R iP R E S,, S)À MINOR FOOTBALL CON The Whitby Free Press Vikings show sponsor Mike Burgess what will h*ppen to anyone who tries to take the bail away from them. The new team, now in the formation stage, is the result of a franchise being granted to Whitby by the Scarborough Kiwanis Football Association. Practices have begun under the direction of coach Keith Wagar, and his lES TO WHITBY to boys undertthe age of 13 and under 120 pounds. Anyone interested shou1d contact Keith Wagar at 668 - 1612. The Vikings will play their first regular gamne Saturday, Sept. 10 at Peel Park. Home games will be played each Saturday at Peel Park, and the boys will also play one out of town game each week. Free Press Photo by Robin Lyon assistants Joe Arbuthnott and Brian Tatchell. Registration for the Pee-Wvee teamis pn Downtown merchants re-organize and start again By John Roberts The m order that The merchants of downtown the origim Whitby have decided to act. ward bv At a public meeting of the Aiea Com Whitby Central Business Dis- their viem trict Improvement Area group at Committee held on August the point 17, the merchants in attend-discussion ance decided to expand the of the diss previous committee rather in the Ai than shelve the improvement the Whitb proposal. This ten-member Counci group now has a mandate to chaired a draft a final proposal for sub- cussion o mission to Council in order in the dis that a third reading of By-law dations, No. 479 - 77 can be taken, sUs to designating the downtown traffic c( business district of Whitby as Io<Ns: an improvement area, with 1. T funds for improvement to meter pai come from an assessment of and Broc of the businesses invoived. parking The ten members of the streets, be Committee now include Bob feated. Catton, Art King, Doug for off Davidson, John Roberts, emphatica Agnes Disney, Linda Russell, and Coun Harry Cockburn, Bill Condor, lined wha AI Kirby and BillTaylor. w eeting was called in t the dissenters to al proposal put for- the Improvement mittee could make ws known to the large and to open s in contention to . The submission senters was outlined ugust 17 edition of y Free Press. ilor Bob Attersiey point by point dis- f the various points ssenters' recommen- the general consen- points concering ontrol being as fol- he proposal that rking along Dundas k Streets, with no at all along those e eliminated was de- The great necessity street parking was ally emphasized, cillor Attersley out- t was being done by i this area. 2. It was moved and car- ried that a truck route be established to eliminate the use of Brock Street as a major truck route. It was pointed out, however, that the Department of Transport had been approached on this matter previously, and that nothing can be done until additional major traffic arter- ies are constructed. 3. There was no vote on the question of public lanes. 4. Extended or advanced green lights at the Four Corners was opposed, al- though it was felt that there is a need for larger and more recognizable turn signs for traffic apporaching the Four Corners. Under the topics of bus- iness development, the fol- lowing decisions were made: 1. It was generally agreed that the majority of mer- chants present at the meeting did not want to spend funds on town property. 2. There was no vote taken on the question of minimum standard by -laws applicable to commercial property. 3. The motion was car- ried that if there is going to be a business improvement. area, the boundaries should be extended to take in all those businesses affected by the business assessment. 4. The suggestion that all patients from the psychiatric hospital be supervised when downtown was opposed, al- though it was suggested that concern be shown over this matter. No vote was taken on the remaining points, although there was discussion which encompasses a numbeT of these points. After discus- sion of the fourth point above, it was moved and passed that the Improvement Area Committee be expand ed and that they, taking into account the decisions made above, prepare a final pro- posal for submission to Couneil rather than shelving the idea of downtown im- provement for the present. There is no specific time period within which the final proposal must be made, but Bob Catton, chairman of the Improvement Area Commit- tee, hopes to call a meeting of the group in the very near future, in order to begin drafting the final proposal. The merchants are invited to any meeting of the Comm- ittee, which will be adver- tised, in order to (express their opinions on the pro- posals before submission to the Council. The proposals, when drafted, will be first _ presented to the entire mer- chants' group before finaliza- tion. "I feel now that we stand a better chance of doing this (implementing the improve- ment area), and I think that everybody realizes there is only one way to do it; that is to follow the OMB by-law, Bob Catton said. "To do it any other way would never accomplish any- thing. There is n way you are going to raise money on a voluntary basis in this town." "I think last night showed people that they have to do something," continued Cat- ton. "It is now up to the Committee to decide what must be done. If we don't do sdmething, we wun't have anything to do anything with." "It will possibly be the first of nextý year before any- thing is done. To put the assessment out will likely take until then." %mý