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Whitby Free Press, 3 Aug 1977, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3,1977, WHITBY FREE Br~k1in Hello there,I hope that you enjoyed the County Town Carnival events in some way last week. The number and variety of things-to-do or sec were reiarkable. 0f lasting consequence was the billeting in local homes of boys and girls froni the visiting soccer teamis fromn Longueuil, Quebec. These homes wil reverberate for weeks with newly acquircd words of French. The language studied only ini school suddenly took on a new significance when the desire to communicate with a visiting friend becamne strong. Everyone concerned wishied thiat they had paid more attention in school no Deloitte, Haskins & Sels CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Offices ini iMajor C('wwdiail( fIlI Bell Canada Building Oshawa Centre, Oshawa P hone 579-8202 P..130X 800, OSHAWA, ONT. BROWN'fS BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITE DELIVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGE 3BIG DAYS PRESS doubt, In our homie we now haive a wcll-worn French-Englislh dictîonary and phrasc-book, an(] warm mnemnorles of a sinail, frienclly young girl fromi Longueuil who shiared our lives for a week-end. Il was an experience in iuttual co-operation and varying degrees of understanding. Truly, the language barrier was not insurmnoun table. A great nmany tilings cari be sai withi a smiile or a handshiake - charaides were also popular! The Recreation Dept. did a tremiendous job in cci- operation with Whitby Minor Soccer to make this exchange project a success. This week a summner play camnplias startcd at Brooklini United Church. It will finish Aug. 12. Ali jchildren aged two to six ycars will find interesting and fun things to occupy themi. This camip is operated by the Whitby 'Y', and informuation about it is available at 668-6868. Sonie local people frorn the outlying areas have called to ask if lVve seen the new street sigris. !t is a ratiier novel sighit, corner street sigris out in the country - along country roads. The reaction has generally been- who needs thern! A local farmier tells nme that he's been able to find hlis way homne these thirty years now without theni. There must be sonie good reason for such an expenditurv 'nf m-nnev however-. Some of the names BROOKLIN, ONTARIO 655-3233 are somewhiat superfluous - for example 'Country Lane' -seemls a bit mjuch to mie. Coluimbus, Road and Ashburn Road are ai leasi instructive as they lead to Columibus and Ashhurn respectively. lb camne as a surprise to some t0 discover that thecy lived on Cochrane St., though that took a litile figuring. Whatever the rati, iqle behind this latest expenditure, flot tluat local people objeet to being the recipient of tax money in a good cause, better Advance publicity mnight have been a good idea. Just a remninder 10 local children, the Masquerade Party ai the public lîbrary, Brooklin Branch, wilI be nexi Tues. Aug. 9 ai 2:30 p.m. Prizes for the silliest, niost unusual costumes wiIl also be unusual. Ever see a hockey player wearing ballet slippers? - or a baby wearing work boots? - got the idea? 0K, put together a costumne, brinà along some kind of mask and join the fun. Prizes, games and refreshments will round out the party. H-ave fun! Have a good week! Valerie 655-4317 Donis Wm ter des Doris Winter, mother of Whitby contractor Williamn Winter, died July 28 ai the Oshawa General Hospital following a short illness. Mrs. Winter, 72, who lived at 211 Reedaire Court, Whitby, was born on Gurnsey Island, England, daughiter of George and Elizabeth lHansford. FOODMASTERý PHONE 655-45*21 STORE UOURS 0I'l.N six l)kYSA WE 8:30 a.inî. - 6 lp.m. 1-X<IP II S8. -R NI GII[' 1 9p Thurs. Aug. 4 to Sat. Aug. 6 100TH FASTE Close-mUp *8818 PIBSOIANT Right Guard ~-1- -4 *Cou rtesy\j Value aitssfaccti or "Z B UYS 0F sl.39 THE WiEEK!, Swifts PREM LU NCHEO N MEAT 12-OZ TIN CL PROM CANADA GRADE AISlFCut FROM CANADA GRADE 1. fi888 ROUND ROUND$ STEAK $1291b. ST EA K $1.9b FULL SLICE TOPCIJT MA118MAPAPU LEAF ME R8IPLE8 8*8 12 Oz PACKAGE iSmoked Picnics 98' BA'K Mch Meant $ 1.09 MAPILE 1.8*8 1WEET PICKL1.80,CAYOVAC B CMAm 8A 60z PACKAGE Cottage RoIs$1.1el 4,oc Cooked Ham$1.19',,, BOIÀI gnJ 8o, AKAG$1179, AMAPL.E IlAF BARBECUE 5STYLE FOR~~ ~ IR RL EIMCENERPORTION W eesooP59c O lt 1E U T P R O M I lN D A G R A D E A - 8 I l Ground Beef 88l' 1.96BohSnRun it We Are Agents For iet 24-10Ooz. Die' -2.29* 24-10 oz. Regu lar- 2.57 12-30 oz. Regular- 2.99 Ref undable DeposIt for8sottwes& CU$ 300, 22-OZ PACKAGE $2e19 I LiI,. SIZE BIRDS EYE 99C COOL WHIP 7 1F M IF1 22*OZ ANG Ruert $ A FISN Sticks L.*07 L EMO N JUICE i 4/ 111I1 11il11 il@] iq; No. 1 Ontario Heads of Lettuce 39'« ach Ontario NO. 1 Large Staiks of CeI.ry 49" each Ontario No. 1 Peaches Sn Haven Semi Free Stone 6 Quart Basket Hap $330Ueach 8*81.0 RISEN BOASIED Coffee 14b. bag s3.79 080008*840 -BATH 8828 3 t@ PACKAGE Zest Soap sl.09 DISPOSA81.EIAPERS -OVEENII 12 le PACKAGE Pampers sl.49 UBnAROEB 0*908128 pAècXAGI mambo £ Uds 89c in 1922 she married Gardner Winter ini Pickering. Mr. Winîer died several years ago. Mrs. Wintcr was a memnber of St. Mark's United Church and active in church work; the Ontario Chapler 227 Order of the Eastern Star, Pickering; and Meals with Wheels. She is survived by two sons, William of Whitby and Richard of Pickerinîg and four daughters, Mrs. Robert Walkcr (Kathileen), M rs. Murray Wilson (Isa bel) of Port Perry, Mrs. Everet Quantrill (Dorothy), of Beaverton, - Mrs, l-Iugh Eorsyth (Joyce) of Raglan. She is aIse survived by one sister, Mrs. Richard 'Wintcr (Flleni) of Beaverton 20 grandchildren and 10 great grandechildren. The funieral service wvas lield July 30,at W. C. Town Funcral Chiapel, conducted by Rev. John M. Smith of St. Mark's United Church. Internient followed in Erskine Ccmnetery, Dun- barton. f desired in lieu of tlowers. (donations may be mîade to) tie Canadian hIeurt Fuiid. 350 units at Blood einies The Whiitby Red Cross blood douer clinics lield July 6 anid 11 camîe only 50 units shiort of thieir goal. The goal was 400 units and 350 werc collected, says blood donor chiairman Joyce ('ox. At the Whiitby Psychiatric Hlospital iuly 121, 76 people donated blood and 2-1 were turncd down for various reasons. Many were new donors and most were hospital employees, said Mrs Cox. The next clinie wilI be Nov. 16, and Mrs. Cox says the hospital clinic' will be included again in 1978 to bring the yearly total of blood donor clinics in Whitby 10 four instead of three. Courthouse Squares r OATUEAL AND0 FUOGI 1,LsB ox DARE Oc COOKIES 77 VAN CAMP Oc BEANS JJ KRAFT CANIA.pdP'oofSS ilOZ) 2 La PACKAGE SIN$Es 2.99ý 18 aPACK1ACK FLUFFO 65 Shortening _ 5 RABIC (PBPPCEGSi79) DOWNY $~f SOFTENER 1.7 25 PIPAIS »2002*880S 8 POUJLRY PACKEAGE POWDEB KING 0IZE PACKAGE' aOXYDOL $ 2.49j wDtem gent SUNSPUN -CONCENTRATEU 8',Oz 1YIN ORNGE FQ0 JOUlC E '31'J 9 MCCAIN DELUXE PIZZA

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