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Whitby Free Press, 24 Aug 1977, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAYs AUGUST 24,1977s WIilBY FREE PRESS Br~kin ~ Byines The: Block Parent Program which began ini London, Ontarjo in l9W8 as beco me quite a well-known progran in the Whitby -area. In the spring of 1l976 a Central Coni. mittee was formed and various local commidttees sprang up around the different school areas. Currently many visible signs are up in Whitby area windowsto atert children in dis- tresIthat there is a helping hand available. Not only does the prograni provide help in emnergency situations but is cited as a valuable deterrant to possible child molestera. Already many -local Brook lin area people have involved themnselves ini the Block Parent Program and signs -are in FISHER REFRIGERATION, SERVICE FIS ep.W re to NJI Makes Freezers - Rtefrigerators - Air Condltloflers jâRW. elu Automobile Air Conditioninu 20 QUEEN STREET BROOKUN, ONTARIO 655-3233 BRU N'S BROOKLIN.I ONTARIO NORY WITBY DEL1V.ERY AT NOMIN~AL 3BOD COOK-OUT MIALS oenI SARIIECUE TREETS - FOR THE BARDIECUE P@RK D-C P1CHOPS 002 TENDERLOIN enud Rit END MIXED FAMILY PAKS e1COP SPARERIBS 1.48e MALIEUMK ECHOPS 1.78SI MAK LArFAI3l OA iu IZ 7L8 FA^CKAGI i BEF Steakeftes 1'1.89 'U.-OLunch Meals SOIISU.. CSICKN-SoLotGNiA -AC PIPPEKONI .A&CR1115i LUNCÇIOS aSIESSURIT-SALAMI FCILt £FIMNTO UWL in 199C 12- P4 8 9,c W. Are Agents F or 24-1Ooz. Diet -2.29 jiTHEî 24-10 oz. Regu lar- 257, I 6p 12-30 oz. Regu lar 299 place there too. There is no doubt that this areahowever, could be better covered. Recently, Bey Stanley bas agreed to serve as Chairman for the North WArd area. She is presently trylng to form a committee to organize this area more effectlvely. Any parent already within the programn or any prospective parents wlshing to join or wlshing to help wlth the committee are askcd to contact Bey at 655 - 3770. Bey is a very capable1 chairman and has already sur- veyed the situation locally - should you be able to offer even a liiiiited amount of. interest and time it would be greatly appreclated. This organization- is well-run 'and streamnlined in operation - that is, it does flot require exces- sive amounts of time and energy 10 keep il running smo- otbly. However, Bey could use a littie help - your child may be the next one 10 seek sheiter in an emergency' Appiication formâ and information âheets are available from Bev.Stanley, 18 Garide Avenue in Brooklin or from Uhe Pubîic Library ini Brooklin. The Brooklli Senior Citizenb wili commence their new seitson witti a good night of cardplaying at Brookin Com- munity Centre Frklky Sept. 2nd. at 7:45 p.m. President Levi Arksey cordially invites ail area seniors 10 attend. If you are new to this area or have not attended before - be asâured of a friendly welcomne. Brooklln Horicuitural' Society will meet Wed. Aug. 24 th. at 8:00 p.m. in the orooklin United %.hurch Hall. This weeks meeting will see Decorative competition and Annuals Show. Featured also will ve a presentation by Fred Preacod, R.B.G. on the Fundamenitals of Indoor Plant Culture. This group meetà every month and always lus varied and interesting programs.1 Regisirations are now being taken for fail programs FOODMASTE-R IULES SECIAL HIPS. 0F BIEF cul M.dW OApPED70TotOU *P(CIICAYIONS - AU. 0051L MWd FAT INCLUOIR0 ibX 1.19 c cflw :-SIRLOIS TIF Ro*SrS . STEAS - 00US STEAK - R0UND à AIR15 BO81 .STS SR5<12 GolEIIND SEAT .à" tourF amis RIB STEAKS 1î .48r FRItS $Là=D- IMNm BIEF LIVER 59~ MAPIg EU IA.DN AKLIC POLISH sounae 1 .09 MAFUL LAF MAPLi LIAF Dm Hms m t 5500K 005KShiik KIGULAR.w MINI 5O= ~.2.08 êLP.1.19 fAlK CIRAS 5T 9< ListorIme s139 lUGESc SfEs' offered"'by 'the Durb am iReglon Y.M.tc.A in- Brooklnf Again thlD year a firstrate piayschooi willh be avallable t' children aged two to five years. 'Ihis operateb on Tues and'Thurs. mornlngs fromf 9:30,- 1:30 andylwlistart on1 'fuesday, Sept. î 3th at the Compiunity Centre in Brooklifl. The Let s Create Together program -begins on Friday, Sept. 3vth and w iil be held weelcly from 9:30 - 11:30 on Fridays. This program is held at the Brooklin United Church and is dosigned as i stlmulating and.thoroughly enjoyable experlence for pre-school' children and their mothers. Partof the morning is spent in creative projects where the mother and the child make something co-opera- tively. The last haif of the. morning the children have supervised p!ay with each other and the mothers are free to discuss child-related topics of interest to themn. This is a very popular and well-attended ister. Lailies - Take - a - Break bas a somewbat different format that Let's Create and appeals greatly to those who need a 'BIfeak' away fram their littie ones. It takes place every Wed. Morning from 9:30 - 11:30 commencing Oct. 5th at the Brooklin United Church. This program pro- vides excellent play super- vision i a spacious, well- equipped toom for the pre- schoolers separate from their PHONE 65-4521 STORE HOURS OPEN SIX DAYSAÀWEEK LYS 8:30 &.m. - 6 p.m. EXCEPT THIJRS & FR1 NIGHTS TIL 9p.m. Thurs Aug. 25 to Sat. Aug. 27 ( -*sTfNI Maxwell House COFFEE 5#79 10O-ox JAR 00,ýC.uurt*sYi value JuuCY Nocwunes Larpge x494 lb Mo.1 Ontar«o Red Hoyen Peaclues 3-" 6Qt, Bas*ket Ontro No. 1 Onios 21b. bag 591 Flow $51029, Kidhans 37c mil.F"uis2j43< program - cali early to reg- mothers. The mothers meet in another iea to' praticipate in a wide'range of,interesting activities - from simple exer- cising to craft programs. Speakers from many differ- ent fields will provide fresh perspectives and valuable in- formation. This program offers busy mothers new interests and the chance to meet some new people. Register early! Creative Crafts and Bad- minton will be offered at Meadowcrest Public School starting, on Fr1; Sept. 3Oth right afler school! Also at Meadowcrest, starting on Sat. Sept. 24th, a Kindergym for pre-school children and floor hockey for older boys will be offered. Please contact the 'Y' office at .668 - 6868 for furîher information on any of these community pro- grams. A last reminder about the Puppet Party to be held Tues. Aug. 301h at 2:30 p.m. at Brooklin Public Library - this will be a grand party. the library puppets are wait- ing for you and your friends. There will be games, part y favours and lots of fun. Have a good week. Valerie 655 - 4317 'concerned Much concern bas been gen- erated as a resuit of a survey conducted by the advisory groups fromn Queen Elizabeth School with Social Planning Counicil help. The concern reflects the amount of pop- ulation change,- it is difficuit to give organized activities in the north end of Oshawa. The Durham Region Famnily YMCA has moved the West- mount Play Sehool 10 North- minster Church whi ch, is located on Simcoe and Ross- land Rd. Our play Schools are run on a co-operative basis. A director is hired by the YMCA and the parents be- corne the support staff. Those parents sending child- ren four times a week help out twice a month. Those attending two tumes a week help out once a month. Interest centres such as paint- ing, crafîs, imaginary play, construction, sand and water play are available to the children for the first hour of the program. Snacks, songs and, organized play makes up the second hour. The Nor th- niinster Play School will starî September i 21h and is open Monday îhrough Thursday from 1:30 -3:30 p.m. For further. information about this and other pro- grains, please phone trie Dur- ham Region'Family YMCA at 668,- 6868. GREEN 0 ORANGE mSo "u am" - . POux COD m 0z PACKACS FISH & CHIPS 2 8*8 LE -FCOUN 10l LAY ER '.0 CAKES CASSAYMt ffN IN AS OF 14 0 Mgm PACKAGE Pott.s 59 W.s.r 14Llu399< TOP eCROIC.6l9, AC"eC 11fofnkgFouisle29 Dem"CAT R1551W FACUAG rmDulry 99C * . Ilium l lii.Spoe78' m

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