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Whitby Free Press, 18 May 1977, p. 7

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1977, PAGE 7 rBrian Winter's 'Histori ~Wh.tby cal DR. FOOTE'S HOIJSE One of Brookilin's otdest Iiistoric landnîiarks is this large rougbicast bouse opposite thîe fire hall, wvbiclî was oîlce thîe nionie et Dr. Jonathen r cote, oe o tf the pieneer doctors in what 15 110w the Region cf Durham. Dr. Foote was boni in the State of Vermeont on Oct. 31, I804, the son of Dr. Sotenion Foote, and brother cf a United States Senator. lie graduatcd froni Vermnt Medical College inI1829, andI the fellcwing year he nîoved froni Rutland Verniont, througlî Buffalo, to "Little York", which is now Teronto. île arrived witlî letters of reference advising inii to settle in Whitby Township, and lie teck up residence at Oshawa on Sept. 4, 1830. When lie began bis praictice, lie travetted on horseback froem Scarborough on the west te Hope Township on the east, and as far nertb as settiemnent at ttîat tinie extended. le was said te be a mnan cf iron framie and great Sendurance, and spared neither himiself nor his herse when te welfare of his patients was învotved. Onie cld lady once totd imii that she nceded puIs to th h ler going. Dr. Foote knew there was notbing wrong h it keper, but he supplied ber with bread pilîs lie made himiself, and she was happy. Dr. Foote moved- fronm Oshawa to Broo klin about i1850, and buitt a cne-storey franie'house, wbichi was later expand- * ed te formi the building on the site tcday. A statunch Presbyterian, he mlarried in February 1835, j Robina Dow, daughter of Williamn Dow, anether strong Presbyterian and mie of the wealttiiest pioneer farmiers in Whitby Township. The Dow hornestead "Glen Dhu"' still ,lands on the nortli side cf Ressland Road, east cf Garden Street. Onie cf Dr. Foote's daughters, Margaret, married Dr. Hecnry Warren, a proinising young physician frcni Brooklin, and Dr. Feete and Dr. Warren went into partnership. This partnership cnded witb the tragic dcatb of Dr. Warren ihl i872 at the age cf 32. Other children of Dr. Feote were Helen, born in Oshawa Aug. 3, 1847, and died at Brooklin Sept. 21, 1884, H-enry S. Foote who was born at Cleveland Ohio Aug. 25, 1840 and dicd at Austin Texas Aug. 14, 1884, and Mary Elsie Focte (Mrs. Benjamin McQuay) who died Nov. 17, 1913. I lie year I1884 was particularly tragic fer Dr. Foote, for lie test bis wife as well as his son and daughter, Mrs. Foote died at Breoklin Sept. 2, i188.4 at the age of 70. Her busband died Jan. 2, 1 885 at the age of 80. It appears that Dr. iFeote did not remnain in his Breeklin homnestead te the end of his days. The bouse was purchased by John Vipend in Nevember i1884, after Mrs. Feote's death. John Vipond's son, Myron "Tip" Vipond was one year old at the time, and is stili living in Broeklin today at the age ef 93. Jehn Vipond added a second storey te the Dr. Foote house in 1924, and in 1928, the framne building was given its pr,'-sent roughcast exterior. 'John Vipond died ini 1926, but members cf his famiiy continued toe lve in the Dr. Foote heuse until 1955. "When he mnarried in 1913, "Tip" Vipond buiit a frame sou th cf the Dr. Foete home. In 1954 he sol d his 21 0-acre farm te a develeper for the construction cf the Meadowcrest subdivision. The I191 3 Vipond home was demolished te make way for the subdivision, but the old Dr. Foote house reniains to this day as a tangible Iink with the pionetPr days of Breeklin. Corridor J une 9th Provincial lection is juist around the corner. Durham West riding appears te be off and running. with a fuit state of quatity candidates. Leslie for Indcpendent. Bugelli for the Liberal, Godfrey N.D.P., and Ashie on the Conservative ticket. Se far, there is one schieduted 'Ail Candidates Forum in Whitby - taking place on Thursday, June 2-nd. at the Centenniat Building. Bitl Davis xiii be in Ajax this Frida.y. Everyone is invited te attend a tuncheon at the Ajax Conmmunity Centre, between the heurs of 1 2:00 and 2:00 p.nl.. to 'mieet and eat' with the Premnier of Ontario. Jovial Developments (Part 3) Last Monday night, Mr. Procter, reprcsenting, Jovial, presented facts and figures outtining the progress cf the developient te date. He stressed that the plan has been in various sta ges of compietion since 1 972. However, the zening for the lands, is the saine n0w as il was in 1I972. The Councit was unanirneus in their decision te fottow the recommendation cf the Administrative Commiiittec and net approve the plan cf subdivision. Every Counicilior had his 'say', with commnents ranging from poor quatity of workmnanship in housing te planners flot cemprehending the intent cf Whitby's Official Plan. Whatever tthe reasons for rejecting the plan, it is hoped that the next draft plan cf subdivision will becof a quality, werthy of the area into which the new neighibourhoed must'integra te. Dorvis Development The Dorvis Developmient application wilt be considered at a meeting te be heid on May 30, 1977. at the Municipal Building. This subdivision is located adjacent to Beli-Appteweod area. Westminster United Church Saturdav May 28 - Bible Seciety Annual Watka thon. We build factories yourway Outr -cusom concept cleoese*t lock you into standard dlimeinsif. spaciflg. sics. R. Bibeau Construction Ltd. Brooklin 655,3381 Varco-Pruden metcal bkiidr> ystemsNvp A Division cf Domïnicort Bridge Ltd. UCW Buis Trip - A trip is ptannect te Black Creck Pioiîeer Village Ttoesctay J ille 7. Att iiîterested are wetcoine to cerne atoiig, and if se, please cciitact Girace Brown noe taler ttîaîi hesdLay May 24. Tuesday May 31 - Bring andI Bîy Sale - 9:30 a.i. ini thle ClIIrhlia-It LII *Her Majesty's Jubilee Celebration - Nionster Bar-B-Q and G iga ntic Boîîfi re. Sa turday, J ille 4tli ait 5:45 p .,î. a t thie Manîse. S t.00 tier fanity Fireworks. Eachi fainily is asked te tîring iasvn citairs, 1liambuLrg plIlies, 'and blius a dead bra ccli for thle lire ait ci niosci iil o rene Ci]tai t . A ta r,,e bar-Bi-Q is being constructed with John' Whiteside and Andy Senko 'cleing the hionours.' For further information cati Ken Brown at 728-0417. Westminster Board Meeting 7:30 pm. on Sunday May 29th. Don't forget that May is Mernbership nionth for your Ratepayers Association. Cal] any memberýof the executive and obtain your new miembership. [lave a geod weck. Cati 725-8967 with news items. M. McEachern. Council approves phase two of Brooklin study Phase twe of thie Brooklini Secondary Plin Study lias receiveci council atiprovat, and wili ikely take six nioiithis te cenipflete, says consultan t Doncvaîî Pinker. Because of cenceriis expres- sed by thle Durhnani Regimn planninîg staff, Mr. Pinker witt have te Iiîcet wVitli a technicat advisery ceninittee cf lewii and regicilal staff befere phiase twe begins, iii erder te werk eut t le ternis cf refereîîce said Ceenicler Bob Carson. This would take two teL thîrce wecks, lie said. Mayor Jimi Gartsliere said a neîîîber of public heariiigs wiit be coiîduicted ini Whitby and Brooklin over the next year oii what type cf develop- mlent slîeuid take place in Brocktin, before a decisien is niade te appreve growth te 10,000 people. Meîîîbers cffltic tewn courîcil and thie Northî Warcl and Brecktinî Ciiieity Association hiad varying opinîions on tlîe Breckhiîî study. Ceencleor Joe Driiîiii said lie lîad ceîiducted a telephione poili of 53 Broekhin resideîîts, cf svticui 47 per cenît did net wvan t growt hinii Brcoklin, 22.6 per cent wanted devel- opinient and flfteen per cen t liad no epiîin. Ceeiciîher Druîîîîî was the enhy îîîenîber of ceeincil te vote against procecdiiîg with phiase two of thie study. Bill Manninîg, president of tlic Northî Ward and Breokîiîî Conîiiunity Association, said thie associatien at a mîeetinîg cii April 28, hiad agreed f0 urge coLuicil te prcceed withî the study. Ile said thie association îiieîibers were aîîxious te find sclutions te such preb. leîîîs as pollutionin i Lyrîde Creek, Iack cf adequate.water suîîply, anîd îîîatfuîîctioiîing septic. tank systeiîs. SzUMMER DAY CAMP in Whitby For beys anîd girls ai elernentary school age. Usitng the , ertfacilities and spacîous gioîîn;ds ai the 0 itario Lik<College. Everyday fillefl vwith a wide range of st*Imulati ng artivities incloding swimmning in iiii dool pool. Fur information write: CAMP TRAFALGAR 401 Reynolds St. Whitby LIN 3WM or call eveplinus: 668-0367 839-7009 He reperted tat by I1966 thie waiter cenîscîlîption in Brooktin svas exceediîîg the capacity of tlîe filtering systenîl. Since the Second World War, Brccklin has grown freîîî a population ef 700 te, 1,900, and fronî 200 homîes to mîore than 650, he said. In 1961, be added, the Townshîip of Wlitby lîad fore- cast the need for a sewer syst.eîii. Councillor Toîli Edwards said tiîat Brooklin deveiop- nienît could have its effects on Wîitby by reducing taxes on lîouselîotds througbout the towîî by $4.50 each, or there couid be an increase ef $38. Couricillor Edwards corn- plained that the planner's language in phiase one ef tlîe Breokl study was se obtuse that il was difficuit te make cemnnon sense eut ef it. The saving of $4.50 per- household wouid be the result cf building 250 estate type homes valued at $100,000 each, he said, but a mix of housing could result i the $38 increase in taxes. "It is painful te try te extract comîmon sense froin ail this jargon cf the plannier". be said. "This study doesni' just affect the 1,500 and sonie odd people in Brookiin, bui al] the people in the Town cf Whitby". Mayor Gartshore pointe(] eut that the region has no provision iii its capital budget for the next five yeaîs for arîy sewers f0 Brooklin, and thr phase two portion cf the study is supposed te, indicate tlîc type cf corniniîent thial nîay or may net bc required. appoe àMpaving EUS. r. Paving - Excavating - Haulage 139Harwood Ave. North, Ajax, Ontario. Tel 683-:166D1 Reieta -* PEuT Bal oRERca ( 6554484 . Indutri BAl RCmer ial I, Nutrite's Hfappy Gardening with Marc Listen to CKLB 1350 Saturday Mornings 9:30 Live Phone In Answers Ail Questions Marc Thiebaud President of DHW Oshawa Gardon[D7RE Service Lihitod RVC IME CENTENNIAI, GARDEN4 CENTRE R

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