cost $1 .50 for aduits, $ 1 .00 for students and 25 cents for children. The rniberships wiil only be available prior to the, fair and may be purchased at Short's Phiarmacy, Brooklin Pro H-ardware, and the Emporiunm. More abouit the Saturday and Suîîday wents at the Fair niext wee.k. Have a good week. IBROWN'AS FOODMASTER BROOKLINI ONTARIO PHONE 655-4521 NORTH WHITBY DELfVERY AT' NOMINAL 3 CHAGE 31GeDAYS STORE FIOURS OPEN SIX l)A.YS A WEEK 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. EX(FPT TMURS 8& FR1 Ni(;GIJs1'l S 11,9 P.Iin. Thurs. May 19 to Sat. May 21 FRESH CUT -BACKS ATTACHED CHICKE1V LEGSoRREASTS 89 lb. MAPLE LEAF - SMOKED BONELESS DINNER -Pork --Shommdeçrs $1 .58 York Effcy Fench, GR EEN BEANS ZIP LOC RACS OFF lnsect Repellent 75c 63C $149 FISH STICKS 32., P $199 ALPO DOG FOOD If.,69c MEAT MARINADE 29c SARA LEE Loyer Cake 99c W)n LOKXt t MARMALADE t.eis, Oronge & Groervit aius mucus SALAD OLIVES J41t OZ ) sloi &01 le 99 69 * CouirtesY Satisfaction GROUND BEEF 76 lb LAMB (flOPS- 88 DEVON Bacon $1.38 Mà%tI LIAF l,. BOLOGNA 16 cipig 95C MAPLE LEAF l@ S KINLESS re WIENERS (CRILLC P..ck.. CANADA iJTILtTY GRADE FRESH TURKEYS 6 ta 10-LB Avg. 75~ lb., MAPLE LEAF LUNCH MEATS EACH 444 We Are Agents For 2 c pack pck P , iQo F,îo 2AuçoiW.- j ý Pl -, o 1, fés249 24-10 oz.RD qiar,- 29~ Pi'g 12-111oz, fluIý,"r 2,99 Ref ullnîibteDOPOsit for Botiles & Cas 3.00 I Valerie 655-4317. SSt. Mark's has Iember ordained of St. Mark's United Church anîd a former Sunday School teacher there, will be among those ordained by the Bay of Quinte Conference itn George Street Unîited Chiurcli, Peter- boroughi, on Tlhursday. Mr. liaugliton is a graduate of Queen's Unîiversity and Emmnanuel College. Since bis graduation lie lias been servingthue Apsley-Paudash Pastoral Chiarge. Ile was recommended as a canîdidate for ordiniation itito the ministry by -hue Session of St. Miark's Chutrcli.' No fair to be in Brooklin iJuly The Southi Ontario Agiri- coltuoral Soc iety lias been dcniied use of the Brooklin arenta and i)ark for its fair ini iulv, and been asked by the to\vti council ,10 eiîoose an altertuate date iii Scptetnber. Thic agricultural society, whiiclu lias beeti seeking a location for the Oshawa Fair, had rcqucsted uIse of the Brookîinî park July I12 to I15. The County Town Carnival Comtuîiit tee liîa d expressed coiîcern about tlie Juîy dates conflicting wi tii tieir carnival, atnd stlggested tlîe tWO eveîîts be lîcld Lit tlîe saine tinie ho provicle a service to the total towti The agîicult oral socie ty, lio\ever, decided tiot to joi xvit h Ite Cooîîty Town Cai nival. Administrator leaves for Brockville B\ thealcc 1'suituiierthtle \Vlîr ,.y Psychiîatr ieIHospital wvill haLve a nie w Ldmili st rat or. Ken Slieehani, wvlo beca tue aidinînîistrator oun lotie 1I i1)76. lias acccîîîed t lie positioti of adminiistrattor of the Bt ockvihle Psychiatric IHospital . and wili lie leavinu WVbi bv Lis sootli a asuccessôr i s app1oinicd . a loilI spi(kesiiLtisLid. The jiosit i of adtmin istra- toi. of Itlie Wlhitby liospital is lucing advcrtiscd as ip<-ti aI thîistlimie. il I k-, 1

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