WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17,1977) PAGE 15 COMMUNITY PICNIC The West Lynde Com- munity Association wil be holding a Community Famnily Picnic August 28 at Jeffrey Street and Michael Boulevard. Events include races, bal throwing, three legged events etc. for the children, with everyone winning a ribbon. The races start at 1 p.m. and between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. music will be provided by the Whitby Brass Band. The Association will supply soft drinks and equip- mient for the games, and picnic tables will be provided. Those attending are asked to bning their own lunches and lawn chairs, but not to bring their cars as there is no park- ing allotted. The West Lynde Com- munity Association is looking for volunteers to assist in running the games and other events. Anyone who wishes to help or submit a suggestion should cali President Jim Mitchiell at 668-1 379 or Jerry Hill at 668-5096. everyone to attend it's "Jeans On" dance Aug. 20 At Heydenshore Pavillon Mgusic- will be by "Home Cookin". Tickets are' $10 per couple, available by calling 668-2244, 668-1173, 668-5096, 668-6467 and 668-6130. ROCK CONCERT The Whitby Kiwanis Syn- chronized Swimming Team will present a rock concert by Salem Witchcraft at Iroquois Park Arena Sept. 9 at 8 p.m. Sqlem Witcbcraft is a rock quartet from Michigan wh ich mixes smoke effects with rock and roll music, and bas been a popular attraction at college campuses ini Canada and the United States. The group has cut two records, "»'Looking for a Love", and ""Rock and Roll Lover." The Salem Witchcraft have been described as the "best rock band in Michigan." Conug Events Whitby- Cablecast Listings Cablecast 10, Oshawa Wtut- noon and 2 p.m. to 4 p.mf. is the date to register for a senior citizens trip to Blue Mountain Pottery at the Caledon His. Registrations will be at the Seniors Activity Centre on Brock- Street. The bus leaves at 9:30 a.m. Aug. 23. Aug. 22 from 10 a.m. to noon and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. is the tîme to register for a tnip to the Canadian National Exhibition. The bus will leave the Seniors Activity Centre at 9 a.m. Aug. 3 1. The activity centre is also arranging a trip to Graven- hurst and the M',koka lakes with a four-hour boat cruise on the Lady Muskoka. Further details will be issued in September. There are stili 10 seats available on the plane trip to Florida from Oct. 8 to 22. Air fare and accommno- dation for two weeks is $279. For further informa- tion contact- Dorothea Johnson, 579-8212., *Friday, August l9th 2:00 Officiai Opening Cere- montes Whitby/Longueil *Twinning 3:00 Daytimne/Night Time 4:00 Music & the Spoken Word 4:30 Whitby Then & Now, 5:00 Motor City Bowling Roll-Offs 6:00 Sign Off Monday, August 22nd 2:00 Hatha Yoga with Jan Hewlett 2:30 DaytimeilNight Time, the Ladies 3:30 Conception with Bill Jeanes 4:00 Gord Wick & Flower Araingements 4:30 Whtïbý Chamber of Commerce Presents "Sum- mer Employnent Programs" 5:00 Sign Off TueÎday, August 23rd 2:00 Shalom, for the Jewish Community 3:00 Music & the Spoken Word 3:30 Durham Dialogue with Host : Jim Kirkconnell 4:00 Whitby Brass Band at iroquois Park Arena 4:30 Whitby Then & Now With JImn Quail & Brian Win- ter 5:00 Sign Off NOTE ALL PROGRAMS ARE SUBJECT TO CHAN- GE WITHOLJT NOTICE To Love, Honor, and. Love "We believe that personal independence and equal human nights can neyer bc forfeited . .. that marriage should be an equal and permanent partnership and SO recognized by law..." This is flot an excerpt from a modern marriage ceremony but from a marriage conducted in 1855 between Lucy Stone, a suffragette who kept ber miaiden name throughout ber- life and her groom, Henry Biackwell. At the reques t of the couple, the minister also nvnittp<id the word "obey"119P2 the marriage vows. Ms. Stone would probably be gratified by the changes in the marriage laws which now acknowledge the wife as something other than the husband's property. She would also eniov todav's modern wedding ceremonies where the groom and the bride can compose their own vows. The bride- is no longer subservient to her husband and the word "obey" is usually omitted from the ceremonv as it was in the Stone-Blackwell wedding. Althou2,h most coucles writing their à wn ceremomies. Kids for Bock -(W. have Coats, Dresses, Jeans, Topsi, Pa.rts*isShoes, eM.) TENEARLY NEWV SHOP 131 Brock St. S., Whitby, Ontario 668-4100 Open aily 9:30 - 5:30 2 vow to ma~e m4LI1G~ ci do flot accepr rrauiuuniii 1ifetime commitment, thev The more uncertain 1 have feit about myseif, the more there lias grown Up in me a feeling of kinship with ail things. Carl Jung Knsmen OPtimists $q500 JACKPOTS Auge 22 Lic. No. 2354011 F IRST JACKPOT AT 52 NUMBERS SECOND JACKPOT AT 57 NUMBERS 7:15 p.m. No childreu under 16 adniitted NO ADMISSION CHARGE! HEX ËDENSIIORE PAV ION (corner Water St. & Dunlop Dr., Whitby) .1 ro oie-parig. adtin role-paying Ask us about you, Corne and tell us what you're looking for in a job. Tell us what you are today and what you want to be tomorrow. Ask us if we can offer opportunities and challenges to match your needs. No«oblig'ations on either side. We'll be glad to talk. And we may have just.. what you're looking for. But you'll neyer kr)ow until you ask. Visit Our Mobile Recruiting Unît Canada Manpower Centre OSHAWA WEDNESDAY, AUG. '17, 24, 31: 10:00 a.m.- 300 p.mi. CNADIAN AMED Brigadoo)n RESTAURANT -. TAVERN larigadoofl by, Bowmanville and Brook- lin, Wednesday, August l7th to Tuesday, August 23,19 77 Wednesday, August 1 7th 2:00 Music & the Spoken Word 2:30 Conception 3:00 Energy & It's Conserva- tion 3:30 Co-Op Housing? 4:00 Daytime/Nlght Time 5:00 Sign Off Thursday, August l8th 2:00 Motor City Bowling Roll-offs 4:00 Officiai Opening of the 9th Annual Twinning of the Longueil, Quebec & Whitby, Ontario Guitars, Drumns, - & Accessories Hove Corne To pe&eI.w¶ !?"Ligie jjj epn 3à 2 King St. W. Oshawa 723-2259 Introductory Sale 20 % off Whitby Community Bingo EVERY MONDAY NIGII Monday, BANQUET HALL THURSDAY -NIORT US GONG SHOW NIOHT* CASH PRUZESO LAUGHS, GOOD ENTERTAUMMENT Dining & dancing, Thurs. thru Sat. to thé Sandy.Herd 'Trio. Luncheons served"daily, Monday to Friday 12 m 3 p."'. Corne in and make your own sandwich Plus hot roast beef, $2.95 and enjoy a - .mug of beer on our new patio lounge. CALL 28&1212 for rmservutioes, - --I,- -nir"oap A -1 - - à au