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Whitby Free Press, 14 Sep 1977, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEmBER 14, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS ]Free Il AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1977 4 WHEEL DRIVE, new power steering, power brakes,b radio, $600 in wheels GMC 3/ TON 350 STANDARD, best offer. Cati 655-3149. 1975 ASTRE' - good condition, $2,000. Cali 576-7942. EDELROCK TORKER ALUMINUM HIGHRISER - $100; 600 holley 4-barrel carburetor, $90; crane race camn for Ford 289, $70; ail new parts. Cali 655-3972 after 6 p.rn. 1970 DUSTER - 2 door, as is, $150 or be st of f er. Caî11668-649 8. 1968 AUSTIN 1100 - standard, good condition, $250; CaîIl 668-7470 af ter 4 p. m. 1970 MUSTANG GRANDE A - p/s, p/b, asking $800. Cail 668-7970. 1974 CHEVELLE MALIBU - 4 dr., p/s, p/b, air, radio, 42,000 miles, $2,900 or best offer. Cal 668-9944 af ter 7 p.m. 1973 VEGA HATCHBACK- silver grey, 37,000, automatic transmission, excellent condition, asking" only $1,500. Cal 668-8502. 1972 DAISUN - running condition> body good, selI uncertified, $450 cash or best offer. Cal 668-8623 before noon. 1971 MAVERICK - 6 cyl., auto., fair condition, $500 or best off er. Cali 655-4388. 1977 BE 250 - in A-i condition. 1500 miles, asking $1,350. Cal 655-4238. 1971 VAUXHALL - 43,000 miles, new parts, $450 or best off er. Caîl1668-5704.* 1970 CADILLAC - needs some work,-good buy, $12C0; 1967 CHEV, 6 cyl., auto, $150; Cal579-5451. 1970 CHEVELLE MALI BU - good condition, p/s, plib, no body work needed, $1 i)Q or best offer, as is. Cal 668-3495 ask for Steve. 1970 FORD- red truck, crew cab, mileage good, fairly good condition, $500 as is. Cal655-3545. 1969 MUSTANG FASTBACK - 302, automatîc, headers, chrome trac bars, mags, tinted windows, 8 track stereo, good condition, G900. Cal 668-4654. 1966 BUICK RIVIERA - 4 brand new tires, new motor, excellent condition.. 1967 CHEVRO LET IMPALA, runs wvell, 4 new tires, SelI as is. Cal 723-6723. 1972 CHEV VAN - 73,000 mniles, good condition, $1 ,300. Cal668-4774- 1973 DATSUN 510 - bucket seats, 4 speed, AM radio, radiais, best offer. Cal 576-91 27 af ter 6 p.m. 1974 FORD F100 PICK-UP - red, A-i condition, original paint, explorer back with accessories, $3,800 or best off or. Cali 668-01 34. t 1969 TOYOTA - unregistered, - 1974 GREMLIN e tires, FM cuarosoflic Stereo,8 ,track tape docki 43,000 miles, con certify, slçlng $1 800. Cal ~ da~(S, 68 74 eveniflgs, 1966 CHEV - block, uncertified, 655-4776. Press Em-.poriumn Calii 668M1i __________ 6, cyl,, nevy $135. Cali 1966 BUICK LASABRE - good running condition, uncer- tif ced, $150. Cali 728-0642. 1975 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE - 10w mileage, rustproofad, will certify, $3,000 or best offer. Cal723-9180. 1964 THUNDERBIRD - rebut, 390 engine, air condition- ing, am fmn radio, good condition, asking $1 ,000. Cal 655-3768 or 985-7718. 1974 MERCURY - 2 door hdtp., 351 V-2 motor, 4 e radial tires, immaculate condition, Cali668-1588. BATTERY - 12 volt for VW, one year old, $25. Cal 655-4995- Webber CARBURETOR - for M.G.B., tunable for econamy, $200. Cali 725-4339. BATTEFRY - Maverick, $10. Cal1 668-6920. for 1970 668-3679 or DUNE BUGGY - running condition, f ibre glass body, . 1sking $600. Cail 655-4479, ask for Henry. 283 CHEV ENGINE - 3,000 miles, complote with carburetar, $1 20. Caîl 655-3006. 1957 S-TON INTERNA- TIONAL STAKE TRUCK - $600 or best offer as is. Cal 655-4973 in the evenings and ask for Bill. Steel Disc MAG WHEELS - set of 4, w/Tornada belted tires, G70-14, now $316, self for $200 or best offer. Caîl 668-288F;. REATI TINAL VELES 1975 15' VALBAR HOUSE TRAI LER - completely insulated and heated for wintor camping, completely self-containoed with shower, f lush toilet, bot water and water pressure systemrs. maony oxtras, excellent condition. Phono Part Perry 985-8130 for more information. Trailor can be seen in Whitby, $3,395. 1971 NORDIC SKI-DOO - 24 hp., used very little, excellent 7condition, $425. Caîl 725-0444. 8' ASTRINON TRUCK CAMPER - on 71 Toyota truck, includes stove, fridgo, propane electric, sink, sleeps four, AM-F M radio, radial tires, $4,500, like new. Cali 725-6106. 16' BOAT - 35 hp mot or and traider, $995; hot air f urnace (ouI) and controls, $1 50; hat water furriace (oul) and controls. $350. Caîl 668-7597. 15' CITATION HIOUSE TRAILER - fridge, stove, sink, sieops six, largo canopy, $1,300. Caîli668-7823. 1969 HALV TON CAMiPEFi - twithi dinette, barboque, coucb and chair, $1700. Caîl 668-1490. Sth wbeol HOUSE TRAILER - 1973 Transcontinental Traveliner, 27' complete with ail equipment, 5; loaded with cuphoards, excellent condition. CrilI 655-3006. ;t TENT TRAItLER - two double beds vvith mnattresses, carpeted floar, new tires, $375 n or best off or. Caîl Steve ýe 668-1744. TENT TRAILER-Emperor, was recanvassed lasi Vear, used one week after, Coleman Iantern, stove water pack, heater pots & pans and cupboards. $600. 668-2164. CANOE - canvass covered coder strir, 15' $ong,, nearly new, $375,. Ca 1 655 3683. EMPORIUM ADS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS PLEASE READ: Advertise FRFE in theF-REFE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you sli! l'hure will flot bc any charge to advcrtiscrs in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advertiscd is sold. When the advertisod item is sold, you pay a commission based on TH-E ADVERTISEI) PRICE as illustratcd below, rcgardless if price is stated with best offer. Ail advcrtisements must bc placed on an exclusive basis with the WiIiTBY ERFEE PRESS and run at loast ane month if not soid. RATE'S (if article is sold): 5% of advertiscd price UiP to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid item advertised for $50-00 - commission duc $2.50 (minimumn commission is $1 .50) Private advcrtising oniy! Plcasc notify us if you find a retailer histd as a private advcrtiscr. Picase notify thc Whitby Froc Press immcidiateiy wlien item is sol(i so thit wu may deicte it frointhlie foilowini, issues. Ail ads flot fitting the 1-mpnloriumn guidelines xiii bc treated and charged per wcek as regular ciassifiîed, ads on a pre-paid basis suàch a s: srviccs, help) wantcd, clothing,,, reai ostate, anrd personal message type ads, or ads not qu<ting pricc or quantity. Private classificd ads may appcar in te Fmporiuîn section under appropriate hcadings. If in doubt, cal] 668-611Il MAI L ADS TO: PR11-: RîSS IEMPORIUMI P.O. Box 206, Whitby 1.1N5SSI TIii: DI"ADLI NV [:OR UI>ORIUM ADS IS TIll' MONDiAY PIRU-VIOIJS TO t>UIILICATION AT NOON. E AN CESI WESTINGHOUSE WALL OVEN - in good condition, $100; G.E. SURFACE UNIT & F-AN COMBINATION, four .Iemonts, 2-8". 2-6", in good condition, $100. Cali 294-1383, VIKING CLOTHES DAYER -l $80. Cali 668-9269. REFRIGERATOR & STOVE - excellent condition, Asking $1 75. Cali 668-9165. RCA ELECTHIC STOVE - A-1 condition, $70 or lyis.t rifer; lots of ceiling tules, 12 x 12, 5.6 per carton, 5 cartons; fuit ;ize wooden bed, $50. Cali Simplicity WRINGER- WASHER - good conrdition, $30, Cali 579-2527. 8 cycle Admirai automnatîc DISHWASHER -- sound insulated, hardwood cuttîng 6oard top, harvest gold, onîy six months aId, good condition. $350. Caîl 725-8967. 30" ELECTRIC STOVE - in gondi condition, $50; roc room ceiling tiles, reasonable. Caîl1 725-3640. PORT AB LE DISHWASHER - excellenrt c:ondit ion, $110; Stovt!, good wvor king order. ideal for cottage, $50; dryer, good condition. $90. Cali 623-5715. Pre-wvay oye level OVEN -_ta bc buiit in, stainiess steel & chrome, matcbing burner base, eXcellent condition, $1 15. Cali 1 -263-2294. Woodburning Acorn PIRE- PLACE - orange colaur, $200. Caîli668-4660. KenmoreWR INGER WASHER. and Westinghouse CLOTHES DRYER. in good condit ion, $125; Cali 655-3765. 22" FINDLAY STOVE - $35. Cali 655-4948. RANGETTE - excellent condition, $30. Cali 655-39CI1. 14 cu. ft. ViKING FRIDGE - like newv, 7 years aid, $125. Cali 668-4750. RANGETTE - goad condi- tion, $1 5. C31l 668-5450. RCA 30" E LECTRI1C STOV E- A-i condition, $65; ceiîîng tîles, 4 x 12, good for bi:oge, $6 per 1carton; full size bed with mattress, J M0. Cali 725-3640. 15 AMP. SERVICE BOX & SWITCH - & SQUARE D SWITCH BOX, $9. Caii66-9O Maie 10 SPEED TOURING BIKE -- 20"~ frame, genorataor ligbts, pac k racks, $100; MOTORCYCLE, 1971 350 HONDA,. new parts and paint, certif iod, $500. Cal 668-0187. SUZUKI 350 - new tire, now electrical system, $400. Cal1 and ask for Rab 668-5432. Girls 3spd. BICYC LE - w/24" wheels, nocarly new, $45; Bo>; traîler, 43 x 62 x 10"d, drap taîi gaie, $100. Cali 668-8432. 1967 SUZUKI OLYMPIAN - S-32, 150 cc twin, good running condition, $175. Cali 655-341 1. 1976 SUZUKI RM 125 - compotilion bike. good condition, Cali 579-6763 anyt ire. 1975 HONDA CB 360.T - baught new in '76. 4,100 miles, with back rest, carrier & helmet, $985. Cali 655-3752. 1967 250 SUZUKI HUSTLER- iust rebuilt & painted, new battrry and shop rnanual, get a good bîkc for $300. Cali 655-4423. 1974 HONDA - 125 moto-cross, excellent condition, $600 or best offer. CaliRab ai 668-5432. 1975 KAWASAKI KS125 - Endura, 1 ,300 miles, perfect condition, $675. Cali B. Evans at 668-5200. 1975 350 RD YAMAHA -- excellent condition, 2,700 miles, rade one season, $950. Cali 655-4286. MINI-BIKE Z50 HIONDA - trailbike, new back tire, $200. Cali 579-0572. 1973 KAWASAKI - 9Occ, $230. Cali 1-263-2294. 1976 BOMBARDIER MOPED- 49cc, 1100 original miles, like new, $200. Cali 668-5498. MEN'S BIKE - standard 26" wheeis, $10. Cali 725-9575. Older GE REFRIGERATOR - $30; four burner Moffat electrie stove & hood, $30; propane space heater, $30. Al suitabie for cottage, $75 for ail three items. Cali 655-4125 evenintîs. AIR CONDITIONER - one summer oid,'fits wai or window, 8.000 - BT U, $225. Cali 668-0050 aller 6 p.m.; IM _____ EL_ L 1 2 -ivealnlN ARm eIH BUNGS - $8; 2 interior jors, 72" x 32", $10; combina- in high chair and play table, ý20; one swing-o-matic, $5; play- en, $12; baby car, $1.50; Cali ff8-9605. Comple girl guide uniform - ze 12 - 14, $10; 1 pr. mens <kates, size 7, $10; 1 pr. girls ;ktes, size 4D, $5, ail n excellent .ondition. Cali 655-3765.- CHILDS POOL TABLE -- X' x 6', good condition, $7.50; aiso many assorted jigsaw puzzles, 50 cents each. Cali 655-3411. SHAG CARPET - approx. 8'6" x- 11'6", with underpad, 3 months old, haif price, $60; carpet red with pattern, 6' x 9', 3 months old, half price, $20; electric curler set (20), excellent condition, $10; eIectric f loor polisher (G.E.), good condition, $10. Caî11668-3128 af te r 5 p. m. G.E. FLOOR POLISHER - including brushes, and lamb's uvool pads, $15; Clairol Kindness instant hairsetter, including 20 rollers, 20 roller clips, lightweight compact case, ideal for travel, like new, $15. Cali 725-9575. White with gold trimn 24" BATHROOM VANITY - with countertop, $70. Cali 725-5753. 15' MOLDED PLYWOOD BOAT - with* steering wheel, needs few repairs, $75. Cali 668-9860. BSA 22 Calibre Pellet RIFLE - very accurate, powerfu, like new, will seil for $45; swing-set, good condition, $35. Cal! 668-9165. Blaçk boot ROLLER SKATES - size 11, $33; Oval chrome kitchen table, with leaf, $25; Viking canister vacuum cleaner, $10. Cali 668-5227. GOLD WEDDING BAND - neyer worn, $30. Cali in morning 668-8623. 18" COLECO CARTRIDGE SWIMMING POOL FILTRE - with spare cartridge, $60; over the watt skimmer, $10; new ladder for 4' pool, $35; pool vacuuim, $5. Calîl 668-4804. Three aluminum STORMV WINDOWS - complote with screen, $25 each; boys bicycle, gold colour, very good condition, $20. Cali 728-9732. METAL WHEELBARROW - good condition. 3.0 cu. ft. tray vinyl handle grips, ail steel 10", x 1.75" steel wheel, $8 Caîli725-9575. 3 OUTDOOR FLOOD LIGHTS - 1000 watt, suitabît for lighting patio or pool area $30 oach. Cali 668-2832 af tei 5 p.m. GAS FURNACE - bian' now, 100,000 BTU, nover beer usod, $250. Cali 668-6950. PROPANE FURNACE - complote witli tanks, regulaor, siovo pipe, $300. Cali 655-3488- One pair gold velvet linod CUSTOM MADE DRAPES - very good condition, size 112 x 92, $130; Light Blonde DRESSER & MIRROR, gooc condition,$35. Cai 666-1958. POOL TABLE - Burrough 9 Watts, 41/2 x 8'. Cali 668-242E bef ore 12 noon. Cedar Rail FENCING 8 - 10 foot long, approximatel 40 pieces at $1 .00 each. Ca 668-9193 after 5 p.m. eiectrîc Johnitonfl motor and trailier., $850. CiaI1 655-4380, RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT- counter mst, cash register, steamn table, pop cooler, coffee urn, $450. Cali655-3613.1 PLAYPEN - $10; winterized stroller, $25; baby sleigh, $10; sleep & snooze, $10; mnaple crib, $35; crib mattress, $20; high chair, $15, ail in excellent condition. Caîl 668-6087. 0 Gendron CONVERTIBLE CARRIAGE - excellent condi- *tion, $35 or best off er. Cal 668-7371. Single STUDENT DESK- $12. Caîl 725-1211. Antique LÈTTER DESK- $50; AntiquJe chair, $50; eîectric broom, $20; Luwyt carnnister vacuu m, $10; Cal 668-1763. Perigo PRAM - perfect condition, $90. Cali 666-1376. RECORD PLAYER - Fisher Price toy, $6.50. Caîl 668-6359. CEMENT MIXER - 2%/ cu., $80. Cali 479-2939. MATTR ESS & BOX SPRING - good condition, $50; STEREO, good condition, $85. Cali 668-4042. Almost new pale green and pale yellow MIXED SHAG - approximately 10 x 12%/ ft, plus heavy bubble f oam underpad, $190; almost-new deep roset pin k MIXED SHAG, approximately 15'8" x 10'7", 41/2 x 61/a, plus bubble foam underpad, $245.ý Caîl 666-1851. 1/ ct. DIAMOND RING- white gold solitare setting, appraised value $650, wili sacrifice at $500. Cali 579-3094. Bissell CARPET SWNEEPER - $5; wooden door, back entrancel with door knob, Iock and key,~ 80 x 32", $15. Calîl 579-3094. Odd foam CUSHIONS - foi 1chesterf ield or sofa seats, $5 ea; one kitchen stool with swing out stop, $5; vanity bench, $5; .Caîl 668-9009. MAGNAVOX ODYSSEY TV GAME - with 1 2 different games .and TV screen overlays, $50. Caîl 668-9902. 1 HARDING CARPET - 12 x 9, red; vacuum cleaner; ,hand vacuum; electric space heater; 1Caîl after 6 p.m. at 116 Hickory St., Apt. 6, Whitby. M US CAL Garrard Automatic RECORD ePLAYER - and stand with idual speakers, ideal gift for $35. ýr Long and short lined drapes, from $35-45. Caîl 668-9771. d ýn 12 pace. set of ROGER 380 DRUMS - with cases, in good . condition, asking $950. Caîl K668-1213 after 6 p.m., ask for Ken. STEREO - yood condition, -asking $85. Cali 668-0836 after C 4 p.m. PIONEER T6100- reel to kreel tape deck, two speed, auto- 5 matic reverse, 2 4 trac k 2 channal recording heads, 30-20,000 HZ - frequency, $450. Caîl 668-1473. y base &,sureý M75ED type tWo cartridge, $85. UCail P-4098 af ter 6 P.m. end ask for K<én". -i 1 1 1 0.

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