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Whitby Free Press, 3 Aug 1977, p. 13

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WH.ITRV FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3,,1977, PAGE 13 1FUR N ITUR E BREAKFAST NOOK - one year old, excellent condition, orange vinyl corner bench with white trim, white arborite extension table, now cost $299 seil for $1 50; Portable typewriter, $10; hand lawn mower, $10; rust daveniport, $30; Colonial dining room suite, 7 pce., table needs refinishing, $200. Cali 668-1436. COLONIAL 39" BED - matching pair, complete with box springand mattress, $60 eaoh.' Cal 655-3411. FIREPLACE - imitation, ideal for rec room, $35.- Cal 668-6537. Console WESTINGHOUSE 20" COLOUR TV - '$150; Hutch, 3 shelves & 3 drawers, $100; Loveseat, antique, hand carved, settier, floral scotchguard cushions, $300. Cali 668-0633. Chrome KITCHEN SET - 5 piece, $45; Chesterfield chair, $10; both ideal for cottage. Cati 668-8267. 7 pce. DINING ROOM SUITE - black, gond condition, $150. Cali 668-7564. COUCH - pull-out bed, good condition, $40. Cali 668-4042. Sears Sotid State COLOUR TV - 11,, years old, 1 2", $275. Cati 655-3287. Set of six ANTIQUE DINING ROOM WALNUT CHAIRS - need recaning, $175. CaltI 666-1 395 after 6 p.m. Tilter SWIVEL CHAIR - $27. Cal 579-2939. 5 piece SECTIONAL - suede look in Arbutus rust, new, $900; 3 piece walnut watt unit, with smoked gass doors & bar- compartment, new, $700; Cai 668-4317. DîNETTE SUITE - fo-.:r swivel chairs, 48" round table, $125. Cali 655-4651. Victorian antique SOFA - restored to new, over 100 years old, $450. CalI1655-3523. DINING ROOM TABLE - 3 extension leaves, four matching chairs, upholstered seats, ail in excellent condition, $200; Portable mantle and fireplace, with electric grate, $75. Cali 655-3389. Antique MAPLE TABLE - excellent condition, refinished, $125. Cali 666-1203. SINGLE BED - $60; Cali 728-1224. CHESTERFIELD CHAIR - matching recliner, blue tweed, $75; 54" box springs wth head board, $25; single bed, $1 5; pole iamp, $10; end tables, $5 pair; Whirl-away portable dishwasher, brand new, $25; ail excellent for a cottage. Cali 668-3189 af ter 5 p.m. CONSOLE TV - B & WJ, good condition, $75; two aluminum doors, f ive basement screen & storm windows, S50. Cal668-5596. CHROME KITCHEN SE-T - 5 piece, $45; chesterfield chair, $10; »both ideal for cottage. Calil668-8267, Colonial 5 pce. BEDROOM SUITE - excellent condition, light colour, $450; Bell Upright PIANO, antique,' $400. Cati 723-2701. ARM CHAIR - is basicalY sound needs recovering, $25. Cali 668-4180 between 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. DINING ROOM TABLE - oval, walnut, Duncani Phyffe, $275; Six matching chairs, $450. in excellent condition. Cali 576-7309. YOUTH BED- $30. Cati 668-4193. 40' TV MAST - with colotir head and channel master rotor, $1 00; f replace accessories, grate, screen, tongs, etc. $35. Cali 668-9880. KITCHEN CUPBOARDS - including double staînless steel sink, stove fan, lazy susan, etc. Cal 723-7717. B & W TV - $150 or best of fer; Portabel TV, $50. Cati 668-0744. PETS& SUPPLIESI Purebred BEAGLE - 10 wks. old, had first set of shots, trained, $30. Cati 668-1 108. GELDINGHALF ARABIAN - 14 hands, 6 ears old, Bay & White Pinto markings. very kind and gentie, has been rode, but not recently, $200. Cail 294-1383. 1HORSE FOR SALE - can be ridden, $150. CaiO 668-1510. PUREBRED GERMAN SHEPHERD - 2 yoars old, $40. Caîl 655-3651. HELP WANTED Earn extra money. Show Our exciting line of Chiristmas cards and gifts to friends, neighbours, relatives. No experience needed. Dur big, colourfully illustrated catalogue makes it easy qnd prof itable. Start now. Write today for free Christmnas catalogue and information. Monarch Greeting Cards, Dept. 201, 217 Cannon, Hamilton, L8N 3K3 or phone (416> 521-3891. "Permanent employment opportunity for mature married couple tu live in Ashburn/ Claremont area. Modern 5-room brick bungalow, taxes, heat, light, power and water provided. Duties tu include general gardening chores and maintenance of grounds of adacent owner's residence. Wife ta assume approx. 3 days housecleaning per week at owner 's residence. If interested for interview please write H. C. Milîs. Box 266. Oshawa. Ontario. FAMILY BUSINESS Couple required for expanding family busi- ness. lnitially part-time. Work from your own home. V .r1i i SERVICES CARP ENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTSý Kitchens, Ceramic Tiling, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES - Cali 668-4686 FULLER BRUSH CO. FOR VOUR FULLER REQUIREMENTS CALL FAY DREW 668-9915 WANTED TO BUY dishes, glass, china, dolîs, dlocks, jewelry, etc. Must be old. Caîl 668-0055 days and 668-6519 eveni ngs. HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Golci and Silver coins, old guns, docks, jewelry, dislies, furniture, crocks, oil paintings and sealers. Friendly Flea Mark<et 725-9783 23 King West, Oshawa 7 LAWS 0F SUCCESS Details 2.5 cents and self- addressed stamped envel- ope to S.A. 286 Saguenay, Apt. No. 2, Oshawa, Ont. SWEET CORN NEW POTAIQES and other vegetables. Now ready. KEITH BELL FARMS Myrtie Rd. 5, 1 mile east of No. 12 Hwy. (approx. 3 miles north of Brooklin> 655-3326 Closed Sundays Cali 683-7274. WANTED -BASS PLAYER. Cail 655-3241 ask for Vince. Avofl YOU NEVER LOOKED SQ GOOD! Yes, you-the successful business woman-c hoosing your I own working hours, and turning time int money. ibis is the profitable Avon gi season. A great time to start your Avon career ..No experience necessary. Just cati: 683-7521 FOR RENT SWIMMING POOLS TO RENT - Will lease and instaîl for home- owners, family size aluminumn swimming pool with patio. Choice of styles meeting ail f en cing regu lat io ns o n a o ne, two or three year rentaI basis with option to own. Try before you buy! Cali collect an'!time 1-416-663-9508. FOR SALE TOOLS Brand newv, neyer used, ail name brand, Westward Gray ITC etc. on Sniap On, professional, guaranteed by manufacturer, clearing out at less than haîf price. Hydraulic floor jacks, bottie jacks, car stands, vices, socket and wvrench sets (metric and standard), tap & die set, pipe vrenches, impact lools, drill presses and many other hand toots f or plumbers, carpenters and hanidymen. Ca Il 683-17 53.V SWIMMING POOLS - 1977 modeis slightly scratched in transport. Fully warrarited, co mplote with pu mp motor, filter, fencing, walkway and ceck. Suggested retail price, $2295. Availabe at in-season special of $1288. Caîl now for early installation. Caîl collect anytime, 1-41 6-663-950 8. WNITSY RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING CO. The professional people in steam cleaning carpeting. VVe specialize in chesterfield cleaning. Aiso, Van's, mobile homes, auto uphoistery. Free pick up & delivery on loose rugs, chesterfields, chairs. Reasonable rates. Phone 666-1222 in Port Perry COUNTRY SUNSHINE antiques, books, glassware, arts & crafts. Hwy. 7A, 145 Scugog St., Port Perry, Ont. 655-4776 AUCTION SALE Saturday, August 6 at 1 p.m. of househoid furniture and ant iques. The property of Mr. Thomas Bell, 145, Alva St. Port Perry, Ont. Second side street South ofl the lights and turro right. Pine blankot box, ice box, hardwvood chairs, Victorian chair, easy rocker, chest of drawers, dresser. bed, box sprinq and mattress, table, upright freezer, tr îdge, stove, (n!ectric f toor polisher and hand polishier Chesterfield and chair (good), drcsk and chair, lamps, AM/FM radio-stereo, record cabinet and records, cupboards, stool, folding picnic table. card table, crib and mattress, quilts, dishes, jars, tabie-saw (Timkin) with motor and attachments, garden cultiva- tor, iawn mower, fertilizer spreader, tools and many more items. Lunch Availabie. No resorve. Terms cash or cheque. John Pearce, Auctioneer, Port Perry, 416-985-7492. AUCTèON SALE Tuesday, August gth, at 6:00 p.m. The property of -Mr. and Mrs. Rose, 312 Sunset Blvd., Stouff- ville. Househotd furniture and ant iques. Many collectible articles. Terms cash, no reserve. Property sold. Auctioneers, Earl Gauslin and Norm Faulkner. LOST - Young female Calico, but mostlY CatI 668-0096. white M K SNOWMOBI LE has moved to new location r mr of 357 Bloor St. E., Oshawa WINNER The winner of the Branch 112 Royal Canadian Legion, Whitby draw; Lic. 212-580, for a 1977 Chevelle Malibu is: Dick Blyleven, 1289 Haig Blvd., Port Credit. The winning number was 3656,1I and the seller was Bob Johnson. Household Realty SECOND MORTGAGES No bonuses No brokerage fees No finder's fees FAST SERVICE Corne on in or cati the nearest office of Household Finance Ask for Mortgage Services Whitby Mail Shopping Centre, Whitby 723-8101 BUY AT REASUNABLE PRICES OAS - DIESEL F UEL -MOTO R DIL Prompt Deliver Out of town please ca < 0 X? IL ~ WHITBY 668-3381 cry mli collect i i.' HELP WANIWU Newly established modern dental off ice, 400 Dundas St. W., Whitby, requires DENTAL ASSISTANT AND RECEPTIONIST experience essential. Please forward resume c/o Schatzmann Real Estate, 215 Dundas St. E., Whitby Attn: Drs. Neiman and Weingarten. Must be available to commence mid-August. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY REQUIRES BUILDING INSPECTOR - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMVENT Applications are invited from quaîified and experienced persons for the position of Building Inspector in the Public Works Department. The incumbent will be responsible for the enforcernent of Municipal By-Laws, carry out routine inspec- tions of building construction activities, maintain records and building permit procedures, be able to communicate effectively with developers, contractors and the general public. QUALIFICATIONS: Community College graduate with several years reîated experience preferably be registered with O.A.C.E.T.T. Other combinations of education and construction experience may be considered. The Town provides excellent fringe benefits and working conditions. The applications should reach the undersigned not later than Wednesday, August i th, 1977. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C. Clerk-Administrator, Town of Whitby. SAVE ENERGY NOW! Stay cooler in summer, warmer in winter... INSULATE NOW By adding RAPCO'FOAM to your walls and cavities or by adding cellulose fibre to your attic. Residential - Commercial - Industrial KMP INSULATIONS Whitby, Ont. 668-1877 ut 1 polo

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