WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1977, PAGE 19 Col SENIORS' ART Paintings and crafts by memnbers of the Whitby Seniors Activity Centre are on display at the Whitby Arts Station Gallery until Oct. 23. Accompanying this exhibit by local artists, is "Unexpected Pleasures", an exhibit of paintings by senior cîtizens, organized and circulated by the Art Gallery of Ontario Extension Se rvice s. To complement the exhibition, a series of demonstrations by citizens involved at the Whitby Seniors Activity Centre will take place every Sunday 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and Wednes- day and Thursday 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. WHITBY ARTS BALL Whitby Arts Grande Bail, "One Thousand and One Nights", will be held at Heydenshore Pavilion, Nov. 4 from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Tickets are stili available at $60 a couple. For further information cail the Station at 668-4185. FAMILY LIFE SERIES A discussion of Stress and Distress of Family Living will be held by Bob Finlay and Keith Marlowe of the Durham Region Social Services Department, Famnily Councilling Division, at the Whitby Municipal Building Oct. 25 at 8 p.m. This is one of a series of presenta- tions in a Family Life series sponsored by the Region. Anyone interested is invited to attend. BAZAAR Whitby Senior Citizens Co-operating will hold a bazaar at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 133 Brock Street North, Oct. 13 at 1:30 p.m. Items featured will be new and used articles, knitting and 'crochet, white elephant sale, and a bake table. Tea will be served and everyone is welcorne. FAMILY SKATE-A-THON The Whitby Kinsmen Club will be holding a family skate-a-thon at the Iroquois Park arena October 15 from 8 a.m. to 4 psn. All proceeds will go to Cystic Fibrosis research and community service There wil be free refreshmnents and children can win bikes and other prizes. 0' imng -EVC denshore Pavil ion, with music prizes will be given away at by DK the DI. Tickets are this dance. $ 10 per couple, available fromn NEWCOMERS' MEETING jirn Mitchell, 668-1379; The October general rneet- Karen Kerr, 668-2244; Sharon ing of the Oshawa-Whitby Owens, 668-5096, and Allan Newcomners' Club will be held Longfield,' 668-1173. More on October 1l at 8 p.m. in than $200 worth of door the Blue Flame Room, ,nts Consumrers Gas Building, at Hopkins Street and Consumners Drive. The guest speaker will be Ron Deeth who will present an informative talk on the varjous cuts of meat available to the consumner, and ideas on how to prepare these cuts. the club, contact Ronni Zolumoff at 576-2554. GARAGE SALE The Wlitby Block Parents Central Committee will be holding a garage sale on October 15 at 127-131 Brock Street N. Any donations would be greatly appreciated: For pickup caîl: Pat Vine, 668-4804; Margaret Bell, 668-4973; Pat Sullivan, Whitby are holdinig tieil. m-onthly paper drive oni Saturday, October 8. Whitby residents are asked to tie up bundles of old newspapers' and leave thern by the side of the road to be picked up. Collection starts at 9 a.m. The paper drive is the Scouts' major source of revenue to finance their activities. Cableca st Listings Cablecast i10, Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmanville and Brooklin. Programs, Wednesday, Oct. Sth to Tuesday, Oct. Ilth, 1977. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 5 2:00 Newcastle Council Meeting Highlights 4:00 Durham Dialogue 4:30 Soleil, with the Frenchi Canadian 5:00 What Role Can Govt. Play in your Business 5:30 Evening Report 6:00 Let's Find Out. with Scouts of Canada 6:30 Whitby Chamber of* Commerce Presents: 7:00 Whtby Then & Now with Brian Winter and Jim Quail 7:30 Education Scene with George Pearce 8:00 Expression with Asthn3a Week, Fire Prevention Week, One Parent Families Assn. 9:00 Rescue with Topicai G uest s l0:OOSign Off THURSDAY, OCT. 6 3:00 Let's Find Out 3:30 Rescue 4:30 Hatha Yoga 5:00 Education Scene 5:30 Evening Report 6:.00 Expression with a Variety of Topics 7:00 Soleil 7:30 Conception with Bill Jeanes 8:00 Drum & Bugle Corps 10: OOSign Off FRIDAY, OCT. 7 2: 00 Drum & Bugle Col ps 3:30 Conception 4:00 What Does the Bible Say? 4:30 Whitby Then & Now 5:00 Vîta Italiana 6:00 Whitby Report with Mike Burgess and Steve Porter 6:30 Sign Off, MONDAY, OCT. 10 (Closed for the Holiday) TUESDAY, OCT. 11i 3:00 Expression, with a Variety of Topics 5:00 McLaughlin Art Gallery Presents: 5:30 Evening Report 6:30 Vita Itapna ih Erco0 e Forstaa wt 7:0WhRole oCsan oen men Wht Rplea n or Busness? i yu 8:0 uWitbnCe nis Metn Coverage r olMeetheg Council Chanerso RosslndhRd.eWhitb 1 1 :OOSign Off NOTE: subjeet notice. to change without Subseriptions ready for three productions by theatre The Whitby Theatre Comfpany is seeking subscrip- ions for season tickets for three big-name piays to be held at the Centenniial Build- ing this winter. The first play of the sceil wili be The Rope Dancer", by Morton Wisenigarde,direct- ed by Terrili Stewart, Nov. lO to 12. The second play is "Aifie" by Bill Nauigh ton, directed by John Caldwell, Feb. 2 to 4. The t.hird play is "God's Favorite", by Neil Simoon, directed by J im Cheyne. April 13 to 15. Curtain time for ail perfor- malices is 8 P.n11. Prices are $7.50 per seasonl ticket for Thutrsday and Friday and SI1 O per season ticket for Saturdayý A subscriptioll gives the FALL DANCE 'Me West Lynde Commun- BLAIR *PARK * £ £ ity Association is holding its faîl dance October 15S from 6811 8:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. at Hey- 2 . 500 JACKPOTS EVEIRY MONDAY NIGHT Lie. No. 235401 FIRST JACKPOT AT 58 NUMBERS SECOND JACKPOT AT 53 NUMBERS 7:15 p.m. No children under 16 admitted NO ADMISSION CHARGE! HEX DENSHOIRE PAVILION (corner Water St.& Dunlop Dr., Whitby) compafly theaitre-goer thle sanlie reserved seat of* bis on lier choice for each play on the nighit selected. For subscription tickets, contact the Wlitby Theatre Company, Box 282, Witby. BROCK THEATRE 668m3618 A bng rne agQ in a9g6xy fajar awdy.. '~y. lo- WH ITBY THEATRE COMPANY PRESENTS ITS 1977/78 LIVE THEATRE SUBSCRIPTION SERIES THE ROPE DANCER [)irectcd NBy: i erili Stewart No%% 10 Il 12 ALFIE jcî,t Caid(wclI r-el', 2 3 4 BY Neil Simnon Oî,ected By: lini Chieyne Apii 13 14 15 Curtoin time for all performances 8:OOp.m. PR ICI, S itît .tan ,td ridaty $7.50 per sca.tu' ticket S.it t, day v$1000 rper scay,,, ticket BAR PRIVILIGES FOL LOWING SATURDAY NIGHT'S PERFORMANCES A îîh¾ tipi ion gtves yoti the~ saine c t erved sc-at of ynut cîoice for 1ai play on1 the ,iglit thtayou select. Filoithti foni iciow, mark the- statisog plat, and snd t wih a cheque to Whiîl'y Theatre Co.. Post Office Box 282 Whithy. Name..................................... Naddrc .................. ........... ....... T e le p h o n e . . . ................ N ig h t . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Number o f t ic k e t s . . . . . Cheque...................... 5 XX 5 4 X 5 43 5 43 5 43 5 43 5 43 54 3 5 43 5 43 >~XX13 )CXX13 )C 12 13 )K(11 12 13 10 11 12 13 10 Il 12 13 10 il 12 13 10 11 12 13 10 il 12 13 10- il 12 13 10 il 12 13 10-il 12 13 STAGE Monday, Oct. 10 1 A