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Whitby Free Press, 18 May 1977, p. 8

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PAGE $, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Recreaition director says: Second ice pad would get Iroquois Park to break even A second ice pad would put the Iroquois Park on a break-even basis, says Recrea- tion Director Wayne DeVeau. The single pad arena, opened in I1974, is costing, Whitby taxpayers $40,000 a year to operate, says Mr. De Veau, and lie feels this cost could be elirinated by build- ing a second ice pad. Thie arena is being paid for EJCHECK NOW- Do YOU have "Form 103"? A new List of Voters is compîted for every Etection. By now you should have a receipt (Form 103-see illustration)- proof that you have been enumerafed and therefore are eligible to vote. Take Form 103 with you le the Pollng Place when you go to vote at the Advance Poil or on Election Dayý June 9th ). *You are efugible 10 vote if you are 18 and over. a Canadian citizen or British sublect and have resided in Orntario for at least the 12 months preceding Election Day,( JUNE 9TH )and your name is on THE NEW LIST 0F VOTERS. by a debenture at the rate of $123,643 annually, and with the $40,000 operating costs added, this cornes to $1 53,000, says Mr. DeVeau. Mr. DeVcau hopos council EJCHECK AGAIN-YOU HAVE NO -FORM 103"? Possibly you were not at home on the two separate occasions when the official EnumeratorS calted. If you do flot have a Form 103 (as illustrated), then you are not on the new Lst ot Vofers and, therefore. wîiI be neligible to vote orn June 9th UNLESS YOLJ ACT NOW! E~J CHECK-IN ORDER TO VOTE-lT IS YOIJR RE- SPONSIBILITY AND NO ONE ELSE*S TO GET YOUR NAME ON THE NEW LIST 0F VOTERS. EJCHECK-PHONE the Returning Offîcer in your X Electoral Districf for the necessary information of how to gel on the List of Vofers-al the nurober lsted helow Lîsten carefully and have a pen and paper ready to jof down the informat ion EJCHECK-RURAL RESIDENT? If you live in a rural area, and are qualified to vote. il will be much easier for you 10 vote on Election Day, (June 9th ), fl your name is on fthe List of Vofers, Howevpr, qualîfîed rural voters, nof on the lîst before Etection Day may sfîll gef on the lîst and vote by havîng a friend or neîghbour on the same polling subdivision list "vouch" for fhemn on Oal h at the pollîng place wilI approve the second ice pad next ycar, to be con- structed with funds frorn development levies. There is no way a second ice pad can cover the debt but with a second pad at least the town can corne close to a break-even position, he says. Mr. DeVeau reports that having checked other twin- pad arenas, he has discovered that they ail are breaking even or rnaking money, excluding debentures. There would be no debcnture for the second pad because the r-noney will corne frorn developmnent levies, lie said. Mr. DeVeau says the second pad would be the sainie size as the existing ice surface, but would have seats for only 250 people instead of 1 ,500. It would be classed as a parti- cipation pad, lie said. If construction started in the fail of 1978, it could be ready for use in the fall qf 1979 ,1 says the recreation- director. Mr. 'DeVeau estimates that a second pad, on prime time alone would produce a revenue of $72,450, plus can- teen proceeds. With both pads in use revenue could corne close to $100,000 he estimates. Alreàdy the council has allocated a- considerable amount of rnoney for improve- mients to Iroquois Park, including improvement of drainage, installation of an illurninated events sign, arnounting in total to $25,000, arnd $ 160,000 for basebal and softball diamonds coi- plete with lights. Optimist Club bike rodeo May 29 at Iroquois Park The Optirniist Club of Whitby will conduct its second aniual Bike Safety Wcek. designed to teach cyclisis and niotorists the basics of' bicycle safety, froni May 23 to 29, this year, Don H opkins, Gcnieral Bike Safety Week Cliairinan annouinccd NIon I dîy. Nlayor Jini Gartshorc lias proc!:irned die sft wvcck obcbecomnnnity-wvide observance, and lias urged "acitizenis of Whitby to cooperate witi t he Optiînists' effort to miake Wlîtby aý safe town for cyclists". Slogan f'or tlhc veckis: "Cive Thei ABrake". On the club agenda of Bike Saifcty Wcek is one-large project: a bike rodeo to be lield May 29 at Iroquois Park parking lot starting at 9 a.rni. for boys and girls froni 5 to 14. The youingsters' bikes will be given coniplete and thoroughi safety checks and the youngsters safety quizzes before the participants are aillowcd ho conipete ini an obstacle course. Eollowing the check and 0 who finish first in each of the three age categories will be given bicycles while the runners up will be awarded trophies. Ail youngsters who pass will receive safet' stickers. Bike Safety Week is a prograrn of Optirnist Inter- nationial, which lias clubs in Canada, Mexico and the United States. Mike Hill is president of the local club which nîee ts every third Tuesday evening of each nonth. Off to Victoria One student froni Anderson Coîlegiate who won at last rnonthi's Durham Science Fair is in Victoria, British Columbia this week to compete in the Canada-Wide Science Fair. Tony Albis, a Grade 12 student will compete in the senior physical science division. Tony, along with Mark Coonbs and Tony Villanti won the grand prize award ini the Durham Science Fair for their solid state TV screen project. m AIRE YOU*ELIGIB..LE- TO VOTE on Thusrsday, Junemb Uth ? Qualified voters mnust be on the. NEW Lift of VOTERS ini order to vote, rLOW OVERHEAD MEANS YOU SAVE!!! 77 MONTE CARLO with air $1 55.00 MONTHLY KATIE SAGAN Corne in & see mue ai our îaeu, location. 218 DUNDA-ýS ST. E. opposite Brewers RettuiI 668-8000) r- 1

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