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Whitby Free Press, 31 Aug 1977, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, t977, WFITBY FREE PRESS United Way starts Octo berÈ3; chairmen are chosen Blaine Boswell, 1977 General Camnpaign Chairman for the Oshawa-Whitby United Way, has announced the selection of the various group chairman who wilî assist in this year's fond- raising drive. The canipaign, which gets MPH- underway October 3, lias a target this year of $860,000, about eighit per cent higher than the successful 1976 drive. The addition of thc Whitby District Comncil of Boy Scouts this year brings the total number of agcncics CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY PUBLIC NOTICE RE: PROPOSED DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMIENT AREA TAKE NOTICE THAT A PUBLIC MEETING 0F THE WHITBY CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT AREA COMMITTEE WILL BE HELO ON THURSDAV, SEPTEMBER STH, 1977 AT 7:30 P.M., IN THE MEETING HALL 0F THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST FOR THE PURPOSE 0F F URT r --R CONSIDERING THE ESTABLISHMENT 0F AN IMPROVEMENT AREA IN 0DOWNT OWN WH IT BY. ALL INTERESTED ME ATTEND THIS MEETING. ERCHANTS ARE INVITED MPH seeking financial assistance to 28.1 Ilclping to heîîd Up this year's drive will be Assistant Carnpa 'jgn Chai rman, Boyd Clîesney and Frank Taylor, Execuitive Director of the Oshaý-wa-Whiitty Unitcd Way. Bill Gihhic wili serve as Public Service Croupl Chair- main, Bol) Macfiirlanc e as Professional (;I tp Chairmanî an d D)on MalIcolmii as Brîsi îîess Croup (lamnîî.CoimmercialI Crotip)('lia1l1-111î.111wiI lihe Ted C 1liic.. Ser-vîig i hie Cîpaclly tii' lublicity (iîî p Chlaîi 11li) tiis ycar will be AI stauIuel, w iffle J ne I,08g ha s ue i i sclecied as lîiIiîsîîl'iii ( îtîp ('la irnIa n. Doni Railtt aîîdl)( iloil ýSaw I vyrwilIl co:o riîîa t e thle (eniical Mot ors sect ion of tlhe ca nipaigil tIîs yeida, seici'vinG M C ;ut> î.Iî iIýaluui n and Assist an t Chah mnaiî respect ively. Co-ciairmien of flic Personal GiiOs Croup Ihis ycar wil1tbc Stan Lo.ÀveIl iin Oshawa and Larry Windovcr ini Wlitby. Tcr-ry Kelly will licad o p thelic siden tia I Section and Tom iSimnîiîs bas agreced to serve as Unlioni Croup 'hiin an aiiga in ibi is year. Thie following fond alîtoca- tions have bccuî approved by flic Osiawa-Whiit by United \Vay board of clirectors: AjaIx-PickcIing and whiî by Associa t ion t'Or Re ta uded Children, $ 1 000; The Arthristis Society, $1 2,000; Big Brothers Association of Oshawa and District, $1 4,000; Boy Scouts (Oshawa District Council), $48,000; Boy Scouts (Wilitby District Councfl), $3,500; Boys and Girls Club (Eastview), $75,000; Canadian National Institute for the Blind (Osha,,wa,-Whiitby), $28,000; Canadian Red Cross Society (0sîîawa), $57,000; Canadian Red Cross Socicty (Whtby), $ I18,500; (riippîed Childrcni's Selînol atnd Treat mnent Centre $2,000; 'Ui'I)isticss (ceitre of Diîliai Regioii, $1 0,000; Di)îîliai k egion Famnily YMCA $38,5MÃ"; Gilunides of Canaa (sîiaa),$1 2,500; I lostel Services (Oshawa) hiic,, $ 1I 3,000; ,John IHoward ,St tiief y t f O ()shawa-Wiîtb)y $ 20,000; Mental 1Ici, ltIlî/ 9nni .$ 38,000; MulhtipIc Scîciosis Societ y of DuArlani Region, $3,000; Navy 1icaguc of Caniada (Oshwa).$5,000; Oshawa and Dist rict Association for the men tally Rctardcd, S28,000 Oshawa aniid lDist ric t (,rcdîit ('o unsdlIîng Ser-vice, S4,500; St, Johnl Aînibillalice Society (Oshawa). S7,300; Si . John Ambulance Societ y (Whitby), $3,500; Saîvatiolî Arnîy (Oshiawa), S50,000, Salvation Armny (Whlitby). SI1I,000; Simlcoe 1 kl l Se t tilcii t ii I bu1se S1 31,.000; Social Plannîing Council of Oshawa-Whitby $16,500; Victorian Order of Nurses (Ontario County Branch), $7,000; Young Women's Christian Association (Oshawa'), $66.000. lIn addition, special grants to non-mlemnber agencieS have ben approvcd as follows: Parents Anonymous, $1 ,000; Volunteer Actioni Centre, ,$3,000. October 15 is deadline for planning subniissiions llousing Minister John Rhodes today urged munici- palities and others interested in the Planning Act Review to have comments submitted to the govcrni-ent no later thain October 15. In a letter sent to Ontario mnunicipalities and other or- ganîtations, the Housing Ministcr said, "a tighit tirne framielias been establiied" t() ct)ipli2te the follow-up prograni, including thte prepar- ation of a White Paper on the recommnen dations of the Planning Act Rcview Com- rnittee. "I would like to stress, therefore, the importance of' submnitting your comnients by October 15", Rhodes sa id. The lReport of thce1Planning Act Rcvicw Comnmittec was relcascd in Jonce, and despitc the lholiday pcriod, submis- sions have ahreacly been reccivcd fro ni a cross- section of' organizations rang- ing frorn ftic City of' Kingston to the Ontario Welfarc Beginntng September 6, 1977 alOntarto speed and distancesRgns wiil go metric. This is how to learn the system It's a very easy system, and most counitries around the world already use it. Ontario and other provinces are adopting it underia Canada- wide plan approved by Metric Commission Canada. Specd limits are measured in kilometres per hour (kmn/h). Dis- tances are measured in kilomnetres (km) and metres (m). One nietre is approxîiately the length of a lo)ng stride. One kilomnetre is 1000 mietres or 5/8 mile (0.625)., (One mile - 16 km) An easy way to familiarize yourself with kilomnetres is to consider the timie factors inivolved-fo)r example, 80 km (50 miles) would take about 1 hour to drive at a speed of 80 km/h (50 mph). Study the signis shown here and you'll get the picture quickly. To learn the system faster, &"think metric"- don't convert back t(I the old Imperial unit of miles. And to measure your gas consurfptiofl in kilometres per gallon, divide the mnmber of kilometres travelled by the numiiber of gallons used. Get a free copy of the informa- tive bo:oklet "Ontario Roads Go Merric" from any Ministry of Transportation an-d Commn-unications office or LCBO outlct in Ontario. James Snow, Minister of Transportation and Communications William Davis, Premier Province of Ontario Council. Submissions should be forwarded to the: Planning Act Review, Local Planning Policy Branch, Ministry of Housing, 3rd F1oor, 56 Wellesley St. W., Toronto, Ontario M7A X<4. Seniors hold corn roast Late Saturdaïy af'tern ~oand evcnling, sonie twenty-flve of Whitby's New Horizons "Meals on WI-eels" Seniors enjoyed a corn roast and barba que on Mrs. Mac Phairs' spacioos lawn. A number of neighibours hielped and shared our good tinie. The day was warîni and sunny. A singsong indoors followed witb Mrs. Phair at the piano. We thank hier for hiem gen- erous lhospitality. May she bc happy and comnfortable in lier ncw home. Seat beit crackdown by police Whitby Detachiment oU the Onitario Provincial Police report that during the period of January 1 st, 1 977 to July 3l1st, 1977 inclusive, 699 persons were charged for seat beit violations. During this saine period 524 pcrsons were issued warni- ings for seat belt violations. lIncreased spot checks by the officers of Whitby O.P.P. are finiding nany drivers not wcaring their seat belts. The officers areceoîîstantly increas- iîîg thieir enforcemient of this law. *THfRIm e 0 RENT-A-CAR * 0 GUS BROWN l 0 MOTORS LTD.. * 1201 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY Ob DAI LY WEEKLYlb *MONTHLY YEARLYb CARS &TRUCKS * 66M8-5846 0 MORIGACES- 1 st and 2ridi pC I Whitby Central Business District Improvement Area Committee. Speed signs MX xi MAXIMUM x' MAXIMUM Ai90 1001 MPH - iMPH Distance sign (changeover already in effect) NAA 5, 1111OR33', xi

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