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Whitby Free Press, 15 Jun 1977, p. 1

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Vol. 7., No. 24 Wednesday, June 15, 1977 16 Pages j~eats Dr. C harles Godfrev bv 649 votes G;eorgeAshe .wins DurhamWest Pickering Mayor- George Ashe upset incumnbent New Demiocrat Dr. Charles Godfrey in Durhani West riding Thursday by 649 votes. The final vo te totais placed Mr. Ashe on top) with I2,71 2, Dr. Godfrey second mi t 1 12,063, Liheral Joe Bugelli third with 5,122, and Independenl1 Conservative Bill Leslie last with 843. Whitby voters determfined Mr. Ashe's win, as lie took twu thircîs of the town's polis, coînparecl 10 one third for Dr. Godfrey. lu Ajax, Mr. Aslhe won by a narrow margin, andciniiiis home town of Pickering lhe lost by about 200 votes. Surprisingly, the Pickering mayor lost his own neighhbourhood poili in Bay Ridges. The first vote talley, ai 8:40 p.m. had Dr. Godfrey votes, but 10 minutes later, Mr. Ashe hiad taken the lead by 600 votes, with 46 out of 179 polils having reported. For the remnainder of the evening Mr. Ashe was between 600 and 1,000 votes aliead of Dr. Godfrey. In the I1975 provincial election in Durham West, Dr. Godfrey polled 1l1,356 for the New Dernocratie Party, former Whitby Mayor Des Neýwm1an camne second with 1 0,042- for the Liberals, and the Progressive Conserva- tives under Bill Pilkington polled only 7,579 votes. For George Ashe and the Progressive Conservatives, 1 977 represented an impressive corneback, and although the upset of Dr. Godfrey camne to somo as a surprise, many agreed it would be a close race. Ashe take s Whiitby CONGRATULATING THE WINNER Durham West election winner George Ashe (left) receives congratulations from bis campaign manager Ted Sims, . of Whitby at bis victory party at the Ajax Community Centre. No doubt Mr. Ashe is thanking Mr. Simas for the work he put into organizing a winning teamn of campaign workers. Mr. Ashe defeated incuimbent New Democratic member Dr. Charles Godfrey by 649 votes to take Durham West riding, for the Progessive Conservatives. Free Press Photo by Brian Winter Dr. Godfrey calm i'n face of defeat By NANCY BOWES Staff Writer Charles Godfrey's smnall canipaign headquarters in Pickering was crowdcd last T'hursday evening with bis supporters and the news media representatives. the former watching tbe results as they were posted on thc charts drawn up for the occasion, the latter watcliing the candidate. Dr. Godfrey watched the returns comning in on television. Occasionally, wvhen a loud commotion announced pleasing results, the candidate left the tele- vision 10 investigate the cause of the jubilation. Dr. Goclfrey remnained calrn tbroughout the posting of resuilts, expressing joy Mien a fclo\v NI)l> candidate elsewhecre in t he province %vas rep)orted iu the lead. Periodically, Dr. Godfrey pickcd up a Sony videotape camera to record t bis activit y in his headquarters that night. lus supporters watched anxiously as the local returns came in. A special chart depicted the total numiber of' votes for each candidate after every ten poilis. From the time when the results or sixty polIs vcre knowu , 10 the tinie whien Olie lhunclred and forty polls xvere reported, thie resoîts scesa\vcd back and forth, \vith uevcr more than two hutndred voles separating Godfrey and Ibis Progressive Conservative ppli)nt, (George Aslie. Aftcr one hutndred and forty pulls liad reportced. Ashie started tu pull away f romn Godfrey. Slhortly after 9:30 p.m. Dr. Godfrey started to pack up the videotape machine, determinedly keeping bis eyes lowcred. George Ashie liad woni the election in D)urham \West. Dr. Godfrcy and Ibis cami- paignl manager di ove lu the Cont'd on P. 2 Fortîy-foui r-year.-old Pick- ering Mayor George Ashe took over NDI' Dr. Charles Godfrey's seat ini the. legîslaiture Thutrsdaty, and will represent Durhan \West in the provincial legislatuire ountil tbc nexi election. For the Progressive Con- servative party workers it was an evening of cautiius optîrnismn as early returns sbowed Mr. Ashe leading by only abouit 200 votes. 1-Ic finiishied wiih a total of 649 votes over Dr. Godfrey. A looid cheer went up at the Aslie headquarters in the Ajax Comifnuniiy Centre, ai 9:30 p.m. when word carne in frorn the retuirning office thai Mr. Ashe was leading by 1,00 votes. hI *was thien that the cautious optimisnm began to tur into victory smiles and the rather si-all crowd began to enlarge until the whole floor of the arena was filled with people. Live music Dy the Dick Valleau band frorn Whitby provided a background to the election night proceedings as the pariy faithful gathered around large tally boards to observe the results as they carne in. "Ashe losi Pickering by 200" was written on the board shortly after 9:30 p.m. But by 10:10 p.m., with 177 out of 179 polis reported, Mr. Ashe's lead was about 700 over Dr. Godfrev. Cont'd on P. 2 Hosplital study to begin Metro area psychiatric hospitals' future direction wil be deterrnined by a technical consulting study awarded Iast week, announced Health Minister Dennis Timnbreil. The study by McKinsey and Company Inc. will involve a role-study and mnaster programn for L-akeshore and Whitby psychiatrie hospitals, and the Queen Street Mental lleaîth Centre. "An important feuture will bc 10 determine the nature and exient of future constr uc- tion programs required by Whitby and Lakeshore psychiatrie hospitals", said Mr. Timnbreli. .The study will inctude clinical services now provided, and the teaching and .research components in the thucee insti- tutions. In 'addition, it is to outline the relatlonship tb be establisheil between these three provincially operated insttuotions and psychiatrie units of gencral hospitals in Metro. Curren t programrs provide d by the ihece institutions for populations served will be assessed. Fj.rther, il will projeci reqluirements for the next ten vears. The study is expected 10 be completed Novemnber, 1977. A LAUGH FROM THE LOSERS Losing candidates Dr. Charles Godfrey of the New Democratie Party nnd Joe Bugelli of the Liberal Party could stili manage a. laugh despite their defeat in 'liihursd,,y's election. The candidates have a hearty handshake representing a battle well.fouggt. Free Press Photo by Mike Burgess

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