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Whitby Free Press, 24 Aug 1977, p. 13

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST.24, 1977, PAGE 13 $1 res Tal ac< Cot 's1 goi ex DîNETTE SUITE - fj vivet chairs, 48"' round table, 25. Cati 655-4651. Victorian antique SOFA - ýtored to new, over 100 years J, $450. Cait 655-3523. bie tennis TABLE with att the zessories $55. Matching furniture )uch, chairs & Ottoman $750. brand new, wiit take best offer. If ciubs-$1 5. 666-1470. varnished occasionai TABLE 8 inches high=~3 ft. >12. Cail-579-1094.-, Antique MAPLE xcollent condition, 125. Cati 666-1203. long at TABLE- refinished, SINGLE BED - $60;Cali 728-1224.J CHESTERFIELD CHAIR - matching rocliner, blue tweed, $75; 54" box springs with hoad board, $25; single bed, $15; pote Iamp, $10; end tables, $5 pair; Whiri-away portable dishwasher, brand new, $25; att excellent for a cottage. Cati 668-3189 after 5 p.m. CONSOLE TV - B & W, good condition, $75; tw~o aluminum doors, f ive basement scroen & storm windows, $50. Cati 668-5596. CHROME KtTCHEN SET - 5 pieco, $45; chosterfieid char, $10; both ideai for cottage. Cati 668-8267, Colonial 5 pce. BEDROOM SUITE - excetlent condition, ight cotour, $450; Bell Upright PIANO, antique, $400. Cati 723-2701. ARM CHAIR -- is basiclliy sound needs recovorinçt, $25. Cati 668-4180 between 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. DINING ROOM TABLE- ovai, walnut, Duncan PhYtfe, $275; Six rnatchiflg chairs, $450. in excellent condition. 1Cati 576-7309. TENT-Woods high watt, 8x10x7 ft high, used one week, $75. Cal 668-2164. PETS & SUPPLIES Purebrod BEAGLE - 10 wks.I oid, had f irst set of shots, trained, $30. CaI 668-1108. GELDINGHALF ARABIAN - 14 hands, 6 years aid, Bey & White Pintoa markings, very kind and gentte, has been rode, but not reoentily, $200. Cal 294-1383. HORSE FOR SALE - cao be riddeo, $150. Cati 668-1510- PUREBREDGERMAN SHEPHERD - 2 years Old, $40. cÂîl65361 HE LP WANTE D WANTED: Reliable person to care for 3 month old in Imy home Mon. to Fri. j8:00 - 4:30 West Lynde Area 669, Qçç%m F U4 T BREAKFAST NOOK - one yoar oîd , excellent condition, orange vinyl corner bench with white trim, white arborite extension table, new cost $299 soit for $1 50; Portable typewvriter, $10; hand lawn mower, $10; rust dlavenport, $30; Caolonai dîning room suite, 7 pce., table needs refinishiria, $200. Oetil 668-1,436., COLONIAL - ;19- BED- matching pair, comptete With box spr 'ing end mattress, $60 eeoh. Cati 655-3411. FIREPLACE - imitation, ideat for roc roomn, $35. Cati 668-6537- 1 swivet ROCKER uphotstered in green vinvt. $35.,,579-1094. Console WESTINGHOUÜSE 20" COLOUR TV - $150; Hutch, 3 sheives & 3 dravvers, $100; Loveseat, antique, hand carved, settier, floral scotchguard cushions, $300. Cai 668-0633. 1Chrome KITCHEN SET - s piece, $45; Chesterfield chair, $10; both ideat for cottage. Cai 668-8267. 7 pce. DINING ROON SUITE - black, good condition, $1 50. Cati 668-7564. Sears Soiid State COLOUF TV - MA years old, 12", $275 CatI 655-3287. Set of six ANTIQUE DININ(. ROOM WALNUT CHAIRS - need recaning, $175. Cal 666-139 5 af ter 6 p. m. Tilter SWIVEL CHAIR - $27. Cail 579-2939. 5 piece SECTIONAL - suede look in Arbutus rust, new, $900 3 piece watnut waii unit, witl smoked glass' doors & bar compartment, new, $700; Cal 668-4317. installations. I-eatiflg exper- ience and gas certificate wiIl be an asset. 668 - 8761 After bnurs 668 - 2721 L)AY CARE available ini my homne.668 -9915 BABYSITTER WANTED for 10 yn. old boy in your home, days, West Lynde Sehool area. Phone 668 - 9617 in pn After Sunday 28th. BéABYSITrTING AVAILABLE'in my home, Monday through Fni- day, caîl 668-7590. BABYSITTING AVAILABLE, Adult, in my home. Monday to Friday. Cali 668-1474 WILL BABYSIT in my home in Kinsale area, an infant, start- ing in September Monday to Fri- day during day. Cali655-4719. BABYSITTER WANTED in Mary & Pine Street arca. Full time. Phone 668 - 9722 BABYSI1ING available in my home Monday - Friday Cali 668 - 6009 FOR RENT FOR RENT- Basemnent apt. South Whitby. Large bedrooms living room, kitchen, 3 piece bath, close ta GO station, pri- vate entrance. Phono 668-5705 FOR RENT- Basement apt., partly furnished. Pensioner pro- ferrod, non-smoker and abstain- er. Close ta park and GO Station Soperate entrance and parking. Cal 668 - 2769 (9arn - 5pm) SWIMMING POOLS TO RENT - Will lease and instaîl for home- owners, family si2e aîumiflum swimming pool with. patio. Choice of styles meeting ail fencing regulations on a one, two or three year rentaI basis with option ta own. Try before youi bu y! Cali collect an"itime 1-416-663-9508. TOOLS Brand new, neyer used, ail name brand, Westvvard Gray ITC etc. on Snap On, professional, guaranteed bY manufacturer, clearing out at iess than haif price. Hydrauiic f loor jacks, bottie jacks, car stands, vices, socket and wrench sets (metric and standard>, tap & die set, pipe wrenches, impact tools, drill presses and many other hand tools for plumbers, carpenters and handymen. Cali 683-1753. SWIMMING POOLS - 1977 models slightly scratched in transport. FuIly warrarited, complote with pump mati, filter, fencing, waîkway and deck. Suggested retail price, $2295. Availabe at in-season special of $1 288. Cal now for early installation. Cal collect IywYnu. 1 -41-663-9508. CLEANINO LADY WANTED-lYza miles North of Brooklin.055-421O PIANO LESSONS in my home Grades 1 to 8, times negotiable, oeil 668 - 9786. CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Ceramlic Tfling, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES - Cali 668-4686 HELP WANTED: Hand made articles wanted for craft shop opening soon in Brooklin. Caîl 655 . 3661 or 655 - 3488 PRINCIPALS ONLY We heîp you seIl Real estate privately. Whitby Shirley Saunders 668-3950 Brooklin Office - 655-44q2 HELP WANTED Qualified PLUMBER wanted for service work and new HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Gold and Silver 'coins, old guns, clocks, jewelry, 4ishes, furniture, crocks, oil paintings and sealers. Friendly Flea Market 725-9783 23 King West, Oshawa 7 LAWS 0F SUCCESS Details 25 cents and self- addressed stamped envel- ope to S.A. 286 Saguenay, Apt. No. 2, Oshawa, Ont. Sandy's Ceramics Pre-registrati on for September Classes 666-1926 or 668-0416 TOWN OF WHITBY Requires BUILDING ENGIN EER -PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Applications wiIl be received by the undersigned for the position of Building Engineer. The successtul applicant wilI be responsîble for the administration and enforcement of the Ontario Building Code, and Building, Zoning, Plumbing and Sign By-Iaws and tu deal with legal inquiries in respect of Site Plan and Subdivision Agreements and property transactions. Qualifications: University graduate in civil engineering with several years related experience and a member of the Association of Piof essional Engineers of Ontario. Salary negotiable. Excellent benef its and working conditions. The applications should reach the, undersigned not later than September 9th, 1971. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T.,C.M.C., Cîerk Administrator, Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. LIIN 2MB LOST- Vicinity of 225 Brock St. North; a brown Ieatherýovernight bag containing personal items, ID was removed, personal letters addressed Lot 1 Rainbow Heights Kagawong Ontario. Reward- Cal 284-9749 West Hill. A UCTI ON SALE Household furniture and collect- Mbe items, the property of Mrs, J Briscoe, Saturday August 20th., 11:30 a.m. in the village of Clare- mont. Property sold. One of the older homes in the village. Plan ta attend. Terms cash, no resorve. Earl Gauslin Auctioneer. AUCTriON SALE, Thursday, August 25th, sale of household furniture, farm equipment ta be héîd at Stouffvelîe Sale Barn Two deep freezos, chesterfiolds, end tables, antiques, 6 ton wagon buggies, buggy wheels, trailer, toos. Terms cash No reserve. Sale at 5:30 p.m. Norm Faulkner and Earl Gausîin Auctioneers. PIANO LESSONS - Fully qualified teacher. Graduate of the Royal Conservatory of Music. Ail ages, beginners or advanced. WiIl prepare for Royal Conservatory exams if required. 668 - 0543 AU CTION SALE Saturday, Augusu 27 - At 12:30 p.m. DispersaI of household furniture, etects. appliances, tools, etc. for Mr. John Hart, located on town- line Rd. Oshawa. <Adelaide St. East ta townline, %/ mile N; or 11/2 miles South of village of Taunton). Partial list: Antique hoosier kitchenf cupboard; round table w/4 beaves & 6 matching chairs; set of oId kitchen chairs sklar sofa wl matching chair (like new); 5 pc. dînette set; rockers variaus occassional tables; selec- tion of rugs & lamps; bed chester- field; quantity of glass & china; trigidaire fridge (lîke new).Gil- son fridge, G.E. stove; Vik- ing stovo; vacumm cleaners; many. small appiances; olé picture frames; co pper boiîer;old sawvs; lantern; grain craddle; antique cutter; oId 1 f urrow plow tools and much much more. N.B. most everything is in .excel- lent condtion and weIl cared for. Terms cash of good cheque. No reserve. House sold. Kahn Auc- tian services. 985 - 8161 IHOME REPAIRS: Chirnneys repaired and rebuit. Tuck- pointing, cernent work, roof- ing and painting. Free esti- mates. 666 - 1481 BUY AT REASONABLE PRICES GAS - DIESEL FUEL -MOTOR DIL Prompt Detivery Out of towo please celi coIîect §PX2 QIL I ail UIELP WANTWU Newly established modern dental off ice, 400 Dundas St. W., Whitby, requires DENTAL ASSISTANT AND RECEPTIONIST experience essential. Please' forward resumne c/o Schatzmann Real Estate, 215 Dundas St. E., Whitby Attn: Drs. Neiman and Weingarten. Must be available to commence miid-August. GIANT AUCTION. 0F NEW FURNITURE, HOUSENOLD GOODS, AND ANTIQUE REPRODUCTIONS FULLY GUARANTEED- BY- MANUFACTURERS ON MONDAT AUGUST 29th 7:30 PMn AT IWM. LEGROS AJAX COMMUNITY CENTRE (on Centen'iaI Dr. 1/2 mile South of 401 Highway at Harwood and Bayly - Ajax FREE ADMISSION PARTIAL LIST 0F ITEMS: Bedroom Suites, Steros, Lamps, Dining Suites, Coffee anid Enîd Tables, TV's, Clocks, 2,3 & 4 Pc. Chesterfield Suites, Desks, Paintings, GAmes, Hidebeds,. 5 & 7 Pc. Kitchen Sets, Rockers, Recliners, Dinnerware, Tools, Kitchen Accesories, Bunkbeds, Mate Beds, 39" 54" 60" Mattress Sets, Novelties, Ornaments,. Tea Carts, Planters, Micro Waves, Plus Numer,'us Other Personal & Household Items. TERMS: Cash, Chargex, Masterhcarge, Cheques 1 :4 .rl Ir PLAN TO ATTEND United Auction Grm'up 661 - 5027 Toronto AI Rowand Auctioneer Saturday, August 27th, a littie bit of everything 122 Thicksorý Rd. North, Whitby. CORN ROAST Until frost -Groups - organizations, private parties. Brooklin - 655-4492 M Van Der Krabben Ted and Marian are proud to announce the birth of their son Steven John born Monday August lst, 1977 at 11:51 amr. weighing 8 lbs. Il ounces. Grandparents. are Mr. and Mrs. J. Tutent of Oshawa and Mn. and Mrs. J. Van Der Krabben of Vortum Mullem of Holland. Special thanks to Dr. M-cIntosh and rnaternity staff of Oshawa Gen-, eral Hospital. SAVE ENERGY NOW' Stay cooler in summer, warmer in winter... INSULATE NOW By adding, RAPCO FOAM walls and cavities or by adding cellulose fibre to you r atti C. Residential - Commercial - Industrial KMP INSULATIONSI W.iltby, Ont. 668-1877 WANTED TO BUY dishes, glass, china, dolîs, dlocks, jewelry, etc. Must be old. Caîl 668-0055 days and 668-6519 evenings. ou" M4 1 KITCHEN CUPBOARDS - including double stainless steel sink, stove fan, tazy susan, etc. Cati 723-771 7. B & W TV - $150 or best offer; Portabel TV, $50. CaI 668-0744. w è Mt SERVICES min i.u.

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