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Whitby Free Press, 7 Sep 1977, p. 17

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FUTURE FIREPLACE - imitation, ideal for roc roomn, $35. Cati 668-6537. Chrome KITCHEN SET- 5 place, $45; Chesterfield chair, $10; both ideal for cottage. 'eal 668-8267. Set of six ANTIQUE DINING ROOM WALNUT CHAIRS - need rocaning, $175. Cal 666-1395 after 6 p.m. 1 swivel ROCKER upholstsrsd in green vinyl. $35. 579-1094. Console WESTINGHOUSE' 20" COLOUR TV - $150; Hutch, 3 shelves & 3 drawers, $100; Lovesoat, antique, hend carved, settler, floral scotchguard cushions, $300. Cal 668-0633. *CHROME KITCHEN SET - 5 piee $45; chestorfield chair, $10; both ideal for Cottage. Cali 668-8267, Sears Solid State COLOUR TV - 1%4 years old, 12", $275. Caîl 655-3287. 2 Italien Provincial END TABLES - solid walnut step tables, excell ?nt condition, $80 for pair, mod-rn DESK, top is a mnap of Canada, 2 drawers, $10. Cail 725-9575. Tilter SWIVEL CHAIR - $27. Cali 579-2939. BREAKFAST NOOK - one year old, excellent condition, orange vinyl corner bench with white trim,' white arborite exten- sion table, new cost $299 eil for $150. Cali 668-1436. Colonial 5 pce. BEORO SUITE -- excellent condition, ight colour, $450; Bell Upright PIANO, antique, $40)0. Cal 723-2701. CHESTrERFIELD CHAIR - meatching reciner, bîue tweed, $75;1 54" box springs with heed board, $25; single bed. $15; poloe lamp, $10; end tables,, $5,pair; Whir-aay portable dishwash5i',t brenci new, $25; aIl excellent for a çottage. Cal 668-3189 aftsr 5 p.m. Antique MAPLE excellent condition, $125. Cati 666-1203. B & W TV - $1E offer; Portebel TV, 668-744. TABLE - refinished, 50 or best $50. Cal CONSOLE TV - B & W, good condition, $75; t'uo aluminum doors, f ive basement screen & storm windows, $5C. Cati 668-5596. ARM CHAIR - is basicalîy sound needs recovering, $25. Cati 668-4180 between 10 a.m. to 5 P. M. DîNETTE SUITE - fo;ws swivel chairs, 48" round table, $125. Cai 655-4651. TENT-Woods high watt, 8x10Ox7 f tC high, used oe week, $75. Caliti 668-2164. Victorien antique SOFA- restored to new. over 100 years oId, $450. Cati 655-3523. BEDROOM SUITE - head & footboard, large drawer, triple dresser, with plate giass mirror,. $125. Cati 668-4470. Antique Duncan Phyphe sofa Restored. Like New. $300.00 Five pieoe Duncan Phyphe dining. room suite $125.00 Pair of antique parlor chairs Anitque chaise. Bjtween 4 &6. 668 -5198 SINGLE BED - $60; Cali 728-1224. SITIONS BABYSITTINO AVAILABLE ln my ýhome, Monday through ýFri- day, cmli 66877590. WILL BABYSIT l n my home, pro-schooer, Euctid St. Cmli 508-4469. DAYCARE available in mly home. 668 - 9915 L EPNTED HAND MADE ARTICLES WANTED for craft shop opening soon in Brookîin. Cati 655-3661 or 655-3488. WANTED - Fuit and part time butchers, ait company benefits paid. Apply Sunnybrook Food Market, 1050 Simca. St. N.' Oshawa. -BABYSITTER WANTED - in my home, 5 days per week, 7 a.m. - 5 p.m., twa smeli chiidren. Cli 668-1 075 evenings. BABY91TTER WANTED for 10 yr. old boy in your homne, days, West Lynde School area. Phone 668 - 9617 in pmn After Sunday 28th. WANTED - Respansibie persan to babysit one year aid. Four haurs a dey, four days e wenk, West Lynde usa. Cmii 668-9872. BABYSITTER WANTED in Mary & Pine Street area. Full time. Phooe 668 - 9722 CLEANINO LADY WANTEDlYz miles North of Brookin-655-421 0 L.FONRET Stores & off ices for rent -- heavity poputated West Lynde Comnmunity. Cail Cloveriawn tInvstments Ltd. Toronto 964-8552. SWIMMING POOLS TO RENT - UVili less and instaîl for home- I owner, famiîy size alumiînumn swimming pool with patio. Choice of' styles meeting al fencing regulatians on a one, two, or three year rentai basis with option te own. Ne paymonts tili 1978. Try before yeu buy! Caîllcolle :fanytimel-41 6-663-;9508. PETS & SPLE Almnost new Herford branci >WESTERN SADDLE AND BRIDLE - $275. Caîl 668-0311 after 6 p.m. HORSE - 8 yr. otd registered quarterhorse Geidian, English & Western pleasure, trait or jumper, guaranteed sound & child safe, $1 ,500. Cati 655-3118. BRITTANY SPANIEL (POINTER) - maie, registered ckc, 15 mnonths, mild disposition, good physique, asking $50. Cati 655-3153 evenings. GELDINGHALF ARABIAN - 14,hands, 6 yers old, Bey & White Pintoe markings, very kind and. gontîs, has been rode, but net recontiy, $200. Cati1 294-1383. LOST - Purebred miniature poodte, blonde with beige in caleur, lest in vicinity of Ash St.ý Cati 668-0908. SEVES, CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Ceramic Tillng, Drywal, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks -and Patio Doors. - FREE ESTIMATES - Cail 6684686 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for GoId and Silver coins, old guns, clocks, jewelry, dishes, furniture, crocks, oil paintings and sealers. Friendiy Flea Market 725-9783 23 King West, Oshawa HOME REPAIRS Chimneys repeired and rebuiît. Tuckpainting, cement werk, raafing end paining. Free estimetes. 668-1481. ' EAVESTROUG Murray Holiday A authorized ,Aican listallation Pt S 5"é seamless i:A eavestrough nman ed on the job site Frse estima- Phone 725-9d WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNI S1-N G' lurnum < oA LE i deater.< Mý upptyum HOUSE FOR' inu m tu-Frams house, ali ufacur-siding, 2 apartm sale, 2 bedronr te Owner wants 404 moVed f rom 1 m--& imil 1 Ladies lý Gentlemen if yj-'re net a handy persan ut ho ni & have a miner probîemn of rrpairs, don't ho in doubt giveaus a shout, its onîy a phono nllî in d eut. Discount offered ta Senior Citizens. Call ýoIn 579-8216< after 4 p.m. * GARAGE SALE Seturday, September 1Oth et 11. m. Furniture, appliences, seilîoat, car, bik-e-hrac. on Courtice Rd. north et Hwy. 2 5 miles east of Oshawa. BEST BUY IN OSHAWA Private sale, 4 bedroom bungalow in a new, quiet and nice area. Ctose to bu s, park & schoot. Garage, famiiy &. rec rooms, 11/2 bath, finîshed basement, exce lient decor- ation, deep fenced lot, stove & dishwasher inci. Asking only $61 ,900 for quick sale of this I'oveiy home. Cai 579-5495. BUY AT REASONABLE PRICES GAS - DIESEL FUEL MOTOR GIL Prompt Deîivery Out of town please caîl collect r N~rWHITBY *668-3381 BOWMANVILLE - new commercial space f or rent, prime downtoWfl location, area of 500 - 5,000 sq. ft., total' of 15,000o sq. ft. avaitabte, Telephone 723-0575 3r, 1-623-4172. 250 BALES 0F FIRST CUT HAY Cati 668-0311 after 6 p.m. SWIMMING POOLS - 1977 modeis sightly scratched in transport. FuiIy warranted, complets with pump, mater, f lter, fencing, walkway and dock. Suggest'd retail price $2295. Now availabie at $1288. No payments tili 1978. Immediate delivery and installa- tion. Cail coiîoct anytime 1-416-663-9509. Unly 30 miles oast. For sale .a year-round A-Framo Cabin with sleeping loft. $3,800 complote. Inrludes heater, furnishings, Annual land ront $225. Swimming. Box 206, Whithy. RIDES AVAILABLE - from Whithy to Bay & Wellesley, erriving in Toronto at 8 a.m. leaving Toronto et 4 p.m. Cail 668-1402. Heartburfl Now, Please A gentleman sat doum in a diner and carefully perused the menu. "What will you have, sir?" the- waitress asked. "What have you got". the customer repLied, "that will give me heartburll im- mediately znstead ot at twc o'clock in the rnorrng?" r ask for Nick. YARD SALE Lynde House Dundas St. West Sept. i lth fron to 3 p.m. if raii be held Sat. Se same, time. Baking and 'i will be inciuded. [ESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7,t1977, PAGE 17 J AUTINS SALE AUCTION SALE JumirlUm SATUR DAY, SEPTEMBER 10 et ents for 12:30 p.mr. - auction sale' of household. furniture electric is each. appliances, etc for Mrs, Mas Phair building - located 800 Centre St. S., Whitby (corner of Pitt St. and lOCaltiOn. Centre St.) selling 9 pce walnut 568-4377 dining suite, Jacobean armchair, hoosier kitchen cupboerd, old Marconi radio, 3 pce chesterfield, suite, cerved oak hall bench, at the various occasionel tables-,-record cabinet, old sttes, 3 pce walnut Museum, bedroomn suite, night tables, t, on Sat. library table, lamps, platform n10 a. m. rocker, collection of buttons ard hat pins, ouie lmps, rockers, ining wiil trunks, 6rocks, quantity of glass Bpt. 24th and china, westinghouse fridgo (like new), Viking upright freezer, lnglish washer and tegetables dryer, stove, adders, gardn tools, tools, and much more. Terms cash or good choque, no reserve. House sold. Kahn Auction Services - 985-8161. BOWMANVILLE -new daycare centre availabie for rent, approx. 900 sq. ft. prime downtown location. Telephone 723-0575 or 1-623-4172. GARAGE SALE September 21 & 22 2 -7 p.m. 174 Michael Blvd., Whitby Qluantity hardware, peints, baby supplies, glassware, dishes, caliectibles, some antiques, numeroils miscelleneus items. AUCTION SALE Saturday, September 17, 1977 at 12:30 p.m. The property of Joe Luciano Jr., on No. 7 Hwy., 4 mites west of Brooklin, just east of Durham Rd. 23. Sale of complete household contents, appliances, tools, antiques, 66 Olcismobile (F85) certif ied, Ford Jubileo tractor. Details next week. Terms cash, no reservo. John Annis Auctioneer, 986-3477. te Brookîin every weekday mfternoon, bave Toronto between 4 & 5 p.m Cmii 655-4350 evenings. ___ SAVE ENERGY NOWI Stay cooler in summer, warmer in wiflter.. INSULATE NOW By adding. RAPCO FOAM to your watts and cavîties or by adding cellulose f ixe ho your attic. Residential - Commercial - Industriat KMP INSULATIONS u laru ex~a moey. Show sur PUNCH LUNE FJr ÇFF-~l, KIDDY iSARE ~h~v~j~)infant care, toddters, ' pre-schoolers, rPA PA LOQK Jr. Kindergarten and OLD 7R YING Kindergarten ctasses, -M KEP al so'after school1 care E/GI- 0Flicenced 668-8800; r HEM. 293 Michael Blvd. * oedtiq hMe ef Cluistasascaris eni sifts te friums, meihbours, re*atives.No experimnce muaimi. Our big, colourfulty iNustrated catalogue moas it easy aend profitable. S$tort now. Writo toMW for "re Christmas catalogue and 'information. Monarch Gretiq Cwdis, Dapt. 201, 217 Caneon, Hamiton, L8N 3K3 or phome <416> 527-3891. Courthouse Squares Be a RED CROSS Blood Donor I lU. Annouicing the opening f a iew dental office for the practice of gerierat and family dentisty at 400 Dundas St. WNest, Whitby (corner of Kent, two blocks west of l3rock St.) DR. H. WEINGARTEN Dentist office hours by appointment evenig & Saturday appoirtmWents availabie S666-1555 unique f low-over proces» di@p tanks or eeusties urnd ANTIQUES and OLDER Furnîture Bought & Sotd t ri 1ISMyowwl 413 DhO . M.Ogl mmmmmuý 668-1.877.. Whithv- Ont. 1 1

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