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Whitby Free Press, 25 May 1977, p. 9

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Getting a good deal. Comparison shopping is usually the key to getting a good deal. But it always helps to have money in the bank. If you don't have as much as you think you're going to need, you should make arrangements for your loan before you shop for your car. Royal Bank Termplan Personal Loans are a personal and flexible way to get t he money necessary for the things you really need. And you can make ail the.arrangements in advance of your pu rchase. Here's h 0W it works. Our Personal Loans'Officer works with you to find out what you need and what you can realis- tically afford to re-pay each month. You also get a lot of good advice in the bargain. On approval, the maximum amount of money you might need is made availab [e to you. So you can go shopping knowing the moneys ready when you are. After you drive your shrewd bargain, you just corne back to the Royal Bank and the arrangements are completed. And ifs flot until thenthatyoustart paying interest le's neat, simple an cfconven- ient And just one more reason why s0 many people like the Royal Ban k. Persona Il oans for other worthwhile purposes also available up to $ 25,000. "nROYAL BANK .for a lot ofreasns. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1977, PAGE 9 Musie festival winners Marg Webber Cont'd from P. 8 presenitly lias 27 pupils, eight of which are lcarninig to-play the organ. Miss Webber began teach- iflg niusic fuiltUnie ini 1969, anid had been teaching several children part-timie for five years previously, In ail, she lias been teaching nmusic about 15 years. Her-busy schiedule includes chur-ch choir practices Thurs. day nighits, the Rotary Club Tuesdays ati noon, and the County Town Singers' prac- tices Wedniesday nighits. The nmoring before each practice she does lier own praciicing at the organ or piano for two hou rs. When she first joined the Singrers, as a stand-mn for a pianisi thla t xas sick, she doubled for a pianist and a choir mieniber. Wiihin a few months, the Singer's director Jini Ashley asked her to be the choir's fuil-time pianist. This year being the 1Oth anniversary, the Singers have a particularly heavy schiedule. They have I18 performances in May and June alone. Miss Webber-, although she appears poised and in control of the situation ai ail con- certs, admits she is always nervous. "Check me before a showv, and l'n pacin.g", she says. In nine years of playing for the Cotinty Town Singers, Miss Webber says she lias neyer made a serjous erroron the piano, and any miînor ones she can usuaily cover Lip. 0f ail the music she has played, she finds Jim Ashley's score for Jesus Christ Super- star the mnost challenging--all 48 pagels of it. Marg Webber, pianist for the County TownSingers, poses at a small organ in her home on Brock Street. Miss Webber has an active career in music, teaching, playing the piano fo r t' - e Whitby Rotary Club, and serving as organist and choir director of St. Mark's United Church. Altho:rgl she is a polislied performer, Miss Webber has had nmoments during concerts wlîen everything sceemed to go wrong. Once ai a dinner meeting where the Singers were per- forming, the music rack felI off thic piano, and scattered lier nmusic over the floor. She gol il set up again, but need- cd soniebody to tomn the pages. "I turned to an inebriated lady belind me anîd said, "Cari you read nmusic", she said,- "The lady said 'no' s0 1 said 'Can yoti turn the pages? Every, unie I wantcd her to turli, 1 said 'now' and sfic turned tlie pages" On anoilier occasion, when the Singers were- taping a television show for "The Church Todaiy". on Chiannel 11, Miss Wcbber had 10 pre- tend she vas playing tlîe piano while the music was corîîrng froni a tape. Tlîe piano she xvas given wvas shorter ilian the one slîe nornîally used, and wvben she reaclied tlîe lîigl notes, lier hands went riglît off the piano. Sfic stili wonders if anyone saw lier do ihai on television. Another nieniorable even- ing is thie lime wlîcn a leg felI off tlhe piano aithie concert fo r t ie opening of tlie Iroquois Park Arenia, anid the Singers tîad 10 stop their per- fornmance wliile qluick repairs were, na de. Miss Webber also renîemi- bers the limie she performied at a senior citizens' gatlierinîg ah Bowniianville, and the leg on (lic piano bondi. was so loose she had tb use lier own leg to hold the bench up. Sucli are the trials and tribu- laitions of a piânist. Tiec rewva rcs ha ue been thli liappy; nicnmories of ihc Bon Free Press Photo Voyage concert ai Iroquois Park before the trip to Austria in 1974, and Austrian trip itself, and the concerts at the forum in Ontario Place. Miss Webber was particular- ]y inicrested in the large and beautiful pianos slie used in Europe, which sle says wcre beiter rnaintained ihan thiose in Canada. One tihing Miss Webber would like to see is more young people get involved ini churchi choir work so thiat thcre will be somecone to take iheplace of older choir miem- bers whlo leave. "!f you don't gel them in- volved, you'll sec the down- faîl of chiurchi choirs", sfic say s. Two Whitby, girls took honors recently at outof-town music festials. Natelie Nelipa, daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Nelipa, piaced second in the 1 2 and under singing category ait the Toronto East Music Festivali. Mary Roney, daughfter of Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Roney, of Ail Saints' Anglican Church, placed first in the i16 and under class at the Perth Guaranteed Music Festival., Anna Davis, daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Davis of Bay Ridges, topped her classin the saine festival and placed firsi in the duet class with Miss Roney. Miss Davis and Miss Roney have performed duets on a number of occasions in Bert Heaver's spring and County Town Carnival varieiy shows in Whitby. Investment Annual interest, i~ Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation 'WCTORL4and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 KEITH LAWES MO89324 ONE STOP SHOPPING For your Fashion Needs în Downtown Whitby We provide for you- *Personal Service Ob Pleasant Salespersons 0 Great Selections Weekly Spe»cials this weelk H.I.S. Summer SLacks $é1 298m $1598 40% off SPRING SWEATERS featuring MISTER LEONARD PLAID WRAP SKIRTS -A WIDE SELECTION 0F GOWNS FOR' GRADUATION AND WEDDINGS mr Make a purchase with your Baby Bonus cheque on regu lar priced merchandise and save 10%/o 5-15 "To-,niorrowts Fashioiis To-day" -1 126 BROCK STREET SOUTH WHITBY - 668-1266 HOURS: 9-6MON.-SAT. FRI.-9-9 CHARGEX AIR CONDITIONED0 MASTERCHARGE Get your Royal Bank boan before you shop or yourcar. %t can help you drive a shrewd bargain. Il,

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