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Whitby Free Press, 22 Jun 1977, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS 4New YMCA director is itrstedl in physicalftls On June 6, the Durhami Region YMCA camne under the leadership of a new executive director, who sticceeds Ron Hupfield, execuitive director for the past O years. The Y's new executive director is Fraser Stewart, 28, who hias been involved in the YMCA since the age of nine. Mr. Stewart was born in London Ontario and workcd hli' wav up through the Y Starts in July Reconstruiction of Dunlop Street froin 1lenry to Brock Street is cxpected to begin early in Jtily. *The Town of Whtby lias awarded the tender in the amnount of $182,855.55 to Bennett Paving, subject to the approval of the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications and the Region of Du-firha. Work lias already begun on relocating hydro poles and gas linos along the road. prograrnrs in that city. In his teens he was counisellor, water- front director and programn director for camping at the London YMCA. Mr. Stewart graduated in physical education and psy- chology from McMaster University in Hamilton, and spent two and a-half years as assistant physical director for the St. Catharines YMCA. I-lere hc was involved in pro- grammning. camps, physical education and acquatics. 1lie was area chairinan for the Royal Life Saving Society, andl set up the new national Y acquatics prograni in St. Cathiarines. - After leaving SL. Cath- arines, Mr. Stewart spent two years as supervîsor of the adult recreation and camping dcpartnicnt of the Metro Toronto Association for the Mentally Retar-ded. fle resignod tis position to coi-ne to Whitby to be executive director of the Durhamn Y. ests are camping, outdoor education, physical fitness and the development of new prograrrms. lie said he was attracted to Whitby because of "the immense potential in the Durham Region and our ability to serve the various needs of this region". lie plans to place particular emiphasis on the day camp and physical fitness programis, and will initiate a number of new programs in the [ail, including a youth basketbail association. Mr. Stewart is a mnember of the Ontaric Camping Association's standards com- niiittee, and a mèémber of the Ontario Recreation Society, Amnerican College of Sports Medicine, and- the Amierican Association ofl1leal th, Physical Education and Recreation. Mr. Stewart and his wife Georgia wvi1l niove to Whitby froin Toronto in July. YMCA now has three full.tirne staff--Mr. Stewart as executive director, Elizabeth Moore as programi diiector, and« Mark Corey as associateprga director in charge "of day camps. Mrs. Moore has served the Durham Y almost since it was founded, and Mr. Corey, like Mr. Stewart is a new staff member. Mr. Stewart is the second executive director of the Durham Region YMCA. Mr. Hupfield, who retires this month, has been executive director since August 1967. The Durhamn Region Y was fouinded in November 1965 as the Whitby District Family YMCA and changed its nanme in 1976. Mr. Hupfield will be work- ing with Mr. Stewart to acquaint him with the work ho will have to do in Whitby, until June 30, when the trans- ition qf office will be complete. Fraser Stewart, the new Executive Dîrector of the Durham Region YMCA, stands beside a large Y symbol in the YMCA's office at the Centennial Building. Mr. Stewart succeeds Ron Hupfield, who has served 10 yenrs.-s exeduitive director of the Durham Y. Free Press Photo Circus tickets on -sale Tickets are available now for Puck's Canadian Travellingcu Circus, a major new event for the Whitby County Town Carnival. - This one-ring circus, located in~ a tent which seats 1 ,000 people, will be located at Iroquois Park fromi July 29 to A-ig.ý 1. Show times are 7:30 p. on July 20; 1 p.m., 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. on July 30; and 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. on July 31 and Aug,. 1. Tickets are $3 for adoîts and $1.50 for children, available at the Whithy Chamber of Commerce office in the Centennial Building, the Chamber's information booth at the Four Corners or frorn Chamber members. Tickets will also be avaitable atthe circus tent. Puck's Canadian Travelling Circus, which is currently playing at Ontario Place, is being brought to the Couinty Town Carnival by the Whitby Chamber of Commerce. Acts include the Death- Defying Weldens, trapeze stars;, The Unbelieveable Balancing Raymnils; The Roberisons, a juggling teamn The World-Famous Zoppe family, and many othei popular circus acts. '[ho circus lias an elophant, ioness, Ilama and al kinds of fanianimiais, a Moon Botincç, and the usual collection of clowns. The Chamnbe r urges any- one intcrested in attcnding the circus to purchase tickets early. $1,600 fire in kiteh.en An unattended roast pan on a stove resulted in a S$I1,600 [ire in the West Lynde subdivision Sunday. The fire was reported at 5: 10 p.m. at the homne of Maxwell l-liltz, 14 Evans Court. Whitby fire fighters con- f-ined the fîre damtage to the kitchen of the home, although there was smoke daniage throughout the lower fluor of the house. The only other fire of the week was a S500 fire in the motor of a Tripp Construction truck, on Rossland Road in front of the municipal - r building, June 17. Garbage which would normally on FRIDAY, July lst, wilIl be THURSDAY, June 3th, 1977. A secial offier fromthe Colonel 'l'uni (50C~ Postage and Handling Charge) 0F 12 EXPOSURES WITH PURCHASE 0F BUCKET OR BARREL 0 Any size Koclacolour or sînlr colour filmi. 0 Beautiful silk te.xtuirc borderless colour p)rmlts. * Prccsîngdone with finest Kodak matcrials. **"(«4Coupon (returned with prints) for a free 16 fi. oz. containqer- ofsldwhich you can use with your next chicken purchase. lt's aIl happening at your nearby Scott's Chickcn Villa! Each time you buy ab uckct or barrel of finger lickin' good Kenrtucky Fried Chickcn this summcr, you'll reccive a ccrtificatc for free photo processing of 12 exposures, any size film. Ail you have to do is mail in the certificate together with your film and 50q, for handling. Whcn you reccive your prints you'll also get a frce 16 fluid ounce salad coupon which you can use with your next purchase of Kentucky Fried Chicken at any Scott's Chickcp Villa. imý àA be. à * à Certificates good until October 31. Coupions good until Novemiber 30. Colon el Sanders' boys and girls make it 'linger lickin' good. ý j$tflis ciikeni 2u® ONTARIO STORES ONLY TOWN OF WIHITBY GARBAGE COLLECTION JULY 1ST, 1977 DOMINION DAY be picked up collected on R. A. Kuwahara, P. Eng-, Director of Public Works.

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