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Whitby Free Press, 25 May 1977, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEUNEI)sAY, MAY 25, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESI' 0f interest to many area residents is the approaching retiremnent of George Quick, conductor of the four bands of Anderson Collegiate. During the ten years that hie has been at Anderson miany local people have corne to know and respect hlmii. Under his leadership Anderson school bands have participated in Kiwanis rnusic festivals and have frequently won awards. Thiis year hias been especially good with the Junior, Senior and Stage Band ail winning various awards. Mr. Quick lias arranged exchange trips for baùd memnbers and this year the band travelled to Ottawa -and hosted an Ottawa band hiere for a weekend in return. Almost haîf of this year's senior band is from the FISHER REFRIGERATION SERVICE Repairs to Ail Makes Freezers -- Refrigerators - Air CondItioners We Recharge Automobile Air Conditioning 20 QUEEN STREET BROQKLIN, ONTARIO 655-3233 D-ROWN !S BROOKLINI ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY DEL1VERY AT CHARGE 3uuDY ýs Brooklin area. Thcy have benef'itted irnmensely fromn their association withi this fine teacher and conductor. Through- out the classes, long practices and comrpetitions they have cor-ne to regard Mr.,Quick as a great person and a friend. The l'ast music night performance for this conductor before his retiremerit will be on Wednesday, May 25 (today). Good wishcs frorn his many students go with hlm. The Brooklin Wornen's Institute met last week and the* program presented by Peg Marshall was titled "Therýipy in Horticulture". It sounds as if it was a most interesting talk. Apparcntly there is great theraputic value in encouraging sick chiltlren, handicapped people and the aged -to grow and care for plants and flowers. The blind have been very receptive to scented gardens. This group mneets once a month to discuss a variety of different topics. This last meeting concluded with, a plant exchange between the ruembers. For inforrriation about this group contact Mrs. Ruby Sonley. Sunday, May 29 there will be a Special Youth Service at the Brooklin United Chiurch at 7:45 p.m. Students from various Inter School Christian Fellowship (I.S.C.F.) groups of thie Durhamn Region high schiools will participate in song and worship under the leadership of Ian Shaw, of the field staff of Inter Varsity Christian fellowship. Everyone is welcoine to join these young people for an evening of good fellowship. Now, to news about the Spring Fair. The Fiddlers' Contest on Friday, June 3 will start at 8 p.m. It will feature added entertainment provided by Brooklins' own "Country Teens" and Geo Stinson, step dancer. The Master of Ceremnonies wilI be 'Seinator' Jimi Cayle. There is a new <category. this year, 'Durhiam Amateur'. Any local fiddlers who have neyer entered a contest before are invited to corne out and join the fun. For information please cal Mrs. Blyth at 655-3679. FOODMASTER Any entries for the Spring Fair Parade -, floats, horsesT fancy dress children etc. are urged to contact Mrs. Linda Tripp at 655-4993 as soon àis possible. The parade will be, ryarshalled at St. Leo's Separate School, North St. Brooklin and follow the route south ohi Baldwin to Cassels Rd., east' on Cassels to Simcoe St., south on Sirncoe acrôss Winchester and into the fair grounds. Please note that there are font prizes of $30.00 for floats based on the theme "Happiness Is" for the Most Representative of Theme, Most Beautiful, Most 1-umorous, and Most Original. There will be an added attraction for Sunday, June 5 at the Fair- a special Quarter Horse Show. For further information about this please caîl Bob Carson. 1 Brooklin Horticultural Society will feature a Tulip Show at their nexkt meeting, tonight, at Brooklin United Church at 8 p.m. Information on the use of fertilizer and insecti- cides will also be given. A panel from -the Civic Garden Centre will be present. Members are reminded to bring their plant cuttings for the sale table. Sorry I did not get this information in time for last week's coluinn. Hiave a good weL-k. Valerie 655-4317 J. Peck dies on fishing trip John Edward (Jack) Peck, of 319 Rossland Road West, died May 14 at Haileybury General Hospital, following a heart attack while on a fishing trip. The 'son of Thomnasand Elizabeth Peck, Mr. Peck was. born in Toronto, and was 71 years old at the time of his PHONE 655m4521 STORE IHOURS OPEN SIX tDAYS A WEEK 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. EXCEPT THURS & FR1 NIGHTS 'TIL 9 p.m. Thurse May« 26 to Sato May 28 LOIN 'O' PORK 1.o2m FOR THE GRILL - FAMILY PAK- RIB END6t8 HP PORK CHOPS $1,481b C FROM THE LOIN -. CENTRE CUTS PORK CHOPS $1,681b BwriT PREMIDM Il-oz PKG MA E SWIFI PDIUIUI4 PUT COOCEO CRYOVAC SKINLESS 7C DI $1 .8 YRANCH STYLE BOi LOGNtP[mlA 48c, We Are Agents For 2À'-ÎlOoz. Die t -2.29 24-10 oz. Rogu ler- 2.57 12-30 oz. floguler- 2.99 "of undable Depolit for BottlèB & Cole 3.00 C Value catlsf action Maxwell House INSTANT COFFEE 10-OZ JAR $ 5099 HEINZ FANCY BRAVO a FLEECY TOMATO Spaghetti Fabric JUICE SAUCE Softener 4# fi oz TtN ?AlIti TIRE LOZ J"G 59?69ý 98ý CU FR014 CANADA GRADE 'A BECIPRav ITI E Ct DEVON B3L A DE PEAMEAL BACK SAUSAGE STEAKS BACON 16N IN CNTRE OZg 798 b $1,58 $1,68 CHEESE SINGLES I&O2 PRGI - t'oi CLICIO $1.39 ALLEN 'S ORANGE FLAVOUR CRYSTALS A1 1.02 ENVILOPES 6m9c RED ROSE ORANGE PEKQE TEA BAGS PACKAGE Uof 6 1.69 DAVID'IS JeIIy MaIIow and PUFFS 10 oz. MK. 2 for 694. DAD'S COOKIES &0Z PACKAGE 49C PEANUTr BUTTER ITMOOTH ITf CRURICHY - T LITJAR 1 8 1-"-,- - CORN SYRUP 69C LANCIA RIEADV cul MACARONI or SPAGHETTI 2L# CELLO 75ac Carnation IEVA PORIA TE D MILK 16P,9,iZIRE Flavorf ul No. 1 Extra Large1 FloridaTommtes 59' lb. California Head Lettuce Large Heads 49c Crisp Wholesome Cello Radish 6 oz.. Bug 19< MONAITCIT lDz PACKCAGE Pie Crust Mix 63c I D SMlIH IASPITERt SIDLESS .T $RAPIBEITTI Pure Jams 9 FI-oz 65c CITRITTIR S IONEY PMAID 400-9.TPACKAGE Grahanm Wafers 75c a0 ozPACKAGE Pabluni cereal55c IAWRT S 3 oz2 BOIlLE Seasoned SaIt 49c TED A WHITE - VAIIETIL$ PACKAGE f I Fresh Donuts 59c TOP CITOICE CITEIE1 kg PACKAGE Dog Food sl.49 COlLET ROWI. . CRYSTAIS TA ai CnNRTAINEIT Vanish aOmner 79c * G eI, WOODS 11TOUT8BW BC I3 9C Freshener 3. bi Ock 39C m 1 Reg. Silo bock REGURER 2.ROLL PACK Dial SoaIP 29e Royale white lfc Towels 799 IHEAD & CHOLDERS FAMILY SZE Lotion 15-O AERSOL hompo, $.49 I 5OZ EROOLANTI PERSPIRANT Soi SOIE W index 7 c Soft & Dri Auerosol $1 .29 Wlndow Caener 79 Bayer Aspirin 89C' death. On March 29, 1946 hé' married Eleanor Brandow, who survives him, at Toronto. A carpenter, who later worked for Gale Lumber Company in Oshawa, Mr. Peck had been retired three years at the time of his death. He was an adherent of the Bapt.ist Church and a member of Branch 112 of the Royal Canadian Legion. In the Second World War, Mr. Peck was a Leading Air Craftsman with an RCAF ground crew. He is survived by his wife, Eleanor, two daughters, Mrs. John Gauthier (Eleanor) and Mrs. David Harris (Joan), of Whitby; and one granddaughter' Buffy. Mr. Peck is also survived by two sisters, Miss Ellen Peck of Port Hope and Mrs. M. lreland (AIma) of Toronto, and one brother, William Costen, of Toronto. The funeral wvas held May 17 at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, conducted by Capt. Alfred Adnum of the Whitby Salvation Army. Branch 1l12 of the Royal Canadian Legion held a service the night before, and members of the Legion acted as an honor guard and palîbearers. Mr..-Peck was interred in the Veteran's Plot at Groveside Cemietery. Rfobert Anderson dies May 16 Robert Ni. R. Anderson, a resident of Whitby for 55 years, died at Fairview Lodge May 16 ini his 94th year. Mn. Anderson was born in Aberdeen Scotland, and camne to Canada ini 1921. He was a superintendent in charge of maintenance at Whitby from about 19'27 till his retirement in 1966. A member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chiurch for more than 50 years, Mr. Anderson sang in the choir, performed in minstrel shows and theatrical groups, and imper- sonated Harry Lauder, a well- known Scottish singer. Mr. Anderson was a life member of the Whitby Lawn Bowling Club, participating in tournaments from whichl he brought back rnany trophies. He was also a life memnber of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 112 in Whitby. Mr. Anderson is survived by one daughter Mrs. J. W. McKittrick (Helen) of Thorn- hill; four sons, Williami and Robert of Toronto, Jamnes of Oshawa, and Johin of Cleve- land Ohio; 17 grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren. The funeral was held May 18 frorn W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, followed by intern- ment in St. John's Cenmetery, Port Whiitby. SWITT PIEmiUM &OZ PACKAGE COOKED HAM each 99 c S ACE &IZPCKG MINUTE Fry Strips ea.i$ .09 -. OTHeNEIRTD- nzmI&N.. Orange Juice 79c BLUE WATER 32-OZ PACKAGE Fish & Chips $149 SARA M2402 3R2E Apple Pies sli 1 Pizz]a 22-oz. Sie $199 PARCHMENT 1-LB PACK Sunspun Af Margarine 497 OCEAN SPRAY 24-FL-OZ BOTTE Crouberry 5 c

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